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Everything posted by skatelady

  1. Is. She. Holding. A. Tampon. ????? (and obviously Jill isn't using the eyelash stuff....)
  2. Is THAT what she's doing? I thought she was diddling herself....
  3. Maybe it's not irony, but deliberate placement. You know, bonding?
  4. Well, then, it should probably be BO rather than BS. You know... Bohemians.
  5. The "BS" at the end of the sentence shows at least a little self-awareness...
  6. House? Those windows don't look like "house" windows. And isn't that a triple-A sticker on the window behind his head?
  7. Is it really spelled "Harber"? Or is it supposed to be "Harbor"?
  8. I'm sure it's staged; that just made me roll my eyes. But ya know what REALLY pisses me off? The fact that the book is LARGE. Who the heck brings a large book on a flight these days? You need the space in your carryon bag for ALL YOUR STUFF - because otherwise you have to pay extra for luggage. I don't travel very often, but when I do, I always lament that I can't bring reading material with me anymore. Maybe someday I'll get a tablet...
  9. Oh yessssss. I actually live in Poughkeepsie; I enjoy all your commentary and can't wait to meet you! (You'll find me at the skating rink, natch). Hope I'm still here when you arrive... :)
  10. So she was in the bathroom, staring at that quote. Sitting and staring. So, basically, she took that pic while she was pooping?
  11. Orrrrrrrr...... maybe the crinkles were spackled with makeup?
  12. Or grow up in their house.... (Oh, that was mean. And off topic. So I'll just go back into hiding...)
  13. *I* love the juxtaposition of the Duggar family and the Manson family on that cover. The cult irony. Oh my.
  14. Stumbled across this article yesterday. Goes a long way toward explaining why Josh turned out the way he did. http://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/what-happens-men-who-stay-abstinent-until-marriage
  15. "AR-TICK-YOU-LET.... It means he likes art.... Say it with me children: ARRRR TIIIIICK YOOOOOUUU LEEEEET"
  16. I dunno. I think maybe they were serious (although misguided and naïve). Bin's platform is anti-abortion, and if he and Jessa could convince a young woman on her way to an abortion to continue the pregnancy and give up her baby to them, that would bolster Bin's "resume". Just imagine how he would play that up, and use it to seek the attention he craves. The adoption plans "already underway" were likely plans to establish themselves in an even more public anti-abortion ministry. Of course, this is unlikely to happen now. I can't imagine any woman on her way to an abortion would change her mind so That Family could have another arrow in its quiver.
  17. There's definitely more to this story than has been published so far. I mean, this began to unravel due to a note found in a book from the Duggar home? A book? Not possible. (^^ lame attempt at humor in a dark situation)
  18. If she has genuine talent, and is allowed to grow up and mature, then she would NOT be a catch in their world; she'd be a liability. Likely to LEAVE their world. That's the reason to be married off at 17, don't you think?
  19. She's probably "missing a muscle", like Mechelle. You know, that muscle you need when you have to do things you don't feel like doing.
  20. I assume it's because their homes are set up for cameras/filming, whereas a hospital is not. Furthermore, hospitals would not be likely to permit filming.
  21. She's probably contractually obligated by TLC. The house is likely already set up with the proper lighting for filming, whereas a hospital setting is not. And I'm sure, for liability reasons, it's complicated to get permission to film in a hospital. And, like you said, she hasn't given birth before; she has noooo idea what she's in store for. THAT'S why she wants a homebirth. This will be an episode that I might actually watch!
  22. It doesn't matter to the Duggars that it's still early in the first trimester; this is a win-win for them, regardless. If Jill carries to term, that's press. If Jill miscarries, that's also press - possibly even MORE press, because they can have the funeral spectacle and all the anti-abortion stuff that they somehow associate with miscarriage. As for conceiving so soon... with such a short engagement, it's pretty easy to pick a wedding date to coincide with the fertile days. There is no doubt in my mind that they did this, because in the fundie world, nothing proves your feminine worth more than to conceive on your honeymoon.
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