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Everything posted by zoeysmom

  1. Shops. Last season Tinsley said all Dorinda does is drink and shop. I don't think she has expanded her repertoire.
  2. Bethenny did go to Carole with the operator comment, it was repeating the operator comment to Dorinda that caused the rift. Bethenny claiming Carole didn't seem to be interested is not the same as saying she didn't contribute. Bethenny thanked all the RH who contributed to her charity by name on social media. It seemed to me that Carole is a reluctant RH, just like she is the occasional reluctant vegan. Carole surrounds herself with others (outside the show) that actually work and produce while she tweets and stars on a reality show. My guess is when Bethenny or a Heather can provide Carole with some gravitas in the RH friend department she is there, otherwise she is on to more fertile pastures. If I were Bethenny I would have been ticked Carole wanted to put a three week wait period on a discussion over our friendship. Obviously, Bethenny was also a friend in need over the holidays-phones work to start a discussion. The only options aren't texting or in face toface. I think the cameras were just more important to Carole-the reluctant RH. The divide is too deep for these two to move forward to a new normal. Last time it was easy Bethenny had an exit via her own show-this time Bravo would have to make an honest to goodness choice between Carole and Bethenny. I don't see either Carole or Bethenny wanting to continue under this cloud. The good news is RHNY landed the top spot in ratings Wednesday night.
  3. Funny, I still see an angry screaming Dorinda-art and reality are not too far apart. Two husbands later Dorinda treats John the same way and most of her friends. Writers are allowed to draw on personal relationships. This would have been filmed twenty years ago-after Dorinda had Hannah. I guess is was the cashmere connection that was the big reveal? I just remember the episode as Carrie being subjected to the husband's tirade, suggesting Sharon move on and worried for her friend. The couple got back together and ended up with a dog Charlotte could not handle. How bad were Dorinda and her first husband that people would draw the connection? Again there are no consequences from drawing on personal experiences, there was no getting away with anything. This particular show throughout its run used many a compilation of real life people for story lines. It got me to wondering if Sonja might have been drawn on for character inspiration. Not a main character but an episode character. I will have to re-watch some of the episodes to see if there is a Sonja like reference from her hostessing days. Dorinda seemed to have zero issues with Candace Bushnell. Luann's friend.
  4. We have Kathryn and Thomas dancing together, so has Ashley moved on or is she filming the two of them? Thomas is most likely history as far as the show is concerned and in spite of all the Kathryn love this year I am guessing they want to erase all connections to TRav and his progeny. Kathryn is just a messy woman, and I doubt anyone really wants to film with her-not even Shep. Interesting turn of events-they renewed early this year and there may be some key cast members not returning. I hope Cameran, Craig and Shep can carry the show. I don't see the need for a Reunion-especially now since Kathryn and Thomas won't be able to use the Reunion as a way to hook up. We have Naomie and Craig who have broken up and moved on, Cheslsea and Austin who are like brother and sister, Shep and Cameran who have nothing new to add. Scrap the Reunion.
  5. Well I am going stick by my reference which is the purchaser saying what she paid several years ago. It seems fairly obvious Ramona and Mario did not pay millions more for an apartment in the same building. Counterproductive to work of a premise that Ramona is listing her house for less than she paid twenty years ago especially when she is giving interviews about what she paid for it. It is unfortunate because it changes the tenor of the conversation and Ramona's contention she knows real estate. Zillow is not infalliable. I know because our home has the wrong purchase price from 1989.
  6. I have found some inaccuracies n Zillow, I think it is incorrect as Ramona gave the interview and I do believe she would know what she paid for the property. Five million dollars twenty years ago was a lot of money, it would have bought her the more desirous Park Avenue address she wanted. Zillow is not perfect and judging from the surrounding sales prices even in the building there would not have been a reason for Ramona to have paid over three times the price for an unfinished apartment. Here is one in the same building slightly smaller that sold in 2004 for : Six years after Mario and Ramona bought. 07/03/2004Sold$2,350,000$1,099 This unit has a terrace, Ramona's does not and it is priced at $3,795,000.00, granted it is 200 square feet smaller and listing is trending downward. Ramona is asking a lot of money for her place. As in outrageously overpriced for the building. https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/201-E-80th-St-Apt-12G_New-York_NY_10075_M36670-67438 Ramona and Bethenny may have more in common than they admit-putting unrealistic price tags on their properties.
  7. Or maybe she paid $1.4 million in 1998. https://nypost.com/2010/03/11/keep-it-real-2/ In 1998, Singer, husband Mario and their daughter, Avery, now 15 years old, settled into a 2,500-square-foot, four-bedroom, 3½-bathroom condo they bought for $1.4 million. It has a den, a maid’s room, a storage room with a washer/dryer, a breakfast room and plenty of space for Singer’s elaborate wardrobe. She did have to buy Mario out at probably close to $4 million or his share $2 million. Does Third Avenue go for $2,000.00 a square foot?
  8. Ramona rear ends someone in her Maserati and she is annoyed?
  9. Tinsley sticking up for Luann-you go girl- Luann, please don’t give Tom another thought. I was at Imoto in Palm Beach last week. Your creepy ex saw me and came over to my table and accosted me asking what I was doing there. WHAT? What was I doing at a restaurant one block down the street from where my mother lives?!!! Page Six even wrote about it. Clearly, the Palm Beach vs. West Palm Beach thing has totally unglued him. He had to let me know that he has now bought an apartment ON ISLAND and no longer lives in West Palm. He definitely wanted to start a fight. What a total loser! I couldn’t help myself. I told him he was bald and a scumbag and that you were 1000 times better than he. Good riddance. He’s just so...uncool.
  10. Sure she was drunk and belligerent about Adam – none of it was true - not to mention she randomly demeans all those folks who live in the Mid-west. But still I’m surprised she said anything at all. Since spending the last three years with Adam; I know a lot about her carousing and have never spoken of it. Adam not only cooked for her (for nearly nothing) but he played babysitter for her teenage son when she spent nights out partying with men. So play nice Luann. Karma can be a swift bitch. I do believe Adam is from the midwest, he lived with Nicole, and Carole has taken every opportunity to question Luann's sex life. Again it is about money with Carole-what exact experience did Adam have as a chef? Luann's son was 17 years old at the time-hardly someone who needed a babysitter. I hope Carole's brand of karma looks her up very soon. Besides the wrongful use of karma, which an effing world's greatest journalist should know what karma truly means: karma (in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences. If I were Carole I would lay off the term given her sad, sad history of those close to her dying.
  11. Dorinda and the thank you. It reminds me of someone who welcomes someone back with balloons and a lot of "so good to see you," and the recipient complaining, "but you didn't say how much you missed me." Argh. I see this season as a lot of low level gas lighting going on. There seems to be a not so subtle push to save it for the cameras. Dorinda and nutcracker thank you, Ramona and the outrage at Bethenny's party. I don't believe Carole could not have picked up the phone and hashed things out with Bethenny. Usually it is Beth that wants it on camera because she is so real. It seems operator was okay because everyone in business does it until it is not. Their argument isn't interesting and Carole needs to stop recruiting others to amp up their perceived slights. I don't believe Bethenny thought she would ever be used the way Carole used the friendship. Bethenny was all about the show being just a business opportunity and not seeking to make friends, until she made one in Carole. Carole is now flipping the script and letting Bethenny know she only needs her during filming-if not as an ally as a frenemy for camera time. Ramona and timing, she is just such a bad actress trying to hit her marks before she gets too drunk to remember. Ramona just had to have something to throw on the hate Bethenny pile. Ramona went after Bethenny last year and ended up regretting. Being mad at Bethenny is her only story line. I will take it one step further, they were trying to play a game which didn't seem to take because of Ramona's clumsy pitch. Tinsley is 100% more personable when she is out from under Carole the downer.
  12. I believe what Bethenny was saying is it was the timing of Ramona's mention. Most of the stuff seem to be beauty aids or products. When they are talking about scripted stuff I think Ramona is way too scripted. It was like when she chose to ask Bethenny about her porn career and now claims it was a clumsy approach brought on by Bethenny being a tough conversationalist-Ramona gets a plot line in her head and just zero awareness of when to work it into a conversation. I don't think Ramona should have been offended. We have been there done that with Ramona's skincare line and quite frankly Ramona looks awful these days. These women, and I hold Bethenny at the top of the list, waste way too much time and energy on fairly benign comments. For 10 years people have made reference to Luann asking to be introduced as Mrs. de Lesseps to a driver. Bethenny on the other hand has said so many caustic things to others and she always gets a pass under the "be real" moniker.
  13. I think that may be the biggest issue between the two. At any given time Bethenny seems to have a of of conflicts. Bethenny has a lot of interests and seems to compartmentalize her relationships. It is always about how she and Dennis have conflicting schedules. Yet, she also claimed she didn't want Jason hanging around all the time.
  14. I am curious why Carole feels she should not remarry. Why date? Why fall in love? Why lead someone on? Jackie Kennedy remarried after being widowed. I think Carole cloaks herself in widowhood because she revels in the victim role. The idea of being a forever widow is usually that one doesn't date or have an intimate relationship with someone. Carole seems to have enjoyed the company of men on several occasions. I find her odd and she entitled and Dorinda is to ruminate of their deceased husbands but they have moved on and dated other men.
  15. It was one conversation I never said it was two. Bethenny was clear Adam wanting compensation rubbed her the wrong way. Telling Carole, Adam was an operator, which was part of the same conversation with Dorinda, Bethenny believed was part of the problem between the two. They are on a reality show being filmed of course the conversation would get out-but it isn't a game of telephone. Part of the problem with Carole and Bethenny trying to get down to the issue is first they have to wade through the factual inaccuracies. Carole asked Bethenny if she is mad at her and Bethenny says no and it becomes about Bethenny being a liar. It is called indifference. I don't think Bethenny wanted there to be a rift and I believe Carole is desperate for a story line. Being Tinsley's fairy godmother isn't exactly titillating and isn't working.
  16. Bethenny said the awkwardness occurred when she told Carole Adam was an operator. Bethenny never said anything about Adam turning her down was the problem between she and Carole. When Bethenny told Dorinda she clearly said Adam agreeing and then asking for compensation rubbed her the wrong way. Never did Bethenny say anything like "Adam turning her down", it was obvious mutual-Adam wanted money, Bethenny wasn't paying any. Carole was upset because Bethenny didn't ask permission to speak to Adam (or technically Bethenny's people). We will never see eye to eye on the charity thing. It was not Carole's charity, it was Carole's way of raising money for a charity Bethenny already contributes to. Dorinda needs to take responsibility for her inability to recite things clearly and accurately. She had Adam turning down cooking in Puerto Rico-any chance the stupid bitch ether doesn't listen or intentionally skews things? Just as she exaggerated Sonja's comments. Most of all they are on a reality show, there had been a clear showing of a rift between Carole and Bethenny. From the scenes it is pretty evident there isn't much Dorinda can talk about without offending people. Dorinda was the one who was so outraged at Adam's actions and then stuck her foot in her mouth by suggesting Carole would be appalled at Adam's actions. That is when Dorinda decided to tell Carole whatBethenny said-funny how Dorinda didn't tell Carole how she felt about Adam wanting compensation. Bethenny has been upfront that she stepped in it when she told Carole she thought Adam was an operator. To me, it sounds like what Carole was trying to do, is keep the Adam the operator off the air, and yet still maintain her loyalty to Adam over Bethenny. She obviously was offended by Bethenny's comment but capitulated Adam was an operator.
  17. I think we differ here, if Bethenny regularly donates to Beth's charity, she doesn't need to donate for every event. I don't think Bethenny gave a rat's ass about Adam going to Houston. Invitation extend, declined and Bethenny felt the reason was compensation. Maybe Adam should have checked the dates before asking about compensation if the reason was a work conflict. I can;t imagine Adam makes more than $1,500.00 a day-not big money, but the principle for Bethenny. The trip did not fail or succeed on Adam going along. It is no different than Bethenny declining the Red Cross party. I doubt Luann is on a warpath over Bethenny's declining the party. I believe it is borrowed trouble and Bethenny has said nothing of the sort regarding Carole should have made him. Adam's declination may have led to Bethenny concluding Carole was not interested. Didn't matter, Dorinda and Luann both expressed interest and Dorinda went to Puerto Rico. The issue I believe is Dorinda made a giant ass out of herself and is trying to deflect attention to Bethenny and her acerbic personality. None of these issue would have arisen had Dorinda not gone fishing around. BTW Dorinda embellishes and twists stories adding to the conflict. Bethenny is all business she doesn't have time for Carole and Adam's foolishness.
  18. Bethenny has been friends with Beth Stern before Carole came along, heck before Bryn came along. It is just a respect thing. Carole doesn't have a charity-Beth and Bethenny do. I am just pointing out that Carole should not be offended. Bethenny supported Carole's efforts by texting her during the race. I felt that Carole took the marathon way too seriously and was ungrateful for the support she was shown by those other than Tinsley. It is one thing to feel like you were unsupported and quite another to express it. Suggesting people give up their day and go out on a rainy day was a bit much for me. This was about Carole completing not competing. https://www.google.com/search?q=bethenny+frankel+beth+stern&rlz=1C1CHZL_enUS759US759&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=VmOhCc9AFTwsFM%3A%2CSN89JsL4Rvfw9M%2C_&usg=__8N7KOj5sUvIrIBQwPbPQnwHJbds%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj-35q0pb3bAhWDmVkKHZlUCQgQ9QEIKTAA#imgrc=DJcTHaog1cFhaM: Beth was even at the ill-fated Jill Stuart fashion show way back in Season 3.
  19. To me, it would be like Kyle giving Ramona the money for Bethenny's Puerto Rico efforts because Ramona was running a race. It would be more probable Kyle would donate to Bethenny. The race is a vehicle to raise money, it is not great form to farm existing donors. It is a charity thing. My husband is a wine distributor, he buys wines from vintners, if he donates purchased wines, the acknowledgement goes to his distribution company. If my husband approaches a vintner to donate wine and my husband's company delivers it, the named donor is the vintner. I don't know if there will be a discussion as it tends to tread on charities' toes when contributors are in a tiff. Carole does not make a lot of sense- a lot of her blog bravado, I believe will be shredded. I think Dennis should be renamed, Well Dennis.
  20. The conversation about Adam being an operator arose out of the Houston situation. Carole seemed to know the why Adam didn't go, not the day of the week. I think Carole is being worked by Adam. Maybe Carole's problem is she needs to be a connector. Bethenny should contact Carole for Adam to contribute, Bethenny should go through Carole instead of her friend Beth Stern to contribute to Beth Stern's charity? Carole needs to pull back. It was nice of Carole to contribute, just as it was for Luann, Tinsely, Dorinda and Ramona to contribute. Carole is not making a lot of sense these days and I think Bethenny has wisely decided not to go toe to toe. Beware of the Reunion. Luann had her comments about Adam. It was as a peace offering she pulled back. Carole needs to learn when to hold them. She can't be angry at everyone over Adam. I guess there is the last stab of going to Dubai so Adam can ingratiate himself on Dorinda. Guess Carole will have to back off her snarky comments about John.
  21. Adam crashed on Luann's niece's couch because Adam didn't have a place. Adam was the user not Nicole. Nicole was on Season 1 of RHNY and then the Bravo "Work of Art" where she finished pretty well. Luann is very close to Nicole and her father (Luann's brother the one who lives in Jupiter, FL). After Adam appeared on RHONY, in Luann's kitchen, while he was dating Carole, Nicole traveled to help with Adam's now defunct charity. Carole was in New York. Luann's comments about Adam being an operator were heartfelt. Luann always wanted to help Nicole, she is very proud of her. Adam asked for $60,000.00 to fund a counter top herb container.
  22. I always thought it was one of those things that really didn't need to be said. It has always seemed quite obvious. First , he was trying to get traction and attention by being Luann's chef du jour and 17 year old Noel's skateboard pal, then it was he was Carole's honey and changed her way of eating and a book to be written, then there was the Go Fund me project of counter top herb growers, the cooking school and who knows who these mystery clients are and what their connection is to Carole. The trips with Bethenny and Dennis, the defunct charity (even with exposure on Bravo), most of all Adam claiming he did not want to date anyone else and then all of sudden dating someone. The camping out on Nicole and then Carole's couch. I think they used each other. Carole had a good looking mellow guy and Adam had a meal ticket. What was weird is Carole denying she had the conversation with Bethenny and then admitting that she said everyone is an operator. Even Carole claiming Bethenny didn't donate to her charity via the NYC Marathon, I am quite certain Bethenny has her own relationship with Beth Stern. Certainly Carole doesn't expect anyone to contribute to the Anthony Radziwill film charity-another defunct charity.
  23. Actually Bethenny said it to Carole and that is what began the rift. Bethenny then repeated to Dorinda how she felt about Adam, and mentioned that Carole was not happy with her characterization of Adam. I happen to think Bethenny is correct in this instance, Adam is an operator and an opportunist. The guy can't really seem to make a go of anything. Bethenny neve has anything nice to say about anyone. Her big thing is to claim the man in her relationship loves her more than she loves him. (Puke.) When Bethenny was on the way up she was a hundred times more of an operator than Adam. It is interesting they were both trying to be celebrity natural chefs. I think it is a case of it takes one to know one.
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