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Posts posted by Oreo2234

  1. I think Sara has a very platonic chemistry with Ray (as well as Nate). I like their dynamic and I think trying to go for a romance would ruin the friendship. I can see Ray and Zari though, before Zari I thought they should just give up trying trying to give Ray a romance.

    I liked Ava a lot more in the Beebo episode but I never really disliked her much because I knew they would change her attitude.

  2. Quote

    This episode was ok. I'm sad Leo is leaving. I am not feeling the Sara and Ava connection.

    I thought they worked better last episode when they were in the same room interacting but it's hard to establish a connection when characters are just talking at screens and holograms. 

    I'm really going to miss Leo. Wentworth Miller is just awesome in the role, I hope he finds time to return again. Snart just brings something irreplaceable to the show.

    Constantine was pretty good.I liked the actor, Not sure he would work as a regular as some are demanding but it would be nice to see him guest star again anyway.

    • Love 7
  3. Yeah they took the least interesting and logical route in explaining Alex's behavior. Alex being cynical and aggressive towards suspects and villains is far from unprecedented but the way it was executed was forced and over the top. They showed that she was still sad over Maggie a couple of episodes ago but she seemed to be stable and dealing with it.  

  4. Quote

    She does a lot of book adaptations and so my problem with her for a while is that she was always Keira Knightley and not very similar to the characters she was supposed to be playing. Never Let Me Go and Pride and Prejudice really bugged me.I didn't read Atonement so I didn't mind that one.

    I actually really liked Keira in Pride and Prejudice (and Atonment). She doesn't have a lot of range (at least not in the movies I've seen her in) but she can be quite good in the right part and does have screen presence.  

    • Love 3
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    Probably because Kara/Supergirl gets her ass whipped in practically every episode. And if he is fighting his own villains in Metropolis, then the writers should put in a line as to why he's not able to come and save his cousin's ass. I'm getting so sick and tired of these villains who are able to just wipe the floor with Kara. And Kara only ever wins in the season finale

    That's always been a problem with Supergirl, especially since season 2. She get's her butt kicked way too much, and often by villains that she should be able to easily beat. 

    • Love 1
  6. Quote

    It's maybe a bit overdone given that Alex and Maggie weren't together all that long - but I do like that Supergirl is showing that the post-breakup process isn't always that simple.

    Well they were engaged and together significantly longer than Kara and Mon-el. 


    Seriously - the saddest thing about Kara and Mon-El this episode is that I found myself wanting more of Kara and Alex this episode, and Kara and Lena, and Kara and New Person Whose Name I Can't Remember Even Though They Kept Repeating It, and Kara and Wynn.....there's a theme here

    Me too. I would rather Kara interact with anyone else. He's not bad on his own but she really is less interesting when she is with him.

    I quite liked Purity and the actress who played her. Though her main power is a bit overdone given that this show already had Silver Banshee, plus Black Siren and Black Canary on Arrow. 

    • Love 2
  7. I'm really liking this show so far. It does feel distinct from the other CW superhero shows.

    I just knew something bad was going to happen to poor Khalil, though I'm surprised it happened so soon. At least he's still alive, for now.

    I liked Jill Scott as Lady Eve. She has a real menacing presence. I'm really beginning to like Tobias as a villain as well. He sure does like to stab his underlings. 

    I wonder if Supergirl is supposed to be just a comic book character or a real hero in this universe? Or are they deliberately leaving that unclear?

    • Love 3
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    The Greys Anatomy easter egg was fun and all but now Alex is a doctor? Come the f on now. Get outta here with that. Who needs the DEO for anything when you have Alex? lol.

    That reference annoyed me because Alex was still in school when the DEO recruited her (we saw it in flashbacks). Now she already graduated and had a job in Seattle? This show is so casual about retconning its own history for any reason. 


    This was such a random time to bring out the Lexo Suit. I enjoyed it but that is something I'd expect for like a finale or something and for it to do actual damage

    I certainly wasn't expecting it but is a bit of an anti-climatic way to bring in that suit. That would've been better suited to a bigger event. 


    It is such a shame that they screwed Lillian over last year. She could've been a great villain but they did her barely any favors. When she was going on about why is Lena wasting her time at Catco, I was cheering her on because I agree wholeheartedly. 

    I agree. Lillian is one of the better villains on the show but the writing has never allowed her to reach her full potential. 



    Alex was a doctor? I understood that reference! I thought Alex was some kind of scientist before she worked with the DEO?

    Yes, Alex was originally introduced as having a science background. Last year they established that she also had medical knowledge/experience. I guess were supposed to think she  got a medical degree and a science degree or something like that? 

    • Love 2
  9. Apparently the green color was something Mar-Vell wore early on in the comics. There has been speculation that is is just a starter suit and it will change by the end of the movie and/or the time she shows up in present day. It's a nice suit but I do prefer the red,blue and gold color scheme.  

    • Love 1
  10. I'll have to see his episode before I completely form an opinion on him that but I'm not sure how I feel about Constantine as a regular. This show doesn't exactly need more regulars, especially men, now that Wally is coming, and the showrunners seem so in love with him that I could see Legends going overboard with him, at least for a while. 

    • Love 1
  11. Livewire was possibly the most entertaining Supergirl villain, and she would have been a good occasional ally, so its a shame they killed her off. I wonder if that was the actresses' choice? Although Supergirl has a real problem with killing off potentially good/great villains after an episode so maybe were lucky she lasted this long. 

    Maybe I'm wrong but don't Kryptonians also get powers from blue stars (or pretty much any star but red) in the comics?

  12. I agree. Beyond the fact that I think Mon-el has taken up too much of Kara's arc at this point (even when he was gone) the story doesn't feel like it should end with Mon-el staying. It would feel like a regression for both characters. But the writers love Chris Wood and this is the same show that didn't get rid of James when most other shows would have. 

  13. Quote

     I'm still annoyed that they revealed Alex's deep desire to have kids, followed by her getting a plot with a kid. Shows tend to do this far too often, so it's a shame they're already planting possible seeds for Alex to adopt Ruby. 

    I love the kids on Stranger Things but generally kids on these types of shows don't work, especially when they aren't present from the beginning. Their rarely anything but a waste of screentime. And Alex is the wrong type of character to give a child. It confuses me how often writers think this is a great plot to give a character. 

  14. I don't think Alex has been doing that much swooping in and saving Kara for a while. I don't agree with the idea that Alex should stop being a field agent because Kara is stronger and more experienced now. The entire purpose of the DEO is to deal with Alien threats etc. it's not realistic that Kara should deal with and/or investigate everything nearly all herself while Alex and other DEO agents never leave the headquarters.





    • Love 2
  15. I don't see why Alex's role needs to get smaller, especially now that Supergirl is more focused on the DEO, the place where she works and is the second in command, than it was in the first season. Even in the first season Alex still got a good amount of screentime outside of Kara, and that's without having a love interest. 



    Well the Producers were obviously trying to steer the show to focus primarily on Alex and Maggie. For a time in season 2 it was hard to distinguish whether it was still the Supergirl show or not.

    I didn't get that at all. Alex was prominent enough in the first two seasons that it was natural she would get a love interest of her own at some point, but Maggie rarely seemed to have more than a few minutes or so of screentime an episode and the big episode she did get in season two was more a Maggie/Kara team up episode than anything else. 

    I think Ruby could kill Supergirl for me. I have no desire to see this kid stay and become a hero or deal with her powers etc and if Alex, Winn and J'onn end up having less to do then she does then there is no way I'm continuing to watch. 




    • Love 1
  16. Quote

    I actually don't have a big problem with Ruby or the potential storyline with Alex.  They write her a bit young but I've come to expect that in these shows and I've seen the actress in another role and she did just fine so I don't think there will be a problem in the long run.  

    I find Ruby very irritating (no offence to the actress) so I don't have any desire to see her character continue on the show and I can't imagine any stories Alex has relating to her being interesting. I also think having a kid could and probably will limit  what stories they can or we will be willing to do with Alex.

  17. Quote

    They really are not hyping or promoting Black Lightening. You think they would. I'll be checking it out but any regular tv viewer would barely know it's exists. My friend only watches the Flash and doesn't follow anything online didn't know about that show. She said she vaguely remembers a quick promo that may have been for it, but didn't really pay attention to it. 

    I agree. The promotion has been really lackluster, even the promotion on the CW hasn't been that good, maybe I'm not watching at the right time but all I recall is blink and you miss it promos. 

    • Love 2
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    Really? I think s3 is pretty awful in that regard. Winn had NOTHING to do all season. Nothing. We don't even know if he's together with his girlfriend anymore or not and the show even retconned his friendship to Kara to so they could hype up Sam and Lena some more. Characters and storylines constantly disappear without explanation. J'onn's father arrives to town, then is not mentioned for episodes, suddenly it's "oh, he was in the DEO the entire time, unable to find the bathroom". The Lena/James relationship went from 10% (we are slowly getting to know each other) to 100% (we are making out because other characters say that supposedly we've been pining for each other). The Sam/Kara "friendship" is a total joke, they have had like 1 conversation and suddenly Kara claims that Sam is her best friend and she never had a best friends before (really? what about Winn and James?). 

    As far as supporting characters getting things to do season 2 was FAR FAR FAR superior than season 3. in Season 2 supporting characters (J'onn, Alex and James/Winn) actually had storylines that moved on their own pace. Season 3 it feels like everybody is always in a waiting pattern off screen till Kara has time for them, whether it makes sense for that character or not. Yay, so Lena has had this really big drama episode in episode 5 where she almost killed a guy and then reaffirmed her friendship with Sam and Kara. How about we don't show or mention her again till episode 9! 

    The writing for supporting characters has been atrocious this season for anybody except maybe Sam and Alex. IMO it's never been more obvious that the supporting characters are treated as super disposable tools rather than real characters with lives of their own

    Now that I think about it, your right. I was thinking that it was better balanced in the sense that no new character is dominating screentime as much as Mon-el did and in the early episodes they did seem to try to make the cast a little more integrated and less sectioned off but its true that the returning supporting characters don't have anything more to do than they did last year. Alex has an arc but its a story that could easily end up diminishing her character. 

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    There isn't anything wrong with having one main hero like the other shows, and maybe it is unfair to compare them, but I also feel like the other shows have frequently struggled with their larger casts, and giving them subplots that dont feel like padding to keep the actors around. Like how much Supergirl has had trouble figuring out what to do with Jimmy after Kara found a new love interest,

    At times Supergirl seems to have trouble knowing what to do with all the supporting characters left from season One.  Season's 2 and 3 have added characters that take up a lot of screentime and the balance just isn't as good as it was in the first season, though so far this season is doing better than last year. 

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