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Posts posted by Oreo2234

  1. Quote

    By the way....was blue alien picked up eating in his car the same guy that Mon-el was paid to beat up for gambling debts?

    I think it was.

    • Love 2
  2. Quote

    How do you guys feel about the show's political messages?  Are they bordering on preachy?

    I don't mind the show tackling things that parallel or reflect real life issues but it can get a bit preachy and they sometimes reference real political stuff in the dialogue in a way that just feels cringeworthy. 

  3. Spoiler

    There is an upcoming episode entitled ace reporter that has something to do with Kara being a reporter so either she gets hired back at Catco or she finds some other way to do journalism. 

    I actually really enjoyed this episode. It was miles better than last week. There was good action and pacing and I liked that Kara/Alex moment near the end. 

    • Love 7
  4. Quote

    I'm sorry, but I call bull-fucking-shit that Alex lets Mon-El and Hank bring a comatose Kara to another dimension without her. No flippin' way

    I agree. It's completely out of character that Alex would just stay on Earth 38 while Kara is seemingly fighting for her life. They really couldn't manage to put her in a few scenes on the Flash?

    • Love 3
  5. The writing for Kara and Mon-el is bad.Both actors have charm so I think they could make it work but the writing has to change. 

    This episode should have been about Alex more than anyone. But at least it looks like


    next episode will feature more  of Alex and Jeremiah and she might get some nice action scenes. 

  6. Quote

    yeah, Craig's ambivalence is more than just about the money at this point. Has to be. I've heard the filming for Spectre was difficult. And then just the general fact that the training for the part must be absolutely brutal, the older he gets the more difficult that aspect of the job is as well. 

    That's why I'm not keen on the idea of a forty something actor getting the role. People point out that Moore was relatively old when he started but he didn't have to do the type of stuff Craig did. The action scenes are more intense and demanding than they used to be. 

    • Love 2
  7. Quote

    I found Alex's coming out story moving and powerful, but when she's actually with Maggie she seems more like a teenager (and a young teenager at that) than a supposedly nearly thirty year old secret agent/scientist. I understand that this is all somewhat new to her, but Alex definitely seems far less emotionally mature than she should be.

    Kara is often written like that too when it comes to romance. I  mostly like the Alex/Maggie story but I do think that Alex could be written more maturely. She was more mature in their early interactions and I would like her to eventually get back to that. 

    • Love 3
  8. Quote

    six minutes to Sanvers while the rest of the episode was heterocentric. I'm sick of the lopsided depiction of a queer romance where they get less story line time. Look at how fast they cut away from the kiss.

    I think the focus has more to do with Kara being the main character than sexuality. Her relationships will always be the most dominant. Which isn't to say that there hasn't been too much of Kara/Mon-el this season. They still could have given a little more screentime to the other couples and  I do agree that kiss was abrupt. 

    • Love 6
  9. I enjoyed Mr Mxyzptlk a lot. He's a fun villain but they didn't gloss over how creepy his attitude was. The first scene with him was hilarious. I liked Kara getting to be clever and trick him into spelling his name backwards. 

    Chris Wood is very charming and sometimes I really like Mon-El but he actually didn't come across well at all this episode. I don't know if he and Kara work together. I would have preferred seeing more of the other couples. 

    • Love 4
  10. Quote

    What is up with weakening Kara? She should wipe the floor with most of these bad guys but routinely misses or has some reason she can't go full speed. Speaking of speed - why can't she just go faster than the White Martian once he reveals himself.  There were like 10 different ways she could have topped that thing easily.

    Kara has been nerfed a lot this season (part of it is probably the budget). I don't mind her struggling with something like a white martian or Parasite because they are supposed to be powerful but the addition of more heroes like Mon-el and the Guardian means that Kara is weakened sometimes just so they can prove themselves.

    I think the show is still adjusting to the CW move and all the changes that came with it but I actually enjoyed this episode a lot though. It wasn't overstuffed, it  had villains that actually should be a challenge , and I didn't see that twist with Alex coming. 

    • Love 1
  11. This episode was more coherent than the last one and Livewire is always a fun villain. I don't really buy that she can actually kill Supergirl though. IIRC Kara was fine after she was hit by the big lightning strike that created livewire and The Flash's lightning did nothing to her. Unless  Liwewire being created through Kara gives her some special ability to hurt Supergirl.


    But they have Kara totally forget that Alex is involved in plenty of these big fights and she is a human.

    I was hoping somebody would point that out.

    • Love 2
  12. Quote

    I agree perhaps there's a few too many plotlines, one too many balls in the air. If they could do away with the whole Guardian thing entirely, that alone would be fine by me...

    The first few episodes or so this season were pretty coherent and well paced but since the Guardian plot line has been introduced they've struggled to balance all the plots. 

    • Love 1
  13. I still enjoy the show and I though this episode had several good moments but I agree that it is trying to tackle too much at once. I liked the episode but it could have been much better if it was more focused. Season one had more cohesive, better paced episodes. There is room on the show for all the storylines tonight but not in the same episode.

    • Love 4
  14. I was hoping this would be a real two part crossover. Hopefully next year there can be a crossover mainly in National City. 


    It worries me that all the DEO characters except Alex are involved (it makes sense that James isn't there)? I hope she's all right. 

    • Love 1
  15. Quote

    Also, I'm disappointed to see that the Best Actress Drama category doesn't carry over into the Best Picture Drama category, though I've gotten used to it. Hollywood really does think if its a woman's movie it just can't be as good as a movie about a man.



    It annoys me how hard it is for a female led film to get nominations from awards bodies. Arrival had very strong reviews as a film outside of Adam's performance, got a lot of Critics Choice Awards nominations and it has been doing pretty well at the box office yet it gets snubbed. 

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