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Posts posted by Oreo2234

  1. According to a sneak peak of the episode James now has heat vision. I think he also probably has super strength too. If he starts flying I'm going to throw something at the tv. 

    Why? What does this add to the show? Now five main characters on the show have superpowers. Did it occur to anyone this might be too much? 

    • Love 2
  2. Quote

    He was good in the past, primarily re: movies, but spottier lately

    So there's some possibility he's right? I hope not. For multiple reasons Supergirl ending right after the crossover would not be right for the show in the same way that it could be for Arrow.

    Though if they were planning to replace it with Superman mid-season wouldn't we have heard something official now regarding the development of a Superman show?

  3. Quote

    I don't see Supergirl ending with the crossover. It would be an uncharacteristically grim ending for the show to end with Kara's death (or something similarly tragic) and Supergirl is the arrowverse show that makes the least references to the crossover and other shows. I don't see the showrunners wanting its conclusion to be so tied into the crossover even if it is ending after next season. 

  4. They seem to be making more of these types of claims than usual. I don't know if they really have real source (or think they do) or their just milking the crisis for all the clickbait its worth. I did here the rumors about Carlos and Danielle possibly leaving the Flash before they reported it so I think its possible some of these claims are true (even if its just repeating what's floating around the internet). 

  5. This is potentially relevant to the crossover. I don't know how reliable they are but We Got This Covered has two articles claiming they are hearing Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow may will end after next season and that Supergirl may be replaced by Superman in a season or two if the ratings don't improve (which is networks fault with the way they've moved it around the schedule and gave it a terrible time slot).

    The Arrow and Legends article speculates a bit about how it could be related to the post crisis landscape being quite different but its not clear how much they actually know about that. If true I hope they get satisfying endings that are right for the shows and the characters and not just about setting up and pushing whatever new superhero shows the network develops. 

  6. Kara has been single a long time. She's been single since the end of season two and unlike Alex she doesn't seem to be interested in dating right now at all. 

    I never really cared about James and Lena but having them break up in a Valentines episode made me feel a little sorry for their fans. 

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  7. Anyone else get the vibe they might be setting the stage for Alex to leave the show (this is pure speculation) especially with Kara getting a new partner in crime, the return of the kid plot and Alex possibly being sidelined from the main plot.

    Also its seems kinda late in the season to be introducing a dating plot for Alex. 

    • Love 3
  8. I hope the "solution" isn't just J'onn further altering her memories so she doesn't even notice the inaccuracies/gaps {he's touching her head in the promo). 


    It doesn't have to be 'OTP' and all that if they don't want to. I know I'm tempting fate since the show has messed up on her love interests before, but I think Kara should have some romance!

    I wouldn't mind if she gets the occasional temporary love interest but they hold off on giving her a longer term one for a while. 

  9. I have to say that I agree with Haley lifting the ban on lethal weapons. A para-military organization having a no-kill policy is stupid and I'm annoyed with how they've made Alex's morality exactly as super idealistic as Kara's when she used to be more pragmatic. This is the same Alex who stabbed and shot Nazis in the face last year,killed Astra, beat a prisoner for information, detonated bombs all over that Cadmus base etc. I find it more interesting to have a protagonist who somewhat contrasts with Kara while still being basically good.


    I do find it interesting that despite Kara's usual high-moral-ground stance that she too seemed to have no objections whatsoever to Haley being mind-wiped.

    And still didn't take much convincing for her to let Alex go through with it despite the decades of memory erased/altered and possible permanent negative effects. The more I think about it the more Kara comes across as cowardly for letting her go through with it. And its pretty terrible of J'onn who has been previously unwilling to do far less violating things to far worse people because he opposed going into people's  minds. The show is probably going to gloss over the serious moral implications and/or Kara and J'onn's culpability for the consequences. 

    • Love 5
  10. I can't believe I actually predicted this plot twist. I was hoping I was wrong about it. This whole" Alex is mind wiped" plot better not last long. She now can't properly remember 90% of her scenes of the show and its ethically kinda of a terrible thing to do her even if she wants it.  Lena not knowing Kara is Supergirl is dumb enough but Alex not knowing now is rage inducing. At least Lena has never known and huge chunk of her memories and identity isn't linked to it.  Even with Alex's explicit memories of Kara as Supergirl erased she should still be able to figure out. 

    • Love 6
  11. So the writers overstuffed the back half of the season with plots and characters and now have no room for Winn. How shocking. They never seem to learn when it comes to tackling too much at once. Or maybe that's just an excuse because Jeremy isn't available to return but it seems like a lot is happening in the second half. 



     I wonder what Alex's sacrifice will be? I know she's still at the DEO in the next episode so it can't be quitting. They aren't going to have her erase her memory of Kara being Supergirl are they? That would be a shark jumping moment. 

    • Love 1
  12. Overall I enjoyed Crisis on Earth X a lot more though this had its fun moments and I love this version of Superman. I wonder if Crisis on Infinite Earths is setting up a merger between earth 38 and earth 1. If so will Earth 38 Alex and Jimmy possibly disappear as they have earth 1 versions? Would the earth 1 versions necessarily always survive or would it be more random?

    • Love 1
  13. Quote

    I was so excited that Kara is out of the DEO, please let it be forever, same with Alex as well.

    If Kara is gone from the DEO forever than I feel like Alex (and Brainy if he stays past this season) would eventually have to leave it too. Maybe they could all become vigilantes and fight the corrupt version of the DEO. 


    Is the new President a bit of a shit, or is it me? He's worried about poll numbers?? I'm guessing the presidential election on that Earth isn't two years away.

    I think there's a good chance he'll turn out to be evil. 

    • Love 2
  14. Quote

    Is Nia transgender or was that a lie to James?

    I'm certain she is. They promoted the character as transgender so I don't think they would pull a bait and switch on that.


    Please put an end to this Agent of Liberty garbage. Too bad Manchester was made to look more of the bad guy than Agent of Liberty. 

    I think we will see him again before the end of the season (as well as Manchester) but maybe we will get a break from him for a little while. The actor is good but I don't think Agent Liberty can carry an entire season as a villain on his own. 

    Alex is starting to be sidelined again and I don't think Kara leaving the DEO will help that. The writers could create an interesting story out of Alex dealing with her superiors and the DEO in its current state but I don't they will. 


    Are the writers kidding with the government not knowing Kara's identity? The DEO agent's couldn't connect Kara/Supergirl to Alex all those seasons and start a rumor?

    We've seen Kara walking around the DEO in her civilian clothes on multiple occasions. I think she even mentioned the DEO knowing her true identity a couple of seasons ago. Between this and the metahuman thing they seem to be ignoring a lot of continuity lately. 

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