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One Night Ultimate Werewolf (ONUW) Mafia Games

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Yeah, with our Dawn/Troublemaker (OB) being away from the game, there was no one to dispute the claim. The Doppleganger/Buffy was also unused. But the most amusing thing to me was the information about there being no Wolves in the game....came from the Minion. Not the most trustworthy source. Bob had y'all in a pretty good position, either going between a no-DL or gunning for him. Well played, Faith.

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So, 9 players?

  1. TCS
  2. Drogo
  3. MarkHB
  4. OB
  5. A1
  6. LC
  7. Jesse
  8. TJ
  9. Lisin

I'm thinking of a mix of the following roles:

  • Doppelganger
  • Mystic Wolf
  • Werewolf
  • Minion
  • Seer
  • Apprentice Seer
  • Robber
  • Witch
  • Troublemaker
  • Revealer
  • Hunter
  • and one other new role: the Paranormal Investigator.

The P.I. is interesting.  He can view the roles of up to two other players.  But there's a twist.  If he finds a Wolf (or Tanner, if in play), he becomes one himself, forfeiting his second investigation if he finds that one first.  So it's a double edged sword.

If everyone agrees, and there are no further players, roles will be going out shortly.

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And a list!! I'm pretty sure this is the right order. I went and checked an old game and though we have some new roles it looks like this is right. 

Roles were:

  1. Doppelganger - copies another role, and does that role's Night action immediately if there is one.
  2. Mystic Wolf - Only one so no night action (?)
  3. Werewolf - scrys on one other player's role
  4. Minion - sees who the members of the pack are (who the lone wolf is?)
  5. Seer - scry on one player, or two unclaimed roles.
  6. Apprentice Seer - scrys on one unclaimed role.
  7. Robber - can steal another players role
  8. Witch - can scry on one unclaimed role, but then must turn any player into that role if she does
  9. Troublemaker - can blindly swap any two other players
  10. Revealer -  Found a Wolf
  11. Hunter - Kills who he shoots
  12. Paranormal Investigator - He can view the roles of up to two other players.  But there's a twist.  If he finds a Wolf (or Tanner, if in play), he becomes one himself, forfeiting his second investigation if he finds that one first.  So it's a double edged sword.

Players are:

  1. TCS
  2. Drogo
  3. MarkHB
  4. OB
  5. A1
  6. LC
  7. Jesse
  8. TJ
  9. Lisin
Edited by Lisin
Rules and Roles aren't the same thing.
8 hours ago, MarkHB said:

Can you give us the order of night actions, or at least where the new role fits in the list?

Oops.  Sorry about that.  That said, Lisin was mostly right with one of her patent-pending listy-lists.  Here it is again with corrections to the powers and order.

2 hours ago, Lisin said:
  1. Doppelganger - copies another role, and does that role's Night action immediately if there is one.
  2. All Wolves - Identify other Wolves.  No additional action for standard Werewolves.
  3. Mystic Wolf - scrys on one other player's role
  4. Minion - sees who the members of the pack are (who the lone wolf is? yes)
  5. Seer - scry on one player, or two unclaimed roles.
  6. Apprentice Seer - scrys on one unclaimed role.
  7. Paranormal Investigator - He can view the roles of up to two other players.  But there's a twist.  If he finds a Wolf (or Tanner, if in play), he becomes one himself, forfeiting his second investigation if he finds that one first.  So it's a double edged sword.
  8. Robber - can steal another players role
  9. Witch - can scry on one unclaimed role, but then must turn any player into that role if she does
  10. Troublemaker - can blindly swap any two other players
  11. Revealer -  Found a Wolf (sees another player's role.  If a member of Team Village, role is revealed to all players at Daybreak)
  12. (No Night Action) Hunter - Kills who he shoots

Short answer is the Paranormal Investigator acts between the Apprentice Seer and the Robber, and the Revealer goes last (explaining the lingering magic in the air...)

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7 hours ago, The Crazed Spruce said:

Sooooooo..... if I'm catching what @Lisin's throwing out there, she was the apprentice seer (or maybe the witch), and found out that the regular werewolf wasn't in the game, leaving just the Mystic Wolf in play. 'Kay, then..

*glares at @Drogo*

You're sorta right, but I didn't find out anything about the wolf, I just know what role c was and who is that role now BUT the reason I said the thing about a lone wolf was because numbers wise if there are 9 of us and 12 roles for 3 unused roles a lone wolf made sense. Well, lone "normal" wolf. 

There's that c word again.

When you say c, which of these players do you mean?

And a list!! I'm pretty sure this is the right order. I went and checked an old game and though we have some new roles it looks like this is right. 

Roles were:

Doppelganger - copies another role, and does that role's Night action immediately if there is one.

Mystic Wolf - Only one so no night action (?)

Werewolf - scrys on one other player's role

Minion - sees who the members of the pack are (who the lone wolf is?)

Seer - scry on one player, or two unclaimed roles.

Apprentice Seer - scrys on one unclaimed role.

Robber - can steal another players role

Witch - can scry on one unclaimed role, but then must turn any player into that role if she does

Troublemaker - can blindly swap any two other players

Revealer -  Found a Wolf

Hunter - Kills who he shoots

Paranormal Investigator - He can view the roles of up to two other players.  But there's a twist.  If he finds a Wolf (or Tanner, if in play), he becomes one himself, forfeiting his second investigation if he finds that one first.  So it's a double edged sword.

Players are:










I didn't copy that top part just the player list... sorry 

I do know one thing without a shadow of a doubt. However he may have started the game, @Drogo's the Mystic Wolf. So no point putting this off....

1 to DL Drogo (TCS), 4 to *glare*

Feel free to keep the discussion going, I just wanted to make sure my vote was clear, 'cause that's the way it's gonna go regardless.

2 hours ago, aquarian1 said:

Is @Lady Calypso the only one we haven't heard from yet?

Oops! I guess so! I honestly have been forgetting to check here, so apologies! I've also really only played Mafia two or three times now, so I'm still getting used to roles and whatnot! 

So, from what I understand, Spruce is convinced that Drogo is the Mystic Wolf, I'm guessing because of his own role? 

Don't mind me as I blindly figure out what's going on here. Man, I should have participated in more of these games.

As for me, I honestly didn't do anything of importance. 

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