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It's called banter, if you have 15yrs experience playing mafia surely you've come across that by now?


FYI that wasn't aimed only at you, it was aimed at any investigator. Not sure why you're taking it so personally?


Bob called me/my actions sad and desperate the other day - I naturally assumed it was banter and never took it personally.

Do you mean this...

banter- the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.


the lines are drawn, there are factions. No one is changing sides based on mean spirited bon mots. Oops maybe that should be mal mots.


I truly do not see the point.  Early in the game rattle people, shake out info. Make them admit to being proud villains maybe. 

But that part is done. 

Yes exactly, my remark was teasing to any and all investigators.


I admitted to being a villain for obvious and genuinely helpful to the villain team, reasons. Not because anyone rattled me.



FTR, Nothing I say in my gameplay posts is personal, it's all gameplay. My advice is if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

I have a question I was going to ask earlier and wonder if it is able to be answered.

We had an anonymous vote before and Biz said as if we don't know who made that.

And again today. And I don't know.

I believe TJ has two votes buy wouldn't his name show as voting and then the anonymous one?

Is it TJ or someone else?

Oh and Jesse and I say...

Dougal = Robot Devil, villain

  • Love 1

Ahhhh, I see I can finally be honest about who I am.


Serial killer: talkin' to you now. (As Silver said, we know who you are, but you know, can't give that away to the plebs just yet.)


Guess how many villains are left, including Silver?




So, if you kill me toNight, then it's just you and the heroes, and do you see that going well for you? Especially with so many absolutely-positively-confirmed Heroes? I sure don't.


Time to keep killing heroes, SK, keep a little mystery about who you might be, keep yourself in the game. :)

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Ok, ok.  I know the words "I told you so" are pointed at me.  Fair enough.  I deserve that.


But this doesn't really change anything.  In fact, it's better for the Heroes.  The win might be a little farther off, but we still have it.


Think about it.  Earlier I said that there were 5 people with uncertain alignment: CP, Machia, Spruce, Dougal, and me.  Dougal's been revealed as a Villain, and based on how I've been acting the last couple Days, I think I've made it clear I'm a clueless Hero.


Which leaves 3 people left.  And oh look: we Heroes still have 3 investigators.  Which means any evil left in the game is as good as caught toNight.  Maybe even faster if they decide to reveal any previous investigations on those people.


SK, why prolong the inevitable?  You might as well do what couldn't be done in this game and kill the devil.

That might just happen, but I've got one more mic drop in me.  I know who's on the Villains' side now.  I've got a question and a half, but they can be resolved easily.


Turns out I was right about something back on Day 2.  Wernstrom is indeed a Villain...ain't that right?  And that means that Mom could be a Villain too, even if she looks like a Hero.  That wood make sense, given the character.  So the big question is, what side is the last person on?


TJ, Oinky, Jesse, aquarian; we're 5.  They've got 2 to 4, depending on the one person I'm curious about.  Can we trust them?  Or are we outgunned here at the end?

Oinky, I'm saying that except for one person I'm still curious about, I know who everyone is.  I was hoping you or your partner could shed some light on the last player.  Or aquarian, if you two can't.  However, I suspect they're on our side, and a target for a night-kill toNight.


Since I'm not 100% on than that one person, I can't include them in my list of the 3 factions.  Us 5 Heroes, Dougal, and the second Villain faction of Mom and Wernstrom.  And if I'm right, the other Villains have a win condition that includes eliminating the Poker Table.  So it would behoove them to take out Dougal toNight.  This could be their best chance.

I came back the same way I was when I was alive before. Better safe (maybe, no idea if it would work the way I think) than sorry, you know.

TJ in this entire game you are showing as having voted 1 time. We have 2 anonymous votes on a different day.

As someone blessed in this game to have two votes, can you please explain your voting?

He is and I do.  Since I'm probably going to die anyway, might as well share the whole story.


My ability this time around was different.  Under certain circumstances, I would be granted an investigation.  On my first investigation, I found Mom.  And she came up as a Hero.  That niggled at me, moreso when a really good clue pointing to that person was brought up.  But everyone else seemed to discard it.  So I assumed the face value.


Well, I just got another investigation, and it came up as Wernstrom, a Villain.  That's when I put it all together.  Mom must have the power to look like a Hero when investigated, as befits a two-faced character.  And she and Wernstrom are a separate faction from the Poker Table, which explains the occasional 2nd kills.  Not an SK, but a second faction.  Just like I was afraid of.


And actually, I was mistaken earlier.  It would behoove Dougal more to take out one of them toNight instead of a Hero.  They outnumber you, Dougal.  Which means they can kill you Day or Night.  Best if you chop one down while you can.  In fact, if you take one out toNight, we can take the other one out tomorrow instead of you.


So which one would you prefer to take out Dougal, Spruce or Machia?

Edited by SVNBob

TJ in this entire game you are showing as having voted 1 time. We have 2 anonymous votes on a different day.

As someone blessed in this game to have two votes, can you please explain your voting?

On the off-chance someone DL'ed is a kamikaze, they usually take out whoever votes last. The theory would be that, if an anonymous vote is last, perhaps just the use of the second vote is what is "killed" rather than a player. So it'd be a tiny measure of protection. I have no idea if it would work that way, but you can bet I'd argue about it with the mod :)


So which one would you prefer to take out Dougal, Spruce or Machia?


Does this mean...I actually found a clue?????

  • Love 1

Let me guess.  You've investigated me too, and I come up like Silver does.   But like I said before, if she's the Villain, I'm the Hero.


There can't be divisions between us Heroes at this point Oinky.  Endgame is here, and it's practically lylo time.  You need to trust me.  I'm telling the truth about what I investigated.  I may have jumped to a conclusion, but the logic fits.

Yep, I got Spruce as Mom.  This Mom theory is quite interesting  The only other person I've investigated that you didn't (or at least didn't mention) is CP (hero).  But she was already a known hero so that doesn't really add much.


I haven't been so vocal because last time I started speaking up I got killed.  If I survive the night, I'll investigate whomever you all think would be helpful at this point.  Although if there is a role switching or masking power I'm not sure if we can trust the result.

  • Love 1

Sorry Smitty. I love you to pieces.

We have been a great investigative team. And it was way more than just asking the mod a question each night.

A1 that helps so much.

CP has a great voting history but consequently we never did ID her.

I am sure we were going to investigate Machiabelly.

If you go the same way it really helps if Smitty and URL don't make it through the night.

Please don't anyone investigate mom again.

Or you may have a better idea.

The reason I suspect that Mom has this particular power goes back to the source material.  Mom is a two-faced character (Not literally.  That could happen in this show, but not in this case.)  She's the owner of a multi-trillion dollar corporation, and has the public face (Hero) of a little old lady just running her mom-and-pop shop.  But in private, she's a mean old hag (Villain), trying to take over the world one way or another.


I wondered if I got a Heroic result on her because MomCorp made all the robots, so I would see her as good based on programming.  But since the organic investigators also got the same result, it has to be the duplicity of her public and private personas.

Not officially dead yet and based on the above very helpful disclosures, dear SK please read:


SK, as you know the hapless heroes are still floundering given the latest discussion here. So even if it means we cannot win outright we'd rather help YOU to win with us over the heroes; so take another one of those do gooders out toNight and help us help you get a win in the bag.
Your best move would be to remove one of TJ, CP or OB toNight, then if you work with the villains during Day 13 (toMorrow) TOGETHER we can force a draw on a DL of a hero and one of us villains, they won't have the numbers to DL you.

Then Night 13 we kill another 2 heroes between us, leaving the player count on Day 14 as 1 hero, 2 villains, 1 sk - it will be a stalemate as 3 votes will be required for a DL.

Night 14 we'd kill the final hero and you will take one of us out, leaving 1 villain, 1 sk - and we have a draw.


SK ask yourself this; do you want to draw with us or do you want to lose to the heroes? We know it's a risk for you but really, what other choice is there? All we can say is that we will honour our promise and not NightKill you, the whole villain team will be very happy to draw with you.

If you agree with this plan, think very CAREFULLY about which hero to kill toNight based on what is most useful to the heroes right now.

Mod Note


The forums are going to be down on Tuesday, probably all day according to the announcement (Thanks BizBuzz for the heads up). I'd really like to get through the next Night and Day before then and I know you speedy devils can help me do that. I am going to get the Night story up in the next 2 hours, feel free to start sending in your actions now if you'd like. I'll then get the day story up as early as I can on Sunday so that we can get back to business. 

  • Love 1

There is no longer a best hero or most useful hero. 


We know all the ids and have shared everything or will with whoever is left.  


Three investigators left - you can at most kill two.  


Cajoling the 'SK' if there is one to kill a certain way is merely a huge 'don't kill one of us' argument

I for one would rather go on hiatus than speed up if it means mistakes or someone not getting in a night action, a vote or discussion.

Let me summarize. 


We've all investigated Spruce/Mom.  And it came up Hero for all of us.  Because that's the power.  Investigations in that direction will always show Hero, no matter what.

Those of us that checked Machia got Wernstrom/Villain.  But like in the D2 story, they're working together, with Wernstorm as the underling.


Assuming CP is with us, it's 6 vs 1 vs 2.  But it might be worth double-checking her.  However, I have to assume she's our protector.  And if so, CP you have to protect TJ toNight.


Tell you what Dougal, one devil to another..  Kill Spruce tonight.  It's win-win for you.  If I'm right, you cut the power to oppose you in half.  And then Machia will need to work with you to even attempt to win.  If I'm wrong, you kill a Hero, and I look incredibly untrustworthy.


No matter what happens though, I've done my part.  I've spelled out what I could.  And I know I thwarted some evil plans along the way,  So Villains...


Edited by SVNBob
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I for one would rather go on hiatus than speed up if it means mistakes or someone not getting in a night action, a vote or discussion.


I promise, Day story will NOT go up until I get everyone's night actions. If that takes 24 hours so be it. And then once Day is up, you will have the full 48 hours. Once Day is up, it's entirely up to the players how fast things go, Typically though, y'all get a vote done in around 24 hours even with a 12 hour hold for discussion. The only real rush is on me to write fast. 

  • Love 1

SK, you know what to do. We villains will be happy with any outcome barring a hero win, even if it meant all of us dying and you winning solo, which sadly isn't an option we're able to offer due to the turn of events.


Take one of those 3 mentioned before, out toNight; working together we can do this.


Let them crow and bluster all they like, all that matters in the end is the win.

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