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Posts posted by Oreo2234

  1. Quote

    And I HATE that its because of creative decisions, rather than the actors wanting to leave.

    Me too. Ray is awesome and the best male character on the show. He and Nora worked better than any romance on the show. I'd rather lose Constantine and Nate than Ray.

     I hate it when writers seem to lose interest in the original characters and get shiny new toy syndrome with the new characters. Supergirl can be like this with its characters too and its annoying. Anyways, Ray brings so much to the show and they can still do a lot with him. Its a mistake to let him go.

    • Love 4
  2. Quote

    I need them to do more with the Supergirl main cast. Aside from Alex, I don't think any of the characters have ever crossed over. Considering that Kara seems to have a relevant part in the Crisis comics I wonder if they are still letting her die but come back like Barry. I just don't want her to get sidelined again. I hope for less Superman and Lois and more Kara,Brainy etc. I like Tyler's Superman but I don't watch the show for them. 

    Actually J'onn, Brainy and maybe James appeared and did some fighting in the Elsewords finale.  They weren't there for long so its easy to forget they were in it. But I agree that they need to do more with the Supergirl main cast (at least include Alex, J'onn and Brainy) instead of just focusing on Superman characters who aren't regulars on the show. The arrowverse writers sideling Kara gets more annoying with each crossover. I wouldn't be surprised if Batwoman and her cast gets more to do. 

    • Love 3
  3. I briefly thought they might kill him off in the crisis but the showrunners statement indicates otherwise. Unless they are being intentionally misleading but that seems unlikely. If they are going to kill off any regular from Supergirl  in the crisis it should be James now that the actor chose to leave.

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  4. The writers never really had a handle on the character. In retrospect they probably would have done him a favor if they let him go in season 2. I'm sure there are better things ahead for Mehcad. 

  5. Quote

    Ugh who in their right mind thought nine regular cast members is a good thing? It's not like in this show they divide important plot-elements between nine cast members. Half of them will be used for romantic purposes, the other handful will just stand around and do nothing or be between on the line between good and evil, and the remaining two will do what they do always. 

    This is why as much as I like Nia I wish they didn't add a new regular protagonist last season. I think they should have taken advantage of the slightly smaller cast when Winn and Mon-el left and focused on the characters they have. Kara doesn't need several people to back her up.  

  6. It's good that it sounds like J'onn may play a significant role in the crossover. I hope all the Supergirl regulars have a bigger role than they did last year (or any role at all in the case of Lena and Nia). 

    There was also a TV Guide article previewing the season. I'm not happy that the only things they previewed for Nia/Brainy and Alex was relationship stuff. Alex desperately needs a real arc that isn't romance and babies (the mind wipe doesn't count). 

  7. Quote

    Not sure how I'm feeling about this muted colour palette, although of course this is just a production still. 

    I remember seeing early production stills for Mad Max: Fury Road and the color was significantly more muted than it was in the actual movie. I hope this isn't representative of the film. 

  8. I don't think being James sister gives her that much more to do considering how the writers sometimes don't know what to do with him. I could be wrong but I would be surprised if she were well integrated into the show. 

  9. Quote

     Jimmy's sister was only introduced towards the end of the season as a romantic interest for Alex. Gee, that went so well with Sawyer's character. 

    I don't get it. They lost the Maggie actress because she was reduced to just being Alex's love interest despite starting with potential. So they wait a long time to give Alex a new love interest and do the exact same thing. 


    Obviously he's THE villain, and it looks like he'll be resurrected(?) somehow, but having Lena murder Lex is a fairly dark turn for her. I think that might mess her up more than the Kara/Supergirl reveal

    I think Lena's killing of Lex is as much of a sign of her turning to the dark side as her reaction to finding out Kara's secret. Sure he will probably come back to life but its clear that Lena will be a darker, angrier character next year. I hope she doesn't become full on evil but I wouldn't be surprised if the endgame is to have Lena as Kara's final villain. 

    • Love 2
  10. Quote

    REAL ticked that not only did Kara not tell Lena, but that Lex told he, AND that Lena didn't already secretly know anyways. I would have way rather seen Lena respond with "Duh."

    I knew this was how it would play out but its still annoying. There were so many clues right in front of her that someone with her intelligence should have been able to figure it out on her own. But if she couldn't at least have Kara grow a spine and tell her. Not looking forward to this drama.

    I hope next season majorly tones down the political allegory stuff and maybe they can bring back a bit more humor. 

    I don't get what the Monitor is doing. How is bringing back an enemy of J'onn going to save the multiverse? And I'm assuming he brought back Lex too. No way were they going to let him stay dead. 

    I am not buying Alex and James sister. The writing for Maggie and Alex had flaws but I at least bought that they were into each other.

    • Love 3
  11. Quote

    Good Lord, The Alex wants to be a mom plot is a complete waste of time.

    I don't know why they won't let go of this mommy plot. It's the most boring plot they've ever given Alex and I feel like she's been somewhat watered down as a character since they've introduced it.

    Kara deciding not to tell Lena made my eyes roll. She's probably now gonna find out about Kara being Supergirl through someone else. She'll probably be much angrier about it then if she had found out through Kara. 

    • Love 7
  12. Quote

    Oh please the show is called Supergirl and Kara/Supergirl is clearly the main character. 

    I think the show is often overcrowded and there have been stretches of the series when Kara has felt in danger of being overshadowed at times because the writers struggle to find the right balance.  

    • Love 1
  13. I'm really annoyed with James getting powers that mimic Supergirl's.  Supergirl should be the only regular character with those powers. I hope It doesn't last. 


    I'm really gonna need Kara to come clean with Lena by the end of the season. She's been kept in the dark long enough. 

    It's long past time for Lena to know. I got tired of that last season. She should be able to figure it out on her own. Alex needs her memory back too. This mind wipe hasn't done anything but reduce her scenes with Kara. 

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