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Everything posted by OhGromit

  1. Here's the link to the video of Heather riding the bull. NO, I'm not obsessed! http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-9/videos/rhoc-rides-the-bull-wont-show-their-butts
  2. Her husband has one ugly-ass fez. He looks like he had one of those "natural" nose jobs that leaves the person with an only slightly-altered schnoz. He should have gone all the way with it.
  3. If you go back and watch the clip from the hoe down part where Heather and then Tamra ride the mechanical bull, Heather is such a prissy ass. She's too precious to sit on the bull because she's wearing a skirt (hello, it's your party, you ordered the damned mechanical bull to begin with so wear something appropriate, hostess), then she complains her ass off the whole time that it went too fast, then she slips her delicate ass buns (yes, her ass buns) off the bull, gracefully "falling" on the mat. When Tamra gets on, Heather-- a manipulative, hostile diva if ever there was one-- goes to the controls and makes the operator turn the speed up. Tamra is flung off the thing like a booger off Miss Terry's finger. But somehow DAVID is the one who behaved badly? Check yourself, F Pants, you are a shitty human.
  4. I know EXACTLY what she's up to with the blog comments about David. She's making up lies to try to manipulate the audience. The older blog? She knew what was coming in the season, so she was trying to lay the groundwork for making Miss Terry's reaction seem more reasonable. But now? She has her finger on the pulse and knows that dog don't hunt. So, true to form, she's changing her tune, because Heather F Pants is nothing if not a fake-ass manipulator.
  5. Heather F Pants came out with her blog. She claims Miss Terry apologized to David. Of course.. there's no apology from her from her nastiness to Shannon. I don't give an eff what she says.. I've sat through multiple seasons of her haughty BS. This blog is pure damage control and it doesn't change my opinion about either of them. She and Miss Terry have been bragging about their freakin house, acting like princesses and famewhores who are above everyone elese, for multiple seasons now, including the episodes leading up to the dinner party. At the dinner party they were caught RIGHT in the act, but that's their friggin problem. They got caught acting like who they really are. Can't stand em, and they can GTFOMS.
  6. She looks even worse in her THs where her side hair is sort of pulled back on each side of her forehead. It exposes more of her forehead skin than usual and in a particularly unflattering way that makes her look weird and super-plastic. She clearly has a Botox lunchtime punch-card, probably from Miss Terry.
  7. Can't totally agree... because Terry is a special kind of famewhore. More than the other Ho Wives. I think it's because Heather knew Terry wanted his own scene/ camera time, so she was saving it for him to talk about so he could have his on-camera moment of dramz.
  8. You know, I never totally hated Tamra until this episode. But whatever soul she had to begin with, she sold it to keep stirring shit at Vicki's dinner. I assume in an effort to keep her job as a HW.
  9. Exactly! That was Miss Terry's reminder that while Mr. Beador is a mere construction worker (which was one of Miss Terry's scripted lines-- he didn't say the "mere," but he implied it with his sneer), Miss Terry, by contrast, is a medical doctor who knows medical terms. He medicines! Mr. Beador is a construction guy who says inappropriate construction sexy talk to Heather F. Pants... look over there at Miss Terry, Miss Terry is a medical doctor who says medical doctor terms. This was Miss Terry's un-sly way of letting us all remember his various qualifications of excellence and superiority. I hate to cross HW franchises, but ... it just came off as weird..
  10. I truly think Miss Terry and Heather F. Pants were hoping for a repeat of Lizzie's dinner party, when Shannon got out of control. Remember Heather's face during Lizzie's party, when Shannon was going off? She looked like the cat that ate the canary; she and Miss Terry were exchanging little glances and were clearly SO PLEASED that Shannon was acting out of control. I swear, they were hoping it'd happen again at Vicki's... and they planned out their little speeches, hoping (and assuming) that both Shannon and David would go ballistic, which Heather and Miss Terry calculated would make them into the automatic victors of RHOC. BUSTED, BITCHES! The Beadors were too cool to play that game, and kudos to David for his awesomeness. MVP of the OC is for sure Mr. Beador.
  11. ... I say, with an A-list real movie star wife and a house 3 times SMALLER than the Dubrows, cause they're cool with themselves and don't need ostentatious wealth to prove it.
  12. I never liked Heather Fancy Pants or Miss Terry, but their fake and narcissistic sides have been on full display this season. Heather cannot fuckin let it all hang out which is why she is so freaking DULLSVILLE and annoying and even kind of scary (with her judgmental nature) as a friend (the DULLSVILLE and uptight nature were really on full display in Hawaii). She's so jealous (and shocked) that Shannon, who truly lets it all out in the open (as raw and cringeworthy as that can sometimes be), was so able to make fast friends with Vicki, HB in charge of the OC. Tamra wouldn't know how to be genuine if she spent her life trying and so she's stuck with her plastic friend Heather. (Actually, the only time Tamra is genuine is when she's hating on someone.) Miss Terry is just a weak ego-filled balloon with a plastic face, a plastic career, and a plastic soul.
  13. You know about the short story called "The Yellow Wallpaper", right? Here's the wikipedia for anyone who doesn't: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Yellow_Wallpaper it's a story about a woman who goes crazy while locked in a room that has walls covered in yellow wallpaper. I swear I think of that story every time I see vile Aviva's apartment with its crazymaking walls. ETA: Ramona's blog post tonight... it's pretty poignant, very human. Makes me want to give her a hug. She really redeemed herself with that blog, in my eyes, at least.
  14. I think Carole is very quick-witted, but Aviva's aggression is scary. Aviva goes so far outside the usual human social interaction playbook with her lies and nastiness, that conflict-averse personalities (like Carole) probably have a tendency to withdraw in the face of Aviva's anger. It might be wiser not to poke that polecat anyhow.
  15. She had this nasty "explanation"-- which is a clear fabrication-- in the can, made up for the express purpose of insulting Carole even more. Aviva knew damned well how old Carole was, that she was 50, and her full insult at the time was "at least I'm not 50 with no husband" or some such. That she would choose this moment at the reunion, so many months later, to try to hurt Carole worse with this utterly ugly insult (that she thought Carole was even OLDER than 50) speaks volumes about the depth of Aviva's nastiness. So far as I can tell, Aviva likely has borderline personality disorder. We all know that before hashtag whatever that Aviva was a sincere fan of Carole's memoir. It's my belief that when Aviva got the book deal for Leggy Blonde, she immediately got insecure knowing she couldn't produce a memoir as profound or well-written as Carole's. I think she reacted to her vulnerability by turning it into aggression, and trying to destroy Carole. If Aviva couldn't be a writer with Carole's level of success, she'd try to drag Carole down to her level. Reacting to vulnerability with such hostility and aggression is a classic borderline personality disorder trait. Anyhow, whatever her diagnosis, Aviva is some toxic sh*t. I agree... she's so vile she's not even fun to hate. ETA: The equivalent comeback for Carole would have been, "I didn't mean to insult you when I asked about you hiring a ghostwriter, I meant it as a compliment .... that you would even be involved in choosing the ghostwriter! I assumed that since you're so crazy and untalented, your publisher would want to have someone write your book without even consulting you. So I thought it was a real compliment to suggest you would even know who your ghostwriter was!"
  16. How about same thing but switch it up ... "Ramona Singer: Turtle Time Called, Karma Answered"?
  17. The google says Sonja is exactly 50-- her bday is 11/25/63.
  18. I think those who think Sonja is just fun and cute and harmless don't know the facts of the fraud case.
  19. Agree with this times a thousand, on the Sonja issues AND the Andy issue. IMHO, Andy seems to be a shit to his intern... what is that young woman's name, she's very talented and does the Ask Andy segment... I mean he REALLY shoots hostile stuff her way. He's not a nice guy at all; again IMO, he's judgmental and is only nice to those he deems worthy, which means the rich, the famous, and his reality star "pets" (while they are useful to him) (kudos to Joan Rivers for coining "pets" in reference to the housewives).
  20. DITTO. I want to sleep well on vacation so ... I can enjoy the damned vacation! If you're a light sleeper like me, you can sit on the bed, feel the pillows, hear the road noise and know right away... this is NOT happening. I would have been so out of there. The thing is, the Beadors were scared to stand up for themselves and do something. Vicki was an ungracious hostess to make it about her own ego and make it a point of contention. Sure, imagine forcing Vicki to trade rooms with you. THAT's uncomfortable, too. She would have made a thing out of it the rest of the trip. let them get a damned hotel room if they'd feel better!
  21. Shannon probably has trouble sleeping. As you get older, this is a problem for some people. David and Shannon would know each other's sleep habits and whether they do better with a larger bed. Once you get used to a larger bed, it can be hard adjusting to a smaller one, especially if it's not particularly comfortable... and if you're an anxious, older person. Vicki could have been more gracious -- if they would have been more comfortable in a hotel room, let them be comfortable. A good host wants their guest to be comfortable.
  22. ... "A dash of duh with a pinch of speculation and tablespoon of self promotion"... then there's one more step: it gets marinated in the vinegar that is Alex's on-camera "journalist" style. I cannot STAND her voice or clipped way of speaking, like she thinks she's a real journalist or something. It's so annoying and never worth the payoff, because she has no real insight. Just the same Martian understanding of human behavior that she and Simon always had.
  23. Couple things. I think Kristen is pretty miserable in her marriage (shocker) and that she tends to feed that frustration into her relationship with Heather, who has some Alpha female, Josh-type qualities-- and Heather gets provoked by it. Kristen can definitely be whiny. Another thought. Maybe the fancy ladies' harshing on Montana is because Bravo only sent them to Montana this year, which had to be less expensive overall than going to Morocco, St. Barth's, London. Bravo may be punishing the ladies for demanding higher salaries... by sending them on cheaper trips (Berkshires, Saratoga, Montana). Sonja and Ramona expect more diva treatment and may be partly bitching about it b/c they don't like the realization that Bravo doesn't think they're worth the major moolah for the fancier trips.
  24. I found Alex's explanation of what probably happened between Shannon and one of the producers to be car-crash crane-your-neck fascinating. As in, bloody awful but I couldn't shut my ears. Those Bravo production pimps. Holy cow. What soulless creeps. Honey, he's not watching the drama, he's gettin his fiz on camera!! come on now.
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