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Posts posted by Oreo2234

  1. Quote

    And otherwise....eh. The energy seems to be lacking in Supergirl this season.

    Yeah it does. I think if they aren't going to change showrunners at least hire some new people with enthusiasm and decent tv experience. 


    I enjoyed the Lena-Andrea backstory we got, but I was a bit disappointed - the incepted DEO stuff in the trailer looked cool and eerie, so I was bummed when I realized it was only going to be the last 10 minutes of the episode.

    Yeah that could of been the plot of a cool, action oriented, Alex centred episode. But when is the last time we got that? Season Two?

    Katie McGraph playing her characters own mother with a bad wig on cracked me up. 

    • Love 4
  2. Quote

    In addition to the Kara-liteness of the episode, we also got hardly any J'onn, Brainy, and Alex, and no Nia or Kelly. Does that mean we'll be getting all of them in the crossover, and not just the Supergirl portion of it? (I have my doubts about Kelly, but this episode makes me more hopeful for the rest of them.)

    I don't know if this episode has anything to do with the crossover. Since the crossover is episode 9 it probably was filmed before the crossover filming started. Though its possible they wanted to give some of the cast featured in the crossover a break before the filming started. As for how much the Supergirl cast will be in the crossover: 


    We know that Lena, Alex, Kelly, Brainy and Nia are all in the first episode. Brainy isn't confirmed for other episodes but I'm pretty sure he will be in more than one. Alex and Nia are also in at least one other episode. J'onn is confirmed for at least 3 episodes and it seems like he will play the biggest role in the crossover among Supergirl's regular supporting cast.  I doubt Kelly will be in more than one episode.

  3.  Peter Cushing in Rogue One was a bit unsettling but at least it was a role he actually played in a Star Wars film. Casting long dead James Dean in a film that apparently has nothing to do with him or any role he has played is just icky and a terrible precedent. There is no way of knowing if he would actually be ok with this. The SAG needs to address this. 

    • Love 7
  4. Quote

    They're hitting some really annoying cliches, Alex is annoying with her focus back primarily on her romantic life (which means the kids subject is soon to come up AGAIN) and I just don't like the writing for Alex/Kelly. I love both characters and I like them as a couple, but I didn't love the direction that they're going with them. 

    I agree except for the liking them as a couple. They barely act much like a new couple. I suspect when William and Kara get together they will be much more affectionate. Anyways, I hate how Alex acts like an irrational sappy teenager when she's in a romance. She shouldn't be letting her relationship with Kelly affect her decisions on the job this much. She's coming across like she is not mature or emotionally stable enough to lead the DEO. And I hope if the kids subject ever comes up again (and it probably will) its decided that its not something they need to rush into. I wish they would drop it altogether but I don't think that's likely at this point. 


    Kara/William is already pissing me off. William, in particular, is an annoying character for me. He's definitely giving me season 2 Mon-El vibes, in terms of likability. I get that he's different from season 2 Mon-El, but I'm getting the same feeling with this probable romantic arc. I don't think it's about me not wanting Kara in a relationship. It's me not liking the relationships they keep trying to pair her with. That, and the actor of William is not good. Chris Wood was a great actor saddled with horrible writing. Staz Nair is really underwhelming for me.

    I think the actor is decent but he's not on Chris Wood's level. 

    • Love 1
  5. Quote

    According to CP, Iris is in only two episodes of the crossover this year. I don’t know if she means in addition to Flash or not but either way, it’s not a good move to have her be a non-factor when she should be a major story. 

    Considering how important Crisis is to The Flash it does seem weird, especially if its only two total episodes. Caitlin /Killer Frost is not in all the episodes either.  Yet Bitsie Tulloch (Lois Lane) appears to be in all five episodes which seems excessive to me. A Superman and Lois show sells itself they don't need to feature Lois that much in Crisis to sell it. 

    • Love 1
  6. Quote

    A date-aversay? The stereotype of lesbians is that they get too involved too fast, and this show is really going down that route. Also, Alex has a Pinterest page? It's like they feel that her being a strong leader of the DEO must be balanced by acting like a fifties character.

    I loathe it when they write Alex this way and they've been doing it a lot. 


    But in a season where Batwoman is settling into its groove, Arrow is having its best season since at least season 5 and arguably earlier, and even Flash is having a comparatively strong season, Supergirl, especially in tonight's episode, just feels like it's going through the motions, a sorta, "Ok, we gotta get this show out, so, whatever."

    They need to bring in some new people behind the scenes. 

    • Love 1
  7. Quote

    Barry and Kara will go on to be the stars of the next crossover and the one after that. Except if Superman truly crashes the party and insists on being the loudest boy scout in the room. 

    Supergirl already seemed like she was playing support to Superman in the finale of the last crossover so once he has an actual show of his own it will only get worse. I don't think she will ever get to be the star of the crossover. 


    Is it actually clear that crossovers will continue after Arrow is gone? I'm not so sure.

    The crossovers generate a lot of buzz and temporarily drive up ratings so I think they will probably continue with them. 

    • Love 1
  8. Sara and Ava are at least a better couple then Alex and Kelly, who have to be the lamest couple in the arrowverse, but I do think Sara needs something outside that relationship. 

    It would be nice to see more small crossovers like they used to have but the annual crossover has gotten so big I think it makes it more difficult. 

  9. I just heard the weirdest rumor. Some guys on reddit who posts leaks and rumors said he heard J'onn from Supergirl is going to Legends of Tomorrow. Take with a huge grain of salt because this just sounds so random and he seems like an bad fit for the show. I could see Alex, Brainy and Nia fitting in on Legends better. 

  10. Quote

    I wouldn't be surprised at all if SG ends next year, having both Supergirl and Superman on air at the same time will be costly, the ratings are down, the original contracts will also end with s6 and renewing them would mean more money. Lot of signs

    Supergirl still performs pretty well especially with all the time slot changes but I do think it is winding down and the Superman spin-off may speed that up. I hope it doesn't end this year because I would like the writers to know its the final season going in and be able to properly plan it out. It was pointed out in the Legends forum that the CW typically announces final seasons a head of time for veteran series so I think a 6th season is more likely than not but I can't see it sticking around much longer. 

  11. I don't necessarily Pedowitz. Plans can change. Though as Starfish35 pointed out in the crisis thread the CW does not typically cancel its veteran shows without announcing a final season ahead of time. That definitely hasn't happened for Supergirl and if its going to happen for Legends it will have to be soon. They've both done well enough for the network that I think they will likely announce it ahead of time though it's not a guarantee.  

    • Love 2
  12. There's also a rumored Martian Manhunter spin-off . Someone who leaked the Superman show being in development also listed that as in development. I think both Legends and Supergirl have done well enough for the network that it would be unwise to announce that they are ending when their final seasons have already started or are just about to. Though it's a definite possibility they may end this season I think its more likely one of both of will end next year, possibly with shortened seasons. 


    For all we know CW will choose between Canaries and Superman

    I don't think they are. Superman is too big of a brand for them to pass on it and they are pushing that Arrow spin-off hard. The flashforwards main purpose is pretty much to set up that spin-off.

    • Love 2
  13. Yeah I have no desire to watch that despite liking Hoechlin's Superman. I wonder what it means for Supergirl's future? Is it ending this year or next year? I thought they would give for notice if it was ending this season but who knows. 

  14. Quote

    Cuz as it stands.. It plays like the way they treat Kevin and moose on riverdale... Archie/ Veronica  Jug and Betty can get all hot and bothered and damn near spark an orgy.. But Kevin gets a peck... Not a great look from  network and shared universe that has shown it can do better 

    I get very annoyed with double standards, especially when other shows have done better, and I do think that Supergirl has shown some tendency to treat its minority couples in a tamer way. But I think the break up is just the show putting them through some temporary drama that will be resolved. I think the writers are fond of Nia and Brainy. 

    • Love 2
  15. Quote

    I'm surprised at how much Kelly has been made part of three main storylines this season.

    It is nice they are trying to give Alex's LI a purpose outside of her. Actually so far this season I think Alex has been more defined by their romance then Kelly has.


    Hope is controlling Lena.

    Yeah I think Hope is going to be a major villain this season. 

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