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Blackadder Mafia

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The curse of a common name.  Almost anything can be an oblique reference to it.  Which then becomes a "clue", even when it isn't.  (And honestly, I'm Kevin in that picture.)

I am a Hero.  The most hero-ing hero that there is.  And my resume isn't the only thing that's long and impressive, ladies.  Woof!

12 hours ago, Drogo said:

florid faced

Hmm... this means a face that is tinged red.  And that describes Lisin's avatar. 

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So Bob is hinting at being Lord Flashheart, but in a game where claiming is allowed - as some of us know - claiming/hinting can mean nothing as per the Doctor Who game elsewhere, where the villain team was given alter ego hero identities to use.

Also that defence is a little weak imo - common name - what else would be used as a clue if not your name?? Hmmm, just sayin'...if no lynch happens toDay someone def needs to check our little Bob minion toNight. ;)

If I die toNight, please remember this^!

ETA Bearing this in mind and the fact I was taken out pretty quick in the last game; I'd like to ask for protection toNight if that's ok.

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Baaah!! I promise florid faced is not a clue for me (though it is apt... my face is red a lot IRL because allergies).

That being said, also I don't know Blackadder the way I know say... Buffy or other shows we've done so I'm not going to be great at finding story out of place clues. 

I'll also tell you this. I haven't been mentioned yet. 

Here's the character list so far:

  1. Lord Edmund Blackadder.  
  2. Baldrick
  3. Mollie
  4. Bishop of Bath and Wells (V)
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1 hour ago, SilverStormm said:


ETA Bearing this in mind and the fact I was taken out pretty quick in the last game; I'd like to ask for protection toNight if that's ok.

I was taken out sooner so I will ask also. Protecting me may foil the night kill because I am usually the first night target. 

I know I am too stupid to make a clever role claim.

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I don't like when players request protection, so hopefully our requestors have some awesome powers they're trying to protect.  

Re:  @SilverStormm@SVNBob

Bob's a pretty cool customer when he's a Villain, so it's hard to form an opinion from his reply. SS is right that it's not really a defense if there's a good clue to the name Bob but of course Bob's a common name that could be tied to many things. I'd like to know why Silver's so intent on him even after a pretty clear character claim/hint. Why waste an investigation on him when at this point there's really no reason to doubt his claim? 

5 hours ago, Drogo said:

I'd like to know why Silver's so intent on him even after a pretty clear character claim/hint. Why waste an investigation on him when at this point there's really no reason to doubt his claim? 

A clear claim does not mean a true claim which is why there should be an investigation.  And now I'm wondering about you too.

It's a cute clue – not sure what to think about it. Bob is a very common name after all, and I'm generally not a huge fan of D1 DL attempts, but it seems possible?

(By the way, my new place I just temporarily moved to doesn't have internet yet, three weeks after moving in. Also no hot water or stove [gas coming Tuesday], and we only got power this week...it's the perfect storm of flaky as hell landlord and v. flaky roommate. Not that that means anything in particular, just that I'll often be on mobile for a bit.)

  • Love 1

We're closing in on 48 hours.  Unless there is a last minute DL in the next couple of hours, I'm planning on having the next story up immediately after Day ends (as there will be no Twilight toDay).

Since it's weekend, I'll then give everyone 36 hours after the story goes up to get their Night actions in and will consider extending that if necessary.  Either way I'll try to keep you updated on expected time frames.  

  • Love 1
48 minutes ago, Oinky Boinky said:

A French tickler is a condom- ribbed for her pleasure style (I think) 

TIL Oinky is a condom aficionado ;) I did not know this^ but the more you know!

My reason for asking for protection is also heroic.

OK I like my clue so I'm gonna go with my gut feeling and be bold, bearing in mind that the thought of Bob as a villain is always a scary one:

1 to DL Bob (Silverstormm) 6 to say tally-ho, with a bing and a bong and a buzz-buzz-buzz!

  • Love 2

Agree and our numbers are quite small to start...

This is what is sticking out from the story 

Frenchman - why a Frenchman? why not the Russian army marched through in their sock feet?
dogsbody - If florid is archaic and image provoking, then so is this 

minions - what SS said 
only two words capped in story
inexpensive prostitute- too many jokes, must not...
crashed violently - really? how violently can one enter a room? he's a filthy dogsbody not a bouncer
AM - the other all caps word

  • Love 1

Apologies for cutting this off slightly early, but I need to get to bed soon.

[Edited to fix the title to "Night 1"--Sorry, that was just a mistake on your mod's part.]

Night 1

Although normally a devil-may-care type of guy, Lord Blackadder was shaken by his visit from the Baby Eating Bishop of Bath and Wells.  The Bishop had assured him in no uncertain terms that if Edmund did not repay the 1000 pounds the Bank of the Black Monks of St. Herod had loaned him within the next 24 hours, the Bishop would be extremely happy fulfill the "revenge" portion of the bank's motto "Repayment or Revenge".  After determining that Blackadder had no children on which he could snack, the Bishop left, promising to return the next day with his favorite pointy instrument. 

As he was busy worrying about how he was going to prevent Mr Spike from keeping his appointment with Mr Bottom, Blackadder got an unwelcome surprise.   It was his old friend, Lord Percy Percy, here to show off his ridiculous new ruff, which he erroneously thought made him look "raaaaather sexy."  Percy was a vain, particularly dim-witted man, even by the standards of the nobility. Edmund wasted little time telling him he looked like a bird who had swallowed a plate whose only potential romantic conquest would be "another plate swallowing bird who was blind and hadn't had it in months."

Percy, however, took these insults in stride and was happy to try to help bail his old pal Eddie out of his financial jam.  Not with actual money, of course--he had only 47 pounds and a soggy hanky in his coin purse.  But by sheer coincidence, he had been intending that very afternoon to discover the secret of alchemy--the hidden art of turning metals into gold.  The fact that this scientific feat had eluded the most intelligent people since the dawn of time did nothing to dampen his unjustified enthusiasm. 

Just as Edmund was about to really dig in to try to convince Percy of the foolishness of this alchemy endeavour, there was yet another knock at the door.  An imperious looking fellow with an oranate feathered hat announced "My Lord, the Queen doth command your urgent presence on pain of death!"

"Oh God.   The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the Devil's own Satanic herd!" sighed Blackadder. 

There is 1 clue in this story.  

Night has begun.  No game talk, but feel free to chat away.  

Night will end in 36 hours unless I specifically tell you otherwise.  Please get your actions in as soon as you are ready. 



  • Love 1

Hi guys

Since this is the first Night, I want to make sure everyone has a fair chance to get their actions in.   I'm going to extend the deadline a few hours.  As the herd thins throughout the game, I expect we'll be able to keep more regular deadlines.  

The next story will go up as soon as I am able, but no later than 9:00 am EST, Tuesday morning. 

  • Love 2

Corrected to:

Day 1 

Edmund left the brain trust of Percy and Baldrick back at his house trying to master the intricacies of alchemy.  It was never a good idea to keep the Queen waiting, as she was prone mercurial mood swings and summary executions if she felt her subjects were not paying her enough attention.   He burst breathlessly into the throne room (the Queen rather fancied him and his very tight tights, so he was used to being granted immediate access).  “Madam, you sent for me?” he gasped.

Queen Elizabeth I impassively looked up from her chess game.  “Did I? I don’t remember.  What a naughty scatterbrain I am!”  She turned back to the board.  “Snap! I took another one of your pieces, Melchy!”  Her opponent was Lord Melchett, Blackadder’s frenemy and rival for the Queen’s favors.  (But not for the Queen’s pervy affections—Melchett was a man of God and anyway, Queenie didn’t like him “like that”.)

“Well, perhaps Ma’am, if I might be allowed to withdraw, I have one or two tiny matters to attend to?”  As Blackadder turned to leave the chamber, he heard a burst of loud raucous laughter behind him.   


“That was a terrific joke, wasn’t it?” squealed Queenie. 

“Magnificent” said Melchett. 

“And so *naughty*” said Nursie.  Nursie was the Queen’s former childhood nursie/nanny.  Although she was madder than Mad Jack McMad, the winner of last year's "Mr. Madman" competition, the Queen seemed to enjoy having her around.


“Edmund, I do know why I wanted to see you and I just pretended I didn’t and I fooled you!  I bet Melchie 85 pounds that you wouldn’t fall for my trick and Melchy said you would because I’m so super and you’re so stupid!  So pay him the money!”  Blackadder grudgingly paid the smirking Melchett the money and headed back towards whatever disaster was waiting for him after leaving Baldrick and Percy unsupervised.  

On the way back, he was struck by a plan so cunning you could stick a tail on it and call it a weasel.  He had heard that his old pal, Lord Flashheart was back in town.  Flash was not only the best sword, the best shot, the best sailor and the best kisser in the kingdom, he was also frequently in possession of great wads of cash.  Perhaps he would be willing to part with some of that cash to save his good chum Edmund from a painful skewering of the catflap.


Edmund pushed his way into the noisy Naughty Hellfire Club.   Unsurprisingly, Flash was holding court at the bar, surrounded by a herd of tarted up aristocratic ladies.   Blackadder heard Flash ask a particularly saucy looking one “Hey baby, am I pleased to see you or did I just put a *canoe* in my pocket?!! WOOF!!” 

Sadly for both the dashing lothario and Edmund’s chances of bailout, one of the ladies in the group whirled around and shrieked, “We meet again, Lord Flashheart! I will have my REWEN-GE!” as she stabbed him through the heart. 

Alas, Lord Flashheart, you were too sexy for this life and this game.  You left us before your bereft narrator could even properly work you into the narrative.   


Day 1 has begun.  There are 0 clues in the above story, so you may safely ignore it if you wish. 

Day will end in 48 hours. 

Still alive in Elizabethan times:

  • egavasc
  • CuriousParker
  • Drogo
  • SilverStormm
  • HM
  • Lisin
  • caprice
  • TCS
  • Oinky Boinky
  • Dougal
  • Jesse

Another new freckle on the nose of the giant pixie

SVN Bob  You are Lord Flashheart, a Hero Jack of All Trades.  You are Flash by name, flash by nature! (“Hooray!”)  You are well known as the best sword, the best shot, the best sailor and the best kisser in the Kingdom.   Though nominally friends with your old pal “Eddie” Blackadder, you are not above stealing his bride at the altar.

As a Jack of All Trades, you have the Nightime powers of Seer, Protector and Vigilante.  Each power may be used only ONCE and may not be used on the same Night. 

  • Love 1

So we've lost an investigation, a protection order, and a hero Night-kill all in the first Night.  Not to mention (because I've already mentioned it) @SVNBob is a huge asset to the Heroes.  This is why I don't like when folks ask for protection; Bob might have gotten it if the Protector was left to their own devices and not requested.  FWIW, I will not be asking for protection in this game because you'll lose nothing when I'm gone aside from my charming demeanor and classic good looks.  Rant over.

It's a very peculiar thing for the Villains to take out someone who was up for DL yesterDay.  Of course it makes me suspicious of @SilverStormm who started the DL, but then I wonder if the intention is to make us suspicious of her so we take out another Hero today?  Or, they knew that we'd assume that SS was framed, and she's actually a Villain (?) which would be kind of brilliant.  I don't doubt the sneakiness of any of you after what we've been through together.  (*Before I incur SS's wrath for the thousandth time, I'll point out that I also believed in that Minions clue and I won't be surprised if she turns up clean as a whistle.  Please put the exploding tea kettle down.)

I have been through the Night story a few times and everything and I mean everything I think sounds like a clue (plate swallowing bird,  cow pats from the Devil's herd) is a direct quote.  This show is redonkulous.  The only thing that stood out for me and I couldn't connect to the show: 


his favorite pointy instrument

and the furthest I got with this and our names was this terrifying item called Liston Bone-Cutting Forceps.



p.s. @MuuMuuChainsmoker broke the fourth wall of Mafia! Total visionary.


2 hours ago, Drogo said:

So we've lost an investigation, a protection order, and a hero Night-kill all in the first Night.  Not to mention (because I've already mentioned it) @SVNBob is a huge asset to the Heroes.  This is why I don't like when folks ask for protection; Bob might have gotten it if the Protector was left to their own devices and not requested.  FWIW, I will not be asking for protection in this game because you'll lose nothing when I'm gone aside from my charming demeanor and classic good looks.  Rant over.

It's a very peculiar thing for the Villains to take out someone who was up for DL yesterDay.  Of course it makes me suspicious of @SilverStormm who started the DL, but then I wonder if the intention is to make us suspicious of her so we take out another Hero today?  Or, they knew that we'd assume that SS was framed, and she's actually a Villain (?) which would be kind of brilliant.  I don't doubt the sneakiness of any of you after what we've been through together.  (*Before I incur SS's wrath for the thousandth time, I'll point out that I also believed in that Minions clue and I won't be surprised if she turns up clean as a whistle.  Please put the exploding tea kettle down.)

I have been through the Night story a few times and everything and I mean everything I think sounds like a clue (plate swallowing bird,  cow pats from the Devil's herd) is a direct quote.  This show is redonkulous. 


I'm a hero through and through; if anything I hide my light under a bushel (as well as my boobies) because my dearest Edmund can never know I'm a girl or I'd be fired :/

In fairness to myself - and I love being fair to myself - I really believed that that was a fabulous clue and decided to be bold (won't be doing that again anytime soon). Also I asked for protection because I didn't want to be killed right off the bat and then be unable to assist my fellow heroes in our battle against such villainy - but - I do agree that leaving the protector to choose their own player is perhaps the best idea from now on, because we don't want to help the villains decide who to kill or not kill moving forward.

I'd love to hear from anyone who may have gotten some useful info last night because we need to avenge Bob and make them pay.

Finally, this show IS redonkulous but that's part of its charm and because I know most of it off by heart having watched it many times; I know a lot of the stuff is direct quotes. So please feel free to ask in here and I'd be happy to assist in letting everyone know what is and isn't a quote. There may be some more obscure ones I don't know but I know a lot.

  • Love 2



52 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Of course it makes me suspicious of @SilverStormm who started the DL, but then I wonder if the intention is to make us suspicious of her so we take out another Hero today?  Or, they knew that we'd assume that SS was framed, and she's actually a Villain (?) which would be kind of brilliant.

Starting to sound a little Vizzini-esque there....


@MuuMuuChainsmoker this story should be Day 1, no?


One thing that jumped out at me:

On 8/21/2016 at 9:57 AM, MuuMuuChainsmoker said:

he had only 47 pounds and a soggy hanky in his coin purse

So, 47 jumped out at me because it's a number strongly associated with Pomona College and, through one of the writers who was an alum there, Star Trek. Googling it it doesn't seem to be a direct quote from the show, though maybe someone can tell me otherwise. But I'm not seeing any obvious Pomona or Star Trek connections to any of our names.

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On 8/21/2016 at 9:57 AM, Oinky Boinky said:

dogsbody - If florid is archaic and image provoking, then so is this 

Dogsbody could be @Dougal's avatar?  Is that a dog? 

On 8/21/2016 at 9:57 AM, MuuMuuChainsmoker said:

he had only 47 pounds

"47 pounds" is one of the few things I can't connect to a direct Blackadder quote. 

The only 47 I know that might have some connection is this GB Packers legend.


  • Love 1

I was wondering if 47 had something to do with leetspeak, thus 47 would be AT and then pounds, so I thought at and pounds would be @# which is 2 and 3, and 23 is my favorite number but only like 2 other people on the boards know (knew) this, so I successfully found a clue pointing to myself that no one would know...

So there's that.

And no my love of 23 has nothing to do with Jordan, it is a Color of Magic thing and also my initials.

Edited by Hanged Man
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