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Posts posted by Oreo2234

  1.  If this was not Lauren German's decision than I'm mad.Shay was the most likeable female on the show and her friendship with Severide was one of the best parts of it. Dawson was much more tolerable with Shay than anyone else. 



    However, in the shippers' defense, the Shay/Severide chemistry was hard to ignore given their complete lack of chemistry with their love interests. Still, better casting and writing could have solved that problem

    It was impossible to like Shay's love interests. They were so obviously bad for her. 

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    I try not to hate actors/actresses as a rule. I've learned that it is.a detriment to my enjoyment of movies and tv shows. Even if i don't particularly like the actor i try to still enjoy their work..

    Me too. I don't hate actors/actresses and I think that actresses are disproportionately hated. But while I don't hate him Johnny Depp is getting predictable and boring as an actor. 


    I don't disagree with the points you made in the rest of your post, but Tomb Raider and Salt were hits.

    They were successful. I didn't like Tomb Raider but Salt was moderately entertaining.


    Traditionally female lead action films have not been given the same budget, marketing and talent as male lead action films. That's starting to change but there are still double standards in the movie industry. Hercules domestic failure isn't seen as a gender thing but it would be if a woman starred in a movie like it. 

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    I kind of feel this way about Amy Adams (not that I dislike her but that there might be other actresses who could play the roles she gets) but then Hollywood is a business that rewards the talent who is already working. Success with one job means you get offered more projects while not a ton of people are willing to take chances on unproven commodities. It may just be that I haven't watched her movies or seen many of her interviews but I'm still fine with Jennifer Lawrence. Though I do wish she wouldn't get these roles she's too young to play.

    I like that Adams is pushing 40 but still really in demand but it would be great to see more actresses her age get the kind of roles she gets. 


    I am also bothered by Lawrence getting age inappropriate roles. I think she can play a little older than her real age but not that much older. 

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  5. I love Singing in The Rain. I find it so fun and the cast is charming. I'm not as fond of An American in Paris. Although it has some good musical numbers. 


    I saw Nine on tv not too long ago. It was a pretty bad and Daniel Day Lewis was miscast. Marion Cotillard gave a good performance though. 


    'm the opposite. i really like keira knightley and i LOVED pride and prejudice and thought she was great in it. totally deserved her oscar nomination for that one. that's still one of my favorite movies of the last decade. i don't get why people dislike her actually, i never have. it's not like she makes stupid elitist comments like gwyneth paltrow or anything. she's always seemed friendly and warm in interviews...yeah. i don't get it.

    It seems to be more of an unpopular opinion to like Keira. She gets a lot of hate. She has some limitations as an actress but I like her and I loved her performance in Pride and Prejudice. 

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    And for what it's worth, in regard to the discussion above: I like Jennifer Lawrence but am totally sick of her and already wish she'd take on more age appropriate roles and stop stealing 30-something parts from the likes of Emily Blunt and Amy Adams.

    Agreed. I liked her in Silver Linings Playbook but I am not convinced there was no other actress that could have pulled that off. There are a lot of talented 30 something actresses in Hollywood right now they aren't getting a lot of great lead roles. 

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    I like Hollywood endings.

    By Hollywood endings do you mean satisfying, usually happy endings? I don't think there's anything wrong with those endings either but it seems like some filmmakers and critics view any ending without ambiguity as too simple or inherently bad. There are some ambiguous, non traditional endings that I love but it doesn't fit every film. 






    I thought Amy Adams had star quality in Enchanted. That movie would have never worked at all if they didn't have someone like her in that part. I think she's a good actress overall, but she's always shined in that innocent, naive, ingenue type role, like Junebug, Catch Me if You can, etc.


    Agreed. She really carried that movie. 




    Taylor Kitsch was better than I expected in The Normal Heart.

    Smart move for him to go that route, after back-to-back big budget clunkers.


    It would have been a bad idea if he tried to take on another big budget role after that. Although I doubt the studios would let him even if he wanted to. 


    I always find Amy Adams rather forgettable, in whatever film I've seen her in. Is she good in the roles she plays? Sure. Does she have that star quality that makes me see her name in a cast list and say, 'oh, I want to see this'? Nope. There's just no spark to her that I can connect with, like there is with some people who, arguably, aren't as good at acting, like Reese Witherspoon or Sandra Bullock or even Julia Roberts.

    I always thought she's had star quality. She really stood out when I first saw her in Catch Me if You Can but YMMV. 



    e is never going to be anything but A+ list, everyone knows who he is, he can draw people to his movies, and he's only getting more handsome the older he gets.  I have no better way to put it than he just *looks* like a movie star, and when he's on-screen, you just can't take your eyes off him.  MMV of course, but if I had to pick a modern movie star, it's him hands down.

    I don't find Leo that handsome but I agree that he is a movie star and does seem to be able to get people to see his movies.The Great's Gatsby probably ended up doing better than people thought it would because of him.

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  11. Matthias Schoenaerts in Rust and Bone- He looks great in that movie and gives a good performance too. He's also still oddly attractive in Bullhead even those he's made to look uglier. 


    Brad Pitt didn't use to do anything for me but I recently saw him in A River Runs Through It and Legends of The Fall and he was gorgeous in those films. 

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    Amy Adams is attractive, and she's a good actress.  However, I think she's like many actors--female and male--who aren't striking enough, or who just don't stand out enough, to be recognized as a star.

    Personally I think she is quite distinctive looking.I don't necessarily think she lacks anything. It seems like almost no women in her age range are getting the sort of good consistent lead roles that Lawrence or long established stars like Streep are getting.

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    I can tolerate Keira Knightley's Pride & Prejudice and there are enough things that I like about it that it doesn't make me stabby (though I haven't watched it all the way through from beginning to end).

    I really like that version of Pride and Prejudice. Although I haven't read the novel so I am not bothered by its lack of faithfulness to the book. And I can understand why Joe Wright didn't decide to do a more faithful version when there already was a popular and supposedly faithful mini series. 


    We had a little chat about movie stars on the old TCM thread on TWoP. First there's a question of longevity vs. movie stardom. For longevity, you have to bet on actresses that are beautiful but who can blend. There are very few Meryl Streep's who get starring roles late into their careers. You generally have to carve out a niche for yourself as a dependable supporting actress. I think Amy Adams and Emily Blunt are doing a very nice job of that but I wouldn't call either of them movie stars. I think Cate Blanchett is well on her way to being one of those actresses who can work whenever she wants to but I question her movie star status. She has the prestige but I don't think she can really bring in a big audience and I don't think she really has that dependability or charisma I associate with movie stars.

    IMHO Cate Blanchett and Amy Adams are movie stars, although they are more minor movie stars in comparison to Meryl Streep, Sandra Bullock or Jennifer Lawrence.  

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