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Breaking Bad Mafia

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54 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Okay time to do stuff. In any other game, I wouldn't assume the worst about law enforcement, but this is not any other game. 

2 to DL Dougal (Drogo,Oinky Boinky ) a number to stick with my original premise.

The number is 2

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And that's Day! We are now in Twilight (For those of you with Twilight actions, please try to get them in in the next 12 hours if possible). Game talk may continue until the Night story is posted. 

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1 hour ago, Hanged Man said:

Hmmm Bob may be northwest of Houston for the next couple of days and I wonder if he is going to be around at night

That was just last weekend...and one in the future.  I'll let you all know closer to that time.  So I'm here now.

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Night 5

          Some time had passed. If this were a visual medium, you would see a montage of sunrises and sunsets in the Albuquerque desert. Alas, the best that can be done here is to say some time had passed. Hank’s grief had dulled and he was no longer numb to the things going on around him. Spending time with the remaining White’s had roused his suspicion. He had been too sick to worry about where the money came from to pay for his rehabilitation. But now, now he was suspicious. Walt just started counting cards when he became ill? And that brought in enough money to support the family, buy the car wash, AND pay for rehab? No way, Hank thought. No way that was how he was bringing in his money. And now Walt was managing the car wash? With the hours he kept? No way. Something was up.

           Suspicious, Hank placed a tracking device on Walt’s Pontiac Aztek. Now he would know where his brother-in-law was going everyday. Monitoring Walt’s travels, Hank saw that Walt barely ever went to the car wash, but instead took a roundabout route to a commercial laundry facility. Whatever could he be doing there? Hank decided he would just ask his brother-in-law straight out.

          Over dinner, he started his confrontation. Walt Jr, was out at a friend’s place and Holly was down for the night. Hank felt like he was safe.

          “So, Walt, what exactly is it that you do all day?”

          “Oh you know, make sure everything is running the way it should at the car wash. Make sure the employees are doing their jobs and that all the machines are working properly. Everything Skyler did. I’m sure I’m not doing half as well as she did but I try.” Walt lied easily.

           “I noticed that you aren’t actually going to the car wash. So tell me again, what do you do all day?” Hank pressed cautiously. He wanted the truth, but he knew how to be patient and wait.

          “What, are you following me now?” Walt chuckled. He couldn’t imagine that Hank could have seen through his scheme.

           “Kind of. You don’t take the right road to get to the car wash when you leave in the morning. Plus you’re also often gone overnight. So I’m just a little confused as to what it is you do all day. I’m just curious. Not here to bust your balls or anything. Just want to know, you know, brother to brother.” Hank was not going to let Walt know he was tracking his movements. He’d need more evidence before he let that bomb drop.

            “Oh, just a little of this a little of that.” Walt said, his anger rising. This accuser was in his house. What did Hank know? How much did Hank know? He started to reach for the snub-nosed revolver in the back of his pants. But Hank was family, Walt thought. But was he? The loss of Skyler and Marie had loosened the ties that bound Walt and Hank. Walt measured quickly the balance of family and threat. Hank was family, but family that could threaten Walt’s ability to provide for his children. His children were everything now that Skyler was gone. Sure of his decision, he drew his weapon and pointed it at Hank

          “Walt! What are you doing?!” Hank said, his hands up defenseless.

          Wordlessly, Walt pulled the trigger and watched his former brother-in-law fall to the floor, lifeless. Yet another mess for Walt to clean up. Time to get the plastic bins and the acid.

Still Breaking Bad 

  • HangedMan  
  • Drogo 
  • MuuMuuChainsmoker 
  • Oinky Boinky 
  • caprice 
  • SVNBob

On a Trip to Belize

  •  CuriousParker - Skinny Pete
  • TJTrack99 - Marie Schrader
  • The Crazed Spruce - Skyler White
  • Dougal - Hank Schrader

There are no clues in the story. Night actions are due in by 2:30pm EDT Sunday. Enjoy the Bar

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Day 6

         “Yo, can I come to work with you?” Badger asked Jesse. The pair were in Jesse’s apartment playing MarioKart. Jesse hadn’t been able to poach any decent amount of meth in weeks, so Badger had just been laying low. Meth heads did not appreciate it when their dealers were out.

          “No way man. Those people are crazy. You wanna be shot?” Jesse replied.

          “But I’m so bored! There’s no drugs and there’s only so many times I can play the same games. I beat all the levels of Pikman and there’s only so much zombie killing a person can do! I thought I could kill zombies all day long man. But those zombies just keep coming.”

           “It’s a bad idea, bitch. A real bad idea.Trust me. I’m pretty sure Gus’s dudes would shoot me if I ever even thought about moving the wrong way right now. I don’t even wanna think about what they’d do if a stranger showed up.”

           “Alright, alright. Just bring me something new to play? I’m sooooo booorreeed.” Badger complained before going back to hurling shells at Princess Peach. Stupid Peach.

           The next day Badger stumbled over to Jesse’s apartment. He really need to find a new bud, someone to hang out with when Jesse wasn’t around. No one could really replace Skinny Pete but man. It was lonely all by himself. Even getting stoned wasn’t all that fun. Nah, getting stoned was still pretty great. But better with a friend. Who else would listen to his Star Trek spec script ideas? Man, he really needed to get on that! When he entered Jesse’s place, having used the key under the cactus outside, he noticed it kinda smelled funny. Maybe he should straighten up the place a little, he thought. Do something nice for his friend. Badger started to do some minor cleaning (although, what Badger thought was cleaning the rest of the world would probably find abhorrent). Then it was time for a smoke break. He whipped his lighter out of his pocket and flicked it reflexively. Before he could even react, he was engulfed in flames. That smell wasn’t just the smell of a dirty house. There was a gas leak. The fire was extinguished by the time Jesse came home, but Badger never stood a chance.

Still Breaking Bad 

  • HangedMan  
  • Drogo 
  • MuuMuuChainsmoker 
  • Oinky Boinky 
  • SVNBob

On a Trip to Belize

  •  CuriousParker - Skinny Pete
  • TJTrack99 - Marie Schrader
  • The Crazed Spruce - Skyler White
  • Dougal - Hank Schrader
  • caprice - Badger

There are no clues in the story because clues are hard and I had a headache. Sorry! Day will end at approx. 6pm EDT Tuesday unless a vote is reached earlier. Good luck! 

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Ok, so the only thing I can figure at this point is that we've got the drug producers of Walt, Jesse, Gale and Gus and the "law" representative (though not really law and order) of Saul Goodman.  So I'm inclined to vote for Saul unless anyone else has any big ideas.  

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1 hour ago, MuuMuuChainsmoker said:

we've got the drug producers of Walt, Jesse, Gale and Gus and the "law" representative (though not really law and order) of Saul Goodman.

This is where my head is at.  We might be criminals but the bad guys are the old "Law & Order".  At least one down and one to go. 

1 to DL SVNBob (Drogo), 2 to DUN DUN 

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Well if there are villains in this game it looks like they just won. It made sense to DL Hank since we don't have a firm grasp upon who is considered the villains; but I can't think of a scenario where Saul and Hank are on the same team which makes the DL of Hank was a waste; how could Saul be considered a villain if Walt and Gus and Hank are not? So there could be non-standard winning conditions but I am beginning to think that Walter is the villain. Or maybe Walter and Jesse are the villains? I don't know. On the plus side the game is over and all of these questions will be answered.

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In our stories he was helping Skylar and WW so I believed him to be on our side until I just couldn't anymore. 

There is 'splaining to be done in regards to how people have remained alive. 

SVNBob - was thinking why waste a NK when he is not contributing but then again he is behaving like a villain who isn't sure how to be a villain -just staying away so he doesn't have to tell bad lies.

There has to have been some sort of protection going on. 

Saul seems like a protector sort but for which team? 

I couldn't go with Dougal's 'Walter White lies' being a clue in our story because it is not the way our clues work. Our clues tell us which player is a bad guy, not which show character is the bad guy. 

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2 minutes ago, Oinky Boinky said:

There has to have been some sort of protection going on.

I had protection abilities limited to three characters...  I don't know if we had a standard Protector.  Limited reveal is really tricky. 

I feel confident that if SVNBob was a hero, he wouldn't have lived to Day 6 in a ten player game.  Villains don't really like to let Bob live, even when he's quiet.

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4 minutes ago, Oinky Boinky said:

So there is at least one more villain.  

There is no world in which Walt, Gus, Jesse, and Gale are still alive, that Gale is the villain.

Probable villains in order as I think they are being played

Walt - Drogo

Gus - OB

Jesse - MMCS

Gale - HM

Though there is the caveat that I can't do anything, I can only go by whatever clues people have dropped as to who they are.

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Now it could be that Jesse and Walt are the villain team in which case the Villains win.

It could be that Walt is the sole villain in which case assuming a night kill leaves MMCS, OB and Drogo, Drogo needs to be killed

It could be that Gus is the sole villain, which if Gus is OB as I already stated that doesn't make sense.

It is unlikely that Jesse is the sole villain

It is unlikely that Gale is the sole villain

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I think I've already posted this but I had the option each Night to protect Jesse and Gale-- which I did most Nights. 

So if this game isn't over, which it doesn't appear to be, the last/only villain is Gus. 

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1 minute ago, Drogo said:

So if this game isn't over, which it doesn't appear to be, the last/only villain is Gus. 

That doesn't make sense if Oinky is Gus; Oinky had the option Day 2 to finish the DL of a hero(me) and was the deciding vote, which would have shortened the game by a day. There is no reason that I can think of for Oinky would keep me alive if she were a villain.

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Sorry Walt you had better send Jesse to my apartment tonight because otherwise I will be trying to convince Gus or Jesse (whoever is left) tomorrow that you are the one who knocks.


I am experiencing some grammar issues

Edited by Hanged Man
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13 minutes ago, Hanged Man said:

Oinky had the option Day 2 to finish the DL of a hero(me) and was the deciding vote, which would have shortened the game by a day.

Gamewise that was meaningless, her vote and retraction were both after Day had ended early that morning.  

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Tsk. I will not have any of your revisionist history. While the killing blow and non-killing retraction did occur after day had ended, she was originally number 3 on the DL HM list and it was only after I pointed out that I loaned her my binocs that she recanted (page 219 posts 3,4, and 5).

If you can come up with a reason that a villain would not DL a hero after already committing to it, I will listen.

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I just went back to look at that exchange and now OB's vote change makes more sense, at that time I didn't know what the binoculars were and glazed over it. 

So you're the one with binoculars.  You lent them to me, too, and I used them to look at you Night before last.  And then I came here yesterday and told everyone you were good. 

The simplest explanation:  Saul's a two-kill which is why our game isn't over yet.  We'll still have the numbers tomorrow to DL again. 

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If Saul is still alive then we can try DLing him again. However if Saul is dead and the game isn't over then the only reasonable option is that of the four of us remaining either you and/or MMCS are villains and I am coming after you. I suspect that I will get kilt overnight leaving three and then the game will be over or Jesse and Gus need to get Walt.

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20 minutes ago, Drogo said:

So you're the one with binoculars. 

I know

21 minutes ago, Drogo said:

You lent them to me, too,

I know

21 minutes ago, Drogo said:

and I used them to look at you Night before last.

My plan was that you would remember me using the word binoculars in my post to Oinky and make the connection that I had them and was thus a friend, thus you could use them to investigate someone else.

23 minutes ago, Drogo said:

And then I came here yesterday and told everyone you were good. 

Which is confusing, I am a hero so it seems weird that you are a villain. However I am running out of options as to whom the villain is.

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1 minute ago, Hanged Man said:

This whole thing would be solved if I could just use my own inventions

You'd think so, but even knowing who everyone is doesn't help.  The only deaths with an actual perpetrator in the stories have been our DLs.  We really have no idea who is killing at Night. 

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