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Posts posted by Oreo2234

  1. Quote

    So I don't really watch LOT, just a few eps here and there... but am I the only one that thinks Sara/Ray may be interesting? They seem like they could be that opposites attract couple.

    I would not want to see that. Ray is better when he's not in a romance and I'd prefer there be as little teammate romances as possible on LOT. 

    • Love 3
  2. It would make sense if Alex wasn't yet ready to settle down when she's only had one serious relationship and Maggie realised that and let her go. The kid thing I do not like if it is true. I don't quite buy that Alex wants children so badly she would give up Maggie and right now she has a dangerous job with irregular hours which is not conducive to having children.

    It also makes me worry about Reign having a kid. I heard the casting call for the daughter mentioned a series regular option for the next season. I don't want a child as a regular on this show and I especially don't want anyone on the show being her new parent when Reign inevitably turns evil, especially not Kara or Alex. This is not the type of show where kids are anything but a boring,time wasting addition and I can't imagine this would be something most fans would like. I think many would hate it actually. 

    • Love 1
  3. I find double weddings painfully awkward. 


    On the other hand, I don't think a quickie ceremony for another couple would steal thunder from the primary wedding, but that's just me.

    I don't think it would steal the thunder from the primary wedding. Though would it really be that satisfying for the second couples fans? 

    • Love 3
  4. If Mon-el and Kara are endgame I assume he probably isn't married, just in a relationship. If he were married it would be harder for people to root for him to leave his other love interest and/or for Kara to go after a married man.


    I saw that another source on twitter said Floriana Lima hasn't filmed since episode 5 which doesn't necessarily mean Alex and Maggie break up but I wouldn't be surprised. I got the vibe they were breaking up by the way the the producer was talking their story this season. 

  5. Quote

    And there's even apparently a few comics "names" that got left off - even if J'onn isn't going to be part of it. the exclusion of Kid Flash is particularly mystifying.  And Nate isn't on there either (which it took me awhile to notice - lol).

    Yeah I just noticed that too. I'm pretty sure Nate and Wally will be part of the fight too though since Wally is Iris brother it is a little odd he was one of the people they chose to leave off. 

  6. Quote

    Yeah, plus you've got the options of either Alex and Maggie getting married in Supergirl by a random character that has never been in their own canon before instead of getting their own ceremony with their own friends and families or two random characters never before being in the other three shows' general canon being married on a show that isn't theirs with characters who aren't usually connected to them by a character who might not even be connected to the normal show (if the episode is Flash or LoT). On the other side, if it's Olicity, there's a general placement of Oliver and Felicity as characters on all three shows that makes it easy to place them getting married in any setting no matter who marries them (obviously still not ideal since I got annoyed that Oliver and Barry got the last scene in a LoT episode even though I did really like their scene, but still semi-understandable since Barry and Oliver were established/referenced as characters on LoT already).

    Yeah if if one of them was Maggie/Alex it would be extremely bizarre and nonsensical. Besides it would be stupid to marry them right now when it seems like Floriana Lima's availability and future with the show is very up in the air at the moment. Oliver and Felicity make a lot more sense even if they aren't engaged at the moment.



  7. Quote

    That's why I hope that they move Alex into a more organizing type of position, because so far portraying Alex strenght is heavily dependant on keeping Kara weak. But if they moved her more to a different type of role then they could both be strong, but in different areas (just like Cat was strong and cool and powerful without having to punch people)

    I disagree. Alex has had kick ass moments that didn't depend on Kara being weak. She has fought humans while Kara dealt with something else.  She also has a very powerful Alien gun she can use. It would annoy me if the Guardian is the only human getting fight scenes.

    • Love 6
  8. Quote

    Yeah, I took what he said to mean that Alex would at least crossover, but his quote about Alex and Kara's relationship being "at the center of the whole thing" made me side-eye his whole answer since that's exactly what the Flash EPs said about Iris' role in the musical episode.

    Yeah the crossover certainly isn't going to center around the two of them, at most they will both be present in most/all the episodes with Kara obviously playing a much larger part. 


    I can't see Alex being all that significant if Mon El is back.  Kreisberg plays his favourites and Mon El is superher/love interest/male lead all wrapped up in one ball.

    IMO Alex absolutely should be more important than Mon-el but TPTB are in love with him so of the Supergirl crew he will get the biggest role besides Kara if he's back on earth. 

  9. Quote

    I'm honestly not sure what the supporting cast's roles will be in the crossover since relationships are a big part of it. I'm  trying to figure this out to sorta guess how many shows these characters will cross over to.

    Felicity: Part of the Tech Squad and have her scenes with Oliver for the romantic aspect (4 shows)

    Cisco: Part of the Tech Squad (4 shows)

    Diggle: Part of the fighting team and have scenes w/ Lyla (I think she's in the crossover too) (4 shows)

    Dinah/Curtis/Rene: Part of the fighting team (1 show)

    Alex: will have her sisterly scenes with Kara (1 show)

    Iris: Get married (1-2 shows)

    Caitlin: Maybe show up as killer frost? (1 show)

    Winn: Part of the Tech Squad (1-3 shows?)

    Joe: Will attend the wedding and give Barry/Iris fatherly advice I guess? (1 show)

    Kreisberg implied that Alex would be in all 4 shows though that could be him exaggerating as he tends to do. I assume Winn will probably cross over too but if Mon-el is back then he might take priority. 

    • Love 1
  10. Here is a link to some spoilers from Entertainment Weekly. Kreisberg claims there will be more Danvers sisters together this season and that they will be a big part of the crossover. I'll believe it when I see it but I hope that the writers have realised they neglected some of the season one relationships last year. 

    • Love 6
  11. Quote

    Yes it seems fairly definite that they'll break up there. I assume that's why they (might) have gotten them married over the break

    I think they are probably just engaged, being married would make things a little more complicated. I assume Floriana Lima wants to be free for network pilot season which typically starts in January so Maggie probably won't be around later than 3-4 episodes after they return from the winter break. 

  12. Quote

    part of the problem is that it was never made clear what exactly were Electra/Black Sky's powers. Was she just good at  martial arts? Or did she have superhuman strength, agility, resilience, and speed? 

    It was annoying that they didn't really explain what made the Black Skye so special. She seemed stronger and more resilient than a normal human but not powerful enough to justify using the last of the substance to resurrect her. 

    • Love 3
  13. Quote

    This video reminds me that Supergirl isn’t a show about fights. Arrow is a show about fights. They have one of the best stunt teams in the industry and put on some great-looking action sequences. Supergirl is more about powers, so when there is a fight, there’s a lot of punching and throwing things…but not a lot of artistic moves.The list of fights shown is interesting in that two of them are with heroes being controlled…Supergirl vs. Mon-El and Supergirl vs. Superman. And one features Winn Schott hitting an alien with a rock twice. These were all emotionally charged fights, but not high-skilled ones. Not shown is anything involving Guardian, the one character that should be involved in more physical and skilled fights.

    The powered characters fight scenes do tend to be a bit simpler and lacking finesse. I would have picked at least one fight involving Alex or James because their fights tend to be well choreographed. 

    • Love 3
  14. Quote

    Who would cross over besides Kara? Mon-el as her plus one. Although, if there's imminent and sudden danger she could just pop back over to her earth and call J'onn. I guess Alex and James too...but really those two (Sara Mick and Oliver) would be the weakest members of the team up. 

    I could still see Kara calling them.

    If Alex once again doesn't even meet anybody from earth one I'm going to be very annoyed. 

    • Love 1
  15. That's too bad. I liked her. When they added 3 regulars I had a feeling at least one of the season one regulars might be leaving or going to recurring. We will know soon if anyone else is exiting. 

  16. Quote

    Ha, yeah it was. And I do get why they're making these choices in theory (differentiate from the other superhero shows, couples bring more buzz, etc.), it's just that those choices are way more polarizing than anything I've seen on the other shows (not matter what is said, I can't really believe that Iris or Felicity are actually as polarizing as Mon-el), so I feel like the show thinks it has to double down on its new identity now even though it might turn away viewers. I get that all shows have to make that decision

    I get why they aren't getting get rid of Mon-el but I hope they don't think there was no issues with how they used the character last year. Even many tv critics complained about his excessive screentime and the writing for his relationship with Kara. 

     I agree about the political stuff. It was poorly done and subtle as a sledgehammer. And Trump isn't even president in this universe so some of those references make no sense and take me out of the show. 

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