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Everything posted by braziliangirl

  1. I agree with you. But I also see how someone younger would think that being mistreated and then achieving a "serious" relationship with a guy means "great love/arty story". And I do think most tv shows glorify this stuff. It's why I don't like the bad boy trope.
  2. I kinda understood like her stuff was sort of a security blanket. After all she failed Iowa, got a wake up call that maybe she's not the voice of her generation, Adam has replaced her in a few months. I'm really liking this season and the break-up scene was so well done. It really hit a nerve. It was so truthful. It reminded me of the song "It's too late" by Carole King: simple, sad and real.
  3. The Mother from HIMYM. Alyson Hannigan and Christin Milotti are so similar that it kinda threw me off when Tracy was introduced. But, damn, CM and JR have so much chemistry. And she's so charming. And the fact that there was so much antecipation with this character...Tough job but they delivered it. Juliette Barnes and Avery from Nashville. I don't know how but suddenly they became amazing and likable characters. Also, Go on and Selfie.
  4. Am I wrong for wanting Wilke to come back but to be a friend (and maybe more) to Bay?
  5. I don't really know why but I actually really liked this episode. Shoshanna wake up call was nice, Hannah being called on her non apology letter was good, Marnie's storyline is so pathetic but I find it very realistic. She saw Dezi's bull and as another poster said better than me: "Marnie knows it's a mistake but she's letting herself make a bad decision. How many of us have done the same. I think it makes her more relatable." And I think I was so worried about the possibility of Adam and Jessa that I was relieved that he had a girlfriend. But yeah, it seemed too early. And I'm wondering: "Also, isn't Hannah's apartment still Hannah's?" My guess is Hannah's dad is having an affair and thinking about leaving Hannah's mom.
  6. Yeah, I agree. Watching season 7-9 after the finale made me rethink a little bit because of what you said. It's so unrequited. There's hardly evidence of Robin liking him that way. Add that to their history and to the fact she got engaged with Kevin, fell very hard for Don and all the Barney stuff...Robin seemed to like almost every boyfriend that she had more than Ted. I liked the idea of having this great love (the mother) but moving on after her death and finding happiness again but I wish they did it what you suggested.
  7. For me it's kinda the opposite. Cause I can see aspects of the main characters in myself and my friends when we were in our early/mid 20's and most of us changed (with time) for the better. We're a little less selfish, entitled, insecure, know-it-all's. I wish I would gain a dime every time that I hear: "Oh, I was awful when I was younger. Thank God there wasn't so many social media platforms or I'd be screwed". Having said that... Yeah, this happens to me! Mainly, because I can identify with the awful decisions I/my friends made in the past. And I'm ashamed for not using the "empathy button" that much especially about my parents. I cringed with Shoshana's interview but it would be something that maybe I would've taken for granted when I was younger (although I like to think that I would never say that to the interviewer). Marnie's love life is almost a patchwork of stories from my friends from the "nice boyfriend who bores you" to the "ex of your sort of friend that you're dating only to feel praised" until the "guy in a relationship that won't leave his girlfriend but keeps you hangin on" comes up.
  8. I'm not 100% sure (a girl can dream). But my feeling is that Jessa is mad at Hannah for leaving and Adam was annoyed by her "random decision" to go. And all of them love to push the self-destruction button and have a very passive-aggressive way of dealing with things. Not to mention that all the girls have these strange relationships with each other.
  9. I'm dreading the idea of Jessa and Adam.
  10. One of my workout songs mentions a lot of famous Hollywood Stars (and is sung by Walt from Lost): Classic - MKTO
  11. I like Josh. But the writers decisions about Bay make me dislike Daphne a lot more. I will never get TPTB about this. Why can't they write both characters at the same level? It would actually make Daphne more rootable. Instead, even if I like Josh and find their chemistry nice, all I could think was: "Please don't make another guy fall in love with her and make her happy while Bay's dealing with dead rats".
  12. I have a crush in him since I was kid and he was Charlie from The Mighty Ducks. Speaking about Christina Ricci and crushs when I was a pre-teen: Devon Sawa in Now and Then and Casper.
  13. Miles Teller. Huge crush on him. (Also, I watched "While you were sleeping" recently and Bill Pullman was so charming.) Ryan Gosling (always), Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Joshua Jackson (but he's more of a TV crush, right? Or does he count as movie crush?). Oh, Tim Roth!!!!
  14. Do you guys think it's a GG thing or a "bad boy/nice guy" trope problem? Cause I think that's sort of a general thing. The minute "good guy" gets the girl, BOOM, suddenly he becomes this caricature, one-sided guy. And bad boy becomes, by contrast, sparkier. Also regarding Marty, thinking after all your wonderful posts, if it wasn't for him to be a love interest for Rory, I kinda wished they never made him have feelings for her. Just a friendship from both sides.
  15. I love Ethan Hawke (and loved Boyhood) but I felt his nomination for the Oscar kinda of "undeserved". Am I the only one? (But Patricia is amazing and I'm rooting for her.) I haven't seen Into the Woods but saw some reviews. I gotta say: I'm sort of tired with Meryl getting nominated almost every year.
  16. You know, Jess and Rory's relationship actually made me dislike her a lot because of this. I know she was young and maybe in denial but still...I actually thought Dean had his motives for being jealous, he wasn't fabricating things and although misguided I understand his reaction. He likes his girlfriend, everything seems fine, then this guy shows up (that shows a sort of contempt for him) and suddenly everything starts slipping so he starts to control things, getting more frustrated and finally gives up when he gets hit in the head that he already lost (when Rory keeps staring at Jess when she's dancing with Dean). I don't remember feeling he was really agressive but I haven't watched recently so maybe it's because I was too young and that'll change after rewatch.
  17. ER: I admit it - I liked Lucy and was really interested in her relationship with Carter.
  18. the first quote explains to me why Marnie is falling apart. I think she probably had things come easy to her when she was younger and at a certain point in the show she discovered she was not the most special snowflake ever, started losing her confidence and things kind of derailed and she's trying to get some sort of validation wherever she can (and of course it doesn't work). It's sad, kind of pathetic but so real. I think that Hannah and Adam know deep down things won't work with them being apart but are not ready to end it. I don't think they are over each other in itself. For me it was more like "this will not work out so I'm building my defenses so I can deal better when we (inevitably) break up". Also I loved Shosh and Ray scene. Their awkward hug (well more awkward for Shosh) after her apology was so great in that weird way of dealing with exes when you're friends but not really.
  19. I was glad to see some Marty recognition here. I remember really liking him (although maybe it's because I don't really remember the end of his storyline with Lucy and that's when things went downhill, right?). I kind of wanted him and Rory dating. Jess and Logan were too bad boyish for me. Also the impression that stuck with me was that they felt so much better than everyone else. Am I being unfair? Maybe I should rewatch the show now that I'm older.
  20. kieyra, I agree with you. I actually wrote a couple of days ago this post in the "Party of one" section: "My problem with Girls is that most of the time I sort of hate everyone and there are a lot scenes that I find so uncomfortable to watch. But the moments that speak to me REALLY hit a nerve (in a good way) so I'm still in. Also I like Lena. I like the fact that she puts her body out there even when "society" says it's not the ideal body to be proud of having (and I wonder if this is one of the causes people seem to dislike her so much)." It pains me to admit but watching the show and reflecting about my early/middle twenties I can see some entitlement, really poor decisions and a group of female friends that had their share of fights and "dancing on my own" moments.
  21. My problem with Girls is that most of the time I sort of hate everyone and there are a lot scenes that I find so uncomfortable to watch. But the moments that speak to me REALLY hit a nerve (in a good way) so I'm still in. Also I like Lena. I like the fact that she puts her body out there even when "society" says it's not the ideal body to be proud of having (and I wonder if this is one of the causes people seem to dislike her so much).
  22. About season 6: I reaaally dislike Zoey. I never warmed up to Stella (But I really liked Victoria and the Mother.) but Zoey made me cringe a lot.
  23. When I watched I liked it. But I hadn't follow the show for a few seasons (except the last). But now I'm watching some episodes of seasons 7-9 and I don't know...Robin just doesn't seem to really like Ted that way. And thinking back I don't think she really ever did. I'm starting to think that it wasn't about getting too serious or wanting to marry, it was more about not wanting to do these things with Ted. It really reminded me that dialogue from 500 days of summer: "I just woke up one day and I knew...What I was never sure of with you." Maybe that will change with other episodes...
  24. I loved Jessie and Chris duet too. I actually like Velvet better than the other original songs and found myself rooting for him. But I was okay with Craig winning, I would be with the others too. Also, I've got to admit: I thought the Bang Bang performance was really screamy.
  25. Am I the only one who was sort of annoyed with Maya in this episode? I don't know, it seemed so forced that she would talk to Shawn like that, asking him why he doesn't like Riley, that he makes Riley feel bad, in front of other people, five minutes after they met. Loved Josh. And Shawn + Corey 4-EVAH.
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