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Posts posted by Oreo2234

  1. Quote

    Conversely, i love Hobbs, Shaw, Mamma Shaw and Asshole Shaw (Owen) they're highly entertaining and charismatic characters (Sister Shaw, not so much, forced romance was dumb).

    I thought the romance was forced but I did really like Vanessa Kirby. 

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  2. Quote

    Is it me or did that trailer give everything away? Oh well, nobody goes to a F&F for plotting...or dialogue...or character development...or real world physics.

    The Hobbs and Shaw trailers were the same.  They gave away almost everything. I prefer trailers that don't show so much but I guess it works for selling these types of movies. 

  3. Quote

    I wish they had allowed Kara to date more freely at any point in the series. I would have loved to see half a season with Kara just going out on dates. I understood why, at the time, they didn't do that for the early seasons. And maybe Melissa specifically asked for less romantic scenes after the season 2 disaster that was Kara/Mon-El (again, totally understandable) but with them pursuing William/Kara now...I dunno, I'd rather just see Kara decide to date casually. That would be way more fun to watch.

    I agree. Kara should get a love life but she doesn't have to have a major romance or settle down by the end of the series. Unlike Alex she hasn't expressed a strong desire for marriage and children. As other have said, she doesn't have a true love in the comics either. 


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  4. I forgot about the legion rings. It looks like a wedding ring but I guess it could be a legion ring. 

    Another explanation for Super Alex is that Kara ends up in Alex's body but retains her powers. In the video I saw she posed and folded her arms a lot like Kara does. I kinda hope that isn't the case.  I think Kara mostly doing what she normally does in her sisters' body is less interesting then Alex dealing with powers and the stuff that comes with it.

  5. On social media there is a video of Chyler Leigh filming at a mall in the superhero costume. She appears to do a super hero landing (so she flies) on a stage that says Rick Starman in concert and it looks like she talks to a reporter. 

    ETA: I just noticed Winn is wearing a wedding ring. Will we meet his wife? 

    I think we might see the new hangout in the promo pics. If that is it then I hope they spruce it up a bit, because it just looks like an unimpressive abandoned warehouse. 

    I read some speculation that Superhero Alex actually might be the result of a merge between Kara and Alex. The costume combines elements of both of their suits and the haircut (and lipstick) is similar to Kara's. 

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  6. A lot of news today. According to CBR a new headquarters for the super friends called the Tower will be built by J'onn as the Luthors takeover the DEO. I assume we'll see DEO employees Alex and Brainy there sometimes too. I wonder if they will still be working for the DEO by the end of this season?


    I should have guessed giving Alex powers would happen eventually; but they have liked keeping her a regular human to contrast with Kara.

    If that is actually Alex and not a doppelganger then I doubt it will last long. I don't see them giving Alex powers permanently, especially if there similar to a Kryptonian. 

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  7. Looks like  we will see Alex (or more likely a doppelganger) as a superhero. Chyler Leigh posted a photo of herself in a super hero costume. It's a lot like Kara's (with the S symbol) but black and blue. Here is a link to an article on it. As Primal Slayer said it is weird that they are doing all this doppelganger stuff when the characters think there isn't multiverse anymore. 

    ETA: Helen Slater and the actress who plays young Alex will be back in an episode this season. I don't know if the young Kara actress is returning. 

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  8. Quote

    And when did Ava get to be that good a fighter?

    I think she's always had pretty good fighting skills. She was able to hold her own against Sara in a fight in one of her early episodes. 

    I miss original Zari but Behrad was amusing and likeable this episode.

    I liked that they allowed Sara to be sad about Oliver's death. Caity Lotz did a great job with it. Too bad they couldn't handle her dad's death in the same way. 

    • Love 5
  9. Quote

    I want more crossovers (like with single characters), but will they actually do them even with a merged universe? We'll see...

    I hope so. I'm getting tired of the huge crossovers. It would be nice to see some smaller ones and characters cameoing or guest starring on other shows. 

    • Love 4
  10. Spoiler

    Seems to imply Lena might not remember Crisis. It's a bit confusing. I'm pretty sure the exchange between Alex and Kara and footage of Nia clapping for Lex near the beginning is from the Legends crisis episode. Alex and Nia should remember the old timeline now, especially since they were part of the anti-monitor fight. 


  11. Quote

    I never should have doubted my LOT. They did so right by Sara, Sara/Barry bonding, Sara/Oliver friendship, and Captain Sara. Everything I wanted.

    BABY SARA LIVES AGAIN!! Please be in the next spinoff. Pleeeeeease! 

    Yeah the writing for Sara was really good this episode. She reacted appropriately and in character. Ray was great too and I still don't understand why they are getting rid of him. Brandon Routh is one of the best actors in the arrowverse. 

    I also loved that they brought baby Sara back without erasing John Jr.

    I hate that just when Alex started finally acting like an authoritative leader she is once again not really in charge of the DEO. Just like last season. It seemed to be implied that Alex got her memory back and I would assume the rest of Team Supergirl too but did Lena? J'onn may have hesitated due to recent conflicts. 

    I want to see a Batwoman/Supergirl crossover before the latter ends. Hopefully on Batwoman and at least Kara/Alex are involved. 

    I enjoyed it but I think I still liked Crisis on Earth-X better. It felt more cohesive and the action scenes were better. 

    • Love 6
  12. Quote

    Luthor now owns the DEO.

    Just last year we had the DEO being controlled by a corrupt president (who was basically working for Lex) and Haley acting like the director and now Lex owns it.  Is Alex ever going to get to be the true leader of this organization? Why do these writers keep repeating variations on the same stuff? Hopefully Alex, Brainy etc at least get their memories back. Also, does somebody owning the DEO mean it is no longer a government organization?


    How convenient that they are going to merge Earth-1 with the Black Lightning and Supergirl's Earths only.

    It kinda makes sense that the Paragons earth's might merge but how are they gonna justify including Black Lightning's?

    I never thought the whole multiverse would be gone for good. There is too much story potential in it and they weren't going to permanently erase the Titans and Smallville's Earths. 

    • Love 3
  13. I think that is Mon-el and Maggie on the box. 

    I think that one guy could be Winn instead of William but its hard to tell.  I wonder if everyone on the box will be appearing in the episode? You'd think we would have heard announcements about that by now. 

  14. Quote


    According to TVLine Winn is returning in episode 5X11 , which is the first of two parts. Supergirl will be dealing with a copycat of Toyman when Winn returns from the future. Jeremy Jordan is supposed to appear in three episodes so I assume the third will be the 100th episode. I think he'll probably be in one of the what if? scenarios. 

    The Toyman copycat plot feels pretty unimaginative. I think the last truly Winn centred episode featured another version of Toyman too. 

    • Love 1
  15. Quote

    The last strike in 2007 was brutal and it had a few fan favorites not making it. Would this mean a delay on shows starting production? If its a full-blown out strike that goes on several months it can even influence next season and episode might get cut also. 

    They will probably try to get a head start on writing scripts for the next season. If I'm not mistaken this strike, if it happens, would likely start in the spring. If it lasts long enough it might impact the first half of the seasons and delay their starts. It could affect the crossover.  The longest strike was around 5 months and I think the last strike was around 3 months. 

  16. Quote

    Not a huge fan of the Leviathan storyline, especially because it’s a big departure from what they set up at the beginning of the season. How did we get from “technology is bad” to fighting an ancient evil trying to take over the world? I wouldn’t mind if this storyline went away.

    It had the potential to be something cool and different and ended up going in a boring and familiar direction. 

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  17. Newsarama did a spoilery interview with Chyler Leigh (Alex) about Crisis and season 5. 


    I like that she recognizes Alex becoming too defined by other characters and that it sounds like we will see more kickass Alex scenes in the second half.


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  18. Spoiler

    I saw video segments from ET Canada with Melissa Benoist (plus some others) and Nicole Maines.  They confirmed the 100th episode is a take on It's a Wonderful Life, Mr . Mxyzpltk is basically Clarence. Chyler Leigh said you get to see what life would be like if you made different choices, Jesse Rath said its kinda like Supergirl the greatest hits. 

    I hope they don't get too overdramatic with it and have everything be over the top terrible because Kara didn't become Supergirl or whatever scenario or scenarios they are gonna go with. 

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