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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. I too was originally thinking it was a Liqne Roset Togo but for some reason I viscerally hate the Togo and I didn't get the same feeling with the sofa in question.
  2. I thought I vaguely recognized that sofa, I can't find it but I think it might be a Roche Bobois combination of the print from the first couch and the design of the second: They are pretty low as far as higher-end furniture goes, like you can just go into their showrooms and just buy something. They cater the dotcom millionaire that needs to outfit their new condo income set, not the I need to redo my yacht crowd.
  3. There is a huge industry in high-end furniture that doesn't even touch the consumer side, they won't even talk to you much less sell you a sofa if you aren't with a high-end designer. Sometimes these pieces eventually trickle down to high-end consignment which is what probably happened here. $14,000 for a sofa in that space is nothing, you can spend twice that on that on a single arm chair and they won't bat an eye, you are a smaller sale.
  4. Growing up one of my good friend's grandfather was the CEO of a company you definitely have heard of and as such fairly wealthy. As in drove a Rolls Royce wealthy. They custom built a mansion in the early 80s sparing no expense with all the latest styles of the time. And never updated a single thing. The place was like an LSD fever dream, you walked in and there was a grand piano with an ornate crystal candelabra, there was a custom media center that surely cost a fortune when it was put in, but electronics have gotten so much smaller they were just haphazardly shoved in, there was glossy wall paper that looked like it had been taken from the background of a bad unicorn painting.
  5. That's only because it is considered socially unacceptable to say you regretted having children. My opinion can't be changed on this.
  6. Do any of these people know that having a baby is in fact entirely optional? They are expensive, time consuming, strains on relationships, you are entirely free not to have one now or even ever,
  7. No, not like a two car household, we have two cars. Like when someone has three, four+ personal vehicles.
  8. Did I miss something or did that Mustang come out of nowhere. I think that is his actual car, the keys were on his house keys. None of the people I know that own multiple cars don’t put their car keys on the key ring, not even for their “daily driver”. Also if you are a “car guy” and have multiple very expensive sports cars, you are not going to buy a Mustang to drive as your every day practical car, that’s is why BMW M, Mercedes AMG and Audi S exist, so you can have like a hatchback to take to grocery shopping with an absolutely insane amount of power.
  9. An actual conversation in my house: Husband: Bees. Me: Bees. Husband: Bees Husband: Instead of the awful wedding dress she should just get married in a bee costume. Me: Bees Me: I hope she develops a bee allergy. Me: Like that movie. Pretty girl? Husband: I don't know what you are talking about. Husband: Bees. Me: You know, that movie where the kids from home alone dies from bees while his best friend watches or something. Husband: I have no idea what movie you are talking about. Me: You know, Pretty Bees, or My woman, oh My Girl! Husband: I have no idea what you are talking about. Me: My Girl, the kid gets stung to death by bees, that is all you need to know about that movie for now or forever, it's the bee death movie, it's literally the only thing I or anyone else remembers about it. Me: Bees. Husband: Bees.
  10. Because I know what Uber drivers make and at best it is a barely living pay for a household of one, so unless there is a trust fund that hasn't been mentioned and he just chooses to have a cheap bedspread with a giant stain on it and very little home decor he isn't doing well.
  11. Something to keep in mind as well is Grandma might very well have primary custody or even sole custody of the child and is letting him stay with Robert as a courtesy. Say what you will about Grandma's job, it appears that she is in a stable financial living situation while Robert has no permanent employment, low income, unstable income, not able to provide the child his own bedroom, a string of children that he is not in the life of. It's easy to see how that might be an uphill battle in a court case, especially if they were never married. My understanding is that if Grandma has sole custody if she wants to let Robert spend as much time as he wants with the child, she can unless there is a protective order, but it is her right to yank the child back at any time, like, say Robert is doing something stupid like also trying to support and bring into his home an idiot gold digger that he barely knows.
  12. The general attitude of passing moral judgement on people's sexual choice does in fact promote violence against those people. As a gay person I know this very well. Porn stars are treated as sexual objects, stalked, denigrated and subjected to mental health issues by people placing extreme judgement on their profession. As for HIV and that link that you posted: There is in fact evidence that low income people living with HIV actually have better outcomes than people without because access to healthcare is more accessible to them. And there are lots of health conditions that cost $26k or more to treat, aggregately they are much more common than HIV, we don't treat them with such disdain as people living with HIV because they had sex. And I will just add that there is a greater chance of being murdered by a co-worker/former co-worker in a mass shooting in a white-collar office place than contracting HIV on a porn set, where again, you don't die from it.
  13. The said "moral" judgement promotes violence and prejudice against people, so there is a major problem there. And all of us have occupational hazards in our jobs, I have several friends living with HIV, you see the doctor twice a year and pop a pill every day, they are fine besides the people passing moral judgement on their health condition. I'd rather have HIV than high blood pressure.
  14. Oh, wow, I didn't know it was multiple consenting adults engaging in legal activity, that changes everything! 🙄
  15. Why? Because Robert is not a responsible father, their home is lacking basic necessities while he spends money wooing and this woman out of delusion, he complains about having to take care of his son, he has no financial stability. Anny is the same, no realistic view of her life, what having another child might require out of both of them, a bad attitude about taking responsibility for the situations she put herself in. Like no one is saying they should be forcibly permanently sterilized if they continue this relationship, it's just clean up your own shit out of your bed before you start adding more family members.
  16. Well clearly she has an interest in them not having an unplanned pregnancy since the father of her grandchild has 4 other children and I'm guessing sex education is not great in the DR and it is clearly terrible in the US. Does Anny know where to get birth control? Can they afford condoms? If not does she know where to get them for free? Sexual education in high-risk populations is HARD and often involves very blunt language. You would be shocked at how many men literally do not know how to use a condom and as a man, it's not rocket science. Someone has to do it and since they are airing everything else about this trainwreck on TV they might as well put this here too. Where do you think the other opportunities for sex education are going to come up?
  17. And wait until people find out, and they will, until they shame her? And keep her career to herself? Her career is safe and legal. Do you keep your career to yourself? Like the one of the first questions out of half of people's mouth when you meet them for the first time isn't "So, what do you do?"
  18. If you are going to label her an unseemly moral degenerate for having consensual legal, safer sex what exactly do you expect her to do with her life now? Like is there an actual way she can repent to rejoin the rest of us or does she just serve as an irredeemable cautionary tale for anyone else considering also engaging in consensual legal, safer sex that you disapprove of. And my father is greedy, racist narcissist, my mother is a racist conservative christian and I've devoted my life to public service for the poor, I grew up with a girl with one of the kindest, wholesome, generous families you would ever meet and their daughter is a self-harming schizophrenic. Parenting might have very little to do with her daughter's situation.
  19. Absolutely no one is saying we should accept child abuse, it's saying that it is fact that some people are inherently sexually attracted to children and they should be able to safely self-identify so we can keep them away from children instead of hiding in the shadows until we find out the molested a kid.
  20. I mean we aren't a thought police state, you can have an opinion, I'm just asking you to examine how your opinion is harmful and shows irrational prejudice. Actually the prevailing medical understanding of pedophiles is that it is in fact an immutable sexual attraction, no different than being heterosexual or being gay. The issue is that their sexual attraction harms people because children can not consent to sexual activity. There is a lot of evidence that the way we treat pediphilia as a society discourages them from seeking harm reduction strategies and puts them into situations that gives them access to victims.
  21. Whatever person, man or woman, fulfills each others emotional and sexual needs in a healthy way. I'm married to a man I've been in a long term, committed, monogamous relationship with. We both have good jobs, a beautiful home and a very supportive and fulfilling relationship. I've also slept with well over 100 men, my husband knows this, why do you think you get to have an opinion on it?
  22. She is not, they are doing the same thing, selling their bodies, what difference does it make on if we actually see Robert's penis inserted into her?
  23. Having sex is disrespecting her body? Scratch that, two people having consensual sex after extensive STI testing is disrespecting their bodies? Sex is a profound natural desire, respecting your body is getting tested for STIs regularly, using birth control and/or PrEP as appropriate, engaging in consensual sex and taking care of your general sexual health which can include masturbating to pornography.
  24. There is very limited evidence for this beyond anecdotal but it's certainly a message being pushed hard by people trying to restrict access to porn and the choices women are able to make in porn. And notice you said actresses, many men do porn, I have yet to see any serious argument about mental health of men that do porn which always makes me suspicious of the motivations of the people pushing the argument (Not you specifically but just in the general tone being pushed by anti-porn proponents). And just to add, lots of people have jobs that cause damaging, lasting effects on mental health, some profound, even people in mainstream respected fields like first responders, medical professionals, people in social services, etc. I personally work in low-income public health/social services and it is not a field for a lot of people, lots of people leave it because of the emotional toll it takes on them which can sometimes be profound. The medical evidence around porn related sexual dysfunction is almost non-existent and what we have is correlated to a lot of other mental disorders and more often to things related to our public squeamishness and prudishness of having any proper and reasonable discussions about sexual health. E.g. circumcision, masturbation technique, use of sexual lubricants. I will also add that while there are negative arguments to porn there are also positive benefits to it such as normalizing sexual desire, sex education, improving communication around sex and sexual desires even among committed, sexually active monogamous couples and even increasing the acceptability and frequency of masturbation which is correlated to a decrease of sexual assault in and outside of relationships, the happiness of people again, but in and out of committed monogamous and non-monogamous relationships. Just for example, we are talking about it more publically now but there is a huge amount of marital disharmony caused my mismatches in sex drive with one or both partners viewing masturbating to porn unacceptable. The issue is complicated and the production of a lot of pornography can certainly be problematic and sometimes abusive but there is one thing we sure as hell know, there is far too little discussion around safer sex and sexual wellness including normalizing sexual activity like masurbation and slut shaming porn actresses is a very, very poor place to start.
  25. Why? The mainstream porn business are some of the best educated on birth control and STIs. She is dealing with two idiots around her granddaughter and sex education is appalling in the US much less the DR.
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