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Season 10 Spoilers, Speculation, and Stabs in the Dark!

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While I personally can't fathom

anyone struggling with saving Spencer's life for ANY reason, Garcie is much more a 'flower child' than I. I don't care about any of that, though. I'd much rather see Reid struggling through being shot in the neck and almost KILLED! Her angsty hand-wringing could be cured in one one-on-one with Morgan, if you ask me. Boom, done in one, and their whole dynamic would finally shift, as well.


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I do understand where you are coming from.


But remember now Garcia isn't professional trained in fire arms and this was the first time she ever had to shoot anyone.Also according to the spoiler a trip to Texas is suppose to help her deal with it. I definitely want to see more focus on Reid and Hotch too. 

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Stupid, cheesy, and overwrought? From one sentence? 


I'm fine with her having issues with it, although why aren't they talking about JJ's issues with her torture and lying (by omission) to Will about her miscarriage? Why aren't they talking about Spencer having continuing issues with his grief and his brush with death? As I see it, those are much more important life issues than Garcia losing it because she pulled the trigger on a bad guy who was about to murder her friend. I'm actually proud of her for doing that, as I'm sure Spencer is. That said, I do hope they resolve it quickly, since it seems to be a done deal. I feel I'd get bored seeing her whine about it for too long.   

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Yes, because Penelope is struggling SOOOOO much with this, she must return to Texas to resolve it, and can't just talk it out with her friends or a therapist. And considering how this show addresses personal issues, this just screams cheesy, overwrought and stupid from the description. Particularly with how Penelope is written so over the top these days. 

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Hmm, maybe cheesy... but "stupid"? As in completely without thought of any kind? And how do we know if it will be "overwrought" before we even see it? 


I may be wrong but I think they would give it a considerable amount of thought, considering it's pitched to every writer, the producers, and the showrunner... and then the network. Even if it isn't something you or I may specifically want to see, I don't see how it would be completely without thought.


Her returning to Texas I really don't get, unless her friends are so inured to shooting people in the line of duty that they can't understand her inner conflict. Maybe even though everyone's been patting her on the back, she still feels it wasn't right to take a life and she's trying other things to be able to come to grips with that. 

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I quite frankly do not understand why Garcia needs to go to Texas. Clearly whatever issues she may be having can be resolved with a pasta party at Rossi's.



Her returning to Texas I really don't get, unless her friends are so inured to shooting people in the line of duty that they can't understand her inner conflict. Maybe even though everyone's been patting her on the back, she still feels it wasn't right to take a life and she's trying other things to be able to come to grips with that. 

Except for the fact that Garcia may have shot the guy but she did not kill him.

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Stupid as in dumb, lacking in intelligence. The idea of Penelope struggling with shooting someone (though I personally thought the guy survived and didn't die, because I thought he was moving when Morgan arrived on the scene) is all right and fits with the character, but I have zero faith in the execution, and I don't like the description of how this will be dealt with. Not with the history of the pasta party, the ridiculousness of the fitness test, and so on. Ultimately it will come down to who is writing the episode, because some of the writers can handle this sort of thing better than the others.


If anyone could understand Penelope's struggle, it would be Reid. Yeah, he's killed way more people in the line of duty than your average FBI agent. But there was a time when he could barely shoot a weapon and he killed a man, because he had to, just like Penelope did. And he did have conflicting emotions about it. That's normal. That's natural when you have killed someone. And I think the way they handled it was good, with Gideon sitting him down and talking him through it. It felt real. I would actually cheer a serious conversation between Reid and Penelope over this, because that would feel authentic and likely, thoughtful and comforting. 


But no, it doesn't feel real that Penelope would be so overcome with grief that she would travel to Texas to unburden herself, because she killed a killer who was going to murder her good friend. Yeah, the execution of this storyline might be different, but it personally sounds stupid to me. What's she going to do? Talk to this guy's grave, assuming he really is dead? Talk to this guy's family and apologize about shooting their killer son/husband/whoever? 

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Apparently Kevin is going to be in some episodes soon. He apparently canceled some skype interview he was going to do because he's going to be on CM. So maybe Kevin will help console Garcia. I really do not want to see another moment of Morgan sitting her down and calling her "baby girl" and giving her some pep talk and curing whatever problem she has like he "cured" Reid's headaches.


And I hope that they actually have some repercussions with Reid having been shot for the third or fourth time. I think he may actually have been shot and grazed at the end of The Big Game because in an interview prior to season 5, Matthew mentioned Reid having been shot. He had that bloody smudge on his head. Now, he could have been bludgeoned, but I could see it making sense if Tobias had tried to shoot him and only grazed him so he decided to keep him alive longer.


But anyway, I hope they actually talk about Reid's physical recovery and that he's been having to take antibiotics and be careful not to move his neck too much or at least *something* to indicate that he's still affected.


I actually would like to see Hotch talk to Garcia about her stress over shooting the guy.


Given how they've written Garcia lately, I can see her being upset about having fired a gun at a human being even if it didn't kill the person. But really, it is sort of grating for her to be so .... I dunno what the word is...

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But anyway, I hope they actually talk about Reid's physical recovery and that he's been having to take antibiotics and be careful not to move his neck too much or at least *something* to indicate that he's still affected.


I thought it was interesting that, when they showed Reid undergoing surgery, it was in a completely different part of his body (just above the clavicle) from where his bandages ended up.  So, not only did they do surgery without intubating him, they bandaged the wrong part of his body afterwards.  Reid should sue.


I actually would like to see Hotch talk to Garcia about her stress over shooting the guy.


Amen, amen, amen.  She's a member of his team and, if she's stressed, he would notice.  In some ways, Morgan is too close to her to give adequate counsel.



She didn't kill the guy. She should confide in Reid and get her head on straight and start acting like a 41 year old woman.

I totally agree that it is well past time they allowed Garcia to start acting like an adult.  When she tried to step in after JJ was transferred, she showed us that she's capable of looking and acting mature, so obviously her persistent appearance and behavior are a conscious choice.  It might be an interesting running back story to find out why she hides behind her appearances (unless they showed it in the 'Black Queen' episode, which I have yet to watch).  As long as it was a back story, and not the theme of the episode, I would welcome it.


As to her confiding in Reid---that would be fine, and it would make sense.  And yet, for me, it always feels like they are marginalizing both characters when they put them together.  Probably because those scenes seem to be designed to go for humor, at the expense of the dignity of the character---the Dr. Who thing, the fitness test. 


It didn't feel like that back when Garcia reached out to Reid during his distress over Nathan.  That was a mature, solicitous interaction that made sense and deepened both characters as well as the relationship between them.  Now, whenever I see them having a scene together, I get ready to cringe.  Maybe the actors find it fun to bring some humor to the show, but I think it can be much more cleverly done, and not at the expense of the characters

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I don't think childish is exactly the right term-- or not what I was looking for. I was thinking something along the lines of weak or wussy-- but not quite. Pathetic maybe? She's a grown woman who supposedly helps counsel people in grief counseling yet she can't keep her shit together... She's been through enough stuff that she should be stronger than that. It really stands out as making her seem pathetic in comparison to superJJ.


So, we have "X", "Burn", and "A Thousand Suns". The last one involves a

plane crash

. Someone told me the lines in the script for the episode 3 said Reid and Kate were paired up at the crime scene.


Also, Virgil Williams is writing episode 6 (which Thomas is directing). Thomas and Matthew are both directing two episodes.

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Hmm, maybe cheesy... but "stupid"? As in completely without thought of any kind? And how do we know if it will be "overwrought" before we even see it? 


I may be wrong but I think they would give it a considerable amount of thought, considering it's pitched to every writer, the producers, and the showrunner... and then the network. Even if it isn't something you or I may specifically want to see, I don't see how it would be completely without thought.


Her returning to Texas I really don't get, unless her friends are so inured to shooting people in the line of duty that they can't understand her inner conflict. Maybe even though everyone's been patting her on the back, she still feels it wasn't right to take a life and she's trying other things to be able to come to grips with that. 

This can't be stupid when these same writers gave us 200? I'm not going to get in a wad about any spoilers. I will wait to watch the episodes and then decide whether they make sense, are well-written, etc. But I am never getting my hopes up about a CM episode again. These writers have burned me too many times for me to trust them again.

Daniel, Don't forget we also had a similar thing in the ridiculous episode with tornadoes.. What was that one called? There's No Place Like Home? I don't really remember. I just remember some dude walking in to a tornado. Probably the 2nd or 3rd most cheesy moment on the show EVER. The writer obviously never experienced anything close to tornado or hurricane weather.

Oh, my word YES! What a stupid episode that was.

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I have to admit that upon reading the description about Garcia my first thought was "that sounds stupid", but I am going to wait and see how the execution goes.


Also, as was mentioned in the Kate Callahan thread, it seems that JLH is giving a different spin on the character. She's not saying undercover-- she's saying criminal psychologist and that her character is "scrappy" and thinks she can take anyone. It reminds me a bit of Elle.


So there will be two female characters that are "badass" if they keep superJJ. I wonder if they will have tone JJ down because of it. In the last interview I saw, AJ seemed a bit more humble. Prior to "200" she seemed to be displaying a bit of ego and some attitude that I didn't really like, but I think it backfired on her.


I'm hoping they will actually focus on the whole team and maybe have more than one character try to console Garcia. I'd love to see Hotch talk about the first time he had to shoot someone and how it made him feel. they could do that with Morgan, but quite frankly, I don't care because I've had enough of him. A lot of the time when he is trying to relate to someone he doesn't come off as really sincere or empathetic. He comes off as more like he's telling someone to suck it up or that he's being dismissive.


When Hotch opens up, he tends to be more empathetic.

In response to this Penelope spoiler, it made me remember all the good Reid/Penelope scenes in early seasons. I used to love those two together, because they both brought out an interesting side to each other. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any mature and thoughtful scenes between the two of them since season four. The scenes that comes to mind in recent years are all jokey and immature, often infantilizing both of them. So if the writers decided to reverse course and bring back the thoughtful and sensitive Reid and Penelope scenes of old (I'm thinking of The Fisher King, Penelope, and especially, Sex, Birth and Death), I will cheer. It would be nice to see Reid comforting Penelope and talking her through any internal conflict she might have. The only other scene I might like is with Hotch. But if we get more Morgan or Penelope going all the way to Texas, I have a feeling I might be rolling my eyes. 

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Any hope for Season 10 getting better this was thrown our the window with this silly Garcia going to Texas feeling guilty about shooting that guy and saving Reid. Oh gosh, make me yawn.

And now this other spoiler.


Edited by IndependentMind

Any hope for Season 10 getting better this was thrown our the window with this silly Garcia going to Texas feeling guilty about shooting that guy and saving Reid. Oh gosh, make me yawn.

And now this other spoiler.



Yeah, I just read that spoiler and I rolled my eyes clear across the continent. To wit:


“You see [Kate] doing something you don’t see our team ever doing, which is schmoozing with a bad guy, working undercover to take a pedophile down,” show boss Erica Messer shares. “We’ve never seen our team pretend to like a criminal, so right off the bat she’s different in that way.”


Are you fucking kidding me? Does she have retrograde amnesia? Did she forget the entire Doyle arc, during which time she was the executive producer? Before that there's Outfoxed, Compromising Positions, Unknown Subject - these are just the ones about Prentiss, so they're the ones I remember, but I'm certain there must be a dozen other episodes where other members of the team pretend to "like" a criminal to take him down, because that's how you generate rapport and trust and all that. WTF, Erica. 


I wasn't expecting anything from the new seasons, but this is just ridiculous. 

  • Love 4

Yeah, I just read that spoiler and I rolled my eyes clear across the continent. To wit:


“You see [Kate] doing something you don’t see our team ever doing, which is schmoozing with a bad guy, working undercover to take a pedophile down,” show boss Erica Messer shares. “We’ve never seen our team pretend to like a criminal, so right off the bat she’s different in that way.”


Are you fucking kidding me? Does she have retrograde amnesia? Did she forget the entire Doyle arc, during which time she was the executive producer? Before that there's Outfoxed, Compromising Positions, Unknown Subject - these are just the ones about Prentiss, so they're the ones I remember, but I'm certain there must be a dozen other episodes where other members of the team pretend to "like" a criminal to take him down, because that's how you generate rapport and trust and all that. WTF, Erica. 


I wasn't expecting anything from the new seasons, but this is just ridiculous. 

I wonder about that myself sometimes. This is the same woman who said since Morgan was the last one to find out that Prentiss was still alive, it was fitting that he'd be the last one to dance with her at JJ's wedding.When in fact that wasn't the case at all. He found out the same time Garcia and Reid did.

Edited by missmycat
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And this is where it helps not a whit when people behind the scenes (read: showrunners) give interviews.Maybe Messer is taking a page out of Whedon's book (points at icon) and "giving viewers not what they want, but what they need." If that's the case, next season is really gonna have problems.We'll be lucky if we don't get Callahan training a bunch of potentials...er,newbie agents while giving lame speeches about how the mission comes first.

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Hewitt's here to revitalize the show in much the same manner that Ted Danson revitalized the original CSI, though I agree- I don't want any Kate Callahan power plays until at least Season 11. She's too new to be believably nipping at Hotch's heels, and, theoretically at least, if Hotch's role is in trouble, Morgan would have the inside track to replace him, not Callahan.

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Other examples of team members being nice to criminals as a trick: Reid with Diane, Reid with Teddy, Reid with Cyrus, Reid with Tobias, just to name a few. And Hotch pretended to understand the unsub in LDSK. And didn't Prentiss have to schmooze a little with Viper in 52 Pickup?


So yeah... 


It just convinces me even more that they absolutely need a new showrunner.

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Any stuff coming up for Spencer Reid on Criminal Minds-DD

The season ending shooting will have affected both Reid and Garcia more than either of them let on in the Oct. 1 premiere.

But over the course of the subsequent three episodes-including a Reid-centric episode 4-the show will surface their true feelings.

"It was a traumatic event" affirms show runner Erica Messer."It was certainly something Garcia's never done and certainly isn't use to"

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Has Breen given any hint to the title of the episode yet?


I saw in the link from which that spoiler was obtained that they gave away who the unsub is in episode 2 and what the motive is.. *sigh* Someone needs to bonk their press person on the head and tell them to STFU and stop giving too much away.


Whoever does the promo videos needs a good thwack upside the head with a shovel as well. They need to just show a tease and not give stuff away.


I have to admit that given how Erica only seems to actively mention Garcia, I don't think there is really a snowball's chance in Muspelheim that they will actually follow through on Reid stories-- at least not more than like 5 seconds or so or maybe just a single episode. And it will probably be cured with a pasta party or pep talk from someone and never mentioned again.


I do wonder if they are actually bothering to put a scar on his neck or if they don't really care about that.

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I suspect one of the reasons they can't show pics is because

the plane crash images might be too touchy with the real plane crash stuff going on right now


Also, I wasn't saying they said the finale would be "all about Reid". But someone on Twitter claimed that the episode was Reid-centric. But he was unconscious for quite a bit of it and when he was conscious he didn't get to contribute jack squat to the case and about the only thing he did was smack someone's hand, tell Garcia there was a gun, and at the end he said goodbye to Blake.

Edited by zannej
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True, and as much as I think Harry means well, I think he is not a good judge of whether something is or is not centric around a certain character. I mean, he thought the team got equal time in 200 didn't he? I could be wrong.


Oh man, the scene where Reid supposedly took a bullet for Blake... It was so badly filmed. He was up way too high. If he'd been crouched down at her level so that his neck was at her head level it would have worked, but noooo. They had him way up high. And Matthew can squat low-- just look at him on the Mexican TV show thing. 

  • Love 1

I suspect one of the reasons they can't show pics is because

the plane crash images might be too touchy with the real plane crash stuff going on right now


Also, I wasn't saying they said the finale would be "all about Reid". But someone on Twitter claimed that the episode was Reid-centric. But he was unconscious for quite a bit of it and when he was conscious he didn't get to contribute jack squat to the case and about the only thing he did was smack someone's hand, tell Garcia there was a gun, and at the end he said goodbye to Blake.

It was something Harry Bring implied on his twitter when some Reid fans tweeted him complaining about the lack of any Reid centric episodes

True, and as much as I think Harry means well, I think he is not a good judge of whether something is or is not centric around a certain character. I mean, he thought the team got equal time in 200 didn't he? I could be wrong.


Oh man, the scene where Reid supposedly took a bullet for Blake... It was so badly filmed. He was up way too high. If he'd been crouched down at her level so that his neck was at her head level it would have worked, but noooo. They had him way up high. And Matthew can squat low-- just look at him on the Mexican TV show thing. 

I think Harry's claim was that Hotch and Rossi got as much screen time as did JJ and Morgan. And I think we decided that technically he was right. Except that there was a huge difference in the quality of that screen time

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Here is what I think one possibility might be

The season ending shooting will have affected both Reid and Garcia-Reid's issue will probably be feeling extremely guilty over Garcia having been put in a position where she was force to shoot someone in order to save him. Meanwhile EM and company will probably just gloss over the fact that Reid himself was shot and nearly died.

Edited by missmycat
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Just leaving this here because I really like this picture for some reason. 



I like JLH's outfit and I like how Matthew is working on Shemar's shoulders. I also like the color of the police car. This little picture just shows some of the "family" bond between the cast that I want to see come across on screen.

Edited by zannej
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