Athena July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 Oh gosh, @BizBuzz Are there olive trees in Wisconsin?! Link to comment
BizBuzz July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 Oh gosh, @BizBuzz Are there olive trees in Wisconsin?! Hmmm, according to this and this, yes my dear, olive trees do grow in Wisconsin. You know I luv ya, right? ::giggle:: 3 Link to comment
photo fox July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 I'd really like to be bold - heroes are bold! - and David Lynch somebody right away, but the only likely candidate is @The Crazed Spruce, and that just seems mean. (Heroes are also compassionate.) ;-) 2 Link to comment
JayKay July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 When is nightfall? I'm nervous. 1 Link to comment
BizBuzz July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 Don't ask me why, but I decided to count each comment since the story: Athena ***stacey *******egavasc *Lisin ***RebelliousAngelphoto fox ****The Crazed Spruce *BizBuzz ****MarkHB **TJtrack99 ***CuriousParker **Dougal *TMunzSVNBobJayKay ***** In my family, we have a belief system that the guilty party always speaks up first and the loudest ... hmmmm And yet, we haven't heard anything from TMunz, SVNBob or RebelliousAngel ... hmmmm again What could it all mean??? Link to comment
halgia July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 (suddenly relieved that I weighed in) I really don't think we have any clear enough clues to go off for a David Lynch, but now in the future we have some idea about who to watch. When does night fall ? 1 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 Hmm, differing schools of thought, of course. Who speaks the most, who speaks the least (or not at all)... Of course, it may just be because I'm naturally chatty...or I may be EVUL!!!! But I'm not. I'm 100% hero.... 2 Link to comment
photo fox July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 Somebody ^^^ practically lives in Wisconsin. Just sayin'. 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 Ah, ok, so I'll say that the day is now closed. It'll take me some time to write the night story, so give it a couple of hours and it should be up. If I don't get it out tonight though for whatever reason, expect it in the morning for sure. 4 Link to comment
The Crazed Spruce July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 I haven't said anything because I really don't have anything to add. I haven't really had a chance to analyze the story for clues, and even if I did, I don't exactly have a great track record for finding them. Don't mistake my silence for guilt, because I'm not a villain. And it took me so long to type that response on my tablet that day was called before I posted. *sigh* I need a new laptop..... 1 Link to comment
BizBuzz July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 Now that it's night time ... Does the drinking start? That is the real reason I joined this game ... Who is the bartender? 1 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 Step up to the bar, @BizBuzz! What's your poison? :) Link to comment
Lisin July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 I'll take a Jack and Ginger when we figure out who the bartender is! Make it a double :P 1 Link to comment
photo fox July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 Anybody know how to make a chocotini? 1 Link to comment
Athena July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 Someone told me last game the drinks are served by the house elves. Champagne cocktail please. 2 Link to comment
MarkHB July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 I'll start with a Rum and Moxie, please! 1 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 Um, okay, I can 'make' beer. Like, pour it in a glass. And open wine bottles. With screw tops... 1 Link to comment
BizBuzz July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 Malibu Coconut Rum on the Rocks please... 1 Link to comment
halgia July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 (edited) In that case, whip me up a Dogfish 90-minute, please, @stacey. ETA: on second thought, maybe "whip" was a poor choice of words. :p Edited July 24, 2014 by Dougal 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 (edited) Night 1: Night of the Living Dead Mystic Falls, Virginia Stefan sat across from the two women, whose names they learned as Jo and Ellen. "How did you get here anyway? You say that you...died in Missouri?" he asked. Jo nodded as she got up to pace the room, her arms crossed. "We don't know how we got all the way over here. I just remember a fiery explosion and then we were here," Ellen answered calmly, her hands clamped together as her eyes followed her daughter's frantic movements. "All we need to do is get ahold of Sam and Dean. They'll know what's going on," Jo said quickly. Elena frowned as she leaned against the wall. "But wait, this makes no sense. You guys are human and are somehow alive again? I mean, the Other Side is for supernaturals so if they had abilities, it would make sense that what we did somehow screwed things up. But this is different." Jeremy re-entered the room with two glasses of water as he handed it to the females. Jo just muttered a 'thanks' as she took it. "We don't know what this Other Side is; we just know that we were clearly dead and now we're not," Ellen said. "Does that mean that other dead people are rising again?" Jeremy couldn't help but ask. Elena's eyes fell upon her brother's, hope springing into them. Clearly her mind was back on Damon. "The only thing we need to figure out is the how." Stefan twiddled his thumbs nervously. "Well, if you say these Winchesters can help, then maybe we should start searching. But first, we should try to get some sleep. We can start in the morning," he suggested. Jo opened her mouth to protest and not even a look from her mother could shut her up. "We should go looking for them now. Last time I remember, they were living in our friend, Bobby's place so we can start there," Jo said. Ellen shook her head at her daughter but Jo was already halfway out the door. She seemed to want to follow but Jeremy was already moving in the direction. "I'll try to talk to her. Maybe a stranger like me can help," he suggested. Ellen didn't look pleased but she nodded. Jeremy met up with Jo, who was trying to break into Elena's car. "Hey, Jo right?" he asked. She turned, a glint in her eyes. "Listen, I know it's a tough time for you right now, with being resurrected and all. I know you want answers that you just don't have at the moment. I-I understand how you feel," he said slowly. Jo narrowed her eyes in confusion. "And how would you know?" she asked. Jeremy pursed his lips for a moment. "Because I've been in your position too many times. I had a ring that brought me back and a couple of times, well, it didn't work so magic brought me back. But I went into a frantic mode, trying to get answers and trying to find a piece of myself that was missing. But, you know, taking a moment to breathe and relax does help. It is helpful in clearing your mind and helping piece the moments that are confusing. So come inside, get some sleep. Nothing's going to happen overnight," he promised. A small smile appeared on her lips. "You're a wise boy," she commented before finally relenting and walking back toward the house. Jeremy just smiled a bit before following. .-. Train Station "Just get me a ticket to Virginia as soon as possible," Damon compelled the poor woman at the desk. She nodded before tapping furiously and handing him two tickets. "Thank you," he said before turning to Bonnie, who stood impatiently near the door. "Good news, we got our tickets. Bad news, we don't leave until 6am," he said lightly. Bonnie let out a frustrated groan as she slumped down into a chair. "Great. So what, do we sleep for the next six hours until our train? Because I'm not actually tired," Bonnie asked. Damon shrugged as he took a seat next to her. "I'm not tired either; we should play 20 Questions," he suggested. Bonnie just rolled her eyes at him. "I'm not playing anything with you, Damon. I'd actually rather sit in silence for the next six hours than talk with you about my life and have you use it against me," she retorted. Damon feigned a hurt expression, clutching at his chest. "I am appalled that you would think of this, my dear Bon-Bon," he said. Bonnie scrunched up her nose as she stood up. "Well, I'm going to the bathroom before this gets weird. You just...wait here," she said before taking off. She could feel his eyes on her but she ignored her best friend's boyfriend as she continued walking. She just wanted to get home, find Elena and Jeremy and figure out how they ended up in Wisconsin, of all places. Bonnie's pace slowed down when she heard two male voices arguing near her. She didn't know why, but she felt herself slow down to listen to the two men in front of her. "-all your fault, you idjit. You're even worse than your two sons and I love those boys to pieces!" the one man said. The other just rolled his eyes as he picked up the pace slightly. "I am just as confused as you are as to why we're alive again, ok? So either we cooperate on this and find Sam and Dean, or we can continue fighting and get us nowhere," he said wearily. Alive, Bonnie thought. She didn't want to intrude but she was curious so she followed the men around the corner to the train platforms. She glanced at the trains before stopping at one in particular, heading to Kansas. "They'll know how we were resurrected," the first male's voice said lowly, but Bonnie could still hear it. She frowned, needing to make a quick decision; she had a fork in the road and she had to choose which one to take. She knew she couldn't go both ways, and it was either go the more popular route of finding her friends, or going the less safe route of following complete strangers. So she decided to take the second option less traveled. "Um, excuse me, but did you say that you were resurrected?" .-. Somewhere in Kansas It was almost all quiet in the near empty warehouse. The only sound was the footsteps quietly walking along the ground as a figure approached, his eyes glinting as he took in his surroundings. He stood by a dead body, practically ripped apart and thrown all across the vast area as he shook his head. "Clumsy work, my friend," he murmured before he heard a sound. Whipping his head around, he listened for any sounds but he barely heard any. "Come on out, friend. I'm not afraid of you tonight!" the man called. It took a few seconds but the figure emerged from the darkness, a smile appearing on his lips. "Niklaus Mikaelson. It's been a while," he said lightly, his hands pocketed. Klaus just smiled nervously at the man standing in front of him. "Lucy, I would say it's been two centuries too long. What have you been up to, old chap? I've heard great rumours about you." Lucifer just chuckled in response, leaning against the wall casually. "Too much to tell you, too little time. I was hoping for your help, actually, if you don't mind cutting the small talk," he said. Klaus shook his head, hands raised. "No problem at all. I have my own demons to deal with," he said. Lucifer glanced at a half torn arm by his side and he reached down to pick it up. "I actually need some help with a problem of mine. You see, I'm sure you have heard about the Mystic Falls incident from last week..." Klaus nodded as he perked his ears to listen carefully to Lucifer's instructions, a smile slowly curving upwards. .-. The Living:AthenastaceyegavascLisinRebelliousAngelphoto foxThe Crazed SpruceBizBuzzMarkHBTJtrack99CuriousParkerDougalTMunzSVNBobJayKay Ok, so apologies for the abrupt ending. I guess I didn't know how to end it. I'll say get your night actions in ASAP. I kind of want to close the night in roughly 24 hours, but I am happy to extend it for a bit longer if needed be. So try and get those night actions in ASAP!! Oh, and there are two clues in this story. Edited July 24, 2014 by jessied112 3 Link to comment
caprice July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 *peeks in* Good, it is Night, so I can say "Hello!" I see you have the House Elves working. I wish I was playing along this time, darn vacation.... 4 Link to comment
BizBuzz July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 My glass is empty ... and I don't see the bartender anywhere, another shot of Coconut Rum please! 1 Link to comment
Guest July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 I am enjoying a nice refreshing coke-cola! Mmmm-Good. Wait, that's Campbells soup, isn't it? Link to comment
MarkHB July 25, 2014 Share July 25, 2014 Mmm-Mmm-Good is Campbell's Soup! I do believe I'll have another drink, please! 1 Link to comment
egavasc July 25, 2014 Share July 25, 2014 Whiskey neat for me please! 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso July 25, 2014 Share July 25, 2014 Ok, so the night is ended, and the story for day 2 will be up very shortly. The bar will be restocked for the next night though! 3 Link to comment
Lady Calypso July 25, 2014 Share July 25, 2014 Ok, just a quick note before I start this. I majorly screwed up in the day/night stories, and you might kind of see what the screw up is if you go back. So, as a hasty way to correct this, you'll kind of see a small change in here from day 1...ok, I'll tell you outright right now, I accidentally made Bobby be in two places at once. That's my bad, so this is my way of correcting it. Ok, carry on. Day 2: Death Amongst Us Lebanon, Kansas "This is all too crazy. Dead people being risen?" Sam muttered as he ran a hand through his hair. This was probably the least craziest thing he had ever heard, but it was still overwhelming with the Dean situation and now Kevin was back. The younger undead in question just nodded as he took a seat at the table. "Trust me, nothing is crazier than waking up in the middle of the woods with no recollection of how you got there and your only recent memory being some crazy angel possessing you and pain flowing through my head," Kevin said lightly. Cas frowned as he stood by the doorway, eyes trained on him. "So, you do not remember anything from when you were dead?" he asked. Kevin shook his head. "No, not a damn thing, even when you tell me that I've been in contact with you. It's like my memories from death have been completely wiped when I was brought back by something." Sam gripped the edges of the table as he leaned forward, letting out a sigh. "Ok. Ok, we can figure this out," he murmured to himself. He felt a hand being placed on his back and he glanced back to see Kevin's concerned look. "We can figure this out later. Right now, it seems you need help in getting Dean back and that is what we need to focus on," he said. Sam nodded slowly as he straightened up. "Yeah, but what if these two are somehow connected?" he questioned. "Then we will find all the answers we need easier," Kevin said. Sam offered a small smile of gratitude; he had to be honest in that he was happy that Kevin was back, even if the circumstances were less than ideal. He really needed people that he trusted right now and although Cas was a great resource who would do anything for Dean, he had grown to care for Kevin. He cleared his throat nervously as he put on a bigger smile. "Ok, well I guess let's get started." .-. On a Train Somewhere Damon sat beside Bonnie, the look on his face clearly not happy. "I can't believe you convinced me to go to Kansas on a wild goose chase," he told her lowly. Bonnie just had her eyes peeled around her as she answered, "You didn't have to come along, but it's more helpful if you did. Besides, I know what I heard; these guys are resurrected, just like us and they seem to know where to go for answers. That's what we need right now; besides, Elena will still be in Mystic Falls in a few days so we don't need to rush back," she advised. One of the men in question, Bobby he said his name was, appeared suddenly, an unhappy John on his trail as they took a seat across from them. "So, you two are back from the dead too," John said bluntly. Bobby gave the man a glare but John seemed unphased by it. "Yes, we are. And you might know why," Bonnie stated. John shrugged lightly as Bobby elaborated. "Well, we aren't quite sure, but we have people that might know where to start looking." "Well, that's just great; you think you know the answers," Damon said sarcastically as Bonnie quickly elbowed him. "Don't mind Damon; he's always a jerk. What I mean to say is that we were heading to Virginia to find our friends so we're taking a bit of a risk to come to Kansas with you, especially when you said you don't even know if they're there for sure," she answered. Bobby shrugged a bit as he leaned back into his chair. "It's a bit of a risk, yes, but these two boys, Sam and Dean, have the resources that we may need, so it doesn't hurt to start looking there," he answered. Bonnie let out a sigh as she nodded. "Ok then, well tell us a little bit about Sam and Dean," she said. .-. Abandoned House in Wichita, Kansas Sam's endless hours of research landed him and Cas outside of a house not far from the bunker. He looked up at the house, nerves starting to sink in. He hoped Dean was here, but if he wasn't, then what was? Cas glanced around, his expression neutral. "I do sense demons in the area. One of them may be Dean," he said lowly. Sam bit his lip, thoughts swarming his mind. "Ok, so what's our plan of attack?" he asked. Cas took a step near the door before stopping. He closed his eyes for a few moments before opening them up again. "They have this place warded from angels so I cannot go in there. Sam," he took a long pause, seeming to try to find his words, "you should not go in there alone." "Well, how else am I going to get answers, Cas? I have to go in there, I have no other choice," Sam said as he took a step toward the house. Cas' hand stopped him, though. "You do not know how much Dean has changed. He won't be the brother you are looking for, so he will not hesitate to hurt you," he warned. Sam moved Cas' arm away as his expression softened. "I know, I'm aware. But he's my brother; I've let him down too many times before. I have to try and save him," he said lowly. Cas paused before nodding, stepping back. "I will be around the area, keeping look out," he said. Sam nodded before moving in toward the house slowly. The house was dark and eerie as Sam stepped into it; it gave him the chills and his senses were all on high alert. The rooms were all dusty, as if nobody had been living here in years, but the sense of death lingered around, causing Sam to get goosebumps. He walked into the living room, stopping in his place when he saw two figures submerged in the darkness. "Sam Winchester. I was told you would be around," an unfamiliar male voice said as he stepped out of the shadows, a creepy grin illuminating his face. "My name is Klaus." Sam stayed silent, his glare penetrating at the English male as his eyes darted toward the other figure. Sam hoped it was Dean, but at the same time, he wished it wasn't. This other guy was giving him the creeps at the moment and it took all his strength not to grab his gun. "I was told that you've been looking for someone. Your dear brother, actually. Dean, right?" he asked with a smile. Sam continued the silence, his body tense. His hand did clench into a fist and Klaus just chuckled lightly. "Well, you've come to the right place. Oh Dean," he said, turning toward the lowly figure. Sam withheld any emotions that he had when his brother emerged from the darkness, the blackness surrounding him. He wanted to rush over to him, but he felt frozen in place. "Who are you anyway? What do you want?" he asked. Klaus just chuckled, shaking his head. "It's not what I want, it's what a familiar enemy of yours wants. You remember Lucifer, right?" he asked. Flashes of horror appeared in Sam's eyes as he remembered the man who overtook his body and almost started the apocalypse. How could he be back too? He should be in the cage still with Michael...and Adam, but nobody remembered him. "Let my brother go; that's all I want right now," he said strongly. Klaus pursed his lips in entertainment as Dean shifted slightly, his eyes staring straight at Sam, who gave a shudder. He never saw his brother look at him like that. "Lucifer has a message for you; it's revenge for what you have done to him," he said as he gestured toward Dean, who started taking dangerously quiet steps toward him. Sam looked at his brother, his hand itching toward his gun. "Dean, stop, you don't want to do anything that he says. I'm your brother, remember?" he said quietly. Dean continued stepping toward him as a knife appeared in his hand. Sam shook his head, taking a few steps back. "Dean, I know we've had our problems, but you are my brother. Please stop and fight this. I know you're in there," he said. Dean didn't stop, however, and he stopped in front of Sam, their eyes meeting for a few seconds. Sam tried to find his brother inside this demon, hoping that he was there somewhere but he didn't see him at all. Please God, he thought, please don't let Dean do this to him. And then the pain of the blade overtook the pain of not seeing his brother. And all Sam could think about as he fell was how much he wished time could reverse to before all of this happened, before all this angel vs demon stuff took over their lives. And then he closed his eyes. .-. The Deceased: MarkHB: Sam Winchester- HERO. You are looking for Dean; you can send in a name of a player each night and you will only be told if the player is or is not Dean. Once found, you must make the decision on whether to spare his life or to kill him for the greater good. The Living:AthenastaceyegavascLisinRebelliousAngelphoto foxThe Crazed SpruceBizBuzzTJtrack99CuriousParkerDougalTMunzSVNBobJayKay Well, that's the end of that. There is one clue in the story. I'll give you guys roughly 48 hours until the end of the day. 1 Link to comment
MarkHB July 25, 2014 Share July 25, 2014 * GAK * Flumph. See you when the bar opens! Link to comment
JayKay July 25, 2014 Share July 25, 2014 This may be the first time a Winchester stays dead. Brutal and wrong. RIP, @MarkHB. 2 Link to comment
Lisin July 25, 2014 Share July 25, 2014 RIP @MarkHB . So, anyone have any ideas on clues? Either from this or the night story? I noticed a few references to "strangers" in the night story, don't know if that means anything. Also for some reason I thought the "twiddling his thumbs" reference to Stefan stood out. I've got nothing on this one though. Link to comment
JayKay July 25, 2014 Share July 25, 2014 I think I got something from Night 1, but I'm going to see what everyone else says first. Still a little gun-shy since I had no idea how to narrow down clues on Day 1. There's possibly something pretty damning in Day 2. But I'm still trying to figure out all of the heroes and villains. I want to pick up where "Sam" left off, since his death could signify that he was onto something. Heroes: Sam (victim of fratricide) Elena Stefan Jeremy Jo Ellen Bobby John Bonnie Damon Castiel Kevin Villains: Dean Klaus Lucifer That's fifteen people. So we could have at least three villains. I wonder if Dean might be a wild card/potential recruit. We know for sure that he's a baddie for now. 1 Link to comment
Athena July 26, 2014 Share July 26, 2014 Nice list @JayKay . Did Mark accuse anyone before he was killed? Link to comment
Lisin July 26, 2014 Share July 26, 2014 His last relevant post was pointing out that Foxes were prominent in Wisconsin and mentioned @photo fox being a possibility. Link to comment
photo fox July 26, 2014 Share July 26, 2014 Hey now! Lol I didn't really see any clues in this story, but I don't watch these two shows, so I might not. It DOES seem like a lot of states have been mentioned by name. Is that odd, or does it mean anything to anyone? Link to comment
BizBuzz July 26, 2014 Share July 26, 2014 RIP @MarkHB Clues ... hmmmm ... I see wood(s) is being mentioned again. I can't help but feel this is an important clue that we are not picking up on. Link to comment
formerlyfreedom July 26, 2014 Share July 26, 2014 (edited) Well, there IS @The Crazed Spruce, after all, @BizBuzz . Spruce=tree=wood. I'm getting some strong vibes there... Edited July 26, 2014 by stacey Link to comment
egavasc July 26, 2014 Share July 26, 2014 She frowned, needing to make a quick decision; she had a fork in the road and she had to choose which one to take. She knew she couldn't go both ways, and it was either go the more popular route of finding her friends, or going the less safe route of following complete strangers. So she decided to take the second option less traveled. This is a Robert Frost allusion. Robert - Bob - SVNBob???? 1 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom July 26, 2014 Share July 26, 2014 Okay, we need to get something going here. Since it's going to take 8 to David Lynch, we're time-constrained, so I'm going to bravely start, and probably be crushed in the attempt... 1 The Crazed Spruce (stacey) 7 to David Lynch while dancing in the garden in her pajamas Link to comment
TJtrack99 July 26, 2014 Share July 26, 2014 Only 3 Villains? That just seems too few to me (unfortunately). Maybe there's a recruitable Hero out there? I too picked up on the Robert Frost potential clue. But didn't immediately connect it to Bob. I feel silly. From Night 1, I felt like the phrasing of "a stranger like me" was odd. But couldn't find a connection. Same with the "half torn arm" that Lucifer picks up. We've got a little less than a day left. We need everyone in here discussing. I'm inclined to follow 's lead, as it seems the best yet, but want to hear from everyone. Link to comment
formerlyfreedom July 26, 2014 Share July 26, 2014 The poem that the 'less traveled' is from is called Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening. I can see the possiblity of the Robert Frost = Bob, but this was a stronger case in my mind for Spruce, especially after what was a fairly strong possible clue on day one. Link to comment
JayKay July 26, 2014 Share July 26, 2014 I'm reading over the last few days with the info we have now, and there's a few names that stick out... We had 1 clue in Day 1, 2 in Night 1 and 1 in Day 2. I'm just gonna put it out there, even though they're charming and lovely people. Main suspects for me so far: 1. @Athena: Night 1 clue - Jo called Jeremy a "wise boy" and Athena is the Goddess of wisdom. Still need another clue from Night 1... 2. @egavasc: Day 2 clue - Sam wished that "time could reverse" as he was murdered. Using the word reverse specifically instead of something like "go back in time" or "replay the years" has me on red alert. 3. @The Crazed Spruce: Day 1 clue - The Frost stuff you guys just brought up. If there's three villains (but like @TJtrack99 said, I also don't want to strictly assume so because that leaves a blindspot for a fourth or a serial killer), it's worth noting that after The Crazed Spruce was first accused in Day 1, the first two posted consecutively after he weighed in, and both defended him. And egavasc suggested that it was someone besides TCS. But this is the first game I've ever played and I could be super wrong. Sorry forever if I am! And let me know if I did this wrong: 2 The Crazed Spruce (stacey, JayKay) 6 to prevent forest fires. 3 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom July 26, 2014 Share July 26, 2014 @JayKay, I like your instincts! Link to comment
TJtrack99 July 26, 2014 Share July 26, 2014 2. @egavasc: Day 2 clue - Sam wished that "time could reverse" as he was murdered. Using the word reverse specifically instead of something like "go back in time" or "replay the years" has me on red alert. Ooh, and that could tie into the "turning the picture around" thing I mentioned for her! I'm going to join the active vote. Still looking for everyone else to weigh in, though. Particularly @The Crazed Spruce himself. 3 The Crazed Spruce (stacey, JayKay, TJtrack99) 5 to figure out what the Hokey Pokey is all about 1 Link to comment
TMunz July 26, 2014 Share July 26, 2014 4 The Crazed Spruce (stacey, JayKay, TJtrack99, TMunz) 4 to figure out what the Hokey Pokey is all about Link to comment
egavasc July 26, 2014 Share July 26, 2014 Aw man. I'm just a hero who thinks it's sad that Spruce gets offed early and that woods is probably just a descriptive word and not a clue. Although if Spruce really is a villian I will eat my words. But the Robert Frost poem is not "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening." The poem is titled "The Road Not Taken" and appeared in the collection entitled Mountain Interval. While Frost often wrote about woods, this is not one of those times. Link to comment
formerlyfreedom July 26, 2014 Share July 26, 2014 (edited) Hmm. If that's the case,here's the first line of The Road Not Taken; Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,...and continues Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. So even if it's the wrong poem, my point stands. And now I'm very suspicious of @egavasc as well... Edited July 26, 2014 by stacey Link to comment
JayKay July 26, 2014 Share July 26, 2014 Wuh-oh. Wood sighted. I repeat, wood sighted. 2 Link to comment
The Crazed Spruce July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Seriously? Am I gonna be David Lynched every time a tree is mentioned? I'm a hero, guys! I'm much more inclined to believe that it's a direct reference to Robert Frost, quite frankly. 1 SVNBob (Spruce), 7 to bob for Apples Link to comment
formerlyfreedom July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 (edited) Wait, you need more than five, there are 14 players left. And c'mon, fellow heroes! We need four more! Edited July 27, 2014 by stacey Link to comment
The Crazed Spruce July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Yeah, I just fixed my math... Link to comment
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