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Posts posted by Oreo2234

  1. Alex wanting a kid in the somewhat distant future is alright but a kid on the show (which I think they are hinting at) is just going to limit her storyline possibilities and further erase the edgier side of her personality. 

    I'm liking the Sam story so far, the last scene was creepy and I'm excited to see what else was in the pod. 

    Chad Lowe was good. Better than your standard villain of the week. 

    • Love 5
  2. Quote

    Wait a minute, show, hold the phone...I thought President Lynda Carter was the most awesome leader that ever awesomeed? Who is talking about building a wall? Is this just some weird personal project of a bunch of weirdos out in Texas in this universe? Who is calling Mexicans rapists and thieves? Some other politician we haven't seen yet? I know this show has never once been subtle about its political messages, but that anvil was dropped so hard it has almost damaged the foundation of this shows entire universe. It was silly enough last year when they were having characters quote political figures who dont even exist in their universe, but this was just baffling. We got the moral already show, we didn't need it spelled out!  

    It takes me out of the show when they reference things that don't make much sense with what we know about this show's universe. A show this unsubtle should not make political commentary one of its defining characteristics. 

    • Love 11
  3. Quote

    Why do I get the feeling that aside from being set up as a future love interest for Sara, that Ava might also be one of Mallus's followers as well? Maybe I'm wrong though.

    That was my thought as well. I thought the woman in the hood sounded like her and it seems likely Mallus has someone in the time bureau. I wonder if she will be redeemable if that is the case?

    Nate really annoyed me this episode. They need to tone down the frat bro personality and stupidity they've given him this season.

    • Love 1
  4. Quote

     firmly believe that just throwing in random cute sister scenes, even if they are good, is pointless. Those scenes were good in season 1 because it was part of an underlying driving storyline, Kara getting used to being a Superhero, Kara dealing with Astra and Kara learning from Cat.

    IMO Alex and Kara's scenes these past couple of episodes served a purpose for Kara. But I don't think there is anything wrong with Kara sharing some small bonding scenes with Alex or her friends, it helps re-enforce her relationships with them. 

  5. I liked this episode much better than last weeks. The moments between Kara and Alex were great. They do seem to be listening to the complaints about the lack of meaningful scenes between them last season. 

    I don't entirely buy that workaholic Alex who has a highly dangerous and time consuming job would want kids. Sam is alright so far but Ruby was irritating this episode.


    I hope they don't have Alex adopt her when Sam goes bad. We don't need kids on this show, especially this annoying kid. 

    I really enjoyed Yael Grobglas as the Psy (she's great on Jane the Virgin too) and the effects surrounding her powers were pretty good. I hope she returns. 

    • Love 1
  6. I'm not convinced it won't get a season 4. The ratings alone aren't why the DC shows get renewed. Though I could see it not getting more than one more season. Supergirl has a polarized fanbase because it has the CW viewers and the remaining CBS viewers and it is hard to please both. 

  7. Quote

    there's at least a kiss between the two this part is sure, and I saw two different accounts talking about Alex drinking too much at the rehearsal and hooking up with Sara 

    Apparently the now deleted account said there isn't. They just show them getting drunk and then they wake up together the next day.

    I like the Overgirl costume. I think it will look very good onscreen.

  8. They seem to recognise there needs to be more Kara/Alex interactions but  I'm not sure if they think they need to change much else. 

  9. I'm not surprised by that. The premiere wasn't as big and exciting as last years (or that well promoted) and with the exception of a few episodes Supergirl went a little downhill after the mid season. It was also a big mistake to shift the focus so much from Alex and Kara when Kara's relationships with Alex and Cat were the two most well received things about the show in the first season and they were losing Cat. The writers seem to realise that based on recent interviews but it might be a little too late.

    • Love 1
  10. I get the vibe we probably aren't supposed to like her at first. 


    I'm still thinking Ava is Sara's new LI. She'll hook up with Alex in the crossover and hook up with Constintine during his 2 episode arc, to show she's into women and men.

    Yeah I don't think her longterm love interest is Constantine. It sounded like they weren't sure they would even get him for a while and that Sara's love interest is supposed to show up earlier. 

    • Love 1
  11. Quote

    The fight between  the sisters was intense, Alex could have more delicate with her approach so she kind  of deserved what she got in return and seriously it was time for somebody to address Alex's problem with alcoholism

    I wouldn't call Alex an alcoholic but she has repeatedly been shown to have concerning drinking habits and if they are going to continue with that they should fully address it at some point.

  12. Quote

    Supergirl can't breathe underwater? Has Alex read any Superman / Supergirl comics? They do not breathe underwater. Besides, Supergirl has been to outer space several times.

    She appears to be able to hold her breathe for a really long time though. On the show she can't breath or fly in space either, at least she couldn't in the season one finale. Though last year she was at the very edge of the atmosphere where there is little to no oxygen and she could breathe and fly just fine.

    This premiere was not bad. It was not as good as last years and the political commentary is as cringworthy as ever but I liked that the cast felt a little more integrated than last year and Kara/Alex got a meaningful scene together. 



    Most annoying...Cat Grant.  Please tell me Calista is not just going to be used to spew their political agenda.  It got old real quick last year.

    Cat's political references and name checking was better done in season one where it felt less like the character serving as the writers mouthpiece. 

  13. Quote

    Can't remember the site I read it on - I found it on Reddit, which I find awkward to get on my phone - but in it Klemmer (I think) confirmed Constantine is also bisexual, and that we were going to see "hot sex" on the Waverider. Whether the two are related..

    It's not clear to me if he is saying Constantine will be involved in that or if its just one of the many things happening during that episode where Constantine appears. If he is involved in it it will probably be with Sara if she's still single at that point. The episode sounds pretty interesting, this whole season looks to be pretty interesting actually. The new promo they just released gives away a lot but it all looks very fun. 

    • Love 2
  14. Quote

    I'd hate to see it be a drunken encounter that Alex winds up regretting, but that makes a bit of sense because:

    Alex is well-established as using booze as a crutch, and I can see her getting into it if this is all soon after her breakup with Maggie.

    I don't think either Alex or Kara is the type for one-offs; Alex's response to her first sexual relationship was to want to marry her, and being free-ish with that sort of thing doesn't really align with the personality of someone who stresses out because she thinks she's not making her mother happy (not to mention thinking that her lack of interest in intimacy with guys in college meant she was probably asexual).  So the "oh no, what did I do?" reaction seems to work for me.

    I agree. It would probably be out of character for Alex to hook up with anyone so soon after she broke up with Maggie without being drunk and she is going to feel guilty about being with someone else when a short time ago she was going to get married. 

  15. Quote

     but the casting for the daughter said that there was an option for her to become regular next season so I'm calling it if Reign doesn't survive the season, Alex is going to gain a brand new daughter.

    The writers are clearly at least considering it and it shows their poor judgement. Who was asking for Alex to get a kid? A kid is just gonna soften whatever edge she has left and probably be used to at least partly replace her love life. Not that there hasn't been a little too much romance on the show but I don't like the double standard. 

    • Love 1
  16. I hope so but they could decide to give her Reign's kid when she goes evil/dies. I really don't want that and I think it would bring the character and the show down but these writers have shown some really poor judgement at times when it comes to the direction they should take with some stories. No regular on this show, especially Alex and Kara should have a kid until the show is over or ending. 

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