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Everything posted by Amarsir

  1. Interesting. I'm wondering if there might be some connection to one of the shows he won't be on. Because multiple Sharks have said in interviews that they know nothing ahead of time.
  2. Technically, what she said is "Fire departments don't want to throw this stuff away." And then to the landfill part she added "or they store them". ITA on her being annoying, but what she actually said there wasn't a contradiction.
  3. Watch The Partner with Marcus Lemonis on CNBC next month. Not only is it real people, he's actually giving away a part of his company.
  4. I've never been, but my sister and brother-in-law are fans of cruises. (Or were before they had a kid.) They explained to me that it's really not about the boat at all but really about leaving to tour the stop every day. (And not buying the obvious setups.)
  5. Changing the spelling alone isn't substantial enough to make a generic word protected if the term is general. The landmark case would be Miller trademarking the word "Lite" back in the 70s. The court threw out Miller's lawsuits, finding that regardless of spelling the word is too universal to be protected. And the reverse case, changing the spelling specifically from someone's granted trademark to claim you're different, is also not allowed. To be registered a trademark must be significantly different from existing ones, both visually and auditorily. So they can certainly use "Kook'n Kap" to mark their trade. But if you sustained some brain damage and decided you wanted to make a competing product, you could advertise "@bilgistic Brand Hair Helmets: The best Cooking Caps on the market!" and they couldn't stop you.
  6. I think Carrie Keegan knows she has zero celebrity and therefore brings the least ego and most willingness to just do whatever task the PM wants. It's the same willingness she had in the first episode, only Porsha was happy to use that "not rock the boat" attitude against her. Of course you'd rather have Carson who could plan a winning brochure on his own, but if I needed someone to go through a thousand photos and not complain or derail it I'd rather trust her than most of the others on the show.
  7. Oh that's a good point. I thought it was a bit unprofessional of him not to handle his issue directly. But if his approach was "I'm talking to you as the booker, you handle your staff" then it is absolutely right.
  8. Seems reasonable, although it's yet a second means of extending the season after the "save a person" button. Which Rachel hasn't used yet. So it's a tad odd to be saving the teams as is when they're uneven and there's a simple way for Rachel to keep someone around. Then again, who on Rachel's team is really save-worthy anyway? She definitely has the weaker team at this point.
  9. To further define what chocolatine said just in case anyone didn't know: a Line of Credit is a loan that works like a credit card. You can take out any portion of the amount when you want, pay it back and then borrow again later without more approval needed. You only pay interest on the portion that's owed.
  10. Pretty much, assuming that's the total cost and not just the fee. When you open a franchise restaurant there's a fee to the parent that's generally less than $50,000. However you also have to renovate in the given style, get their specific equipment, uniforms and supplies, and perform other tasks to be uniform. But most importantly you have to prove a certain net worth and put a certain amount of cash into the business to prove you can cover expenses. So I'm assuming to open that Tom + Chee you'd spend about half and the other half would sit on your books as cash for a couple years until you were established. Probably, although there's always the possibility they mean "I'll just take more equity later." Locking that down up front isn't a bad idea.
  11. I've been trying for 20 years to figure out if Trump is actually an idiot or just acts like one for publicity. Every time I think I have it figured out, something pushes me in the other direction.
  12. I wonder how effective the "real time" call information is for a QVC segment anyway. I've never ordered anything from a TV spot but it seems to me that if there was a segment that caught my interest I'd specifically wait until after that segment to call. If I was excited to see Boy George come on the screen I wouldn't start dialing when he's introduced. I'd wait until he leaves or gets boring and then go "OK that was convincing, I'll order."
  13. In the moment, I thought the resolution was going to be that it didn't matter whether he did it or not because Maureen was legally classified as a cat. This is better, and in hindsight that wouldn't work in the Sunny universe where the outside world is pretty normal and it's just The Gang and the secondary characters that are insane. But it felt like the out they were going toward.
  14. I thought the exact same thing. His high energy "infomercial" presentation style, for better or worse, came from a lot of practice and planning. I think that left him short-handed when it came to reading the moment. I would have said "I appreciate you need the 20%, but let's keep the valuation fair. 20% for $1 million cash and $1 million line of credit." That brings his valuation down from $7m to $5m and really 15% interest is it's own reward.
  15. I'm glad Wek and Manjit made that deal too, but I really don't know what Joe was thinking. Did he really think their project would become profitable off selling those socks for $14? If so then not only does it seem rude, but it doesn't speak well to his forecasting skills either. There must have been a difference in strategies that we didn't see. Joe would integrate with his clothing network and try to make a serious run with this as a branding effort and the other 2 would just treat it like a charity. It just doesn't make sense to try for a bigger piece of $0 profit. Do you think the Acco licensing call to Easy Daisies was a coincidence while they happened to be doing a followup? She seemed genuinely surprised, but neither Dragon (Kevin or Jim) appeared in the segment so I'm skeptical either one secretly set up the deal. But it's also unlikely a product that's been status quo for 5 years also gets a big break during this one day of filming.
  16. I think you meant to link this article. Not too surprising though. The use of arcs pretty much forced their hands in a way that couldn't have been as much fun.
  17. By the way, what was the point of the Clippers task? Normally when a task is just a live event and busywork I assume it's to get the name on TV. But that makes no sense here. Either A) You're a basketball fan. You know who the Clippers are. B) You're not a basketball fan, but you live in L.A. You know who the Clippers are. C) You're not a basketball fan and you don't live in L.A. Who cares if you know the Clippers or not? Plus it didn't highlight the team in any way, only the owner. So I wonder if Steve Ballmer just really wanted to be on the show and this was his way of buying in? Either that or he really really needed a t-shirt designed by Brooke Burke.
  18. I've been wondering for a while if I should watch that. The only international version I've seen is New Zealand. (The boss of which went bankrupt the year after.) "The Partner" (Marcus Lemonis's version of this kind of show) airs in March so that's where I'm placing my hopes for something real. I think her experience in exercise equipment definitely showed there, even if Laila was better at inspiring calls. At first I was impressed by Carson: "Oh wow, I wouldn't have thought to ask about inventory." "Smart thinking on the $99 price." But those are external to the product. Brooke picked a product she might actually use.
  19. Maybe not innovative to the world of food, but it is from their context. To say "I've had potato salad with a sub, so I'm going to try potato salad on a sub" is a creative leap. I'd even call it evolutionary, bearing in mind that the driving force of evolution is mutation and survival of the fittest. Most mutants die. Sure, your southern-fried bahn mi is a much more calculated experiment, but that's because you have the experience to know what works. If these cooks can learn to follow recipes properly and learn to apply their taste buds, the experience will come. Which reminds me - much better challenge than last week. Make your own sandwich and follow a common recipe? Much more useful than filleting a flounder.
  20. I was afraid she was going to make it with raw potatoes. Sure would have a crunch on your sandwich that way! He also says things like "the other contestants have very simple palates." Which ... look, I get that he's eaten a variety of dishes and that is a leg up on the others. But copying a Vietnamese recipe doesn't impress me compared to the people trying to innovate.
  21. Leave it to real estate expert Barbara to nail it on "Getaway": they were valuing their company at $1 million per tiny cabin. It's ridiculous.
  22. I've been told the same thing more recently. Parisians being very opinionated toward the rest of the world does not represent the rest of the country.
  23. She did come by his table and say "Are you sure that's original enough?" and he continued on anyway, arguing that her pico de gallo on some chips made for an original nachos dish. I see her objection.
  24. A very opinionated den this week. Those scuff protectors were bad, but was it the worst in the last 2 years? They hated it. I also liked the fight over "do millennials eat sugar". But the rideshare app really confused me over the interest. Michelle knows her apps, AND this requires critical mass of both users and drivers to switch. Most importantly, price is not a competitive advantage unless you've also figured out a way to reduce costs. They hadn't. I feel like Jim and Manjit's attitudes were "these are the big thing so I might as well get in on one." Much like how Groupon clones were the thing a few years ago. (No offense to Michelle and SnapSaves.)
  25. We learned in The Gang Gets Whacked that Frank had no problem finding connections for it. Since then Dee hasn't been short on access either.
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