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Posts posted by Oreo2234

  1. The actress who plays Andrea confirmed on twitter that she is sticking around for Season six. I'm not happy about that. Sharon Leal, who played Miss Martian has apparently been filming the past couple of episodes. Based on set pics etc. she filmed at least a few group scenes  yesterday. There was a group scene that included Kara, Lena, J'onn, Nia, Brainy, and Miss Martian. Alex has been curiously absent from these scenes.  With Andrea staying and Miss Martian coming back I wonder if a cast member or two is leaving. Since this show has started someone has left either at the end of the season or early in the next one.  

  2. I don't think they will write it in. Mon-el isn't coming back as a regular and I don't think they will want her to have a kid with a guy she just got with. And I don't think the writers actually want babies on this show. It's probably why Alex doesn't have a kid yet. 

  3. Quote

    Melissa will probably out of comission for about 5 months. I am guessing she will maybe filmed tlll the she is in the 6th month. And then there is also the fact that she wont be able to just get into the Supergirl suit right away. 

    A 4-5 month break sounds likely to me. There have been actresses who've filmed quite close to their due date but the nature of this show and her role would make that harder. If they start early as rumored they might film some episodes, go on a long break, and then film the rest of the season. 


    I don't know- I'm guessing Supergirl will end sooner than later, esp with Superman and Lois on deck to replace it.

    Six seasons is a good run though the combination of potentially cutting episodes, less Kara/Supergirl and a potential writers strike might not make for the most ideal final season. But I totally understand why Melissa Benoist would want to leave after next season. 

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  4. Quote

    And what happens after the baby's born? Will she really want to keep such a heavy filming schedule in another state with a newborn at home? Maybe next year is the last.

    Possibly. There has been conflicting information about whether she is signed for 6 or 7 seasons. If she's signed for 7 she might do a final, (probably) shortened seventh season. I don't see the show lasting any longer than that. 

    This probably means Supergirl won't have much, if any, involvement in the crossover this year.  

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  5. There was a rumor coming from Jesse Rath that there might be an early start to filming for next season. This news might explain that if that rumor is true. With the pregnancy they might have to move around filming, or cut episodes and/or write Kara out for a stretch and focus on other characters. 

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  6. I like that we are getting a Nia centric episode because she has had so little to do this season. But I am also not looking forward to the very special episode moments.

    The Alex, J'onn and Kelly sublot sounds like it could be interesting. I wonder if it will be connected to how Alex ends up as Supergirl in the next episode. Maybe she ends up trapped in a virtual reality. 

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  7. Quote

    k...so for the 100th episode, I wanted way more Alex and J'onn. I didn't love the idea of it being centered around Lena/Kara, even if I understand why they had it as the Major Milestone Episode. They have set it up all season to do so. 

    But honestly? I really, really liked this episode. I thought it was fun and I loved seeing snippets back from the show, both old and temporarily new. 

    I agree. For the 100th episode there should have been more Alex and J'onn. But outside of that it was a fun show and I liked this new version of Mr. Mxyzptlk. 

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  8. If season 6 is the final season we will probably find out by the end of the spring, maybe the end of summer at the latest. The CW likes to announce final seasons before they start. 

  9. I know the situations aren't the same but if the showrunners/network really want a 7th season to wrap things up we might end up with a shortened final season. Especially if a writers strike ends up interfering with the 6th season. 


  10. The show has been pretty accommodating of her other projects so maybe she might. Especially if there is a reduced episode order for the 7th season which is partly how Stephen Amell was convinced to sign on for the last season of Arrow. 

  11. I could see her possibly signing for a 7th season if its decided that it will be the last one.  But I can't see her signing for an 8th season. 

    Here is a spoilery preview of the 100th episode from Hypable. 


    It sounds like it will be much more focused on Kara/Lena than Kara/Alex/J'onn. That is disappointing but not surprising given the synopsis.


  12. It might be the last season since its when Melissa's contract runs out but I don't think that would be a reason to have such a short hiatus and rush it into production. I don't think Arrow's last season started filming any earlier.  Maybe Melissa landed another role that overlaps with the regular filming schedule so they are moving things around to accommodate her. 

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  13. Jesse said he heard rumors they might only get a 3 week hiatus between season 5 and season 6. Nicole did not hear that and was surprised. Usually a show like this would get over a month to two months hiatus. I wonder why they would do that? A possible writers strike? Next year also might be the last season but I don't know if that would have anything to do with an early start. 

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  14. Quote

    This just reminds me how much I miss Winn and Jeremy Jordan, and how sad I am that the show so often put him on the backburner when he was still around. He was one of my favorite characters and JJ one of its best performers

     I agree. Jeremy Jordan is great and Winn was often not given enough to do while he was here. 

    Alex leaving the DEO was a little abrupt. I hope it will lead to more stories for her but I fear it will have the opposite effect. 

    I wish they would just let Kara date casually and get one or two episode love interests. William isn't working and we don't need more main characters. 


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  15. TVLine  has revealed that Chris Wood is returning as Mon-el for the 100th episode. They also confirmed Sam and Agent Liberty are returning. There are a couple of photos of Mon-el with the group.

    Another thing that bothers me about the 100th episode being centred around Lena is that there is no easy way to bring in anything from season one. Lena didn't show up until a few episodes into Season 2. Are they just planning to ignore that season or will they come up with some contrived reason to flashback to season one?



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  16. Some set photos from the current episode filming (maybe 5x18) show Melissa Benoist (Kara) and Nicole Maines (Dreamer) filming. Apparently Jesse Rath (Brainy) was there too and filmed a scene with Nicole Maines. The set appears to show that the DEO is destroyed. There is a bunch of rubble surrounding the DEO Symbol that is on its floor.

    I wonder if this is permanent. Assuming Chyler Leigh is returning what exactly are they going to do with Alex? I don't think anyone wants her in a job where she won't be involved in the action. 

    ETA: Update from @ThemysciraBound on twitter. Chyler Leigh (Alex) is now on set. She is not in her uniform and Alex (or Chyler?) has something on her wrist. Looks pretty clunky. 

  17. Quote

    but I am just not a huge Ava fan. I dont hate her or anything, she has her moments and has an interesting backstory that can be interesting to explore, but I generally find it disappointing that, of Sara's many, many love interests or possible pairings, that she ended up in a long term romance with the dullest one, by a long shot.

    I actually like Ava and think Jes Macallan is a good actress. I think Ava and Sara work better than Nate and Zari and are fairly good by arrowverse romance standards. That said, though their chemistry is nice enough I do think Sara has had stronger chemistry with other women and men she's interacted with. 


    Zari! Oh thank God I missed her so much! Tala is clearly having a blast playing this social media influencer version of Zari, and she seems like a lot of fun, although I hope we get "our" Zari back. … The Nate/Zari thing never worked, and was so out of nowhere and bizarre that I sent half of their relationship thinking they were being influenced by some outside force or it was some kind of parallel universe thing leaking into their reality or something.

    Tala Ashe is doing a great job, I do hope we eventually get the old Zari back because she was one of my favorite characters. Unfortunately, I'm not sure we actually will get that Zari back. 

    Nate and Zari have to be one of the most out of nowhere romances I've seen. It's like they didn't even have plans for it when they started writing the season. 

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