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Whedonverse Mafia

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It may have been the longest, but it never felt like it.


Drogo, I was so hoping my campaigning to "Willow" would have paid off and we could have lynched you and SK'ed you the following night. Oh well, an airplane can only be so persuasive. LOL


And congrats to our esteemed villains. Good win.


I lived to the end, which is more than I did in Mad Men or Community. so I am two and two on surviving. 

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Sure, I knew who you were, but it doesn't mean that I knew your powers or how to kill you. And the only characters I knew were early Buffy ones, so... *shrug*

Add in knowing the Angel characters and this was me, too.


Did you know you would become SK if Tara died?

I figured she would. In retrospect, we should have left Tara alone and gone after Willow.


Well I did figure out how to kill Glory, just too late. I was hoping kamikaze roles wre rare enough that you would take it as heroic selflessness.

Great game, great ending except for a bad guy win. Lots of fun.

Who is Billy with the new Slayer? I did not get the reference.

eta... at the end I was taunting for fun more than strategy LOL

LOL!! You and Drogo both with the just-for-fun taunting! Early on, we told him that Glory was basically a vain psycho and once y'all figured him out, he decided to have fun with it. We should share some of his PM comments with the mods. :D


Machia, it was your comment about Glory should come after you that made us realize you were a kamikaze.


What a fun round! And the longest yet! Congratulations and thanks to TJ and stacey!

  • Love 3

So, just for the record, the night when egavasc was killed? I sent a PM to the mods protecting her, then changed my stupid mind and edited it because I thought she was safe and wanted the option of protecting her the next night if a clue came out. So dumb. :/

(Such a fun game; good times, y'all.)

Which was a huge bummer because I wanted to stick around for the team. But also kind of a relief! I'm not good at being duplicitous! I don't know how some of y'all manage!

  • Love 3

Yeah, great job TJ and stacey! I actually was sitting on information but I had no way of sharing it. I found out Drogo was Glory/Ben the night I died, but luckily you guys kind of figured it out too. But still, I knew who Willow was early on and I knew about CP because I investigated as soon as there was suspicion. I also knew exactly who Ian Quinn was and got excited to share that info....only to have Ian die in the very next story.


I know I'm a rather quiet player, but I'm mostly just reading and observing, and having a lot of fun while I'm at it!


But good job, guys! 

  • Love 4

Aww, I'm really glad you guys all enjoyed this! I had a blast putting this together with the awesome @TJtrack99. I couldn't have asked for a greater co-lead on my first game! We were Villains together in @MarkHB's DC Universe game, and I approached him shortly after about maybe doing a game together, which led to my very first viewing of Firefly ever (and dammit, we were GOING to have a Firefly scene if it killed me!), and putting this all together. While we had a few bumps getting together early on, once we got the mojo going, things went far better than I could have dreamed!


Thank you all for playing, and thank you to all the Villains but @Drogo for dying so that we could give all our favorite NPCs a sorta/kinda happy ending (for TJ, that would be Fitz & Simmons, and for me, it would be Coulson and Gunn)!


I didn't tell TJ this when we were finishing up the last story, but we hit over 24,900 words in this thing. When you add in the tracking we did with the clues/actions/character information though, TJ, we DID break 25,000!!!!

  • Love 8

Who is Billy with the new Slayer? I did not get the reference.


That's from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, @Machiabelly - another Joss Whedon creation, with Neil Patrick Harris, Felicia Day (who played a potential Slayer in the final season of Buffy), and Nathan Fillion (who played Captain Hammer; he also played Caleb the Preacher in the final Season of Buffy, as well as Mal Reynolds on Firefly). We crammed as much Whedon as we could into the game, especially that final story!

  • Love 2

By the time I figured out that you had to kill Drogo twice in a row, I was already dead. Nice footwork, though, talking your way out of the second DL each time. *tips hat to Drogo*

I'll be dealing with some personal issues for the next couple of days, so I won't be online very much, but I most definitely want to sign up for the next round.

  • Love 3

I just finished the film...man, that was great. Some parts were a little bit slow and some parts I was like 'hmm, not sure'. But honestly, it's definitely one of my favourite films and I definitely have to watch it again, especially to get all the wonderful quotes! 


"My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." 


How can I even choose my favourite character? There are so many! But I can say my favourite scene is easily Vazzini vs Westley in the Battle of Wits, followed by Inigo vs Rugen. Nothing satisfies me more than having each and every character as smart as they can be. Also, Miracle Max and Valerie were fantastic characters. Buttercup is the only one that I'm unsure about, but I admire her tenacity and bravery. I kind of wish she got her own little fight scene, though with the rat. It would have really made for a great scene. But I love how she was more annoyed with the villains than scared. Maybe upon a second rewatch, I'll like her more. 


But yes, that movie is definitely top rated for me. INCONCEIVABLE! 

  • Love 7

Drumroll please! Ladies and gents, it's time for your Whedonverse play by play and Awards!


Day 1
Clue: Drogo
(GLORY/BEN): Valor Gave Me Arms -last word in each paragraph in 4th Scene. = From “Drogo nomen et virtus arm dedid” (Drogo is my name, and valour gave me arms.) Castle Drogo, England, the Drew family motto.
DL: CuriousParker (BALLARD): (final vote was Anonymous by Athena (Lilah Morgan)), using her first life

Night 1
Clues: egavasc
(QUINN) “a bit uncivilized, I would say, maybe a bit of a lack in--” = savage
Dougal (BOYD) “Meanwhile, the dark figure...He was actually not a stranger to the SHIELD team” = Dougal means “dark stranger”
Night Actions:
(ECHO): Extra Life option (if not attacked, does not expire)
Dougal (BOYD) protects caprice (GARRETT)
Lisin (WESLEY) sees the alignment of Mark (ECHO) as HERO
Lady Calypso (SKYE) sees the identity of CuriousParker (BALLARD)
caprice (GARRETT) investigates Oinky Boinky (BUFFY)
Jesse (MAY) protects caprice (GARRETT)
Villains kill Oinky Boinky (BUFFY)

Day 2
Clue: Athena
(LILAH) “sharp (with her) praise” = possible origin of the name Athena
DL: TMunz (CORDELIA) (final vote was Anonymous by Athena)

Night 2
Clue: caprice
(GARRETT) “A lovely vintage from Oregon” = Caprice Vineyards
egavasc (QUINN) “What kind of neanderthal would be so rude” = synonyms for savage
Night Actions:
(ECHO): Extra Life option - used (see below)
Dougal (BOYD) protects Athena (LILAH)
Lisin (WESLEY) sees the alignment of CuriousParker (BALLARD) as HERO
Lady Calypso (SKYE) sees the identity of photo fox (WILLOW)
caprice (GARRETT) investigates Lisin (WESLEY)
Jesse (MAY) protects Lisin (WESLEY)
Villains kill MarkHB (ECHO), using his extra life option

Day 3
Clue: Dougal
(BOYD) “ill duo gave” anagrams to “evil Dougal”
DL: Athena (LILAH) who is protected by Dougal (BOYD)

Night 3
Clue: Drogo
(GLORY/BEN) “You’re right I’m not your father, you Hobbit!” = Drogo Baggins is the father of Frodo Baggins, both Hobbits
Night Actions:
(ECHO) protects Lisin (WESLEY)
Dougal (BOYD) protects Drogo (GLORY/BEN)
Lisin (WESLEY) sees the alignment of caprice (GARRETT) as HERO, which will be important
Lady Calypso (SKYE) sees the identity of egavasc (QUINN)
caprice (GARRETT) investigates SVNBob (TOPHER)
Jesse (MAY) protects BizBuzz (ANGEL)
JayKay (DEATHLOK) sends in a vigilante kill on egavasc (QUINN)
Villains kill MarkHB (ECHO)

Day 4
Clue: Athena
(LILAH) “native heal” anagrams to “evil Athena”
DL: Athena (LILAH)

Night 4
caprice (GARRETT) = last word in each paragraph in Scene 2 starts with the letters “C-A-P-R-I-C-E”
Night Actions:
Dougal (BOYD) protects caprice (GARRETT)
Lisin (WESLEY) sees the alignment of Jesse (MAY) as HERO
Lady Calypso (SKYE) sees the identity of JayKay (DEATHLOK)
caprice (GARRETT) investigates The Crazed Spruce (TARA)
Jesse (MAY) protects SilverStormm (WARD)
Villains kill Lisin (WESLEY)

Day 5
Clue: Drogo
(GLORY/BEN) = “Go, devil, or” anagrams to “evil Drogo”
DL: Dougal (BOYD)

Night 5
Clue: caprice
(GARRETT) = “a clinical viper” anagrams to “villain caprice”
Night Actions:
Lady Calypso
(SKYE) sees the identity of Drogo (GLORY/BEN)
caprice (GARRETT) investigates JayKay (DEATHLOK)
Jesse (MAY) protects CuriousParker (BALLARD)
JayKay (DEATHLOK) sends in a vigilante kill on Lady Calypso (SKYE)
Villains kill SilverStormm (WARD)

Day 6
Clue: Drogo
(GLORY/BEN) = “Girl. Loon” and then later “Diva” anagrams to “villain Drogo”
DL: Drogo (GLORY/BEN), using his first life and transforming him into Ben

Night 6
Clue: Drogo
(GLORY/BEN) = “Valor gave me arms” is the first word of each paragraph in the first section, from the motto for Castle Drogo in England (see Day 1)
Night Actions:
(GARRETT) investigates Machiabelly (THE BUS)
Jesse (MAY) protects JayKay (DEATHLOK)
No one kills Ben so Drogo goes back to 2 lives
Villains kill JayKay (DEATHLOK) but she is protected
JayKay (DEATHLOK) sends in a vigilante kill on Jesse (MAY), which seems a bad repayment for saving her life

Day 7
Clue: caprice
(GARRETT) = “trading offense for defense”, a quick change = a caprice
DL: None

Night 7
None (no story)
Night Actions:
(GARRETT) investigates BizBuzz (ANGEL)
Villains kill JayKay (DEATHLOK)

Day 8
Clue: caprice
(GARRETT) = “even with all her quirks,” quirks = synonym for caprice
DL: caprice (GARRETT)

Night 8
No clue. BECAUSE. We said so.
Night Action:
kills The Crazed Spruce (TARA), changing Willow (photo fox) to a SERIAL KILLER

Day 9
Clue: Drogo
(GLORY/BEN) = “precious, dear” is one possible origin of the name
DL: Drogo (GLORY/BEN), using his first life (again) and changing him to Ben (again)

Night 9
Clue: Drogo
(GLORY/BEN) = First five paragraphs start with a letter from D-R-O-G-O
Night Actions:
No one kills Ben, so Drogo goes back to 2 lives as Glory
Drogo (GLORY/BEN) kills BizBuzz (ANGEL)
photo fox (WILLOW) kills SVNBob (TOPHER)

Day 10
Clue: photo fox (WILLOW) = Five paragraphs start with a letter from P-H-O-T-O
DL: CuriousParker (BALLARD) including a vote by CuriousParker herself, so Paul sacrifices himself

Night 10
NONE. Because the game was almost over.
Night Actions:
(GLORY/BEN) kills photo fox (WILLOW)
photo fox (WILLOW) kills Drogo (GLORY/BEN), using his first life, which is kind of pointless so we don’t really reference it

Day 11
The game ends with a Villain win!!


And now...Awards!


~~~First, from TJ~~~

For The Best Casting EVAR: does it really need to be said? Drogo was a fantastic Glory. So many great PM’s. So many little moments that made it into the story (like using “Sweaty-Naughty-Feelings-Causing-One”). And yes, about that power. I thought it would work as, canonically, that’s how they beat Glory - kill Ben before she reemerges. Plus, as we saw in this game, somehow the Heroes never seem to think about trying to kill a Villain twice in a row…

[stacey agrees 110%, partly because she's still a little afraid of Glor---er, Drogo]


For Hiding in Plane Sight (ba dum tss): to Machiabelly, for being the longest-lasting Hero. Why The Bus, you ask? Mainly so stacey and I didn’t have to write about killing Giles or Fitzsimmons *cuddles them protectively*. And, as stacey will tell you, I identify strongly with Coulson and Xander as I believe we are all Hufflepuffs...not that there’s many of us! (Those who have played lots of Heroes Mafia might realize I took inspiration from a game where someone was the Nissan Versa. And I so wanted to make Emma Swan’s yellow VW Beetle a character in that round too….)

[from stacey: I also had an aversion to killing Coulson, Tripp, or Gunn, as well as Giles. Please let me keep all my pretties!]


For Nearly Killing Them With His Brain: to SVNBob, for lasting so long without a power. He PM’ed his thoughts on what was going on with Glory and Willow, which were very accurate...and he got killed that Night.


For The First Cut Being The Deepest: to Oinky Boinky, for being the first Hero out. Thematically we were able to use Buffy’s death as giving the Heroes (particularly those who knew her) something to fight for. And I still wanted to use the Buffybot later, so that was fun.


For Falling For Our Evil Scheme: to Lisin for defending caprice so well when she was a Villain. I was hoping to cause much confusion with the “Villain-Appearing-As-Hero-And-Vice-Versa” combo. I was hoping for an argument between the investigators, each of which was only told partial information. I got something close :)


For The Team I Was Really Pulling For: to CuriousParker and MarkHB for representing Team Ballcho. I like the two of them on the show (and let’s just say I don’t like how their relationship was handled there). I thought they might pull through when CuriousParker was left alone after Day 1*, and Mark could protect himself once. I was hoping the Villains would leave him alone after they hit him, but also knew I had to write it to show that it was a temporary saving. Alas.


*For The Best Fake Clue: that “question + parking = CuriousParker” is the best non-clue I’ve seen in a long while.


For the Funnest Clue to Write: definitely the Hobbit one. Because how do you make a LOTR reference without it obviously being a clue? Have Spike say it!


The Golden Headdesk Part 572070: to stacey and myself, because I kept telling stacey I thought our clues were obvious. But apparently we can drop in phrases like “a clinical viper” and nobody will think twice. Or the one listing Glory’s attributes with “Girl/diva/loon”, I thought, surely they’ll think something about using those words specifically? But no. Perhaps it was the fact that I was anagramming not just people’s names, but including “villain” or “evil” as part of it, that was tricky. I wanted to try that as I figured everyone would jump on the word “grood” ;)


~~~And now, a few words from stacey~~~
I will second TJ here, and I kept telling him, I dunno, they don’t seem to be getting the clues. Maybe they AREN’T too easy…. :D


For Best Change of Heart: to Dougal, for changing his mind and switching protection from egavasc to Drogo the night egavasc was killed. We were about halfway through writing that story when the PM originally came through, and I believe I may have wigged out a bit on TJ, before Dougal changed it, and we could keep our original story plan intact. Sorry, egavasc!


For Figuring It Out Ahead of The Curve: to BizBuzz, who correctly surmised what was going on with caprice’s character being a Charismatic Villain. It was sometimes really hard to know things on this end!


For Best Real Clue that Was Misinterpreted: this is a tough one, because there were several that were brought up by the Villains themselves in an attempt to point at various Heroes; the winner, however, has to be the ‘vintage from Oregon’ because Drogo actually managed to linked to the site that I originally found the Caprice Vineyards on, and still was able to point the finger at a Hero!


For Funnest Time I Had Writing A Villain Death: This goes to Athena's [LILAH] demise. Knowing what I knew ahead of time, and having familiarity with Angel, I wanted to keep Lilah as close to the actual character as I could, while throwing some nods to what I know about Athena. Second place; I had a ball writing anything with Mike Peterson in it, so that would be egavasc [QUINN]! (sorry again, egavasc!)


For Funnest Time I Had Writing a Hero’s Death: This one goes to photo fox’s death at Drogo’s hand. Glory makes writing Death and Destruction a good time always. Making it about shoes, well that’s just plain fun!



I just once again want to thank @TJtrack99 for taking a chance on letting a newb co-lead with him. I had SO. MUCH. FUN doing this, and getting to know TJ as well -- I have now watched Firefly at his recommendation and Dollhouse is queued up for a summer marathon, also because of his recommendation. I will mod a game again someday, and greatly appreciated learning from a master of the game!


Long live FitzSimmons!

  • Love 8

I would like to thank the Academy- (stacey and TJ) and all the little people who were killed so I could be here to accept these awards... ;)   I had a lot of fun and I appreciated having such a great character.  Most likely I'll be Fred Savage in the next game and just hate life... I may still send in kill orders out of habit, Biz and SilverStormm.   


Great clues.  I'm sad to know that even though I went through the whole game thinking I knew what the Day 1 clue was, I was totally wrong! 

Including below my PM to the Villains about it --


Happy Monday! Behold:


Day 1: Reconnaissance, Part 1
Crossing the Sunnydale City Limit

The Plymouth GTO crossed the city limits into Sunnydale. Gunn looked out the window at the dark and quiet town. “So THIS is Sunnydale? And it’s a Hellmouth?



I think the D1 clue is actually for you, caprice.
• Plymouth didn't make the GTO, it made the GTX.
• The GTO was made by Pontiac.
• Pontiac is a division of GM, like Chevrolet.
• Chevrolet also made the Caprice.

Anagrams???  ANAGRAMS?????  Damn, I thought I'd be safe fin here from those!


Nice job, great game, both of you!


Anagrams... Why did it have to be anagrams? 



  • Love 5


Day 6

Clue: Drogo (GLORY/BEN) = “Girl. Loon” and then later “Diva” anagrams to “villain Drogo”
DL: Drogo (GLORY/BEN), using his first life and transforming him into Ben


For Best Real Clue that Was Misinterpreted: this is a tough one, because there were several that were brought up by the Villains themselves in an attempt to point at various Heroes; the winner, however, has to be the ‘vintage from Oregon’ because Drogo actually managed to linked to the site that I originally found the Caprice Vineyards on, and still was able to point the finger at a Hero!

No wonder I suck at finding clues when people keep making them tricky by turning them into the puzzle equivalent of split infinitives!


Regarding the "vintage from Oregon." We looked that link over and decided to go ahead and risk putting it out there since it was possible to find OTHER player names connected to some vineyards. The fact that Oregon specializes in Pinot Noir and Jesse decided to play with 'pinot,' made it easier. Thanks, Jesse!


Anagrams???  ANAGRAMS?????  Damn, I thought I'd be safe fin here from those!


Nice job, great game, both of you!



Yay! I finally got an award for going down.

Those clues were hard. Great game.

Snerk. I like you, Oinky Boinky. You make me laugh. :D


I would like to thank the Academy- (stacey and TJ) and all the little people who were killed so I could be here to accept these awards... ;)   I had a lot of fun and I appreciated having such a great character.  Most likely I'll be Fred Savage in the next game and just hate life... I may still send in kill orders out of habit, Biz and SilverStormm.   


Great clues.  I'm sad to know that even though I went through the whole game thinking I knew what the Day 1 clue was, I was totally wrong! 

Including below my PM to the Villains about it --

Since you were successful in your vineyard defense/offense, I think you're okay having missed the clue on the first Day... especially since it turned out to have been to you. ;)

  • Love 3

Great clues.  I'm sad to know that even though I went through the whole game thinking I knew what the Day 1 clue was, I was totally wrong! 

Including below my PM to the Villains about it --


I think the D1 clue is actually for you, caprice.

• Plymouth didn't make the GTO, it made the GTX.

• The GTO was made by Pontiac.

• Pontiac is a division of GM, like Chevrolet.

• Chevrolet also made the Caprice.



Yeah, the GTO thing? Total typo. Complete and absolute slip of the fingers when typing. Oops!

  • Love 2

I would just like to give an honorable mention (a Citizen's Award if you will) to SilverStormm ... I think she had the best cross examination against a villain (Dougal) I think I have ever seen in PTV Mafia (since I have been playing).  Her closing arguments were so well thought out that it made me look at several things in a different way ... so from me to you SS ... thanks for giving it your all!!!

  • Love 2

I would just like to give an honorable mention (a Citizen's Award if you will) to SilverStormm ... I think she had the best cross examination against a villain (Dougal) I think I have ever seen in PTV Mafia (since I have been playing).  Her closing arguments were so well thought out that it made me look at several things in a different way ... so from me to you SS ... thanks for giving it your all!!!


Aww, *blush* thanks Biz! I'll pay you later ok? :D

  • Love 2

I would just like to give an honorable mention (a Citizen's Award if you will) to SilverStormm ... I think she had the best cross examination against a villain (Dougal) I think I have ever seen in PTV Mafia (since I have been playing).  Her closing arguments were so well thought out that it made me look at several things in a different way ... so from me to you SS ... thanks for giving it your all!!!


You, BizBuzz, and SilverStormm both get my award for "People Whose Arguments Against Actual Villains Made WAYYYYY Too Much Sense And Drove Us Freakin Bonkers." 


Villains didn't kill you for a while because you were so aggressive (and correct) in targeting us so it would look too obvious for you to die that Night... then finally we were mostly outed (thanks to you meddling kids) and we just said "Eff it, kill em anyway."  ;) 


Gotta say: I'm looking forward to the day at least one of you is with me, not against me. 

  • Love 5

This next proclamation goes against every fiber of my being ... but once TPB Mafia game starts ... I will not be liking any posts.  


That makes me very sad.


Because you see, I am the Queen of Likes ... I have it on good authority that I was personally responsible for upping the limit of likes from 100 per day to 250 per day ... you can ask SilverStormm about the day I had had enough of not being able to like any more posts in a day.  ::giggle::


It was not pretty. 


In any case ... I don't want any misinterpretation ... so I will be refraining from liking anything ... and it will be difficult ... so please understand the length to which I will go to insure my part in this game will be without bias. 


Lastly?  For those of you seeing TPB for the first time ... I am envious of your seeing it for the first time ...


I don't know about you all, but I am just a tad excited.

Biz, you can still like posts. Just make sure they are Night posts.... That's what I did in my round. :)

  • Love 2

Before the next game officially starts I wanted to reiterate my thanks to the mods for the last game, it was great! Also thanks to the lovely players who tried to protect me. Sadly the villains knew I would ferret them out eventually and had to take me out, even though I would have stupidly kept insisting caprice was a Hero! Damn it!!

The way I saw it, you were making up for lost time. Since that darn dragon took you out so early in the previous round and we couldn't work as a team like we should, you were just doing your best. :D

We really did want to let you live.

  • Love 2
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