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Blackadder Mafia

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1 to DL @Drogo (HM) 5 to start getting the bad guys

1 to DL @Dougal (CP) 5 to really get him this time.

I know Drogo is EVUL.  According to the clue (found by Silver) so is Dougal.  I still do not know for sure about Silverstormm.

I do know the story is not following night actions though; because, I can't save anyone and it looks like Edmund saved his Queen last night.  All I can do is tell you what I know.

Still do not know for sure about me? "According to the clue found by Silver"? What have I done to be mistrusted? That clue is indisputable imo.

I'm a 100% hero and in fact, the only lady-cum-boy that you actually do love my dearest Edmund <sobs>. I'm more than happy to be investigated to prove my hero status, and unlike the last time I made that offer; I actually mean it, so please do check my bad, aka good, self out. 

But if Dougal was a two kill, we would get him this time.  

It gets to be a 'wine in front of me' type of natter on this who is protected today question.  

Does anyone think there could be 3 villains? That would be a fairly high ratio for a 12 person game.

I will vote to DL one  of the D's just watching the flow here for a bit. 

16 minutes ago, Hanged Man said:

I am going to go with a DL of Drogo, If he was protected yesterday he wont be protected today.

1 to DL @Drogo (HM) 5 to start getting the bad guys

Plus he irritates me more than Dougal, in general


@Hanged Man Drogo said he WASN'T protected yesterDay but I'm thinking that villains usually lie. One of them could be a 2 kill and the other protected maybe? Based on the fact that Drogo was likely being less than honest, he probably WAS protected yesterDay. If Dougal is a 2 kill he would have tried to sway us to vote for himself in the hopes of saving one of Dougal's lives. Which leads me to think that Dougal will probably be protected toDay? Leaving Drogo vulnerable? Then again I really have no clue, it's all assumption at this point. Argh!!

12 minutes ago, Hanged Man said:

I am going to go with a DL of Drogo, If he was protected yesterday he wont be protected today.

1 to DL @Drogo (HM) 5 to start getting the bad guys

Plus he irritates me more than Dougal, in general


1 to DL @Drogo (HM) 5 to start getting the bad guys

1 to DL @Dougal (CP) 5 to really get him this time.

1 to DL @Jesse (Dougal) 5 to do what you know is right*

1 to DL @Hanged Man (Drogo) 5 to irritate more in general


(*You guys can't just not carry over Dougal's DL because you're jealous of his invincibility.)

  • Love 2

There are some people being fairly uncharacteristic so far in this game and I have my beady eye on them. Not naming any names just yet because we have bigger fish to fry at the moment, and I want to watch their play for a while longer. FYI, you're not one of them @CuriousParker for obvious reasons, but I'm not prepared to narrow it down more than that at the moment for fear of putting myself - prematurely - in the line of fire.

I do not believe that is Dougal.

17 minutes ago, CuriousParker said:

Hence me saying I still don't know about you.  I could not get a true reading.

I don't know what that means. Unless you are a random chance investigator like caprice was.

33 minutes ago, Drogo said:

1 to DL @Hanged Man (Drogo) 5 to irritate more in general

No more coffee for you @Drogo you are cut off.

40 minutes ago, Drogo said:

I submit as evidence this recent photo of Dougal pulling a boat of rescued puppies to safety... 


15 minutes ago, Hanged Man said:

I do not believe that is Dougal.




(This is why it's better for all parties involved if no one calls me irritating.  Join my DL and enjoy peaceful days ahead!)

ETA:  I meant to join the DL I started, not the one that tries to kill me.

Edited by Drogo
  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, Jesse said:

I guess I should put my money where my mouth is

Absolutely not.  30% of paper currency is contaminated with fecal bacteria and/or rhinovirus.  

But since you obviously hate puppies, I'm changing my vote to you. 


1 to DL @DROGO (HM) 5 to start getting the bad guys

2 to DL @DOUGAL (CP, Jesse) 4 to really get him this time.

2 to DL @JESSE (Dougal, Drogo) 4 to do what you know is right*

7 minutes ago, Lisin said:

Gotta say this makes the most sense to me. 

1 to DL @DROGO (HM) 5 to start getting the bad guys

4 to DL @DOUGAL (CP, Jesse, Lisin, Oinky Boinky) 2 to really get him this time.

1 to DL @JESSE (Dougal) 5 to do what you know is right*

1 to DL @HANGED MAN (Drogo) 5 to irritate more in general

@Hanged Man you should think about changing your vote otherwise there is too much splitting going on. 

(of note: my last vote to DL Drogo mysteriously disappeared but by the time I got in from golf the DL had gone against Dougal.)

14 minutes ago, Lisin said:

Gotta say this makes the most sense to me. 

Hey! You don't get to move Drogo's vote around just because it makes more sense to you!


1 to DL @Drogo (HM) 5 to start getting the bad guys
3 to DL @Dougal (CP, Jesse, Lisin) 3 to really get him this time.
2 to DL @Jesse (Dougal, Drogo) 4 to do what you know is right*

  • Love 2

Night 4

Once again, we return to Prince George’s time.  (Is all this zipping back and forth through time giving anyone else a headache?)  As you may recall, Pitt the Younger was entering George’s residence, having narrowly missed having his adolescent melon smashed in by a piece of falling balustrade. 

Pitt had just recently given a speech in front of Parliament that nicely sums up his state of mind as he stormed into the room to confront George:


“I shall introduce legislation to utterly destroy three enemies  of the State. The first is that evil dictator, Napoleon Bonaparte. The second is my old Geography master, “Banana-breath” Switchanks.  But most of all, sirs, I intend to pursue that utter slob, The Prince of Wales! Why, this year alone, he has spent 15,000 pounds on banqueting, 20,000 pounds on perfume and -- most astonishing of all -- an astonishing 59,000 pounds on socks! Therefore, my three main policy priorities are: 1) War with France;  2) Tougher sentences for geography teachers; and 3) A right royal kick of the Prince's backside!”


So now that the scene is properly set, Pitt enters the Prince’s sitting room. 

George barked excitedly, “Why, hello there, young sabre, m'lad! I say, here's one: I've a shiny sixpence here and for the clever fellow who can tell me which hand it's in!”


“Mr Pitt is Prime Minister,” said Edmund.

“What, young Snotty here?  Are you sure?  Seems like a bit of an  oily tick to me. When I was at school, we used to line up four or five of his sort, make them bend over, and use them as a toastrack.” said George.

Pitt visibly blushed and said: “You don't surprise me, sir -- I know your sort. Once, it was I who stood in the big, cold schoolroom, a hot crumpet burning my cheeks with shame. Since that day, I have been busy, every hour God sends, working to become Prime Minister and fight sloth and privilege wherever I found it.”

“I trust you weren't too busy to remove the crumpet?” Edmund deadpanned.   “Speaking of tasty treats, would you care for a lolly?  We have cherry.” 

Pitt scowled angrily at Edmund before reluctantly giving in and grabbing the candy.  “You laugh at me now, but I will be the one laughing when the parliamentary vote passes and you are kicked out on the street! And now as I said to the Chancellor at the Congress of Strasbourg   `Pooh to you with knobs on!'”  shrieked Pitt. 

As he stormed out the front door, he stumbled on a pebble on the street.  Unfortunately for Pitt, this caused the cherry lozenge to lodge itself in his windpipe.  Pitt the Younger started to turn blue and clasp at his throat.  His coach driver tried to save him, but it was too late, the PM was dead in the street.  

From out of the coach a voice cried, “No, my brother!  Your death will not be in vain.   I, Pitt the Even Younger, will assume your role as PM and continue the work you’ve begun!”


There are 0 clues in the above story. 

Night has begun.  The dead may speak.   You have 36 hours to get your Night actions in. 

Still alive in Elizabethan times and eras beyond:

  • egavasc
  • CuriousParker
  • Drogo
  • SilverStormm
  • HM
  • Lisin
  • TCS
  • Oinky Boinky
  • Dougal
  • Jesse

Another new freckle on the nose of the giant pixie

  • SVNBob
  • Caprice
  • Love 1

Day 4

Queenie had had a busy day of playing pranks on Edmund and was ready for a little bit of beauty sleep.  Not that she needed to get more beautiful—all of her terrified subject always said she had the prettiest nose in London.  Just as she was preparing to retire to her chamber, her servant announced that there was a Lord Flashheart here to call on her.

“Ooooh, Lord Flashheart!  I’ve got such a crush on him,” squealed Queenie (who had not heard anything about the rumors of Flash’s recent demise).  “Send him in immediately.”  Queen began to adjust her bosoms and lick her lips in anticipation.


Lord Flashheart burst into the chamber with a shout: “Flash by name! Flash by nature! Hurrah!”  He swagger confidently towards the Queen.  “Hi, Queenie.  You look sexy.  Listen, wear your hair long—I prefer it that way.  Woof!”

“Woof!” said the Queen, a bit flustered by Flash’s sexy bravado and very tight trousers.  

“Queenie, just because I can give multiple orgasms to the furniture just by sitting on it, doesn’t mean I’m not sick of this bloody war.  Have you ever considered just packing it all in and giving all your lands to Germany?”

The Queen was confused. “Wait, what? No!  Why would I ever do that?”

“C’mon.  Run away with me now and you’ll be staring at my bedroom ceiling from now until Christmas, you lucky tart.  I know the fabled 12th major chapter of the Kama Sutra that has been known to cause grown women to die of pleasure and asked to be buried in a Y-shaped coffin.”  

At Queenie’s blank reaction, Flash said, “Ah, well.  I guess we’ll have to do this the stabby way.”  With one swift move, he drew a dagger from his belt and stabbed the Queen in the torso.

As Queenie sank to the floor, she looked at Flash and said, “Why would you do that? I am your Sovereign!  I’m pretty!!”

Lord Flashheart removed incredibly cunning disguise to reveal…a scar faced fellow we’ve never met before.  Or have we?  


“Ahh, Queen Elizabeth, we meet again.”

Queenie coughed up some blood. “Errrr, no I don’t think so, actually.”

“Yes -- you remember when you were young; your father used to take you  riding on a magnificent grey pony that you used to kiss and fondle in the stable yard? *I*, I was the tall and attractive German stable lad who held him! ”

“No?!  You were Shorty Greasy Spot Spot?”

“At my school, having dirty hair and spots was a sign of maturity!!  You will regret the day you have mocked my complexion!  I was a master of disguise then and I have only gotten more clever since then.  And now, I, Prince Ludwig the Indeswuctible, with have my rewenge!  I will become Master of the World!!!!”

As our poor Queen died, Prince Ludwig made preparations to hide the body and assume the Queen’s identity.  “Now this is one disguise I’m really going to enjoy,” he said smugly.

There is 1 clue in the above story.  

Day has begun.  The dead must rest.   You have 48 hours until Twilight.  

Still alive in Elizabethan times and eras beyond:

  • CuriousParker
  • Drogo
  • SilverStormm
  • HM
  • Lisin
  • TCS
  • Oinky Boinky
  • Dougal
  • Jesse

Another new freckle on the nose of the giant pixie

  • egavasc  You are Queenie, a Hero Protector.  You are Queen Elizabeth I, and you are an insane, capricious, badass bitch.   You have the heart of a petulent schoolgirl and a fondness for threatening to execute anyone who you feel is being insufficiently appreciative of your grace and charm.  You have some naughty feelings for Lord Blackadder that have remained unconsummated.   As a Protector, you hold the power of life and death in your hands. Each Night, you may protect one player from being killed.  You may not protect the same person for 2 Nights in a row.
  • SVNBob You are Lord Flashheart, a Hero Jack of All Trades.   You are Flash by name, flash by nature! (“Hooray!”)  You are well known as the best sword, the best shot, the best sailor and the best kisser in the Kingdom.   Though nominally friends with your old pal “Eddie” Blackadder, you are not above stealing his bride at the altar. As a Jack of All Trades, you have the Nightime powers of Seer, Protector and Vigilante.  Each power may be used only ONCE and may not be used on the same Night. 
  • Caprice You are Baldrick, a Hero Weak Seer.  You are a devoted dogsbody/companion to Edmund Blackadder in all his incarnations.  Unfortunately, you also have deplorable hygiene, an inability to grasp the simplest of concepts and an bizarre fondness for turnips  You frequently proclaim to have a “cunning plan” to get your pal Blackadder out of a jam, proving that you don’t understand the meaning of the word “cunning”.  Or “plan” for that matter.  As a Weak Seer, you may investigate one player per Night.  However, because your cunning plans rarely ever benefit anyone involved, you will only return a result 1/3 of the time (based on a random role of the dice).


  • Love 2
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