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Everything posted by mercfan3

  1. That's not what they are afraid of. They are afraid A will target Mike if he testifies. Which was reaffirmed when A would have killed him if Aria wasn't the one to step on his equipment.
  2. After watching the ellen clip, I think we can safely say that Jenna is another cast member that looks significantly better off Glee than on it. She looked absolutely stunning.
  3. I think its definitely possible that even if they weren't too happy with production, that they'll miss each other. Jenna and Rachel looked like better friends than I'd assume they were. Chord and Darren are always together off screen. Jane seems to be beloved. Etc.. They might not miss RIB, but they could very easily miss each other.
  4. The only thing is, I think what they gave him this season was to be a fifth liar. Also, one of the best things about the character is his understanding of the girls relationship. His whole talk about how Hanna told him to go away, but he knew it meant she wanted the other three and him to escape. And how those girls were like vikings. :D
  5. I know..but some people just stay sloppy looking no matter what you do to them. Outside of Glee, Darren looks like he'd be one of those people. (Also, the comment was somewhat tongue in cheek. Somewhat.) And i'm sure costuming helps...especially when it's as different.
  6. I think my favorite part of that was Chris going "Speak for yourself." You can tell he was that quiet kid in school that made all the side comments and got you in trouble because you'd laugh louder than his comments. I really don't even know how they got Blaine out of Darren. He's very attractive, but he's also a rumpled mess. Blaine is cartoonish but he's very cleaned up.
  7. To be fair to Toby, he's shown himself to be the best and most ethical cop this show has had. That isn't saying much. But he's not taking bribes, he's not a part of a murder case, he's not screwing underage girls, he actually made a correct arrest after a 911 call. How many of the cops in Rosewood could say all that?
  8. She's been around since she was 17..that's 17 years. Christina's been one of my favorite singers since I was 10..I'm 26 now..I'd say I grew up listening to her.
  9. I always felt though, that Shakira had the advantage of being with Usher. He's got that "Southern Gentlemen" personality, and I think she had someone on her side. Similar as Gwen and Pharrell..although those two were pretty much blatantly a team. It probably helps Christina to not be getting crap from all three guys this season too. I'm sure you can only listen to potty humor, sex jokes, and sexist jokes for so long before you crack. Having one of those guys not participating probably helps.
  10. I don't think they'll go there with Caleb (CAleb). Just like I don't think they would go there with any of the four girls. Mostly because I don't want it to happen. But also because Caleb has consistently been written as the best boyfriend. He's got no motive. And even in scenes without the liars, he's still there backing them up. (HIs confrontation with Ali.) Also...if his show wasn't cancelled, he wouldn't even have been on the show. My bigger concern is that he ends up dead. But the show's done enough to Hanna. Let her get married to the best BF ever. She's earned it. And I LOVE his relationship with the other three girls. Having him and Spencer get closer has been one of the best decisions the show has had. They've got a great chemistry. My heart cannon is that they end up being Benson/Elliot 2.0. (Lack of anger issues for Caleb..and obviously Spencer would end up looking a lot like her mother). I'd watch those two solve crimes all day. But there's also been some interaction with Emily and Aria throughout the series that have made me love that too. There's a protective older brother interaction with Caleb and Emily. And then he shit talks people with Aria. It's just good to see a show do an "ideal boyfriend" right. Don't screw it up. The episode..interesting enough. Loved the interactions with the characters. I actually have some hope as to this show wrapping up well.
  11. Two of the Redcoats were CeCe and Ali, but I think there's a third. And that one is either working for the lady in the black veil or is the lady in the black veil.
  12. It's actually a lot of makeup. Her makeup artists tend to try and do tricks to either narrow her nose or enhance her cheekbones. If you look between her eyes you can actually see the contour lines. (I think they put too much on her. She's so beautiful natural.)
  13. And I think to further complicate it, MK said that she expected the show to stop at 5 seasons.
  14. I just think it's more likely that it's a bit of novelty stuff for Darren. Those comments don't read as lowering expectations. They read as making Darren a special snowflake. Perhaps they are a warning that the show won't be identical, but even that..I mean..knowing they'll be key changes (and people really need to understand that higher is not necessarily better. A person who can sing from B2 to B5 has just as impressive of a range as someone who can sing from E3 to E6) what else could they possibly change to make it easier for him? (Serious question. What might be necessary to change for those who have seen the show..) I suppose they could change the way the melodies slightly..but even then..only the most diehard fan of the show would notice (and, that's not even abnormal. I can't tell you how annoying it is when Elphaba doesn't sing the high note at the end of defying gravity..)..and it's not unusual. So, this rewrite isn't about singing. It's not going to be about acting, cause he'll have to act whatever he puts in there. Perhaps choreography..but once again, they know what he can do there..and wouldn't have hired him if his lack of ability was going to detract from the show. It just seems like a lot of negative jumping to conclusions. Darren, IMO, is not a big enough name to really be a "stunt" cast. Sure, he's got some name recognition, and he's going to pull some fans..but it's not like Tom Hanks or Bradley Cooper...he has to be able to actually do the musical or they wouldn't have bothered hiring him, because I'm sure there were many others at Darren's celebrity level interested in the part.
  15. I actually always enjoy Sue, so I liked this episode. (Granted, she's got the same problem as every other character and they never move forward. It's character growth..character regression..except for Blaine and Sam who are just props.) Glee is ridiculous. This episode fit in. I liked the scene of the glee kids all talking about what Sue had done to them. Kurt in particular was hilarious in that scene. (Actually, it's a little bit of a shame that they didn't go the route of Kurt and Blaine being Sassy BFFs, like Quinn and Santana should have been.. They are usually hilarious together when they are playing off of each other in that role where they are pissed off at someone else.) I thought "Rise" was a really good song in context. I've always said Darren's writing is heavily influenced by Disney and Broadway, even if it's pop. And that song sounded like something you'd hear in disney. But it fit the moment on the show, and glee in general. The rest of the songs were meh. Rachel is hard to root for. She wasn't early on. But now..now she's whinny and entitled AND she gets everything she wants. Team Sam on this. Although it would be nice if she could make that decision on her own instead of being talked into it by a man. Still not sure why they wasted last week's episode on filler. Also..nice of them to use the same plot as last season.
  16. They've said that A took over Mona's game, so we're really looking for clues from Season 3 on. (At least the writers.) All though Keegan said that you can get hints from Season 1, and the question is more "Why." I just want the ending to be well thought out, have the clues match up, and have it not be a cop out.
  17. The costume department has to love Aria's character. They get to let their inner five year old come out. "Hey, I'm gonna pair these feathers, with this blue shiny tutu, and a kitten jacket, with S&M straps. And the heels light up when she walks."
  18. Right, there has been absolutely nothing negative said about Darren previously. They knew who they were hiring. And now, just because they mentioned they'd like to make a few changes with Darren in mind, it means he's doing poorly? It's just a silly rush to judgement. And more likely, people are hoping that's what the comment means rather than what it actually means.
  19. I've actually heard that Ryan Murphy likes to stir up crap with the fans in his shows.
  20. No kidding. There is absolutely nothing in there about managing expectations. It's his first big BW show, so the creator wants to be there for him. Good lord. He wants to make a few changes to the musical..must mean Darren's incapable of playing the roll as is. Hell, the changes may just be lowering the key to the songs..which was obvious was going to happen from the get go. (And happens all the time in plays) Or heck, it might mean that there's something positive about Darren that they would like to add to the show (I've never seen it, but does Hedwig play an instrument? Maybe they want to add that to the show at some point.) There's a lot of possibilities here..and people are simply taking what they want from a fairly simple comment. Once again, let's see how this actually pans out before making judgments.
  21. The idea of rewriting some new stuff for him though, doesn't sound like amending the play as it is..it sounds like it's adding more because of him. Perhaps they want to make some changes to the show, and they think Darren is a good fit to start making those changes. I mean, the idea that they would hire him in the first place already thinking off the bat he couldn't handle it is just silly. He hasn't even started rehearsing yet, so that means they hired him with the idea of making these changes. Or we could just assume Darren is inept.
  22. You're thinking like an adult, not a teenager. They think parents can't snoop in their phones, but say..if they kept the notes that A sent them in their room, their mother or father could come across it.
  23. So um...does this mean that we are gonna get more Caleb/Spencer sleuthing? Please? Pretty Please?
  24. They always have their phones with them. (And they're stupid) What I mean is the little notes and things A has sent them..they aren't gonna store it somewhere because what if a parent comes across it or something.
  25. I agree completely, although Shakira did an excellent job with Kristen (Who should have been in the finals instead of Jake.) And it's good and bad for him. He gets all of the country contestants. but he struggles to get any other great contestant. Which is strange for someone who has won over half of the seasons. As much as I like Gwen, and loved her coaching, chemistry wise Christina has been a better fit with these guys. I like the little bit of edge she brings out in Pharrell. I also like that she doesn't hide her annoyance at the bromance.
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