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Everything posted by demarti

  1. Those poor kids do not have a chance in hell of growing up to be normal, happy, confident adults. They would be better off if Candy paid for all of them to go off to boarding school so they didn't have to live in that dysfunction day after day. Candy, where are you??
  2. Except the captain said how much she has improved over last year and what a strong work ethic she has now. She was beaming with delight when he was saying that.
  3. If all we get out of Part 1 is cookiegate and that Dina is not a member of Mensa, and whether Jac did or did not have PPD 7 years ago which caused her to slap Caro, and that Tre is obviously so heavily sedated she can hardly keep her eyes open, then I can't wait for Part 2 and 3. It should be really exciting. NOT!
  4. That was some riveting TV. Definitely worthy of another season.
  5. I think Melissa and Joe are keeping a much lower profile this past season because they are shitting their pants hoping that what happend to Tre and Joe doesn't happen to them.
  6. Stassi is looking more and more like Chelsea Clinton with that new haircut of hers. Jax definitely looks like the greasy old man of the group now. Damn has he aged. The alcohol bloat is really catching up, dude. The nose contouring excuse Kristin is using...Kim Kardashian has been trying to convince us of that for years! I have a thing for Peter. He's hot. And I don't even like ponytails on men.
  7. I really want to see the Guidice's lose that big, tacky McMansion. Why are they still living there? There is no way they can afford the mortgage payments, let alone the cost of the utilities and upkeep on that eyesore. That house means everything to them, a symbol of their "success". Bigger than any of their friends or families homes, oh yes, they were the envy of all of them. It will be their final fall from grace and I can't wait.
  8. It's supposed to be summer in the Hamptons for god sakes, so what is the deal with Khloe wearing all the black hoodies , black sweat pants, black lipstick and flannel shirts and those hideous orange shorts? She looks totally out of place there. It is so obvious that not one of them wants to be on the show anymore, they just have a contract to fulfill and they are going to keep collecting the paychecks that goes along with it.
  9. Me. I stay away from dysfunction at all costs. I see people, I see my life and this fucked up world for exactly what it is. No delusions there. Some people may say I'm a pessimist but I'm not. I'm just not afraid to see the truth. If I like what I see, I'm in 100%. If I don't like what I see, it's goodbye Felicia!
  10. So true. I live in Florida and would not be caught dead anywhere near Spring Hill. That house with the green pool was disgusting. Before these people make a major life decision to move to a foreign country for "love", don't any of them take a trip over here first for a couple of weeks to see if they are going to like it? If they did, maybe they wouldn't be so surprised at what they were walking into. Then again, I guess there wouldn't be a show at all if they did that.
  11. That scene was really sick. Albie's tells his mom too much. He needs to learn from his younger brother and keep his personal life to himself. OH, poor me, I will never find everlasting love like my perfect role model parents. Excuse me, but wasn't Daddy always working and hardly ever home, sleeping in a little apartment most nights because he was too tired to drive home while Caro was raising the kids? Weren't their rumors that Al had that apartment because he cheated? Picture perfect family, indeed.
  12. One of the twins made a comment to Amber about her nose. Was she implying Amber had a nose job? because it looks exactly the same to me. I'm getting a real vicious undertone from those twins, don't like them at all.
  13. Dina's hair and "costume" make her look like a dragon. Joe Gorga loves his brother in law. Okay. And don't anybody talk about his sister. My, how people change from season to season.
  14. Re: First Look. I don't get all the focus from Andy on Dina. And why does he keep bringing up the fight between her and Caro, Chris and Jac? Who cares. It's boring. She's boring. Maybe he is starting with her first to get it out of the way. I hope it gets more interesting because that was a snoozefest.
  15. Deano was caught walking out of an Adult store with a package in his hand. (Wendy Williams showed the photo). He is now defending himself by saying he was buying Tori a gag gift. Cause that's what every loving husband does while his wife is laid up in the hospital, right? What a perverted douche.
  16. We all know Sophia V has an accent IRL but she lays it on super thick on the show. Sometimes I can't understand a word she is saying.
  17. I despise the Eddie character but damn he is fine as hell. Who is this actor and has anybody ever seen him in other roles?
  18. Oh, I don't think ole' Derrick would have lasted more than a minute anyway so I hope she let him have his moment.
  19. Man oh Man, Daya is going to be one high maintenance, vain bitch. She was pissed she didn't get roses at the airport, she made a comment when she walked into the house about stuff being on the sofa, you just KNOW that what she is aiming for with the whole is this ring real is that she is actually wanting a bigger diamond, she just doesn't like the ring. And did anybody else notice on one of the Skype conversations, she was asking him if he liked her new eyelash extensions???? She wants an American with money and Brett ain't it. Can't wait until she meets his kid.
  20. A couple of things I just don't get. Why the no shoes on Jill? Why was the bridal party running down the aisle after they were married? That looked ridiculous. Is that some kind of tradition? Why do all the Duggar girls (who I happen to think are all very pretty) Have extremely large heads and very small shoulders? Anybody else notice that? There was absolutely nothing shabby chic about that wedding and nothing vintage about Jills dress. The little kids did look adorable, though.
  21. Every time they are arguing in the kitchen and the camera pans to one of the kids standing there right in the middle of it listening to their bullshit it just breaks my heart. My parents never argued or talked about money in front of the kids, they did it in private. Children should NEVER have to be subjected to that. It really fucks their fragile little minds up.
  22. When are her "friends" going to get sick of her? She has nothing to give anybody else as far as support, she is depressing to be around and it's always ME, ME, ME!
  23. Didn't stop him from cheating, did it? These two are completely batshit crazy. They will never split up, they are too addicted to creating drama in their lives. They wouldn't know what to do with normalcy if it bit them in the ass. It's no wonder mama Candy keeps her distance. She has her own issues as well but I applaud her for that.
  24. Wow who knew Kat had such a great body! Now I hate her even more, lol!
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