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True Blood Mafia

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@Athena The Villian team gets to communicate out of thread and decide who they want to kill. If your character PM listed you as a Hero or Townie, you have no control over who dies, but it should say in your PM if you have an "Powers", which equates to the night action I referenced above. If your character has an active power you need to send me your choice of how you would like to use that power, and if your power is dormant it should be inacted automatically.


I'll PM you more specific to your character though since it shouldn't be dicussed in thread.

  • Love 1

Day 2

Jason sauntered through town checking out all his options. It had been way to long since he'd been laid and he was due! From across the room he saw a tall lanky figure and his eyes were immediatly drawn that direction..humm something new he hadn't ever tried, this night should be fun! The two figures disappeared into the near by supply room and fell onto the conveniently stored bed there as we pan out on the two shadowed figures the nearby pianist in the bar starts playing...

By the light of the silvery moon
I want to spoon
To my honey, I'll croon love's tune
Honey moon, keep a-shinin' in June
Your silvery beams will bring love's dreams
We'll be cuddlin' soon
By the silvery moon


Pam saw the horde of Hep V vamps approaching the town and smiled. She had a plan..and this town wasn't going to know what hit it! She raised her voice "Tara your maker commands your presence!"
As Tara appeared unable to control her immediate response to be at her makers side she rolled her eyes, 'You know I really hate when you do that, you could have just called on the phone!"
    "This was quicker dear and I wouldn't get your lip this way." Smirked Pam
You see those mindless vamps there..we're going to have us a little game, it's called "I"m in control!"
Pam cast out her hands and enveloped the horde in a magical ball as she begin chanting

"Come little children, I’ll take thee away, Into a land of enchantment, Come little children, The time’s come to play, Here in my garden of shadows...

Follow, sweet children, I’ll show thee the way, Through all the pain and the sorrows, Weep not poor children, For life is this way, Murdering beauty and passions "

The Hep-V horde looked at Pam, the new midless drones that they'd just become, capable only of following her command.

Pam glanced at Tara, "see now that wasn't so hard after all."
Tara stared dumbfounded "...uhh since when are you capable of magic?"
"Since I decided that this game called for some, now don't question me!"
"uhh ok..weirdo.." Tara muttered

Now who shall we have a little fun with..hehehe Pam laughed.

The two women walked towards Bellflur's Bar and Grille, their new horde following them helplessly. As they approached they heard rustling in the bar of the bar, tara peered through a window..well now isn't this interesting...As she stared through the window she could see two figures completely wrapped in each other completely consumed by their lust and passion.

Pam came beside her well now "Brokeback got us good, don't it?"
Tara laughed and said what we were all thinking "I wish I knew how to quit you!"

As Pam looked on she said" yes this will do just fine"..and begin chanting again.
"Come little children the time's come to play take these two lovers, devour them! Come little children my controls all you have these two shall be the beginning of my salvation!"

As the horde engulfed the room the two lovers screamed, once the horde has consumed their pray all that remained were two beaten bloody bodies, nearly unrecognizable.


List of the Dead:

Curious Parker- Jason Stackhouse -  And Lover- Night one please send me the name of 1 player who will fall hopelessly in love with you for the remainder of the game..but be careful who you choose because this action will tie you two together, so that if one of you dies so will the other automatically. You will not be able to communicate with your lover outside the game thread though, but they will be advised of your connection just not who you are or what your role

Crazed Spruce - Sam Merlotte - - Tracker Each night you may pick one person and follows them. You will see everyone who your target visits and receive back a list of names. You will not know what actions they committed only who they visited.


The Living (or undead in some cases) :

1. jessied112
2. Athena
3. Dougal
4. MarkHB
5. stacey
6. TJtrack99
9. egavasc
10. SVNBob
11. TMunz
12. caprice


48 Hours for day! To those dead people..DO NOT start communicating with others still in the game unless you recieve something from me saying you can!


Oh right..and there was 1 clue in this story.

Edited by RebelliousAngel

I'm a bit fearful, two out of five PTV mods playing taken out the first night? Should I be worried?


I've read the story a couple (of dozen) times. I think I'll come back with fresh eyes in the morning. That might help? By the Light of the Silvery Moon, that's all I came up with, which makes me think of Jimmy Stewart and It's A Wonderful Life, and...


Yeah, I got nothing.

  • Love 1

....Mod is confused as to where the Jessica Alba Reference comes from.' Splain Lucy! ;)



*floats in*


I'm thinking he just wants to make out with Jessica Alba. :)


*floats out*

Yeah, pretty much... if you're writing stories that come true, I'm putting in a request.  It's pretty basic and carnal; no hidden meanings to look for, I promise ;).


I still have no idea on the story, though.

  • Love 1

Yeah, pretty much... if you're writing stories that come true, I'm putting in a request.  It's pretty basic and carnal; no hidden meanings to look for, I promise ;).


I still have no idea on the story, though.

Oh, if we're going there, I could come up with a request or two, myself!

I have nothing. Well, for the story... I have sorrow that we lost two heroes so quickly... although strangely beautifully. Did anyone think to get video???

  • Love 1

So my niece and nephew stayed overnight this past weekend (ages 9 and 5), and they got to pick out breakfast cereal for Sunday morning. Nephew A chose Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Niece K chose plain Cheerios.


A had 4 bowls of cereal on Sunday morning. K had 1 bowl of cereal. When I offered to send the cereal home, K looked at the boxes and said, 'No thanks. Mama won't like it, those aren't ORGANIC.'


Swear to god, next time they stay over, I'm going to pump them full of caffeine and sugar.


(Does this count as fun humor?)

  • Love 1

Fun and ghostly humor is always welcome! :)


Per your request:


Q: Why are ghosts so bad at lying?


Because you can see right through them!


Q: What is a vampire’s favorite fruit?


A nectarine!


Q:  How do undertakers speak?




Q:  What day of the week do ghosts look forward to?




Q:  What did one ghost say to the other when they fell down?


I got a booo booo.


Q:  What do ghosts dance to?


Soul music.


Ok.  I'll stop now.  Credit where credit is due.


(Does this count as fun humor?)

It does! However I'd rather keep the humor to the night and have game discussion during the day and try to be productive..


Per your request:

While I do appericate the humor (it was good I giggled!), I prefer the day time stay to game discussions and just the occosuinal ghostly float in..


And I only say this because there's been so little game discussion. Come on guys my clue wasn't that hard and there other thigns to look at to determine who to trust and not to trust.

Posting style, reactions to the deaths, differences in play style between the games we've had here.

*meekly* Sorry, @RebelliousAngel!


So, in looking at everyone's handles here, @Athena's stuck out to me. We all know Athena is a Greek goddess - this line stuck out at me on Wikipedia - "Athena is portrayed as a shrewd companion of heroes and is the patron goddess of heroic endeavor."


Now, that seems to me that it could be a reverse sorta clue? Given the attention in the story on Pam and Tara, could Athena be Tara? This is obviously far from a heroic endeavor, and I wouldn't call Tara shrewd. But given the hints that Reb likes to do things a little different...

And I only say this because there's been so little game discussion. Come on guys my clue wasn't that hard and there other thigns to look at to determine who to trust and not to trust.

Posting style, reactions to the deaths, differences in play style between the games we've had here.

"Wasn't that hard?" Easy for you to say, Reb! ;)


Well, if we're going there.... I'm noticing the people who haven't posted, namely: TJtrack99SVNBob and TMunz.


A little Google-fu tells me that SJP sang that song in Hocus Pocus, which came out in 1993, which... "99." TJ?

"Wasn't that hard?" Easy for you to say, Reb! ;)


True...valid point. But my clues are not TJ weaving names into the paragraphs and having to piece together his morris code hard! lol

Still love you TJ you're clues are just crazy hard..want to give me hints and tips on how you do that? :)


Sorry guys I wasn't trying to be mean..I just get fustrated when I work so hard trying to set up a game and then it feels like no one wants to put in the effort to play it.

Also I'm sad that Spruce died so early cause I was excited to see how that power palyed out.

  • Love 1

Sorry I haven't posted, been working on the clue(s?). The first part (that stood out to me) does seem to be By the Light of the Silvery Moon and the second part seems to be Come Little Children, harder to link to because of the mystery of who really wrote it. Of course, the largely obvious connection would be that, as caprice pointed out, Sarah Jessica Parker sang the second one in Hocus Pocus...but CuriousParker is dead and a Hero. Alas.


Knowing Reb a little bit, one or both could just be her having fun with the spooky theme. If I had to pick one out as a clue, I'd go with the Silvery Moon. (It is in its own paragraph, for example, as a possible signal that 'Here's the clue'.) And Doris Day sang the song in the movie of the same name, and she worked a small bit with Bob Hope...


Could be just me, but I also wonder how the heck you'd make a clue for egavasc, and her post

There's a clue in there?


just feels...off to me. Can't explain it. ('Course, Dougal said almost the same thing, so I suppose if I were suspicious of one then I should be of both.)


And finally:

which came out in 1993, which... "99." TJ?


Does this mean I am to blame for EVERYTHING from the '90's!? ;-)

be Come Little Children, harder to link to because of the mystery of who really wrote it. Of course, the largely obvious connection would be that, as caprice pointed out, Sarah Jessica Parker sang the second one in Hocus Pocus...but CuriousParker is dead and a Hero. Alas.



The Parker part may be dead but the focus might be on the Jessica or Jessie. jessied112?

Edited by TMunz

Knowing Reb a little bit, one or both could just be her having fun with the spooky theme. If I had to pick one out as a clue, I'd go with the Silvery Moon. (It is in its own paragraph, for example, as a possible signal that 'Here's the clue'.) And Doris Day sang the song in the movie of the same name, and she worked a small bit with Bob Hope.

If he were in this particular movie, it'd be a better case for a clue. But just the fact those two crossed paths professionally as a clue is more up your own alley, TJ. Reb's clues tend to be a little simpler than your esoterica.

In any case it doesn't matter because I am a hero. It's not pointing to me. Who it is pointing to, if it is indeed a clue, I have no idea.

Reb might extend Day time for us to complete a David Lynch if one gets started. But there's no guarantee she will.

Edited by SVNBob
  • Love 1

Reb might extend Day time for us to complete a David Lynch if one gets started. But there's no guarantee she will.

I can agree to this..since there is active discussion going on now, and since I did extend night for everyone to get actions in. I won't have access to a computer after 5:30 today (CST), so..if nothings done before then..ya'll can take the long holkiday weekend and day will end 8:30 am (Rebel time)Monday.

If you have a lynch before 5:30 my time (in 3.5 hours), then we'll close out day and have a long night. :)

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