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Everything posted by AuntiePam

  1. Hoping that LeeAnne and her drama-mama doesn't take up the whole wedding. I want to meet some of Rich's family. Why did LeeAnne even bother to invite her mother? Putting her up in a hotel is understandable -- their house isn't big enough for guests -- but it appears that she hasn't even talked to her. She wasn't at the dress fitting or any of the events. That's not a big deal either, but she's obviously an after-thought.
  2. Yeah, it'd be easier to just put a shirt on him. I don't remember the character from last season, if something happened that we should know about. The actor is Ben Oxenbould. His Wiki page doesn't say anything about an accident or injury. His IMdb bio: "Ben has spent a long time in the Himalayas, working as a trekking guide through North India and Nepal, venturing to areas off the maps and studying the geography and social and environmental issues facing developing areas. He designed and constructed a school in West Nepal, Terai region, creating a curriculum incorporating the recognized government education requirements and local religion, medicine, dance/music, history." Interesting guy. He was also a big-time surfer.
  3. I think it was "condina". A Google search brought up a news article where a condina is mentioned. Here's the description: "a kind of informal, no-interest savings plan in which members who make a weekly deposit of $25 take turns bringing home the windfall." Makes sense. Its like a bank, or George Bailey's Savings & Loan. They just have to trust whomever holds the money, and everyone needs to keep paying in. Not a bad idea, especially considering that interest rates are so freakin' low. ETA: Your money builds up more quickly than if you just put $25 into your own savings account.
  4. Those were real? I thought it was make-up. Damn.
  5. I don't think Ray thought Freddy would be so upset about the theft of a few dollars. And he did "blurt" -- if he'd thought about it, he might have kept quiet. This episode gave us something to think about. Killing is killing, whether it's done in service of country or for pay. And in service of country is also for pay, so to speak. The person is just as dead, in uniform or out. Motive is what makes it bearable. I think I could kill someone to protect my family, and I don't know how I'd feel after. I think Ray feels worse than he can bear to admit, about everyone he's killed. Unless that cliff side spot had meaning to Dirk and Ray, I gotta wonder if it was in the back of Ray's mind that Dirk might do what he did. It takes the heat off Ray.
  6. Bird almost did, but he must have decided it wasn't worth it. She turned to him and said something like "Have you ever heard of anything so crazy?" and he said "Well . . . " and then JJ started talking again.
  7. JJ again shows ignorance of cars. Yeah, nobody's gonna warm up their car in June, but JJ insisted that the defendant could not start the car as described, because you have to have a foot on the brake before the car will start. Remote start, JJ? Today was sure a day for litigants who talked out of turn. Sometimes I get annoyed with JJ for shutting people up, but now I understand why it's necessary.
  8. I think too much importance is placed on biological/blood relationships, especially the maternal side. Bruin's father might have sired other children -- is Brandi going to search them down so Bruin doesn't feel like he's missing out? There's an age when girls look at their mothers as competition for their dad's affection. Is that what's going on with Brooklyn? Maybe Brian needs to pay her more attention. It was a good idea for Brandi to get Brooklyn involved in something, but cheer isn't it. It's just another way that Brandi is "better" than Brooklyn, in Brooklyn's eyes. Get her involved in something that's her own -- theater, music, art, soccer, whatever. Someone up-thread mentioned that Brandi seemed afraid to touch Brooklyn. I thought that too. Just put Bruin down, take Brooklyn by the arm, put the scooter away. And who lets a kid have a lock on their bedroom door? Maybe later, but ten is too young.
  9. My husband's 50-year-old stepdaughter. When her mother (my husband's ex) sold her house and moved to Florida, daughter asked "Are you giving us our inheritance before you go?" Mom wasn't going to hospice -- she was going to a retirement community! And she needed every penny of that money. I hope she spends it all before she croaks. Mama Dee and D'Andra have a sad, sick relationship.
  10. Not surprised either, but sad. At least everyone was in a sorta good place. Even Dud, falling out of that door -- we should believe he's okay, and that the quests will continue. Heck, I'm not surprised that anything gets cancelled. There's just too much product, too many choices. It doesn't make me long for the three-network days of the 50's, but almost. It's hard to find someone to talk with about these small shows. Everyone at the water cooler watched something different. Some of us are still streaming stuff that's three or four years old.
  11. There was a comment (from the realtor?) that the husband had two jobs. This was in response to him saying that he'd have time to do some renovations, and wife saying maybe not. I really liked this couple, even though I have an irrational bias against women who wear the blouses with the hole in the upper sleeve, just under the shoulder. What is the point of that? Can't figure it out and glad that (apparently) those blouses are going out of style.
  12. Who are these young people who can afford to pay thousands of dollars for a dog? They're not breeders and the dogs aren't show dogs -- so what the heck? I do think that defendant agreed to pay something for the dog. French bulldogs are trendy, and even if it's 18 months old, it's worth money. And even if defendant's dog wasn't registered, that doesn't mean that puppies couldn't be sold.
  13. I wasn't sympathetic to Jennifer either, but I understand why she'd ask him to leave. Why did she think she could keep his money? How dumb, pretending not to know what JJ meant by "original". And yeah, built like a linebacker. I bet those shoulders get sore.
  14. Me too. I read an opinion piece this week about eco-horror movies, and how it's kinda twisted that we enjoy them so much. The author put a tiny bit of blame on these movies for the lack of concern about climate change. Apparently many of us look at the end of the world as an opportunity. It's true. I'll bet a lot of us have thought about what we'd do as one of a few survivors.
  15. That was so funny! Especially the case where the litigants appeared "normal", and then the woman started to speak and half her teeth were gone. And Jason Momoa -- does he hang out at 30 Rock or what? It's not his first cameo. (The clip is the First Impressions Court skit from SNL, with Chance the Rapper as the Judge.)
  16. Loved the lady and her dog Twinkle from Nye County -- especially after seeing that she gave Twinkle some water before she took a drink herself. And then at the end, letting us know that she's not on meth, crack, Adderall, etc. -- she's just a New Yorker. What a cutie-pie! Tulsa's Chamber of Commerce needs to ask the show to stop filming there. The city does not show itself in a good light.
  17. Maybe because if he does it farther away from the house, they'll have a better chance of getting away. I wonder if he's having second thoughts. There's Brittany's influence, and also the fact that he's killing one boss to make way for another boss. Seems so useless.
  18. Thanks! A couple other events that left questions -- Carlo's brother died at the same time that Carlo became dust. I expected something to come of that. Maria's senile husband went from calling her a whore to suddenly believing her when she said she didn't sleep with that student. I suppose that could be explained by his dementia, but it was odd. Owen setting Kate up for the blood transfusion -- way too complicated. They have to get a flat tire, walk back to the bar, assume that nobody will drive by to give them a lift. Why not just bring the sister to Kate? If Owen had asked Kate nicely, she might have said "Okay, what the hell." Instead, we have Owen's creepy cellmate making Kate nervous and defensive. For all of Noregard's resources, they had crappy security. Everyone got in and out way too easily. Do sound waves really make pretty patterns?
  19. When did Chris know for sure that his brother killed Kirstie? I thought he only knew for sure when Kirstie's memory returned, or that he may have suspected, and Kirstie confirmed it. Because yeah, if he held on to that knowledge and let Kevin rot in prison, that's a bit of a character flaw. I liked him though, and I make excuses for characters I like. I expected him to die in every episode -- he seemed so harmless, and kinda useless. Anyway, I'm also new to this series. I don't mind the plot holes, irrational behavior, lack of explanation. The writing was just original enough to not feel like a rip-off of The Leftovers or The Returned. I liked most of the characters, except Kate. What is it about women who think they can yell "Stop it!" when men are fighting and that they'll stop? Minor nitpicks that others have already mentioned -- no one needing police help in Yoorana, no one on the streets (ever), Kirstie and Maria and Charlie wearing era-appropriate clothes that fit them perfectly, Also, in S3 John/William is at Elisha's grave for the second or third time, and I saw two figures rising and leaving the cemetery. Not Chi and Belle -- they were already gone -- but there were two others. So were there going to be two more new characters in S3 and the writers decided against it? And who was the father of Judith's baby -- I thought Luke was the brother. Didn't see anyone who could have been Judith's husband. IMDB doesn't list surnames. What happened to Belle's mother? Was she attacked by insects?
  20. It just hit me. The punch line for the Geico-roommate-cat ad is when the gal says "It needs a little salt". Cats are notoriously picky eaters.
  21. I'm hating the Infinity "luxury should be lived in" commercial, where people in evening wear are jumping into a swimming pool. So -- you're not just wasting money to lease a car, you're ruining expensive clothes. Ohhhhh-kay.
  22. It's so interesting to see how our image of an actor (or any talk show guest) fits with the personality they reveal on the show. Like Willem Defoe. I'd expect him to be reticent and surly, but he was a goofy delight. And they talked about his teeth! That almost never happens -- the host and guest talking about a physical attribute. Katherine Hahn was fun last night too (Mrs. Fletcher moving coming out). She was instantly familiar but I looked at her IMdB list and I've seen nothing that she's been in. How odd.
  23. Just the two, both in Florida. ?? He mentioned a trip to Spain too. I haven't traveled abroad but I imagine even with discounts, taking the family to Europe isn't cheap. What got me was dad talking about how the son was supposed to "clean up after" the dog. If the dog is house-trained, there won't be much to clean up, except for maybe some hair. Keep the food and water dishes clean, that's about it. The kid did speak differently in the hallway. Much more clear and assertive. Dad's made him afraid to fail. That's why he's taken such an easy job.
  24. I just love seeing Stephanie on my screen. She's so damn pretty, and she can wear anything. Does she have a stylist or does she dress her own self? Not crazy about the one TH with the weird hair, but she generally looks very comfortable in her skin, and her clothes. Sweet lady. Speaking of mothers, have we met LeeAnne's family? Didn't we meet her mom last season? I vaguely recall LeeAnne whining about her childhood, and mom just sorta accepting the criticism and looking like she'd rather be anywhere else.
  25. What an odious person. "He came on to me so I didn't have to pay him back." And there's no way she's living on $742 a month, with two kids. She's either getting other government assistance, alimony or child support. The other thing that bugged was the pitying tone she used when she said that her poor mother was unable to help her out. Puh-leeze! Plaintiff giving away his settlement -- been there, done that. I assume it's a one-time payment and that the man will work again. If it's a permanent disability settlement, he'll be getting monthly payments as well It's a windfall, and of course he's going to help his friends.
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