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Posts posted by Oreo2234

  1. Quote

    I'm like 90% sure there's not going to be ANY changes of consequence, no merged earths

    Elseworlds seemed to hint at merged earths but nothing recently has and the way things have played out its almost certain at least some of the multiverse will be restored. Maybe it will be restored with a slightly altered timeline that will allow the shows to change or ignore what they want to.  If they keep Superman and Supergirl in separate universes it may be harder and harder to justify including one and/or both of them in future crossovers in a meaningful way. Since Supergirl almost never addresses the other shows or crossovers maybe it should stop with them after this. Or do it less often so every crossover doesn't have to be something that justifies getting someone from a different universe to show up. 

  2. Quote

    I'm actually quite disappointed in this crossover so far. It's not that it's bad but, I'll quote sister act 2 here and say, it was good for what it was but it wasn't all that. 

    So far I still like Crisis on Earth-X better. 

    The more I think about it the more I think they will restore at least some of the multiverse. There is no way they are leaving Smallville Clark dead and you can't have multiple Clark Kents from Krypton on one earth. The question is if it will be as big as before or if any earths (particularly earth-38 and earth 1 ) will merge. 

    • Love 3
  3. Quote

    As far as letting scenes breathe, I can only speak for Arrow, but it's always had a problem with that. It really hinders interactions and scenes that could be great. 

    It's a problem on Supergirl too. I thinks its partly the result of the show sometimes having more characters and plots than it can handle. 

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  4. Quote

    Also, with how they destroyed all the Earths, they have made it clear that they can likely just poof all the Earths back. With how this Crisis has gone, I'd be surprised if they actually kept some stakes by only poofing some of the Earths back. But now I'm worried that they'll just reset all Earths and everyone goes back to how things were before Crisis. Which...would be a shitty aftermath to Crisis if barely anything changed, besides Oliver becoming Spectre.

    They might restore the multiverse along with earth 1, earth 38 and whatever earth Black Lightning is from but they still might somewhat different than before. Though it will be disappointing for many if no earths merge together. 

    • Love 2
  5. Quote

    But instead the show had Alex act all timid for some reason... And it was Alex' fix that helped Lena do whatever she needed to get the portal working... 

    I guess it kinda makes sense that Alex would swallow her pride to help save the people of earth-38 but I hated how she acted all apologetic towards Lena. She had every right to do what she did last episode. Lena was gonna used myriad. 

    • Love 3
  6. Did Alex, Lena, Nia etc make it out? Were they supposed to be in that last big ship that left? You'd think Kara would have asked about them when the Monitor made it clear that half the planet didn't make it. 

    Poor Nia. She missed the past three Supergirl episodes and she was barely in this. 

    Lena was really annoying me in her scenes with Alex. 

    I feel like there is gonna be a twist with Oliver's death. I think we will see him again before this Crisis is over.

  7. Yeah I'm of the opinion that they (and some of the script writers and directors) need to be replaced. They seem to love Lena but most of the other plotlines feel lacking. And while this episode is the best written Alex has been in a while I feel like the writing for her hasn't been great since they took over. Though I will give them credit for Alex not raising Ruby which seemed to be the original plan. 

  8. According to spoiler tv Supergirl's upcoming episode title are:

    5x09 - Crisis on Infinite Earths Pt1

    5x10 - The Bottle Episode

    5x11 - Back from the Future - Part One

    5x12 - Back from the Future - Part Two

    5x13 - It's A Super Life

    I think 5x13 is the 100th episode. The bottle episode title could be a reference to the bottle city of Kandor.

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  9. Quote

    About 3 seconds into the trailer, you can see "EARTH-73" on the monitor screen showing the destruction of an Earth.  (Question: Have they always been able to see footage from other Earths - neatly labeled with their Earth numbers?)

    Also, according to both EW and TVLine, they're watching the destruction of Earth-73...

    The trailer is cut to suggest that but I don't think they would be quite that upset if that were the case. 

    • Love 1
  10. Quote

    I thought Alex would be on the poster. 

    I'm not surprised. Alex wasn't on the Crisis on Earth X poster when she had a significant role and appeared in all 4 parts. I'm not expecting her to appear in more than a couple of episodes of Crisis and J'onn supposedly has a bigger role. I'm slightly surprised Diggle isn't on there though, maybe because he's an original character?

    • Love 1
  11. Quote

    ith their worlds in imminent danger, the superheroes suit up for battle while J’onn (David Harewood) and Alex (Chyler Leigh) recruit Lena (Katie McGrath) to help them find a way to save the people of Earth-38

    That doesn't sound like much of a plot for Alex and J'onn. I would rather they suit up for battle like the others. 


    In other words, there's probably NOT another Arrowverse show ending... its just summer filler.

    Yeah I don't think a spring/summer tv show that is launching on a streaming service means another arrowverse show is ending this season. I think that would be announced by now. 

  12. Quote

    You know what’s hilarious? That’s not even what I was referring to- I was thinking of the poor kid who died when Lena was developing her super serum.  So that’s two secret experiments with fatal results- and she was sooooo upset when Morgan Edge accused her of poisoning people with the anti-Daxamite weapon.

    I recall that Lena got impatient and rushed it into human trials. 


    Kelly and Alex got a bit more focus and I did actually buy them more as a couple this week, even if they did weirdly break up for three seconds, but this romance needs to slow down! Its only been a few months, everything is so intense already!

    At this rate they'll be married by the end of the season. 

  13. Quote

    That's why I'm hoping for Alex to remember who she used to be and just say Eff that... You played us.. You kidnapped Malefic you stole from us and then you put kryptonite on Kara.... Ur dead

    I miss old Alex. That Alex would not forgive Lena so easily but and being at odds with Lena might give her something to do. But I'm betting she will be getting along with her soon enough. 

    Katie McGrath did a great job with her scenes tonight. I can sympathize with Lena a little but I still think she is massively overreacting to Kara not telling her. And this is coming from someone who was annoyed with Kara not telling Lena her secret identity for so long. 

    Alex and Kelly kinda breaking up and getting back together in the span of one episode was weird. 

    • Love 3
  14. Here is an opinion article on Supergirl's treatment of Alex this season. I agree with a lot of it. I like that Alex still goes out on the field and I don't want her to stand around the DEO while the action happens elsewhere but she hasn't really been given an interesting story as a director of the DEO. Though I think another problem is that the one thing she has going on that kinda resembles an arc (her romance with Kelly) isn't really working.

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