TJtrack99 March 12, 2015 Share March 12, 2015 Athena - Jim Cutler – Villain – You can only wish you were the Roger Sterling of Cutler, Gleason and Chaough. Well who is? ;-) Oh wait, it's Day again. Back behind the bar for me! 3 Link to comment
Meredith Quill March 13, 2015 Share March 13, 2015 Clue: having checked on anything that seemed clue-ish, I found nothing that stood out on it's own. However, it then occurred to me that there was more talk of a fountain within this story - a fountain was mentioned before, I can't recall which day/night it was. Now considering Caprice's cryptic 'Yes, there should be at least one clue in there, but will it be the one I intended?', I got to thinking...perhaps if you combine two of these clue-like things together... Trevi Fountain and Ft Wayne? Then you get Fountains of Wayne best known for their 2003 Grammy-nominated single "Stacy's Mom". When taken into account with JayKay's earlier suspicion below: I'm still feeling unsettled by stacey for fighting so hard for CP, but that's not evidence. Which did seem pretty strange at the time but we had bigger fish to fry then, and stacey started the lynch on writingdreamer which gave me pause, but as we know, villains will vote to lynch each other to deflect suspicion, maybe that includes even starting a lynch that was always going to happen - let's face it, the writing was on the wall for writingdreamer already. Excuse the pun. Stacey wasn't in on the Lisin lynch but considering THREE of the villains we know of were, maybe they decided that was enough? Athena was in on 2 of 3 villain lynches, stacey & TMunz have been in on 3 of 4, I am also suspicious of TMunz but cannot find anything to link a clue in that direction atm. Stacey if I am wrong I apologise, but right now you're the best line of enquiry I've got. FYI My cunning plan for the final villain is delayed for now because REASONS. 2 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom March 13, 2015 Share March 13, 2015 (edited) Man, I'd be excited about something coming out of those clues if SilverStormm hadn't put 2 and 2 together and come up with 7, as I am a Hero through and through. I can't explain why I held out so long on CuriousParker (I really thought that clue was far too obvious, frankly), but I would like to point out that I was on to BizBuzz for several rounds, including the round where Lisin was taken out. As far as TMunz, I don't see anything directly either in this story, but we did put all the previous 'z's down to just BizBuzz, maybe one of them pointed to TMunz? That's a tough handle to get clues for I'm guessing... What stood out to me the most were the references to "The Man" and to the Villa d'este, which is where Lake Como is, and the American Airline ad and not being able to use the stews. And all the traveling mentioned as well, but I don't know how that could be used as a clue against anyone. Thoughts, anyone? ETA: Are we sure there is only one Villain left? Wasn't someone asking if there were two or three left during the last Day? Edited March 13, 2015 by stacey 1 Link to comment
Meredith Quill March 13, 2015 Share March 13, 2015 Just calling it as I see it.... which is 1clue +1clue leads to you, in my book. Your math is off, but I get that you're defending yourself so you need to discredit my find. Although I have to say the best defence would be to find good reasons why we should lynch someone else instead of you...I'm batting 2 for 2 right now... *she's going for the villain hat-trick!!* Not starting a lynch yet as I want to see what everyone else has to say first. 1 Link to comment
Meredith Quill March 13, 2015 Share March 13, 2015 Sorry to double post but I went back and looked at the story etc from day 3 onwards and in the interest of fairness, wanted to refresh everyone's memories about these: There are two z instances in the latest story, and it seems odd that they would both point to the same person. TMunz also has a "z" name. And on Night 3, "Muncie" was mentioned three times. Sounds very similar to "Mun Zee," I would say. And he swooped in and voted for Lisin. Just thinking out loud. TMunz also voted to lynch both SVNBob & Lis but not CP and jumped on to lynch Biz last. Now we have it confirmed that villains will vote to lynch fellow villains (Biz was the third vote to lynch CP!) - food for thought. Not sure what to say but it's gonna be a decision between stacey & TMunz I think...? ETA That was me re how many villains are left - we started with 17 players so I think that there were either 5 or 6 villains, we're 4 down so there's 1 or 2 left. I don't have enough experience to be sure whether it's more likely to be 5 or 6 with 17 players, also I don't know the show at all so no clue which characters are classed as 'good' or 'bad' - maybe someone else has a better idea? 1 Link to comment
TMunz March 13, 2015 Share March 13, 2015 TMunz have been in on 3 of 4, I am also suspicious of TMunz but cannot find anything to link a clue in that direction atm. That's because I am a hero. So none of the clues are referring to me. All of those places mentioned, tourist sites>tourists taking pictures> photofox? 1 Link to comment
JayKay March 13, 2015 Share March 13, 2015 (edited) Arrrgh! This is the third post I've started and they've all been completely different. I've been losing my mind all game because I don't know the show. But if I'm wrong, I'll lynch myself. So... ever since that "little elves" thing showed up in a story, I've been keeping a low-key eye on stacey. And in my insanity I was thinking of clues that I would use if I was the mod and she was a baddie. One of them was using "Stay, see" in a sentence. So I've been CTRL+Fing "stay" for weeks now. And I swear to god, the draft before this was me basically giving up but then, in a half-assed attempt to be thorough, I did it right before I hit Reply. Why don’t you stay... see what happens next? I do think this is all about to end soon.” ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! I wish we could have used more social cues over hunting clues to play this round, but it's just been too quiet. However, stacey and Athena were the only two players besides Dougal who failed to vote last time... I'd start the vote but I don't know how many people it takes :/ eta - Looks like stacey and photo fox are the main suspects. If SilverStormm starts a vote on stacey, I'll join it. Edited March 13, 2015 by JayKay 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso March 13, 2015 Share March 13, 2015 Oh...oh, well that is quite a clue. Ok, well I am also game for the stacey clue. I actually went back two stories to give a quick look through on anything I could spot. I definitely know who's the good guys, but there are a couple I've been hesitant on, mainly stacey. But I was so stuck on who started/joined in on lynches that I wasn't sure who was who, and it made my brain all befuddled. But again, I'm game for starting a vote on stacey...I'll also look for more clues when I can. Link to comment
Meredith Quill March 13, 2015 Share March 13, 2015 ok JayKay's 'evidence' has pushed me over the edge... 1 to David Lynch stacey (Silverstormm) 3 to know the truth is out there N.B: Whilst I'm not thoroughly convinced stacey is a villain, she is far & away the best prospect atm based on gameplay etc so far imo. 1 Link to comment
photo fox March 13, 2015 Share March 13, 2015 I am so a hero... not everyone with a camera is a photo fox. I'll go with it. I think gameplay plus the evidence presented is pretty strong. 2 to David Lynch stacey (Silverstormm, photo fox) 2 to retire to California 1 Link to comment
JayKay March 13, 2015 Share March 13, 2015 3 to DL stacey (Silverstormm, photo fox, JayKay) 1 to deliver the pink slip It doesn't feel good but it feels right. 2 Link to comment
Lady Calypso March 13, 2015 Share March 13, 2015 4 to DL stacey (Silverstormm, photo fox, JayKay,jessied112) 0 to terminate their contract 2 Link to comment
caprice March 14, 2015 Author Share March 14, 2015 Story to follow! 1 Link to comment
caprice March 14, 2015 Author Share March 14, 2015 Night Eight:And just like that, it was over. He wasn’t sure anymore how it had started or why it had continued for so long, he just knew that he was more than ready to walk away.Ted looked over his note once more before deciding it said everything he’d wanted to say:Look, I just don’t want to do this anymore. I want to do something else, somewhere else. I’m MISERABLE with what I have right now, and I don’t want to stand in anyone’s way, but I’m DONE with this before I become a pile of smoldering wreckage at the corner of 66 and Claremont. There’s more to life than just looking at the ground. I’ve made up my mind; I’ll be taking my plane and leaving now, flying west until I run out of gas. Signing his name, he left the note on his desk, walked out the door of his office and never looked back. Game over, heroes, such as they are, win! Contract renegotiated:SVNBob - Freddy Rumsen – recruitable by either – Since being fired by Sterling and Cooper, and let’s be honest, it was a long time in coming, you’ve been at loose ends. You want to get back into the business and would prefer to work with Don, but.... Beggars can’t be choosers, so you’ll join the villains if CGC find you first. Until then, you may vote as you wish but you have no special powers.TJtrack99 - Roger Sterling – Hero – Lately you’ve been coasting on your charm, which does go a long way, but you’re also a go-getter professionally and personally. Did anyone say “twins?”Curious Parker - Bob Benson – Villain, investigator – You’re a mystery to everyone around you, making you a perfect choice to sneak around and gather information. With the ability to investigate one player each night you can share that information with your team. You should also know that Freddy Rumsen is looking for work. If you find him first, he’ll become a member of your team.Machiabelly - Mrs. Blankenship – Hero – You are an astronaut; the Queen of Perversions; the best secretary Don Draper ever had, and probably the only one he hasn’t slept with besides Peggy. You’ve certainly been around the block with your share of leadership though. Bert Cooper will never forget.Lisin - Ken Cosgrove – Hero – Accounts man, published author, tap dancer, you are a man of many talents. You’re generally well-liked around the firm and do your job admirably.BizBuzz - Lee Garner, Jr. – Villain – Now head of Lucky Strike, you are not pleased with Don’s open letter to the media, denouncing tobacco advertising. We may not have seen you on the show for a while, but we know you’re there... waiting.The Crazed Spruce - Pete Campbell – Hero, investigator – Although you’re a bit of a smarmy weasel, you have an uncanny ability to sense developing trends. You rely on that sense to investigate one player per night. You should also know, you might not like him personally but Freddy Rumsen is looking for work. If you find him first, he’ll become a member of your team.writingdreamer - Duck Phillips – Villain, protector – Formerly a lecherous, drunken Head of Accounts at Sterling Cooper, you are now a sober head hunter looking for revenge on your former firm. Especially Don. As you provide safety nets for ad men looking for new work, you are able to protect one member of your team each night, although never the same one twice consecutively.MarkHB - Don Draper – Hero, two-kill – Still a creative master, you’re also one of the luckiest, most resilient bastards around. Your personal life might be in shambles, but there’s always a woman to be found.Athena - Jim Cutler – Villain – You can only wish you were the Roger Sterling of Cutler, Gleason and Chaough. Well-mannered, successful and charming enough in your own way, you are able to hide your tendency toward chaos. You aren’t above slipping uppers to your team if it means increased productivity. Needless to say, you can’t be trusted.stacey - Ted Chaough – Villain – Oh, Teddy Chow-guh-guh, who knows why you hate SCDP. Perhaps it’s jealousy of Don Draper, creative genius. Perhaps it’s frustration after always losing accounts to the SCDP team. Or maybe it’s just the many ways Roger Sterling finds to mispronounce your name. Whatever it is, you’re angry. Active accounts:TMunz - Bert Cooper – Hero, protector – You’ve got a good understanding of people, even if modern times are passing you by. Your sense of loyalty allows you to protect one of your team, although you may not protect the same person over two consecutive nights.jessied112 - Peggy Olson – Hero, mason with Stan – You’ve gone from secretary to copy chief, making yours the most unexpected rise in advertising. While your hard work and sacrifices have helped you escape Brooklyn, you can’t manage to leave SCDP. Fortunately, good friends like Stan Rizzo (Dougal) make life bearable when Don is being a complete tool. Yes, you can talk to each other outside the thread.Dougal - Stan Rizzo – Hero, mason with Peggy – Art Director at SCDP, you get off on pushing peoples’ buttons. If you were a few years younger, you’d probably be out on a commune. Instead, you get high at work and know that Peggy (jessied112) has your back. Yes, you can talk to each other outside the thread.Silverstormm - Michael Ginsberg – Hero, kamikaze – With occasional flashes of brilliance, you made your way onto the team. However, you’re also a loose cannon. If you are killed, you will take the person who sent the PM or the person who sealed the vote against fox - Harry Crane – Hero – Head of Media at SCDP, you half stumbled into and half created your position back before television was a desirable advertising market. Oddly, while you weren’t always a major ass, you are a good guy only by virtue of your laziness. You’d never leave SCDP and they’re okay with that. Well, except for Joan. Look out for her. No, seriously.JayKay - Lane Pryce – Hero – Head of Accounts, you run a tight ship at SCDP when you aren’t drunkenly slapping a steak on your belt buckle and declaring yourself a Texan. A British ex-pat, being in America has expanded your horizons and your ambitions. Be careful not to let your reach exceed your grasp. I do plan to do a recap, but it's going to have to wait. In the meantime, I'll have an old-fashioned. 5 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom March 14, 2015 Share March 14, 2015 Barkeep, I'll join @caprice! 2 Link to comment
egavasc March 15, 2015 Share March 15, 2015 Great game y'all! 4 Link to comment
Meredith Quill March 15, 2015 Share March 15, 2015 She shoots, she scores...a villain hat-trick WOOT!! Game over, heroes, such as they are, win! Pardon? Not sure what this means Caprice? I'll have a glass of the bubbly stuff please. Cheers, well done Heroes! 6 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom March 15, 2015 Share March 15, 2015 Pardon? Not sure what this means Caprice? I think it's a reference to the show -- Mad Men is complicated, and the Heroes? Well frankly, not a lot of difference from the Villains. 4 Link to comment
JayKay March 15, 2015 Share March 15, 2015 I'm almost disappointed that I didn't get to joke about how I got lynched before I could lynch myself. 5 Link to comment
caprice March 15, 2015 Author Share March 15, 2015 She shoots, she scores...a villain hat-trick WOOT!! Pardon? Not sure what this means Caprice? I'll have a glass of the bubbly stuff please. Cheers, well done Heroes! I think it's a reference to the show -- Mad Men is complicated, and the Heroes? Well frankly, not a lot of difference from the Villains. SilverStormm, stacey has it. The characters on Mad Men are more grey than black and white, so it's really difficult to call someone like Don Draper a "hero" or Teddy a "villain." I had to draw a line somewhere and since the show focuses on the people at Sterling Cooper and Partners, I designated them as the "heroes." I could just as easily have made it a story about Don and the many women in his life. Honestly, I just hope everyone enjoyed the game. I have so much respect for past mods. I used to say that it was always hard for me to find the clues. Now I understand. You'll see what I mean when I post the recap. For tonight, there will be drinking on the deck. 7 Link to comment
MarkHB March 15, 2015 Share March 15, 2015 Right now, here, it's raining, but both my front and back porches have roofs, and it's raining! Which means, it's not SNOWING! Which is a roundabout way of saying that I'll happily join in the drinking on the deck! Yay us! Well done, Silver! And an excellent job, caprice and egavasc! 4 Link to comment
Lisin March 15, 2015 Share March 15, 2015 Way to go HEROES! Woo! No hard feelings ;)! 2 Link to comment
TMunz March 15, 2015 Share March 15, 2015 Well done heroes! Sorry SilverStormm for messing up your plan :/ 2 Link to comment
TJtrack99 March 15, 2015 Share March 15, 2015 Et tu, stacey? I encourage you to watch Firefly and Serenity and you kill me? Haha but really I know it's only a game :) What better day than the Ides of March to link that video? 2 Link to comment
caprice March 15, 2015 Author Share March 15, 2015 Holy moly, what a ride. I'd love to hear from some other past mods on what y'all thought when we grasped at straws when you thought your clues were pretty clear. I totally understand. So, to recap: Day One: clue - Pete and his "humming around" --> BizBuzz (Lee Garner, Jr.) No lynch Night One: clue - "Luckily, Duck chuckled" --> writing technique -->writingdreamer (Duck Phillips) Curious Parker (Bob Benson) investigates SVNBob (Freddy Rumsen) adding him to Team Villain writingdreamer (Duck) protects Curious Parker (Bob) Spruce (Pete Campbell) investigates Machiabelly (Mrs. Blankenship) villains renegotiate MarkHB (Don Draper) who was a 2-kill, using one of his lives Day Two: clue - "The... Who?" --> The Who --> their song "Athena" --> Athena (Jim Cutler) vote to renegotiate SVNBob (Freddy) Night Two: clue - in the Italian restaurant, there was a series of rhyming verbs at the end of each dialog tag --> writingdreamer (Duck) CP (Bob) investigates TJtrack99 (Roger Sterling) TMunz (Bert Cooper) protects Mark (Don) Spruce (Pete) investigates Mark (Don) villains renegotiate TJ (Roger) writingdreamer (Duck) protects Athena (Jim) Day Three: clues - "Kill the cat" and the list of synonyms for curious --> Curious Parker (Bob) "little elves in my head" --> stacey (Ted Chaough) vote to renegotiate CP (Bob) Night Three: No clues Spruce (Pete) investigates BizBuzz (Lee) villains renegotiate Machiabelly (Mrs. B.) writingdreamer (Duck) protects stacey (Ted) Day Four: clue - "My generation" --> The Who --> Athena (Jim) vote to renegotiate Lisin (Ken Cosgrove) Night Four: clues - "smart-ass" --> Athena (Jim) humming --> BizBuzz (Lee) Day Five: clues - "wander down/worn down" --> wd --> writingdreamer (Duck) puzzles/pizza/ZigZag --> repetition of 'z' --> BizBuzz (Lee) vote to renegotiate BizBuzz (Lee) Night Five: clues - Richmond/Davidson NCAA game --> Richmond Spiders -> Athena (Jim) and Wildcats of Davidson -> wd (Duck) all talk of Ken's writing --> wd (Duck) TMunz (Bert) protects SilverStormm (Michael Ginsberg) Spruce (Pete) investigates wd (Duck) villains renegotiate Spruce (Pete) Day Six: clues - "castrated leader" --> line in The Who song, "Athena" --> Athena (Jim) "Pan of Rohallion" --> fountain at MoMA --> Fountains of Wayne --> stacey (Ted) vote to renegotiate writingdreamer (Duck) Night Six: no clues Bert (TMunz) protects stacey (Ted) villains succeed in renegotiating Mark (Don) Day Seven: clue - Web of Pallas --> Athena (Jim) vote to renegotiate Athena (Jim) Night Seven: no clues TMunz (Bert) protects SilverStormm (Ginz), who had intended to let stacey activate her kamikaze power stacey (Ted) tries to renegotiate Silver (Ginz) Day Seven: clues - "Why don't you stay... see;" Stan's mom wants to visit a series of famous fountains; "Ft. Wayne" --> stacey (Ted) vote to renegotiate stacey (Ted) Awards: Fun in Shipping to MarkHB for trying to coin caprevasc. Signs, signs, everywhere are signs to Machiabelly for starting the renegotiation of SVNBob on a non-clue, but especially to SilverStormm who found "humming" on day one, "kill the cat" and "little elves" on day three (and STILL went with Russian Tea Room on day four, and "My Generation" on day four. Best Idea for a Final Exit to stacey for Teddy's great closing scene. I pretty much used one of her final PMs as Ted's farewell note. Master of Clue Creation to Hanged Man. "Who is this?" you ask? I know he wasn't playing, but he helped me with some great clues, coming up with all the synonyms for "curious" in Day Three, the Richmond/Davidson game in Night Five and "stay... see" in the final day. Honorary award (granted by HM) to JayKay for finding HM's clues. He was impressed. Thanks to everyone for playing and not giving up on me! Super special thanks to my amazing co-mod, egavasc for all her support and suggestions. Now, hand me a drink and let's get on to the next game!! 8 Link to comment
MarkHB March 16, 2015 Share March 16, 2015 I got an award! \^.^/ Also: sign me up for the next one! 3 Link to comment
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