MarkHB September 3, 2014 Share September 3, 2014 * Tries to scare the living into doing something * 3 Link to comment
TJtrack99 September 3, 2014 Share September 3, 2014 * Tries to scare the living into doing something * I already shot a ghostly arrow at them to do the same. Come on, Heroes! We believe in you! Do it for SamBro! 4 Link to comment
JayKay September 3, 2014 Share September 3, 2014 I'm gonna go with my gut. I still think it's Athena. The story title "Death Takes A Holiday" was strange to me because death didn't take a holiday - people still died that night. I'll have to go back through and put other evidence from the stories together tonight and gauge what others think. I haven't gotten anything out of the latest story but I haven't really looked closely yet. 1 Link to comment
Athena September 3, 2014 Share September 3, 2014 Well, I'm not going to name myself. I do have my eyes on you JayKay. Since CuriousParker started the vote on Biz, I need to be wary of her too. Sorry, CP! 1 Link to comment
JayKay September 3, 2014 Share September 3, 2014 I'm a little frightened! Can the bar be moved to a nice, safe bunker somewhere tonight? Link to comment
Guest September 3, 2014 Share September 3, 2014 I've been hesitant to respond after I TOTALLY messed up last time and pushed for Biz. This time, I'll follow someone else's lead. Link to comment
JayKay September 4, 2014 Share September 4, 2014 Wow, going back through the thread feels like opening a cold case. Okay, here's what I've cobbled together on Athena: Night 1 clue: Jo called Jeremy a "wise boy" and Athena is the Goddess of wisdom. Night 2 clue: "Slitted eyes glared at the Original vampire as the man in question seemed to sense a whole lot of anger coming from him. Very angry, he decided as he saw Lucifer's eyes practically glow red." Lot of focus on eyes, and Athena had recently changed her icon to Death's eye from The Sandman comics. Night 3 clue: The title was "Death Takes a Holiday" but egavasc (as Katherine) died that night. There was no holiday, so why the title unless it's a clue? Purely circumstantial: Athena was super pro David lynching BizBuzz, as well as being basically her arch nemesis for the whole game (lol). If Biz had died earlier, it would have made Athena look suspicious - which would have been counterproductive since Biz didn't have something solid on her. That's my bit, what do you guys think? I will put up the first vote if it's worth pursuing. Athena, I really hope you're a Villain because I'll feel awful if you're a Hero. Hopefully you're superduper puppy-kicking evil. 1 Link to comment
Athena September 4, 2014 Share September 4, 2014 Wow, going back through the thread feels like opening a cold case. Okay, here's what I've cobbled together on Athena: Night 1 clue: Jo called Jeremy a "wise boy" and Athena is the Goddess of wisdom. Night 2 clue: "Slitted eyes glared at the Original vampire as the man in question seemed to sense a whole lot of anger coming from him. Very angry, he decided as he saw Lucifer's eyes practically glow red." Lot of focus on eyes, and Athena had recently changed her icon to Death's eye from The Sandman comics. Night 3 clue: The title was "Death Takes a Holiday" but egavasc (as Katherine) died that night. There was no holiday, so why the title unless it's a clue? Purely circumstantial: Athena was super pro David lynching BizBuzz, as well as being basically her arch nemesis for the whole game (lol). If Biz had died earlier, it would have made Athena look suspicious - which would have been counterproductive since Biz didn't have something solid on her. That's my bit, what do you guys think? I will put up the first vote if it's worth pursuing. Athena, I really hope you're a Villain because I'll feel awful if you're a Hero. Hopefully you're superduper puppy-kicking evil. All of this circumstantial. EYES?! As for Biz, she was gunning for me. I only lynched her after she set upon me for no reason. She had even less reasons so we were rightly suspicious. Biz just hates me. Link to comment
BizBuzz September 4, 2014 Share September 4, 2014 *floats in* ::giggles:: at Athena *floats out* 5 Link to comment
RebelliousAngel September 5, 2014 Author Share September 5, 2014 Wow, going back through the thread feels like opening a cold case. Okay, here's what I've cobbled together on Athena: Night 1 clue: Jo called Jeremy a "wise boy" and Athena is the Goddess of wisdom. Night 2 clue: "Slitted eyes glared at the Original vampire as the man in question seemed to sense a whole lot of anger coming from him. Very angry, he decided as he saw Lucifer's eyes practically glow red." Lot of focus on eyes, and Athena had recently changed her icon to Death's eye from The Sandman comics. Night 3 clue: The title was "Death Takes a Holiday" but egavasc (as Katherine) died that night. There was no holiday, so why the title unless it's a clue? Purely circumstantial: Athena was super pro David lynching BizBuzz, as well as being basically her arch nemesis for the whole game (lol). If Biz had died earlier, it would have made Athena look suspicious - which would have been counterproductive since Biz didn't have something solid on her. That's my bit, what do you guys think? I will put up the first vote if it's worth pursuing. Athena, I really hope you're a Villain because I'll feel awful if you're a Hero. Hopefully you're superduper puppy-kicking evil. It's the best we've got and @athena has been comming up all game mayb it's time to do something about it.. *scared* 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso September 6, 2014 Share September 6, 2014 Ok, well if you guys want to do a lynch,. I'll give you until Sunday to get it done. I was waiting for you guys to start one and I'm busy all day tomorrow, but I have Sunday free. So, that means you got less than 48 hours to decide. Make the right choice, everyone. You never know what will happen next... .... actually, I don't even know. 1 Link to comment
JayKay September 6, 2014 Share September 6, 2014 How many votes would it take to go through? Three or four? I'll have to edit if I messed up but: 1 Athena (JayKay) 3 to start up the woodchipper 1 Link to comment
MarkHB September 6, 2014 Share September 6, 2014 * Floats in * Yes, there are 6 living so it takes 4 to lynch. * Floats out * 1 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom September 6, 2014 Share September 6, 2014 Al, wait up! *still struggling with this floating thing, it's almost as bad as high heels...* 1 Link to comment
BizBuzz September 6, 2014 Share September 6, 2014 *floats in* ah yes... *floats out* Link to comment
Athena September 6, 2014 Share September 6, 2014 I'm not going to stand by while you kill me based on the most circumstantial evidence. I'm not great at looking for clues, but I looked back at the lynches. JayKay was sure about egavasc when she was a hero and her lynch resulted in her being a Serial Killer and at least one Hero death. I think a similar case can be made that JK is wrong again here. CuriousParker also seemed very sure about Biz and they haven't said anything either... Link to comment
Guest September 6, 2014 Share September 6, 2014 I'll back you up JayKay. 2 Athena (JayKay, CuriousParker) 2 to hope we get it right this time. Link to comment
RebelliousAngel September 6, 2014 Author Share September 6, 2014 If this is wrong we may be done for anyways so ... 3 Athena (JayKay, CuriousParker, RA)1to hope we get it right this time Link to comment
TJtrack99 September 6, 2014 Share September 6, 2014 Al, wait up! *still struggling with this floating thing, it's almost as bad as high heels...* Just think of a wonderful thought! Yes, any happy little thought! 2 Link to comment
JayKay September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 Gyaaa unless SVNBob or Dougal chime in, looks like we might be up crit peek without a shaddle. Link to comment
halgia September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 Aaaaah decisions, decisions. I'll be back in a bit with either a vote or reasoning not to.... Link to comment
halgia September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 I looked for clues but nothing's really jumping out. So I see two possible scenarios here: [a] Athena is a villain. Since presumably other villains wouldn't be hopping on the train to Twin Peaks at this point, JK/CP/RA are probably heroes, and since I know I am that means SVNBob is probably the other villain. If we send her off with Zen (the skill to catch a killer), we probably win; if we do nothing (which seems like the only other thing that could happen unless someone comes up with a strong clue), after the night we go to either 2-3 or 3-2 and gain very little information. Athena is a hero, and probably two or three of JK/CP/RA are villains. Both JK/CP have championed Elephant Man-ing heroes, but that could equally be well-intentioned mistakes (like mine was against Biz) as deception. If we give Athena the helium, we immediately go to 2-3 or 3-2, and after night probably 1-3 or 2-2, meaning we probably lose. If we do nothing, after night we probably get either 2-3 or 3-2 and gain very little information. I don't see the do-nothing scenario in either case working out well for us. So, fuck it, let's go all in and see which way it goes: 4 Athena (JayKay, CuriousParker, RA, Dougal) 0 to turn her into the owl lady 2 Link to comment
Athena September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 I'll have my usual whisky neat, but a double shot for my last corporeal performance in this game. 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 Ah, awesome! A lynch! Ok, so I've had a pretty crappy day. My first day to finally relax after a stressful week, and with school tomorrow, I thought today would be awesome but I've spent the whole day trying to find a book that I ordered that did not come in with my other two books. So...that's a big problem and I am legit drinking my stress away at the moment. So, the story could come today, or it could come tomorrow, I'm not sure. So, come drink away with me (I guess figuratively in your case) and enjoy the open bar, which only has limited drinks, seeing as it's not yet night time. So, enjoy either red wine, Corona or a martini. Link to comment
SVNBob September 8, 2014 Share September 8, 2014 Not that it's necessary, but 5 Athena (JayKay, CuriousParker, RA, Dougal, SVNBob) -1 to complete the side. Link to comment
TJtrack99 September 8, 2014 Share September 8, 2014 Well if we have a limited bar, I'll take a Corona. *readies another ghostly arrow pending the results of the Day* Link to comment
MarkHB September 9, 2014 Share September 9, 2014 I'll go for a martini. Here's to a hopefully successful David Lynching! Link to comment
caprice September 9, 2014 Share September 9, 2014 *wanders in* I'll have a coke, thanks. *pulls flask from pocket* So.... I know this game is still going, but I thought I'd let y'all know that I'm toying with a game idea. 8 Link to comment
MarkHB September 10, 2014 Share September 10, 2014 * floats in * * leaves coffee pot and Alka-Seltzer for mod * * Leaves well-worn copy of "Floating for Dummies" for Betty * * Drinks martini * * Floats out * 3 Link to comment
Lady Calypso September 10, 2014 Share September 10, 2014 Working on the story now. It's been a busy couple of weeks for me but I'm finally starting to settle down. Link to comment
MarkHB September 10, 2014 Share September 10, 2014 Folks, we've apparently done it... I'm seeing an ad for a liquor store in Fremont, California on this page! 4 Link to comment
photo fox September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 I'm seeing an ad for a wine bar. Lol Link to comment
BizBuzz September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 *floats in* Is there AA in the netherworld? I drink way too much at night. *floats out* Link to comment
Lady Calypso September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 Ah goddamnit. So, I got super jam packed with school things yesterday and I might be busy again today. Luckily, tomorrow I only have one class so if anything, the story will be up then. You guys are so super patient with me. I'm still waiting for pitchforks and tomatoes for all these super long delays on stories, though. 1 Link to comment
caprice September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 Pitchforks? We're all too busy drinking! 1 Link to comment
TJtrack99 September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 I'm still waiting for pitchforks and tomatoes for all these super long delays on stories, though. As Mitch Hedberg points out (*contains some language), that may not always be the best solution... Link to comment
BizBuzz September 15, 2014 Share September 15, 2014 *floats in* *floats out* 10 Link to comment
MarkHB September 15, 2014 Share September 15, 2014 * floats in to scare mod into action * * looks around * * Says, "Screw it!" * * Steals gin * * Floats out * 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso September 15, 2014 Share September 15, 2014 ...whoops? I forgot to write a story? I took the weekend to relax and organize myself for the rest of my semester and then...I just...forgot about this little story. Whoopsie daisie? I won't make any promises on a story, because it seems like I never finish it when I say I am. So, be surprised when it does come up. 3 Link to comment
JayKay September 15, 2014 Share September 15, 2014 That's fine by me, considering today's my irl birthday. I made it. I made it! No cruel twist of fate swooped in to end my fictional life the day my actual life began. 4 Link to comment
Guest September 15, 2014 Share September 15, 2014 Happy Birthday, JayKay! Link to comment
MarkHB September 16, 2014 Share September 16, 2014 Happy birthday Jaykay! 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso September 16, 2014 Share September 16, 2014 Happy birthday JayKay! And just for your birthday present, I am currently working on the story just for you! 5 Link to comment
caprice September 16, 2014 Share September 16, 2014 Happy birthday, JayKay! 1 Link to comment
JayKay September 16, 2014 Share September 16, 2014 Aw, thanks, guys! Happy birthday JayKay! And just for your birthday present, I am currently working on the story just for you!Wait, is this a threat? Haha. Link to comment
formerlyfreedom September 16, 2014 Share September 16, 2014 Happy birthday, JayKay! From beyond the grave... 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso September 16, 2014 Share September 16, 2014 Night Five: Happy Birthday JayKay! The silence in the house was deafening as Castiel and John stepped into it, Bobby and Ellen not far behind. Cas knew that Bonnie was in trouble; he could feel it in the air and as soon as he saw the bright light come from the top level, he knew the witch did something powerful and dangerous. John held his gun out in front of him, his eyes trained around as Ellen and Bobby cleared the first floor. Cas and John moved upstairs quickly and quietly, as he listened for any sign of movement from upstairs. There was none though and it worried him. He had a feeling who could be up there, but he didn't want to believe that someone could be back from Hell. But from everything he had been hearing the last couple of days with so much death and destruction outside of what was going on with the group he was with, who else could it be? After everything that he's heard and seen, it wasn't out of the realm of possibilities for Lucifer to be back. These fears were kept to himself, though. He didn't want to worry anyone and they were all too busy with other things anyway. Cas followed behind John as he finally paused, grabbing John's arm. The other man gave him a stern look but Cas just shushed him. He could hear movement now coming from the room to the left of them. He gestured toward the door and John nodded, walking to it and opening it. When Cas walked inside, he could feel the hurt radiating in the room. He could see many fallen demons. His eyes fell upon the one that he had been afraid to accept. Despite having a different host, he knew right away who it was. He was no Mark Pellegrino but he knew he was Lucifer. He gritted his teeth as the fallen leader was standing up, his eyes dark and cold. His eyes caught glimpse of the other man he hadn't seen in days. Dean Winchester was sitting up and it just riled his blood more. He liked Dean a lot more than most people nowadays; despite being an angel, he even had his favourites and Dean was the closest person he had, so seeing him with black eyes was not comforting at all. "That little witch had some power; I'll give her this much, but she took me by surprise," Lucifer stated, gesturing to the fallen witch by the window. John stood by Cas, his eyes steeled but Cas could sense the urgency and fear, especially when looking at his demonic son. Dean seemed to show no recognition toward them. Whether he was hiding it or he really didn't know, Cas wasn't completely sure. Who knew what kind of mojo was placed on him. Lucifer noticed the three looking at each other and just smiled. "Ah, I'm in the middle of a reunion right now between father, son and lover," he said. Cas ignored the intentional dig as he kept his eyes on Dean. He didn't give Lucifer the satisfaction of speaking, nor did John. Lucifer's smile dropped from his face slightly as he took a step forward. "Cat got your tongue now? Come on, go say hello, cry about how lonely your lives have been without him. Johnny Boy, you should show your son some affection, now that he's all you got left," he said. John made no movement, staying right in place. Smart man, Cas decided. He knew Lucifer wasn't going to be happy and he definitely wasn't. "Fine. Skip the boring fluffy moments and we'll skip to the action. Dean, go kill them," he said as he handed him an angel blade. Cas knew that even as a human, Dean didn't miss and with him having much more power, there was little chance to survive. With only a look at John, they seemed to be on the same wavelength and they turned and left the room, with Dean quickly following behind. Lucifer's laugh carried through the house. Cas just kept John in front of him as they ran down the stairs. He knew he could at least hold Dean off for a bit. The two stopped at the door, which was suddenly locked shut. Damnit Lucifer, he thought as he turned to Dean, whose eyes were dark as they stared right at them. "Dean, you do not have to do this," he said to the man. John held his gun high, trained on his son. Dean took a step forward as Cas held his ground. John's eyes flickered as he leaned toward Cas. "Back door," he whispered and Cas nodded, his eyes traveling to the kitchen area and the two turned, running into it, knowing that Dean would still try to kill. Once they were in the kitchen, they booked it to the laundry room with Dean hot on their trail. However, Dean was halted just before the door as he looked at them in confusion. Bobby and Ellen popped out from behind the door, Bobby chanting loudly as Dean looked down, seeing the Devil's Trap below him. Dean looked up at Cas, anger in his eyes as the chanting continued. "Let me out of here!" Dean roared, the dark voice causing even Cas to flinch. It didn't take long for Dean to be on the ground, Cas trying to block this scene out. He didn't think it would hurt so much. He was an angel; he wasn't supposed to be feeling this way. He turned away, closing his eyes tightly just as the chanting slowly came to a close and all was silent. The Deceased:MarkHB: Sam Winchester- HERO. You are looking for Dean; you can send in a name of a player each night and you will only be told if the player is or is not Dean. Once found, you must make the decision on whether to spare his life or to kill him for the greater good.The Crazed Spruce: Klaus Mikaelson- VILLAIN. Unfortunately for you, you're mostly just passing by in town so you don't have any concrete powers, but you are able to communicate with your fellow villains.TJTrack99: Jeremy- HERO and Ghost Whisperer. You can communicate with the officially dead players to ask them one question, and one question only, but this only lasts when you’re alive.Photo fox: Stefan Salvatore- HERO and SACRIFICAL LAMB. You would do anything for your friends. You must use your power once to save one person whose life may be in danger. But be careful; this is a gamble and it could mean your own death in the process. Are you willing to chance a sacrifice for those who you love?Lisin: Jo Harvelle- HERO and Vigilante. You’re angry at your death by the hands of Lucifer and his dogs. In response, you can choose one person to aim your shotgun at. The tricky part is knowing who you’re shooting and whether it’s an ally or not.Egavasc: Elena/Katherine- Hero/Serial Killer. You are a good person, inherently trying to do the right thing, but there are others plans in store for you. There’s one female who is up to no good, who has a plan and has been lurking. You still have the remnants of Katherine possessing you and upon your death, she shall be released and you will become Katherine, the main villain and serial killer. You will be able to make your own separate kills as well.Stacey: Kevin Tran- Hero and Reader. You can send one name of a player to find out who they are.BizBuzz: Damon Salvatore- Hero. You can communicate with Bonnie’s player due to their connection with dying together.TMunz: Bonnie Bennett- Hero. You can communicate with Damon's player. The Living:AthenaRebelliousAngelCuriousParkerDougalSVNBobJayKay Ok, so I had to wrap this up because I'm just about to leave to catch a bus to go back to my apartment. But trust me, all will be revealed about Athena's supposed lynch, unless you've already figured it out. Honestly, I didn't really have time to put a clue in the story but maybe I added one subconsciously? So if you find a clue, good for you. But I didn't really think about one. Ok, happy birthday JayKay. Ok, bye. 1 Link to comment
MarkHB September 16, 2014 Share September 16, 2014 ...and with that, the supply truck has arrived and the now fully-stocked bar is open! Just in time, too, 'cause the poor impoverished college student only had the cheap-ass bottom-shelf well gin here for her martinis. I'll have a Manhattan, made the real way, with rye. 3 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom September 16, 2014 Share September 16, 2014 *floats in, stashes a bottle of gin in her pocket, and snags a bottle of whiskey as she floats out the window* Thanks for the book, Al! 2 Link to comment
photo fox September 17, 2014 Share September 17, 2014 *floats in, rattles about until finding a bottle of tequila, floats out* 2 Link to comment
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