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Posts posted by Oreo2234

  1. Quote

    The Daxamites should have been the perfect villain for the show. They are strong and tough enough to be a physical threat to Kara, her cousin, and J'onn. Yet their weakness to lead should allow for normal humans like Alex, Maggie, and James to contribute in fights against them without ridiculous plot tricks.

    Last season Kara, Alex, and a DEO squad would face off against a dozen Kryptonians, yet this season Alex and the DEO are mostly sidelined and only the people with superpowers get to do much of anything.

    What makes it even worse is that Alex now has a powerful gun capable of taking down many aliens.

  2. Quote

    So if you compare him to the other characters, yes he was clearly the main supporting character and the one with the biggest story but when it comes to Kara he was a supporting character in her story and not the contrary.

    I think that is a lot of people's problem with Mon-el. He became the main supporting character over every character left from season one. Whether he was supporting Kara or not  too much of her time was eaten up by their relationship. 

    • Love 4
  3. Quote

    Alex was a nonentity this episode and sat around doing nothing during an alien invasion? Nah, man, what the hell is that bullshit? Most OOC thing ever in a season full of OOC things. Also, wtf on the Sanvers proposal? I mean, I love Sanvers, but…wtf?

    I guess because Alex got the cool jumping off the rooftop scene last episode they thought it was okay to have her do less but it was ridiculous that she was just hanging around the DEO during the climactic battle. Also agree about the proposal, I get that they've been through a lot but it is too soon for marriage and Alex did that impulsively, like it just occurred to her that moment. 



    So Kara is stronger than Supes?? RIIIIIGHT. 

    I've heard that in the comics Supergirl is supposed to around as strong as Superman and is sometimes said to be stronger but I'm not a big comic reader.

    • Love 2
  4. Quote

    Since Mon-El will most likely show up early next season again, probably once the atmosphere goes back to normal, maybe Kara will get to share her scenes with others in the meantime. It would be nice if he stayed gone for a while, but he won't. 

    I agree. I think Mon-el will be back next season. If they don't find him in the premiere they will later on. I like Mon-el when they don't over use him but it would be more interesting if they allowed Kara to lose him, deal with it and move on. But I don't see that happening. 


    I loved that they confirmed Cat knows Kara is Supergirl. She would have to be an idiot not to at this point.



    It was nice to get an Alex/Kara scene, but then it was ruined by Kara not taking advantage of sister time and sending her off to Maggie.

    I was disappointed when Kara turned down Alex's offer to stay with her but it was a nice for them to share a meaningful scene when there has been too few of them this season. 

    • Love 7
  5. I got the vibe that Adler hasn't been actively involved with the show for a while. I think it may be part of the reason the show is not as good as last year despite some good developments this season. 

    I wonder if Maggie was not mentioned because the synopsis was Kara centred and she has a less direct connection to Kara than the other characters mentioned. I've heard everyone is returning but I'm not certain about that. 

  6. Quote

    .Look, I'm fine with some political stuff in my TV, especially if they're actually saying something relevant or interesting(even the heavy handed immigration stuff has an actual point), but this is starting to get ridiculous. Taking obvious political jabs isn't interesting, its just contrived. And I'm saying that as someone whos politics totally lines up with theirs! Even I'm rolling my eyes!

    I agree. I enjoyed a lot of stuff this episode but the political stuff is forced and poorly executed and often takes me out of the show because it is so blatantly referencing political events that don't even exist on this earth. It's great that this show is progressive but it can be that without lame Trump references and allegories. When they first did the political allegory stuff in the third episode it mostly worked despite some heavy handed moments but they really need to tone it down now. It's not a thing the writers do well. 

    • Love 3
  7. Quote

    Upthread, I wrote the Chris's were okay. I did not mean that in a bad way. In fact, I think they are all average lookers leaning more toward the averagely handsome.

    IMO they are significantly above average in the looks department. At least where I live most guys don't look like that. 

    • Love 1
  8. Quote

    I dunno, I kinda liked that this time Kara got to support Alex (and I think Kara did a decent amount of supporting and sharing scenes with Alex around the time Alex was pursuing Maggie). Ultimately I feel like this step was necessary, because to be honest, it's kinda unhealthy that Alex had her whole identity wrapped up in Kara. So I think giving her a love interest as ultimately the right choice to make her a more balanced character. 

    It's true that Alex needed to be a little more independent from Kara but I think the show has gone to far in that direction. There have been too many times this season, such as the last episode, where the writers has neglected opportunities for meaningful interaction between them. 



    Agreed.  Have Lena go completely dark and live up to her family's criminal reputation, the reputation she's made it clear that she wants no part of? No thanks.  Two Luthor villains in the family are quite enough

    I agree. I'm sure the actress would do a good job if they made her a villain but I think it would be a little boring and predictable. Making her a little grey instead would be more interesting.

    • Love 3
  9. Quote

    Not having data to go off on, but offhand I could kind of see a decline in viewers possibly from some of the plot choices that kind of tick off all different types of general audiences. Like, Mon-el/that romantic subplot could have alienated some people, the political references could have alienated some people, Alex/Maggie could have alienated some people, kind of stewing between ending one villain and setting up another could have alienated some people, hiatus with no big drawback, etc. (not saying what I think of those things, just possibilities that I can see from watching). Nothing so big and abrupt that I could point to off of the top of my head, though.

    I generally enjoy the show but after starting off strong for the first several episodes (especially the first three) the writing has been a lot more uneven, the season has lacked focus and has had trouble balancing characters and plots. And it has neglected some of the important relationships from last season. I actually think the last couple of episodes were pretty good but the return episode was technically kinda of a filler with not much relevance to the main arc of the season.  

    • Love 2
  10. Quote

    Mon-El can stay, and him and Kara can remain a couple. The thing they need to refrain from is having their relationship become the focal point of the show. There are some people who don't like female-centric shows, superhero-based or otherwise, because the focal point is romance. They don't rely on romance for male-centric shows, especially in the superhero genre. It's always crime fighting first and romance second. It even took The Flash two seasons to have some romance not be an afterthought. Unfortunately, season 2 of Supergirl failed miserably by having Mon-El/Kara drama and having Mon-El have more character progression in his eighteen episodes (so far) than James or Alex. I simply don't care about Mon-El's family drama simply because none of the other characters have gotten as much care and attention about their lives in their first seasons as Mon-El has. I know more about his life and background than Winn. 

    That's how I feel. Mon-el can stay but he and his romance with Kara needs to be less central to the show.  I don't mind romance but its not why I watch and Kara's other relationships have been underdeveloped this season. 



    Alex/Kara scenes need to return. I also think Alex needs to get some of her backbone returned. She's kind of lost some of it with her romance arc and as much as I've enjoyed her journey to accept her sexuality, there's something that I miss from Alex this season that was present in season 1. Maybe it really is just having sister movie nights, but I really need that to return. I think those scenes are what helped strengthen Supergirl as a show. Female bonding instead of romance taking over is what made this show unique

     There needs to be more meaningful scenes between them. Mon-el and Maggie both have jobs that require working nights so its not unrealistic that they could find time to bond and have sister nights without them present. And I agree Alex could have a little more backbone. 

    I would like the show to make less specific, forced political references that often don't make much sense in the Supergirl world.

    Also it would be nice if they can nerf Kara less next season. It's annoying when she get's hurt or beaten badly so often and sometimes by characters who shouldn't pose that much of a challenge. 

    • Love 1
  11. Quote

    Turning an 'arrogant frat boy' into a 'good enough person' to be your boyfriend isn't a story line, and that's pretty much what they've given the hero this season.  It would never happen to a male superhero, so it shouldn't be happening to Supergirl.

    Yeah that's another thing that bothers me. I don't think this story would have played out the same if it were starring a male hero. 

    • Love 6
  12. Quote

    Really, I've decided that I officially like Mon-El as a character, and he and Kara could have worked as a couple, if they had moved a little slower. Like, they were reluctant allies, then friends, then maybe moving on from there, I could have gotten behind that. Right now, its just too much, too fast.  I think it would have worked better if he had gotten less screen time, and they spent more of his screen time on his relationships with characters other than Kara, and his development outside of Kara, THEN getting them together. But now, they're basically OTP True Love after just a few weeks, and the whole show is about them. And the rest of the cast has kind of gotten left in the cold.

    I agree. That's a big part of my problem with their story. It's taken up too much screentime and I can't quite buy that they are at a place yet where they can do this plot. But I actually thought they came across as cute and respectful this episode. I think they can work the writers just need slow it down, to write them more consistently and know when to reign it in. 


    The whole Maggie's ex plot didn't really fit in the episode though. Could have done without that.

    I think they probably did that plot because Melissa Benoist was still filming the Flash crossover. 

    • Love 5
  13. Or at least don't write them dumber or out of character just to serve a plot.


    I agree with some of that article (and some of it is disagreement with how things are worded--um, the problem isn't that Mon-El doesn't have a plot, it's that his poorly-written plot is eating the show),

    Yeah I don't know that Supergirl needs to take inspiration from Flashpoint seeing how that has been received. And if they keep Mon-el and Maggie than breaking the couples up is probably just going to add more relationship angst. 

    • Love 2
  14. Quote

    he reason that I am saying it is that when I am in twitter and tumblr and look at the profiles and tweets/ posts of people giving opinions against Mon-El, most of them are supporters of a romantic relationship of Kara with someone else

    I've actually seen a lot of people complain that the show isn't enough about Kara anymore and that her platonic relationships with others have been marginalised. 


    Agreed, to me her voice was extremely thin, I don't know anything about her as an actress/performer beyond Supergirl, so I gave it a pass and said "Ok, this is no biggie, she's an actress 1st, not  a singer, and this episode is about actors singing."

     I think it wasn't supposed to be a little flawed based on Music Meister's comment about it being a little flat in places. I've heard her sing better but I thought I read in an article about the musical that she was recovering from cold or something when she recorded the songs so that also might have affected her voice.

    • Love 1
  15. Quote

    He seems to have super-strength, invulnerability (except to lead, just as Kara is invulnerable to everything except Kryptonite), and super-speed. He doesn't have any of Kara's super-senses (no heat vision, x-ray vision, telescopic vision, microscopic vision, or super-hearing), nor does he have her super-breath  (which is odd, because that should be one of his muscular powers, just as it is hers), and it's unclear whether he has the power of flight.  I think what they're going for is giving him the same power level that the original Golden Age Superman had when he was first created back in 1938 -- Superman at that time couldn't even really fly yet; he could only leap about 1/8 of a mile.

    I hope they keep his powers on this level and don't give him Kara's senses or even just flight. That would make him to similar to her and Superman and he would probably overshadow her since the writers don't seem to know when to reign it in with him. 

    • Love 3
  16. Quote

    David Harewood? They've basically treated him as recurring this season.

    He was included at Paleyfest and the crossover which makes it seem less likely he is going to leave or be reduced but I can understand if he wants to leave. From what I understand he has been getting some good roles outside of Supergirl and he hasn't had much to do this season. 

  17. Spoiler

    An article about Chris Wood strongly implied he was returning for Season 3 so I think he is staying. 

    I think Legends of Tomorrow might have eight regulars so its possible no one is leaving but its seems like a big cast to balance if no one is leaving or being knocked down to re-occurring. I guess we won't know for a couple of months. 

  18. That occurred to me. I would say it was Mehcad Brooks but supposedly he is doing a Supergirl fan event in September which makes it seem less likely. I don't see Chris Wood leaving either. Maybe its a woman since they are adding another to the cast. Obviously its not Melissa so in that case it would have to be Chyler or Floriana. 

  19. Quote

    I totally understand that this was Mon-El's big episode. Just like 2x14 was his big episode, just like 2x13 was his big episode, etc. And I get that this was actually his episode more so than Kara's, because we got to see his backstory. But he's been a major player in at least ten episodes this season. He's taking screen time away from others just so he can have this Big Romantic Arc with Kara.....Trust me, I like Mon-El and I love Chris Wood. What I don't like is the overuse of his character and the insistence that they need to throw every romantic issue at them at lightning speed. I care when he takes away time from J'onn, from Alex, and from other characters. Mon-El needs to be more of a supporting character now that his secret's out.

    That's exactly how I feel. I get why this episode had to have to be about him but there have been others where it did not feel necessary to make him such a big part of the plot.I think Chris Wood is talented and brings a lot of charm to the role but I do wish they would tone it down and reduce his screentime a little. Kara needs more time to interact with others, especially Alex. 



     I realize they might not want to write a lot of kissing etc scenes given that both actresses are straight

     I think they would probably still write it the same if the actresses weren't straight.

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