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Breaking Bad Mafia

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2 hours ago, Drogo said:

It's like deja vous all over again.

Maybe the Villains can only kill alternating nights. That would be new and great. 

More likely they forgot to submit one because weekend.

I don't think that is likely at all. At least 3 villains and lots of time to put in the hit. Everyone posted during day we all seem on the ball. 

No evidence of a failed hit in the story. I am surmising that another action stopped the NK.

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Yeah, I'm sort of lost on this, not sure what's in-character and not. Not even sure who's a Villain and who's not! *flails*

Taco Tuesday in The Lego Movie was, of course, the unleashing of the TAKOS (the S is silent). Anyone have a silent letter in their name? 

It was also declared Freedom Friday (but still on a Tuesday) if that's anything. Yes, I have watched this movie about a zillion times already. Ahem.

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8 hours ago, Drogo said:


Taco Tuesday is a major theme in The Lego Movie, starring Chris Pratt (CP.)

Oh, that could be something to look at.

7 hours ago, TJtrack99 said:

Yeah, I'm sort of lost on this, not sure what's in-character and not. Not even sure who's a Villain and who's not! *flails*

Taco Tuesday in The Lego Movie was, of course, the unleashing of the TAKOS (the S is silent). Anyone have a silent letter in their name? 

It was also declared Freedom Friday (but still on a Tuesday) if that's anything. Yes, I have watched this movie about a zillion times already. Ahem.

I think a lot of us have silent letters in our names.

6 hours ago, CuriousParker said:

I try and help you out and this is what I get?  Thanks a lot dude.

It's a risk we muddle into sometimes.

2 hours ago, The Crazed Spruce said:

Well, one advantage it gives them is that we still don't know for sure if it's bad guys vs. good guys, or bad guys vs. worse guys. Kind of a phyrric victory for 'em, though....

It's going to be interesting to figure out. I think it might end up being like the pirate round TJ did a while back. Was it pirates?

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1 hour ago, Dougal said:

So...we have like three hours left in Day, and it's all early early morning US time, so I guess nothing is happening. Since the villains so kindly left us alive N1, I guess this is just the equivalent of a no-DL day 1. But, still, we should make sure that no matter what this doesn't happen again tomorrow. :)

We still have over twelve hours now.  London time is crazy, yo!

36 minutes ago, CuriousParker said:

We still have over twelve hours now.  London time is crazy, yo!

Ah! It said "8:30pm", and I totally read that as "8:30am", but let's just say the problem is that I'm now thoroughly Europeanized in my five days here and was expecting to see "20:30". :p

Yes, we should do something. What? I don't know. But something. Just as long as it's not DLing me. :)

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6 minutes ago, CuriousParker said:

No ya'll.  I happen to know that Caprice is not who we want to DL.

The only way you can be 100% certain is if you are masons. 

In this game, knowing someone's character name (which I do) does not give you their affiliation. 

So if C & C are masons, + the one person I know that I am pretty sure is on town side + myself= I would be pretty sure of 6 out of 10.  

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1 minute ago, Oinky Boinky said:

The only way you can be 100% certain is if you are masons. 

Or villain buddies (though this then becomes a pretty risky claim), or maybe something weird.

But, yeah, it's a strong enough claim that it maybe gives caprice enough credibility to back off a based-off-of-very-little DL. I dunno, my mind is currently addled by the housing search; taking myself off.

1 to DL Caprice (Oinky Boinky) 4 to get the keys to a big shot
1 to DL Drogo (CP) 5 to see if my instinct is correct

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I'm not going to be around as much as usual today or tomorrow because my kids are off from school and I took the days to be with them.  We goin' ChuckECheese'ing. 

I don't love the caprice DL as much as another Taco Tuesday connection  ("Taco Tuesday" is owned by Taco John's.)  

1 to DL caprice (Oinky Boinky) 5 to get the keys to a big shot
1 to DL Drogo (CP) 5 to see if my instinct is correCT

1 to DL TJTrack (Drogo) 5 to register trademark Mafia Monday 

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20 minutes ago, CuriousParker said:



3 minutes ago, Drogo said:


I don't love the caprice DL as much as another Taco Tuesday connection  ("Taco Tuesday" is owned by Taco John's.)  

1 to DL Drogo (CP) 5 to see if my instinct is correCT

2 to DL TJTrack (Drogo, Oinky Boinky) 4 to register trademark Mafia Monday 

 I agree. I liked all the TTs etc as much as the Caprice/Ruby thing.

I am going to support C&C for now. I believe if CP just wanted to get us off Caprice she would have started with a little lie about Drogo and and if that didn't work then haul out the big lie about Caprice. 

I am going with my other set of reasoning in my vote switch. 

If I am pretty sure of 4 of 10 and there are 3 villains in the remaining 6- this is pretty good odds.

I have to go out and my phone is wonky in regards to this site so meanwhile all I can say is you DO NOT WANT to DL me. Trust me on that please. 

Um, no, you reallllllllly don't want to do that. 

I was just coming in to defend Drogo and say he's also not the person we're looking for! (Well, I don't think so, anyway, hard to know without knowing who's a Villain and such.)

Don't want to no-lynch, but don't want to die, so....?

ETA: Spruce, what makes you distrust Drogo? I mean I have as good a reason as any - starting a lynch on me when I am a Hero - but I think he's okay...

Edited by TJtrack99
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Night 2

         “Hello Gale,” a voice said behind him. Gale had been working on his coffee maker. One of the connections had come loose and he was determined to ensure that it wouldn’t happen again. When he was working, he got lost in what he was doing, his focus solely on the task at hand. The voice startled him and he turned around abruptly, nearly knocking over his loose beakers.

          “Oh, hello Mr. Fring. What can I do you for today?”

          “Well, first I would like a cup of coffee.” Gus said, as he walked calmly and coolly down the stairs of the superlab.

          “Already pouring it sir. But that was first. What is second?” Gale asked, nervously. Gus never visited the lab unannounced. Something was amiss and Gale was quickly wracking his brain to try to figure out if he had done something to cause the visit.

          “Ahhh, this is fine coffee. The best in town,” said Gus. “Second is that I need to ask you to do me a favor. It is very important and I cannot ask it of anyone else.”

          “Of course sir. What do you need?” Gale asked eagerly. He always aimed to please.

          “I need you to watch our newest employees very closely. Report back to me if you notice any behavior that seems suspect. I do not trust them like I trust you.”

          “Yes sir.” He knew better that to ask or wonder why. Gus Fring was a careful man. He had reasons to be careful. And Gale could only follow his lead, even if he liked working with Walter White. And Jesse, he guessed, was alright too.


          “To family!” Marie cheered as she forced everyone to toast their margaritas.

          “To family.” Hank, Skyler, and Walt echoed. They sat not speaking, the munching of tortilla chips by the nearby customers and the mariachi band filling the silence at the table. Walt and Skyler had only recently ended their separation and Marie was anxious to get everything back to the way it was before this whole cancer scare had torn the family apart.

            “So, how’s Holly? Still as cute as ever? You know, you really could have brought her tonight, it’s been ages since I got to pinch those chubby adorable cheeks.” She asked.

            “Marie, you babysat for us two days ago and that was at your request. I think you know how Holly is.” Skyler replied, finishing her margarita and signalling to the waiter for another. Her sister would steal her baby if she thought she could get away with it.

            “She just loves her Auntie Marie so much! You know, I could sit for you again soon. Date night for the Whites? C’mon Walt, you know that sounds like a great idea.”

            “Oh Marie, let them be. They’ve got enough going on without your badgering.” Hank teased his wife gently. He knew she would push it too far if she went much further and he was having a nice evening.

             “No, no. She’s right. A date night could be nice.” Walt said, smiling at his wife, trying to get back in her good graces.

             “I’ll think about it.” Skyler said, wishing her margarita could magically refill.

Still Breaking Bad

  • TJTrack99 
  • HangedMan 
  • CuriousParker 
  • Drogo 
  • MuuMuuChainsmoker 
  • The Crazed Spruce 
  • Oinky Boinky 
  • caprice 
  • Dougal 
  • SVNBob

There are no clues in the story. Night actions need to be in by approx. 8:45pm EDT Wednesday. Bar is open for those who, like Skyler, need never ending margaritas! I know I'll have one, or two, or several. 

Edited by egavasc
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