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Blackadder Mafia

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  1. egavasc
  2. CuriousParker 
  3. Drogo 
  4. SVNBob
  5. SilverStormm
  6. The Hanged Man


It may be heresy but the WW1 season was the first Blackadder I saw, so that is the one I think is the standard.

Captain Blackadder: Baldrick, what are you doing out there?

Private Baldrick: I'm carving something on a bullet, sir.

Captain Blackadder: What are you craving?

Private Baldrick: I'm carving "Baldrick", sir.

Captain Blackadder: Why?

Private Baldrick: It's part of a cunning plan, sir.

Captain Blackadder: Of course it is.

Private Baldrick: You know how they say that somewhere there's a bullet with your name on it?

Captain Blackadder: Yes?

Private Baldrick: Well I thought that if I owned the bullet with my name on it, I'll never get hit by it. Cause I'll never shoot myself...

5 minutes ago, Hanged Man said:
  1. egavasc
  2. CuriousParker 
  3. Drogo 
  4. SVNBob
  5. SilverStormm
  6. The Hanged Man


It may be heresy but the WW1 season was the first Blackadder I saw, so that is the one I think is the standard.

Captain Blackadder: Baldrick, what are you doing out there?

Private Baldrick: I'm carving something on a bullet, sir.

Captain Blackadder: What are you craving?

Private Baldrick: I'm carving "Baldrick", sir.

Captain Blackadder: Why?

Private Baldrick: It's part of a cunning plan, sir.

Captain Blackadder: Of course it is.

Private Baldrick: You know how they say that somewhere there's a bullet with your name on it?

Captain Blackadder: Yes?

Private Baldrick: Well I thought that if I owned the bullet with my name on it, I'll never get hit by it. Cause I'll never shoot myself...

I am a Seasons 2 and 3 girl all the way, though 4 is also strong.  And for people who haven't seen it, don't worry. I plan on liberally stealing from Messrs Elton and Curtis.  

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15 hours ago, Drogo said:

I've never seen or heard of this show,

Let's see... 4 series of 6 episodes; that's 24.  Episodes are around 30 minutes each, so 12 hours.  Plus the Back and Forth special makes 12.5 to 13 hours for the entire program.  (I'll assume the Christmas special isn't as needed.  Still, including that would only bump it up around one more half-hour.)

That can be burned through in a day or two easily.   And You may be able to find them on the interTubes somewhere.

  • Love 4

Ok, all roles have now gone out.  The first Day story will be up in the next 24 hours.  You can start talking now if you like. 

A few general housekeeping things:

  • Role claiming is allowed.
  • I'm going to try to keep the focus on speed over creative quality in the story posting.  I tend to get very writer's blockish and obsessive if don't keep myself in check, so I'm going to try to just power through rather than trying to be particularly inspired.  Please forgive my laziness and blatant show plagarism.
  • In keeping with the speed theme, if you know you aren't going to be using your power during a Day/Night/Twilight, it helps to let me know that as soon as you have decided.  Ditto for exercising power.  
  • I've tried really hard to keep the sides balanced in terms of powers, but as this is my first time modding, please forgive me if I've overloaded one side or another.  
  • Love 4

Day 0

"Oh my God!  What was I drinking last night?! My head feels like there's a Frenchman living in it," moaned Lord Edmund Blackadder.  He called out to Baldrick, a filthy and particularly stupid peasant who worked in the Blackadder household as a general dogsbody.  "Baldrick, what is that infernal racket at the front door? Make it stop immediately or I assure you that an eternity in Hell with Satan and all his little minions will seem like a picnic compared to 10 minutes with me and this pencil!"

Usually Baldrick avoided going into his master's bedchamber before noon, especially on those mornings after Edmund had spend a particularly debauched night on the town.  However, today he was willing to risk Lord Blackadder's cruel and sarcastic wrath because the visitor at the door had been QUITE insistent.  He explained to his employer (and to Mollie the inexpensive prostitute who popped out from under the rumpled bedcovers) that there was a priest here to see him.  

"Get back out there and tell him to piss off back to whatever backwoods parish he crawled out of.  And if he doesn't go, tell him I shall report him to the Bishop of Bath and Wells, who drowns babies at their christenings and then eats them in the vestry afterwards," said our hungover hero.  "And Mollie, quit making eyes at the Creature From the Black Latrine over there and get back to whispering sweet nothings about that item that's twice the size of the Royal Barge making a reappearance under these sheets."  

After a quick, besmitten glance at his new crush Mollie, Baldrick fled the room. However, a few moments later, Baldrick crashed violently back through the bedroom door, announcing "That priest still wants to see you, M'Lord".  

Lord Blackadder rolled his eye in exasperation.  "What did he say when you mentioned the baby-eating Bishop of Bath and Wells?"

"He said, 'I AM the baby-eating Bishop of Bath and Wells!!'" shouted a large, florid faced man in clerical garb as he pushed his way into the room.   "And I'm here to collect the debt you owe to the Bank of the Black Monks of St. Herod!!"


There is 1 clue in the Day 0 story.  

Day will end in 48 hours.  

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Guys, I found something...and if it is the clue it's brilliant (kudos to MMCS!)

I googled a few things and got the following result when I googled 'little minions'


Make it stop immediately or I assure you that an eternity in Hell with Satan and all his little minions will seem like a picnic compared to 10 minutes with me and this pencil!"


Meet Stuart, Kevin, and....


Look at the name of the littlest minion...

  • Love 1
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