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Season 10 Spoilers, Speculation, and Stabs in the Dark!

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I find most of their promos to be pretty short and bland, oft times misleading and uninformative.  This one was pretty typical.  I'm not surprised at the featuring of JLH in it, as she is the 'what's new' for this season. 


As to Reid's hair---not as bad as the beginning of last season (and the whole of season 8), but not good, either.  I was actually hoping that MGG had had it written into his new contract that they provide him with a comb.

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I was hoping CBS would make him cut it short, because I think  the way it is now is ridiculous and ugly. That is definitely not FBI professional hair, not even close, and there are only a handful of seasons where his hair actually looked professional. I honestly don't know what he is thinking when he lets his hair grow and then does nothing with it. But then again, I don't like him with any sort of long hair, so it really doesn't matter what he does with it.

I'm beyond the point of really caring about what happens with his hair. LOL. I do think it should not get as long as it was in season 5. It was pretty, but not professional and sometimes I mistook him for a woman in some of the shots. It also made him look older.


I do hope that the writers remember that this is an ensemble cast and that the longtime fans still want to see some of the original leads instead of having it be all about the new character or about Garcia and JJ.


JMO, I don't know who does their promos, but the person needs to be slapped upside the head with a trout. Giving away the unsub's identity and crucial info sometimes. IIRC, Erica was actually upset about a spoiler they had in the promo for Demons.

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Oh, guys, please!! MGG/Reid's hair is lovely now, and in season 8 (OK, maybe he keeps it too messy, but i always think it's just him getting out of bed and coming to work). He's not vain. Last year, with that ridiculous Flock of Seagulls thing they had to make out of the butchery he did for LAB, I'm just glad he looks normal now...

Edited by normasm
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Totally pissed that after having that obnoxious Mary Sue shoved down our throat for all of season 9 she ends up being featured rather prominently in the promo for the season premiere.Kate Callahan also seems like she is trying too hard to be part of the team,but maybe that is on purpose, sort of like how Emily was when she first joined the team.


I of course will wait for the actual episode before giving my final judgement in hopes that I actually end up liking it. Meanwhile it's my sincerest hope that we don't end up with the Kate Callahan and Jennifer Jareau show. 

Ugh... I'm still apprehensive any time they have that kid on the show. I hope they don't give him any speaking lines.

MMC brought this up in another thread: http://www.tvguide.com/News/Mega-Buzz-Good-Wife-Castle-Homeland-1086751.aspx


Didn't Erica or someone already say they weren't going to do the long villain arc again? Its something they have never been good at-- even the older writers weren't that great at it. The Reaper storyline, while packing a lot of emotional punch, was so full of plot holes it nearly made my head spin. The Doyle arc was so dreadful-- from horrible cliches, bad acting (at least from the chick playing Tsia), and just awful execution. They really dropped the ball on the conclusion to it. The Replicator story was also poorly done and it interfered with the regular cases and it was clear that they really didn't know how to do the story properly. Its just not something these writers are good at. They are not good with continuity and attention to detail-- and stories like that need those things.


I was hoping they learned their lesson and wouldn't try again. But, alas, they must not have any other ideas or something. I don't know... But I think it was stupid of them to do it again when they have failed at it every time. The thing is, I think maybe they don't realize that they failed at it. Ugh.


And I know I sound like a debbie downer, but I am just very apprehensive about all of this. I'm actually sort of looking forward to see what JLH brings to the table though.

Edited by zannej
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I thought the IDEA of the Replicator was interesting, but it completely fell apart at the end. I could drive a Mack truck through all the plot holes in the finale, and there were no realistic psychological underpinnings to his motivations either. I think that storyline was an example of them starting with an idea that sounded good, but they did zero actual planning to the story arc or map out an ending in advance that made any sort of sense. The Replicator made no sense at the end. So if this storyline is ANYTHING like that one, I will pass. However, if this storyline simply opens up a case that is unsolved and will be solved in a later episode, I am optimistic about that idea. It would be nice to see the team continue to build on a profile, because in reality, most serial killers don't devolve and start killing so many people in a short period of time like so many of the episodes depict. But I dearly hope this unsub has no ties to the team or makes it personal in any way, that it just takes multiple episodes for the team to build an accurate profile to catch him/her.

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Forever, I don't see how they could do a recurring character, unsub or not, that didn't have something to do with someone on the team, or the BAU as an entity at least.


I agree about all your points on the Replicator arc. It was going to have to do with Maeve and Reid, but TPTB seemed to decide MGG had too much attention that season, methinks...

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I like to watch his arm movements in it. LOL.

It is interesting how his dancing style has changed since his knee injury. He is much more careful about the way he puts his feet down.

He's always had an interesting dance style.


It would be funny if someone on the team had a dream where we got to see the dance styles of every character.

Edited by zannej
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Hmm.. I don't like that photo. I like symmetry and the different height levels not being as symmetrical is bugging me. Is it wrong that it bugs me that JLH doesn't have her right arm crossed over her left to mirror Matthew's left arm crossed over his right? AJ looks awkward/uncomfortable. Joe looks amused-- I actually like his posture.

That must be for a magazine shoot because I can't see that one making it as the one they put in the opening credits.

Hmm.. I don't like that photo. I like symmetry and the different height levels not being as symmetrical is bugging me. Is it wrong that it bugs me that JLH doesn't have her right arm crossed over her left to mirror Matthew's left arm crossed over his right?

I don't like it either, and irrationally it's because Hewitt's right out in front instead of stuffed into a corner a la Tripplehorn on the season nine box set.

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I like Matthew, both his positioning and his fucking awesome anchor sock. Love his 'mad scientist just had sex' hair, and his tentative smile, all very Spencer.


Kirsten is pouting.


Joe does look amused. 


Shemar looks intense.


JJ looks bored.


JLH looks positively morbid.


Thomas looks serious, though that's no surprise.

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JLH looks like she's trying to hide her middle. I wondered if that's why they have her seated, too, because she is quite pear-shaped from having a baby. I'm heavy myself, so I'm not criticizing, but it does seem as if they're hiding her middle the way an actress who is pregnant but her character isn't supposed to be is often hidden behind a big purse or holding a coat or something on TV. I'm just glad that Hotch is front and center. MGG is adorable but I really wish they would find some kind of hair style for him. Kirsten looks great.

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I agree with Lebanna that it looks like the photographer was either trying to hide "Garcia"'s girth, or her dress, or both. JLH looks uncomfortable, and, yes, is probably trying to hide a little leftover weight from the baby. (I'm certainly not criticizing either). 


But the one who looks weirdest of all to me is AJC, sitting way up high like a porcelain doll on a shelf, stiff and lifeless.


Oh, and Matthew's hair is perfect, do you hear me? Perfect!

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LOL. I think its AJ's posture and the way she's holding her arms with her elbows out as if they are akimbo but she's sitting and her hands are on her lap (I think) and it is so awkward. I can imagine she laughed afterward. Matthew is giving that look like someone who is posing for a picture and just waiting for the person to finish clicking. I really don't like how Morgan is hunched over. I don't know why. It just bugs me. And yeah, I think JLH was trying to hide the baby belly.

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