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Whedonverse Mafia

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Ok, I have to share this with y'all.  I just played a game of Town of Salem with the craziest result I've ever seen. 


The 3 person Mafia and the Werewolf were cleaning up us Townies (I was the first townie to die.)  At the end, it was 2 Mafia, a Vigilante, and a Jester (who wins if lynched, then gets a revenge kill on one person that voted to kill him.)  The Jester got lynched, leaving the 2 Mafia and the one town Vigilante left going into Night.  The Mafia obviously used their kill on the Vigilante, but he had a kill left himself.  Now, in ToS, the Godfather of the Mafia is immune to Night kills.  Luckily, the Vigilante didn't use his kill on the Godfather, but on the other Mafioso.


Which in most cases would leave the Godfather as the last man standing.  But he had voted to lynch the Jester, and the Jester kill bypasses Night immunities.  And for one reason or another, the Jester decided to revenge kill the Godfather.


So when the new Day dawned, all 3 remaining people were dead.  It was a Total Party Kill!  And since the Jester had been lynched, he was the only person that satisfied their win condition.  So he won, and the rest of us lost.  Sucked a little for me and the rest of the town (and Mafia, and Werewolf I guess), but interesting as all hell to see happen.

  • Love 9

I have seen draws but never an all kill with a jester win.


I was in two weird ones this week though. 1 with a mofiosa dn 15 townies. He managed to kill 7 of us.

And one where I was a transporter one person was sheriff and the remaining 13 were 6 mafia, a serial killer, an arsonist, 2 witches, 2 jesters, 1 executioner, 1 Survivor, and an amnesiac. 

  • Love 2

Ok, I have to share this with y'all.  I just played a game of Town of Salem with the craziest result I've ever seen. 


The 3 person Mafia and the Werewolf were cleaning up us Townies (I was the first townie to die.)  At the end, it was 2 Mafia, a Vigilante, and a Jester (who wins if lynched, then gets a revenge kill on one person that voted to kill him.)  The Jester got lynched, leaving the 2 Mafia and the one town Vigilante left going into Night.  The Mafia obviously used their kill on the Vigilante, but he had a kill left himself.  Now, in ToS, the Godfather of the Mafia is immune to Night kills.  Luckily, the Vigilante didn't use his kill on the Godfather, but on the other Mafioso.


Which in most cases would leave the Godfather as the last man standing.  But he had voted to lynch the Jester, and the Jester kill bypasses Night immunities.  And for one reason or another, the Jester decided to revenge kill the Godfather.


So when the new Day dawned, all 3 remaining people were dead.  It was a Total Party Kill!  And since the Jester had been lynched, he was the only person that satisfied their win condition.  So he won, and the rest of us lost.  Sucked a little for me and the rest of the town (and Mafia, and Werewolf I guess), but interesting as all hell to see happen.


Now THAT is an outcome worthy of Cosmic Encounter! :)

  • Love 2
I always play chaos any/all.

Based on the descriptions of your unusual games, I figured that.  All Any games can get, well, chaotic. 

It's also one reason I haven't run into you randomly during a game.  I tend to play the more comparatively stable versions, primarily ranked play.  Although they can still get fairly chaotic, like the story I told. 


I've done a couple Vigilantics games though, which are all Vigilantes and Witches.  Witches have the ability to make players use their powers on a different target.  For example, an Investigator might choose to investigate one player, but a Witch could make that Investigator use their power on a different target, which makes the investigation pointless.  Or in Vigilantics case, the Vigs are trying to kill all the Witches, so the Witches are trying to get the Vigs to kill each other and or themselves. 


The first game of this I played, I was a Witch, and I developed a very simple strategy.  I always made my target use their power on themself.  If it was a fellow Witch, nothing would happen as a result of my action.  If it was a Vigilante, they'd kill themself.  3 Days later, we Witches had won.


Another game of this had only 7 players, so I think it was 5 Vigs and 2 Witches.  I was a Vig this time, and I hadn't gotten witched all game.  It was down to 3 players, myself, one other Vig, and the last Witch.  I claimed Vig, and to provide trust, I voted each other party innocent when they came up for lynch.  All 3 of us got tried and acquitted that Day.  As Night fell, I was pretty sure which of the other two was the Witch, so I shot them.  Day broke, and I was the only person standing.  Both of us Vigs had targetted the Witch, but the Witch redirected one of us to shoot the other Vig.  So I got lucky and survived to get the win for the Vigilantes.


Biz, feel free to add me too if you want.  I'm SVNBob there too.  And I recall that Lady Calypso is also a player, but I don't know what she goes by there.

  • Love 2

Yes, I am a pretty avid player on there. I usually take a few days break here and there, but I've been playing for a while. I go by cyniccritic on there and I'm not sure how many games I have under my belt, but it's been a lot. I usually switch it up. Sometimes I play classic, then I play ranked and then other times I play all any. I've also played some custom games but I've learned that people get really snippy and rude when the roles they want aren't chosen, so there are a lot of leavers in those cases. But ranked and all any are the most fun for me to play.

  • Love 2

I tried Ranked once, but it seemed to take forever to start. Maybe I was hung up and it was a coincidence. The reason I play All Any is that I am a good on my feet thinker and I find it easier to bluff people if there can be three transporters. Instead of "Sorry the transporter is dead, you are obviously an arsonist.


Some time we should see if we have enough for a private game.

  • Love 3

Hey there, Oinky Boinky! As ghosts, we come back to spend Night drinking, sometimes dancing, frequently joking and drinking some more. :D


What'll you have?

Thank you caprice. I have seen floating in, no talking and then floating out.

Because of the French 75 discussion I have learned to make those and it is my new favourite. It will be the feature drink at my birthday party.

I'll have one of those thanks.

  • Love 5

Night 9 - It’s the End of the World As We Know It
Outside the construction site, Sunnydale

Despite the loss, the group was eventually able to overcome the demons. A couple of them lay dead while the rest scattered back towards the tower. Xander bent over Tara’s body in disbelief. “She saved me…” Coulson came and placed a hand on the young man’s shoulder. “Make sure her sacrifice wasn’t in vain. Let’s finish this.”


Roughly, Xander ran a hand over his face, but nodded. He shifted Tara’s body to be hidden in the shadows. Then he rejoined the group heading to the tower. They approached quietly, before fanning out, surrounding the tower in a loose formation. Coulson sent a few quiet messages on the comm, hoping that he would have all the players in the proper position, when the time came to attack.


Once he finished, he took in the scene before him; Angel had the left flank set in their position. Xander had rejoined Anya, and and they were with Gunn backing Angel. On the right flank, Paul Ballard had skillfully deployed his team, with Adelle and Victor close at hand. Topher was working furiously on the tablet he had, keeping up with the movements and strategies of the group, as well as staying in close contact with the team at the Bus. Trip had lead a group all the way around and were at the back side of the large tower. The tower rose high above the street, and there seemed to be someone at the top, as Coulson could see movement. Several someones, he thought to himself, and then he heard a voice.


Glory emerged from the shadows at the base of the tower, “You know, fellas, I’m starting to think you don’t like little ole me very much. It’s enough to give a girl a complex.” Coulson raised his hand, indicating to all that they should hold off on their attack until his sign. “It’s actually rather simple, Glory. May I call you Glory?” he asked, still holding on to his sardonic tone. Glory sniffed as she stopped a dozen feet from Coulson. “I'm ... you know, I honestly don't think there's a human word fabulous enough for me,” she said, putting her hands on her hips.


“Oh, my name will be on everyone's lips, assuming their lips haven't been torn off. But not just yet. That's all right, though ..." Glory tossed her hair, and looked at the assembled people, strung out in a loose formation surrounding the tower. “This is what you’ve got to offer, then? Well, then. Tick-tock. Tick-fricking-tock. What are you waiting for, let the games begin!” And Coulson gave the signal.


So the battle commenced. Glory kept shedding attack after attack. Until she turned to punch away another attacker and instead flew backwards herself. Faith followed through with her swing of the hammer, smirking. “Just getting this back,” she said as she stalked forward. Glory rolled her eyes. “Can’t even beat me yourself, have to use some magical hammer-” She was cut off as Faith bashed her with the hammer. “Oh I intend to beat you pretty well with this.” Once again she hit Glory over and over, keeping the goddess pinned on the ground. There was screaming and blood and then-


There was a shift, the reverse of what had happened in the hospital. Glory’s hair receded and her body morphed into Ben. He moaned in pain on the ground as Faith once again looked confused. “Where do you keep coming from, dude?” Ben tried to get up but found he couldn’t quite move yet. So he just laid there and waited.


Coulson shook his head, stunned at the sight of the young man on the ground. Something was...not right. But he couldn’t put his finger on it. The comm began to blare, and he grabbed it distractedly, while trying to figure out what had happened. There was an urgent message from Simmons, and as he listened, he forgot about the strange man laying on the ground.


Living Players
1. BizBuzz
2. Machiabelly
3. Drogo
4. SVNBob
5. photo fox
6. CuriousParker


Killed in Classic Whedon Style
NPC-Bennett Halverson, a HERO. Could have killed you with her brain, if Joss didn’t so enjoy killing characters in front of their loved ones
NPC-Joyce Summers, a HERO. She was a good mom.
Oinky Boinky-Buffy Summers, a HERO and LOVER. The Slayer and a damn good one. Her nemesis-turned-ally Faith brought her first love Angel back to her. Could communicate with ANGEL outside of the game.
TMunz-Cordelia Chase, a HERO and SEER. Had changed since she was last in Sunnydale, and was still learning to work with her new gift. A reformed ‘mean girl,’ the snark remained strong with her. Was told each Night via her visions where the clues in the previous two stories were.
egavasc-Ian Quinn, a VILLAIN and JUST A PRETTY FACE. A rich and powerful enemy of SHIELD. He had become a part of Rossum’s plans to take over the world. Without any exceptional skills, however, he mainly paid for things and helped scheme.
MarkHB-Echo/Caroline Farrell, a HERO and JACK OF ALL TRADES. All of her various imprints had left her with many skills. Each Night, had the option of gaining an extra life, doing a full investigation, or protecting someone else. Each of these powers was ONLY 1 use each. (That is, if she used the extra life and was attacked that Night, she would survive but could not use the extra life again.)
Athena-Lilah Morgan, a VILLAIN and DEALMAKER. As Vice President of Special Projects at Wolfram & Hart, handled a lot of shady dealings. Had a contentious relationship with Angel Investigations in the past, but had been known to put feelings aside to work for a ‘greater good.’ Of course, it WAS her definition of ‘greater good’ so YMMV!  Had an extra 'anonymous' vote to cast for Day lynches; could PM it to us during the time the Day lynch was taking place. (This was in addition to her original vote under her screen name.)
Lisin-Wesley Wyndham-Price, a HERO and EMPATH. As a former member of the Watchers Council, he had seen more than his share of paranormal events. Was adjusting to being the ‘right hand’ at Angel Investigations, and sometimes struggled with holding back from taking the lead. Each Night, could PM us to find out the alignment of another player.
Dougal-Boyd Langton, a VILLAIN and HANDLER. Started working at the L.A. Dollhouse but was actually the head of Rossum, trying to take over the world. His work as a handler for actives led him to become quite protective of those he worked with. Each Night, could PM us the name of 1 other person to protect from harm (via kill that Night and DL the next Day). Could not protect the same person twice in a row.
Lady Calypso-Skye, a HERO and IDENTITY INVESTIGATOR. A hacker that was great at research of public knowledge. Each Night, could PM us the name of someone she’d like to investigate, and we would tell her their identity but not their alignment. She had to judge that for herself.
SilverStormm-Grant Ward, a RECRUITABLE HERO. The shady member of Coulson’s team. Had a lot of loyalty to John Garrett, his original Superior Officer. If he sought out Ward to work with him (investigated him), Ward would join the Villains.
NPC-Whiskey, a VILLAIN. Mainly included because TJ wanted ONE of Amy Acker’s roles in the game.
Jesse-Melinda May, a HERO and PROTECTOR. She was the Cavalry, first into a fight and all-around badass. Each Night, could PM us the name of someone else she’d like to protect from death for that Night and from DL the next Day. Could not protect the same person twice in a row.
JayKay-Mike Peterson/Deathlok, an ANTI-HERO and VIGILANTE. Used to be a normal guy, but his dealings with SHIELD left him scarred and with cybernetic enhancements. Tried to be a HERO this time, and had 3 Night kills to use during the game. But since he’s not really on the side of good, he would be seen as a VILLAIN to those who investigated him.
caprice-John Garrett, a CHARISMATIC VILLAIN and RECRUITER. The “Clairvoyant” that Coulson had been chasing - in reality, all of his knowledge came from being a SHIELD agent. In fact, if someone investigated his alignment, they would think he was a HERO. He is working with these other Villains to take over the world, and is looking for his old recruit, Grant Ward. Each night, could PM us the name of 1 person and we would tell him who it is. If he found Ward, he would be recruited to the Villains.
NPC-Spike, a HERO. If Whedon can needlessly kill him, why can’t we?
The Crazed Spruce-Tara Maclay, a HERO and MASON. A witch who had been passed in ability by her girlfriend Willow. In fact, she knew who WILLOW ROSENBERG was but could not communicate with her.


Sorry this took so long to get up. Believe it or not, tonight is the first time stacey and I have both been around. So you have 24 hours for Night actions. It will end ~11:30 PM Eastern Tuesday at the latest. The story contained 1 clue. The bar is (still) open.

  • Love 3

Just wanted to let all of the people that told Biz it was ok for her to add them on Town of Salem know that I took to liberty to add all of you too.  I just signed up yesterday as CuriousParker.  I have no idea what's going on over there but it looked and sounded like fun.  And because I don't know what happening over here either, I should feel right at home.


That French 75 does sound good. I'm working on perfecting a few punch and sangria recipes, myself.

caprice I have a great mixology app. French 75 from them is:

2 oz gin

2 oz fresh lemon juice

2 tsp superfine sugar (icing sugar works)

You can shake that with ice and strain (I put it in a flute.)

Fill flute with champagne or prosecco

Garnish with cherry and orange slice

Actually since a flute is smaller than a collins glass - I use that to make 2.

Athena and I are neighbours. I am going to make one for her someday if she wishes.

Edited by Oinky Boinky
  • Love 3

caprice I have a great mixology app. French 75 from them is:

2 oz gin

2 oz fresh lemon juice

2 tsp superfine sugar (icing sugar works)

You can shake that with ice and strain (I put it in a flute.)

Fill flute with champagne or prosecco

Garnish with cherry and orange slice

Actually since a flute is smaller than a collins glass - I use that to make 2.

Athena and I are neighbours. I am going to make one for her someday if she wishes.




Which mixology app do you use?


For Mad Men's finale this past weekend, I made one of my favourites: an Old Fashioned. I used Buffalo Trace bourbon, home made vanilla infused simple syrup, and angostura bitters.


*floats out*

  • Love 2



Which mixology app do you use?


For Mad Men's finale this past weekend, I made one of my favourites: an Old Fashioned. I used Buffalo Trace bourbon, home made vanilla infused simple syrup, and angostura bitters.


*floats out*

It's called mixology and the icon is the word mix in blue with the 'I' being a bottle.

You can search based on either the name of a drink or an ingredient you want to use.

You can move drinks to a favourites list or add your own custom recipe.

You can click on the ingredients to link to information or explanation of what the ingredient is.

It's free.

Oh and old fashioned is one of my favourites. I used to carry my own bottle of bitters in case I wanted oneand the bar didn't have bitters.

As Betty Draper said (referring to Gene) I want what I want when I want it.

  • Love 2

Day 10 - And I Feel Fine
The tower, Sunnydale

Chaos reigned around the tower, people shaking their heads and asking each other what had happened, spinning around to see what direction Glory had gone in. Coulson took in the information from Simmons best he could, but the signal was scrambled, and he couldn’t quite make out what she was saying. On the ground before him, the young man shook his head and started to get up.

He turned toward Ballard and Topher. “They need some help back at the Bus,” he said, “it sounds like they have run into some sort of problem there, and I’m not sure exactly what it is, but we should send someone back there to assist.” Topher looked up from his tablet, and replied, “I’ll head back, sir. The Bus has a better connection, and there seems to be something here at the tower interfering with the transmission.” He glanced at Ballard who gave a quick nod, before their attention was drawn back to the young man at their center, while Topher took off for the Bus.

“Brad! I mean, er, Brian? Bran?” Xander called out to the man, who stood up and turned towards him. “Ben,” the guy said, in a patient tone indicated that this had happened before. “Yeah, Ben. Hey, man, what are you doing here?” Xander said, drawing closer, while looking around furtively. “This is NOT a good place to just be hanging out!”

“Xander, get away from him!” Angel shouted as he charged forward. “That’s not Ben!” “Well, sure it is, Angel, you may not have met him at the hospital, but this guy was there when we took Buffy’s mom in the last-“ Xander started to explain before Angel shoved him aside, and got between Ben and Xander. “Yes,” Anya agreed. “Ben is one of the employees of the hospital who is charged with providing basic medical cares, and occasionally a bit of empathy to the patients of the institution. But it is odd that this is a location where he apparently spends time when not gainfully employed.”

Angel looked around at the crowd, all turned towards him with puzzled looks. “Don’t you all see this?” Angel said. Murmurs went through the assembled group, and Giles answered, “See what, Angel?” “Seriously? No one? Gunn? Xander? Anya? Faith? You didn’t see...that?” Angel said, waving his arm at Ben, while turning from person to person. Faith moved closer to Angel, her arm raised in a calming gesture towards him. “Hey, there, big guy,” she said gently, and Angel brushed her off. “This is insane. Faith, are you off your meds?”


Puzzled, the entire group of humans looked around, confused by Angel’s words. “What do you mean?” Giles said. “Ben is Glory. Glory is Ben.” Anya interrupted him, “When did this all happen?” “Just now! Faith,” Angel whirled to her, “You were fighting Glory! And she changed to Ben! Don’t you remember? This is Ben. Ben, Glory. He's a doctor, she's the Beast. Two entirely separate entities sharing one body.” Coulson stepped forward, “So, you’re saying, this Ben, and Glory...have a connection?” Giles said, “Yes, obviously, but what kind?”


Helplessly, Angel raised his head to look up into the night sky, and let out a long and exasperated shout. “This is just GREAT. Some sort of spell that blocks mortal beings from seeing that she changes her form?” Behind Angel, Ben had managed to stagger over to where a confused SHIELD agent stood watching the scene, and before everyone’s eyes but Angel, Glory flickered back into existence, plunging her fingers into the hapless agent’s skull. By the time Angel whirled around, Glory had crossed back to his location, grabbing a sharp piece of wood from the debris on the ground, and plunged the sharp end into Angel’s chest. With a puff, Angel ceased to exist.
On his way back towards The Bus, Topher was involved with his tablet, trying to make sure the signal was reversed and the brainwashed of Sunnydale would be returned to their normal state. He was looking down at the screen when there was a whoosh of wind. Topher looked up to see- “Willow!” Except she didn’t look the normal Willow. Her hair had turned black somehow, and she looked paler. An evil grin danced across her face. “Hello Topher,” she stated. Topher looked around in amazement. “Where did you come from?” “Teleported here,” Willow answered in a bored voice. “Pretty easy stuff. I wanted to see you.”


Topher looked down sadly. “I’m sorry about Tara-” He would have said more, but in the blink of an eye Willow was in front of him with her hand on his throat. “Don’t you say her name,” she seethed. “All of this is your fault anyway! You created those devices in the first place!” The hand clenched on his throat and Topher found it difficult to breathe. “I didn’t mean...I’m sorry…” he gasped out.


“Oh you’ll be sorry.” With the aid of her magic, Willow lifted him into the air. The tablet dropped harmlessly to the ground. “All of you are going to pay for what you took from me.” Topher was close to blacking out, but he couldn’t struggle out of the raging witch’s grasp. His mouth opened and closed as he tried to get air. But after a few seconds, he stopped moving altogether.


Willow tossed his body aside. “That’s one thing taken care of.” She vanished from the scene, leaving behind the corpse of the man she blamed for all this.


Living Players
1. Machiabelly
2. Drogo
3. photo fox
4. CuriousParker


Killed in Classic Whedon Style
NPC-Bennett Halverson
, a HERO. Could have killed you with her brain, if Joss didn’t so enjoy killing characters in front of their loved ones
NPC-Joyce Summers, a HERO. She was a good mom.
Oinky Boinky-Buffy Summers, a HERO and LOVER. The Slayer and a damn good one. Her nemesis-turned-ally Faith brought her first love Angel back to her. Could communicate with ANGEL outside of the game.
TMunz-Cordelia Chase, a HERO and SEER. Had changed since she was last in Sunnydale, and was still learning to work with her new gift. A reformed ‘mean girl,’ the snark remained strong with her. Was told each Night via her visions where the clues in the previous two stories were.
egavasc-Ian Quinn, a VILLAIN and JUST A PRETTY FACE. A rich and powerful enemy of SHIELD. He had become a part of Rossum’s plans to take over the world. Without any exceptional skills, however, he mainly paid for things and helped scheme.
MarkHB-Echo/Caroline Farrell, a HERO and JACK OF ALL TRADES. All of her various imprints had left her with many skills. Each Night, had the option of gaining an extra life, doing a full investigation, or protecting someone else. Each of these powers was ONLY 1 use each. (That is, if she used the extra life and was attacked that Night, she would survive but could not use the extra life again.)
Athena-Lilah Morgan, a VILLAIN and DEALMAKER. As Vice President of Special Projects at Wolfram & Hart, handled a lot of shady dealings. Had a contentious relationship with Angel Investigations in the past, but had been known to put feelings aside to work for a ‘greater good.’ Of course, it WAS her definition of ‘greater good’ so YMMV!  Had an extra 'anonymous' vote to cast for Day lynches; could PM it to us during the time the Day lynch was taking place. (This was in addition to her original vote under her screen name.)
Lisin-Wesley Wyndham-Price, a HERO and EMPATH. As a former member of the Watchers Council, he had seen more than his share of paranormal events. Was adjusting to being the ‘right hand’ at Angel Investigations, and sometimes struggled with holding back from taking the lead. Each Night, could PM us to find out the alignment of another player.
Dougal-Boyd Langton, a VILLAIN and HANDLER. Started working at the L.A. Dollhouse but was actually the head of Rossum, trying to take over the world. His work as a handler for actives led him to become quite protective of those he worked with. Each Night, could PM us the name of 1 other person to protect from harm (via kill that Night and DL the next Day). Could not protect the same person twice in a row.
Lady Calypso-Skye, a HERO and IDENTITY INVESTIGATOR. A hacker that was great at research of public knowledge. Each Night, could PM us the name of someone she’d like to investigate, and we would tell her their identity but not their alignment. She had to judge that for herself.
SilverStormm-Grant Ward, a RECRUITABLE HERO. The shady member of Coulson’s team. Had a lot of loyalty to John Garrett, his original Superior Officer. If he sought out Ward to work with him (investigated him), Ward would join the Villains.
NPC-Whiskey, a VILLAIN. Mainly included because TJ wanted ONE of Amy Acker’s roles in the game.
Jesse-Melinda May, a HERO and PROTECTOR. She was the Cavalry, first into a fight and all-around badass. Each Night, could PM us the name of someone else she’d like to protect from death for that Night and from DL the next Day. Could not protect the same person twice in a row.
JayKay-Mike Peterson/Deathlok, an ANTI-HERO and VIGILANTE. Used to be a normal guy, but his dealings with SHIELD left him scarred and with cybernetic enhancements. Tried to be a HERO this time, and had 3 Night kills to use during the game. But since he’s not really on the side of good, he would be seen as a VILLAIN to those who investigated him.
caprice-John Garrett, a CHARISMATIC VILLAIN and RECRUITER. The “Clairvoyant” that Coulson had been chasing - in reality, all of his knowledge came from being a SHIELD agent. In fact, if someone investigated his alignment, they would think he was a HERO. He is working with these other Villains to take over the world, and is looking for his old recruit, Grant Ward. Each night, could PM us the name of 1 person and we would tell him who it is. If he found Ward, he would be recruited to the Villains.
NPC-Spike, a HERO. If Whedon can needlessly kill him, why can’t we?
The Crazed Spruce-Tara Maclay, a HERO and MASON. A witch who had been passed in ability by her girlfriend Willow. In fact, she knew who WILLOW ROSENBERG was but could not communicate with her.
BizBuzz-Angel, a HERO and LOVER. A Vampire with a soul -- that was him. He avoided situations where he may once again find true happiness, which led to a tendency to brood. Some find that attractive? Could communicate with BUFFY SUMMERS outside of the game.
SVNBob-Topher Brink, a HERO and THE CAUSE OF ALL THIS. Well, kind of - he DID invent the remote wiping technology, but Adelle was the one who actually gave it to her Rossum bosses… Anyway, he had some guilt over this, so while he tried to help the Heroes, he wouldn’t be doing anything special in doing so. He couldn’t risk giving Rossum more weapons to use against them.


There is one clue in the story. You have 36 hours for Day. Commence conversation.

  • Love 3

It won't work this time either. I've said it a million times, I won't be going anywhere. And now I have a new baddie friend!  She even got her own story clue.  And it was a good one! 


So... let's do something fun that can only be done when there are two identified baddies and two heroes left (which happens um, never):

Dark Willow, let's vote to DL a Hero today... Ladies choice! :)

Edited by Drogo

1 to DL Drogo (CuriousParker) 2 to spend tomorrow wondering why he's still not dead

1 to DL either Machiabelly or CuriousParker (Drogo), 2 to read the first letters of paragraphs 6-10 and find out how Willow got an awesome Sansa-Stark makeover


photo, please remove from my DL string whichever hero you think deserves another Day.  :)

Edited by Drogo

You won't like me when I'm angry.

At this point someone just needs to put the hopeless heroes out of their misery...

There's no doubt about it- there are 2 good and 2 bad remaining. Now it's a matter of good vs evil. A tale as old as time.

Also, not sure I mentioned this but I'm a god: immortal. Another DL won't do anything but hurt my wittle feelings.

2 to DL Drogo (CuriousParker, Machiabelly) 1 to spend tomorrow wondering why Drogo's still not dead

1 to DL either Machiabelly or* CuriousParker(Drogo), 2 to read the first letters of paragraphs 6-10 and find out how Willow got an awesome Sansa-Stark makeover

*Dark Willow's choice.

photo fox ♡-- I wish we could speak privately but no real difference at this point, I guess. ;)

We can deadlock this, and take them both out tonight. Don't know about you but I'm not really in the mood for a hero win!

Edited by Drogo
  • Love 1

So Glory, if what you say is true, before Tara died and Willow went dark, you were the only villain left. If that is the case and you are immortal as you say, then the game was unwinnable for the heroes. I do not believe this.


I am not a mortal human, I see through your lies. you are killable..


I have learned from humans Willow. Tara would not want you to do this. She would want you to be a hero. You know this. Channel your pain and anger at the one who is responsible and finish Ben. The fact that someone is trying to convince you otherwise proves that you are not destined to be a villain.

  • Love 2

If that is the case and you are immortal as you say, then the game was unwinnable for the heroes. I do not believe this.

This game IS unwinnable for the heroes... unless you can convince my fellow villain that she shouldn't work with me.

Of course you want her to join your futile efforts...

Say you convinced her to vote with the heroes and I died (and it's getting a little boring explaining that I won't, yadda yadda) you two will just kill Willow right after.

And since I probably(definitely) won't die, you figure if she ignores my offer and votes against me I'll probably kill her tonight instead of killing a hero, leaving you both to live another Day.

Both scenarios: Good for you 2, bad for Willow.

photo-- The offer stands. Let's do this, Sugarplum.

And Tara? She would want you to LIVE. ♡

Edited by Drogo
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If Willow sides with us to finish you, she is no longer a villain.


She will no longer be Dark Willow 


If she is, which I doubt, she will kill one of us in the night. Then it will be one hero and Willow so no Lynch and she will kill the last hero and be the sole survivor. She will be alone with her rage. She will not have an old goddess hanging around getting in her way.

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Wrong on so many levels. Specifically the level where you called me OLD. No rust on this engine.

Willow's a villain now and always will be, she's not falling for your propaganda, she's with me and I'm not going to hand her over to be killed by some less-popular-than-BTVS Whedon heroes- deal with it, y'all.

1 to DL Drogo (Machiabelly) 2 to spend tomorrow wondering why Drogo's still not dead

2 to DL CuriousParker(Drogo, CuriousParker), 1 end this thing, I'm battle worn.

Drogo, I removed "either Machiabelly or*" from your lynch. If you're dead set on giving PF a choice feel free to add him back.

Well now I'm speechless. And that doesn't happen often. I get it, though.*

It's photo's choice, but I will leave it as is.

(*I also can't wait for TPB Mafia!)

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