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Futurama Mafia

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Day 5
          “Good news everyone! You survived your trip to the Stackhouseverse and we have another delivery to make to the PTV galaxy.” The professor said somewhat gleefully. He never really concerned himself with the safety of his crew.
          “But Professor! There’s a war going on. We had to dodge tomato bombs on both our way in and out of the galaxy, not to mention that idiot Brannigan started firing on us as well as we were leaving. We can’t fly back into that mess.” Leela responded adamantly.
          “Yes. I know there’s a war on. That’s why you’re going. We’ve been hired by Nixon to deliver the terms of the peace treaty to the home planet of the rulers of the PTV galaxy. You’re headed to the EHG planet to deliver Captain Brannigan and President Nixon for peace negotiations. The Nimbus would be shot on sight but the Planet Express ship is a neutral vessel. You should be able to navigate safely to EHG without any external threats.”
         “Well, we’re boned,” replied Bender.
         “Yeah! Professor, this is nuts. Why would we go back there?” Asked Fry.
         “Yeah. I mean I hate to agree with Fry but isn’t this unsafe?” Echoed Amy. Then in a muffled whisper she asked “Also, will Kif be coming along too?”
         “Speak up Amy. Also you’ll be going because that’s what I pay you to do.” The Professor laughed to himself, knowing he likely would never see any of this iteration of his crew again. Time to update the Momslist job posting and watch some more of his new old favorite show. You know, the one with the former Doctor Who companion and Harold of Harold and Kumar. The Pygmalion riff. Oh, I know you know what I’m talking about.


          Meanwhile, back at the jailhouse Officers URL and Smitty were filing some paperwork. Their captain had told them they weren’t allowed back out chasing delinquents on the street until they had caught up on all their delinquent files. Little did they know that the office would soon become the most dangerous place they had ever encountered.
          “Ugh, I’m so bored. Paperwork is the worst. URL, how many files do we have left to fill out?” Asked URL’s partner Smitty.
          “Eight hundred twelve Smitty, eight hundred twelve. Officer URL doesn’t do paperwork. Officer URL has more important things to do than paperwork.”
          “We should be out on the streets! Doesn’t the captain know we do our best work out on the streets? We should be out on the streets.”
          “Oohhh yeaahhh,” agreed Officer URL in his deep dulcet tones.
          There was a loud CRASH as part of the wall of the jail came crumbling down. Through the newly created hole entered the Donbot and his goon Joey Mousepad. The head of the Robot Mafia had arrived to free Clamps from his cell. “Release the Clamps and nobody else has to get hurt,” he said, waving his machine gun around threateningly.
          “Oooh myy. How utterly delicious,” oozed Hedonismbot.
          “This is jail. You’re really committing a crime, in jail, in front of police officers? You’re under arrest Donbot for threatening a police officer and breaking and entering. URL, read him his rights.” Officer Smitty ordered.
          “You have the right to remain….” Officer URL started as bullets began flying. The Donbot started firing his gun back and forth haphazardly not caring who he hit. “Duck!” Officer URL yelled, moments too late.
           The robots in the cell had found cover under the benches they had formerly been sitting upon. Officer Smitty had no such luck as one of the random bullets had hit him right in the chest. His body fell to the ground with a thud. Officer URL ran to his fallen comrade as the Robot Mafia freed Clamps, Hedonismbot, and Roberto.
          “Smitty, nooooooooooooo.” Officer URL wailed. “And only weeks away from retirement."


Still Alive and Well in New New York

  • MarkHB
  • CuriousParker
  • Drogo
  • SilverStormm
  • Athena
  • MuuMuuChainsmoker
  • Machiabelly
  • saoirse
  • SVNBob
  • Firearcher
  • aquarian1
  • Lady Calypso
  • OinkyBoinky
  • Dougal
  • The Crazed Spruce
  • caprice
  • BizBuzz
  • The Onion Knight


Now in Robot Hell

  • HangedMan - Scruffy - Magistrate
    What else can be said, you are Scruffy. Planet Express’s janitor, most of the employees have no idea you exist. Regardless, you have a deep and abiding love for Planet Express (and your mop bucket). Where else could you do so little and get away with viewing so much Zero G Juggs? As such, during twilight you may protect someone from the results of a day lynch if you fear they have been wrongly accused.
  • TJtrack99 - Nibbler - double vote.
    You are Lord Nibbler, a proud and ancient Nibblonian. You live in New New York, disguised as a pet owned by Leela. Leela believes she rescued you from the Planet Vergon 6. Your race (who live long and are celebrated poopers) serve as protectors of the universe. Despite your small size, you have a voracious appetite and will eat just about everything in sight. Your intelligence grants you a second anonymous vote during the day.
  • Deadpool - Huge Brain - role blocker
    You are the Huge Brain of the Brainspawn, an alien race set out to understand the whole universe. Once your race has compiled all of the information on the universe, you will destroy it to ensure no future information can be created. Your race has the power to stupification fields, making everyone in the vicinity dumber. Your ability to block the Delta Brain Wave allows you to select one person per night and stop their abilities for the night.
  • Lisin - Hermes - Tracker
    You are Hermes Conrad, Grade 36 bureaucrat and proud of it. If there ever was a man born to file, stamp, and collate it would be you. Before becoming a bureaucrat professionally (let’s be real, you’ve always been a bureaucrat. You were requiring applications in triplicate to your tenth birthday party!), you were an Olympic limboer who was only bested by your fiercest rival Barbados Slim. Although you are anal only 78.36% of the time, each night you may fill out the proper forms to track the movements of one player.
  • Jesse - Officer Smitty - investigator pair
    You are Officer Smitty, the human half of the buddy cop pair of Smitty and URL. You became a cop after watching the many many dine-and-dashers at your father’s restaurant go unpunished. You often use excessive force, even in non-violent circumstances. Your baton looks not unlike a light saber, although is noticeably duller. You may communicate with Officer URL outside the main game thread and together may select one person per night to investigate.



You have 48 hours for discussion. Please remember that for the first 12 hours there can be no voting. Voting may commence after 4:30pm EDT. Day will end at 4:30am Wednesday EDT or after a vote has been reached, whichever comes first.

There is one clue in the story.
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Ok ... so I missed a lot yesterDay ... geesh, I see people were out for blood.  The point of timing in a game has been hashed out to death and just so everyone knows, I was leaning towards "that is the nature of an online game".  I do have to admit I long for the time when things weren't so strict on timing, but then again, I see the value of it.


NON GAME PLAY COMMENT ... I don't know how the mods do it with the writing story thing ... I am a writer, but I could never come up with stories on demand ... to expect that stories come up within a time limit is beyond me.  Seriously ... you guys are amazing.


Back to game play ... so ... you DL'd me ... I don't know what to tell you ... I guess this is my last chance to convince you that I’m a hero because if you DL me again toDay you will lose a hero.  One thing I know for sure, I am not a crook.

  • Love 1

Nooooooo, Jesse


The trust list is being whittled away with no Villain bodies to show for it.  This is upsetting. 


Trying to get things firm here. I like it firm


Double entendres me less upset.  You'll be happy to know, OB, that I myself am extra-firm.  (Get your minds out of the gutter, DMS, I'm a couch.)


Back to the story...


So we now all know, 100% without a doubt, that OB can be trusted.  Jesse has vouched for her since the beginning, and OB for Jesse. OB implied during her DL that Biz was Richard Nixon's head, and the Night story seemed to confirmed this.  OB's good, and her info is good. 


I know who another Villain is- and I targeted them last Night, though the story doesn't reflect that.  I didn't want to target Biz- she'd been the Day's DL victim so I assumed she'd be protected last Night into toDay.  Which means either the Villain I targeted is a two-kill, or the Villains' protector chose to protect someone other than Biz, which seems unlikely.  I do believe a DL on Biz today would be wasteful, since a smart Protector would have known we'd go back for her toDay and burn a Day and a DL. 


So when voting begins I'll be starting a DL on said "other Villain"-- MarkHB-- to finish what I started last Night. 



The story said we sloshed the water out of Nixon's brain jar pretty good but he survived.  

Are you not worried as in another game we need two hits in a row to get Nixon?

He may be some sort of blocker or protector also?

Let's just not split the vote the way they did it when we had Biz and DeadPool on the hook.


Oh and unless some sort of role hiding is in play - you should admit Caprice into the boudoir. 

Is it possible to ask about your MMCS suspicion?


And do you know if Mark is scum if he is as scummy as Nixon?

Another point...


If Biz was not a two killed but was protected when we tried to DL her - those things are usually you can't protect the same person two times in a row.  

So it may very well be if Biz was protected from the last DL she can't be protected from todays'

  • Love 1



The story said we sloshed the water out of Nixon's brain jar pretty good but he survived.  

Are you not worried as in another game we need two hits in a row to get Nixon?

He may be some sort of blocker or protector also?

Let's just not split the vote the way they did it when we had Biz and DeadPool on the hook.


Oh and unless some sort of role hiding is in play - you should admit Caprice into the boudoir. 

Is it possible to ask about your MMCS suspicion?


And do you know if Mark is scum if he is as scummy as Nixon?


I will happily admit caprice to the boudoir on a trial basis.  caprice for the first 7 business days you can only watch, no participation.  Please take notes.  


Split Votes Day was between me and Deadpool.  That was before SS and CP made the boudoir list, and I was pointing a heavy finger at SS that Day.  I don't see a split vote happening again with so many trusted players.  


MMCS is ringing as a Villain for me but I'd have to put together the official Khal's Trust List with game actions to see what it is about her that's setting off the alarm.  I think I'll have time toDay to do that.  


And, finally... 


Mark's character is far scummier than Richard Nixon.  Nixon ruled a country, Mark rules an entire planet.

I'd vote for caprice, BB, or MMCS.   The first two should be obvious and were laid out well in past conversations.  The latter there are a few clues, I think, but right now I can only think of one.  Motley Crew = Smoking in the Boys Room (biggest hit) = MMCS.  I know there were a couple of more clues and hints, but I have leave for work right now.  I'll be back later and hopefully be able to refresh my memory and post them.

  • Love 1

I am going to say this in the nicest possible way and it is all game...


The last time Biz spoke up this much was when she was in danger. 


She was being DL'd and came on to tell us - I was driving all day, my daughter was in an accident, I was at school, forogot my phone- why I haven't been posting - that was March 14th.  

She had in fact posted on the day of the big drive and the accident - March 10th, on the 11th, 12th and 13th. No mention of problems until she is being DL'd on the 14th. 


I think the stops were pulled out then to save her, people said so sorry Biz and jumped right onto Drogo and a few onto DeadPool. Vote was split no DL. 

I kept my vote on Biz saying sorry about your troubles but the role you were assigned was before all of this.


She is working pretty hard for us not to DL her today even offering up Mark.


Drogo if Biz really would rather see Mark go instead of herself, do you not think that means she thinks she is more important?


Do you think scum really is advocating for the heroes when she says take Mark, not me?

Or really, having sloshed the water out of the jar is she thinking less straight?

  • Love 1

Stopping in briefly before I go to bed. I find it interesting that the *villains* broke Hedonismbot out of prison with Clamps (a mafiabot) and Rodrigo (a stab by serial killer). My suspicions are still not completely allayed, my sexy barbarian friend.

Also, OB, I assume you aren't suggesting that Biz was lying about her daughter's accident. You might want to make that more clear, even if you (or we) think she may be a villain. This isn't Survivor with Johnny FairPlay.

  • Love 1

I was thinking Johnny Fairplay.  Am I allowed to think that way?


I do believe the accident happened on March 10th but the claim that it subsequently kept her from posting when she posted on the 11th, 12th, 13th is what I was questioning. As I said her role was assigned well before the accident and from the 10th to the 14th no mention of it until the DL started. I am wondering if for that one protection was not in place but the second attempt at a DL it was. 


That's all. And in comparison no posting again until this DL might go through.  

We heard not one peep all during the other day and twilight- Biz knew she was safe on that DL. 

Now we are trying again et voila.

  • Love 1

I don't think OB's saying anything like that, MMCS.  I think she's saying personal posts can throw a wrench into the game, which is totally true.  It doesn't mean we don't all care about each other, but sometimes we let it impact their game moves - like "I can't vote off Drogo because he got fired from his job."  (I didn't get fired, that's an example.)


And I don't know why the story was written like that; I thought that too when I saw it.  I guess with our Story happening in various areas of space she needs to find somewhere to put me where I'll be with other characters, so jail was the kinkiest option.

  • Love 1

Well, this is a turn of events. So I've been trying to figure out why would Biz throw MarkHB under the bus like that? Is it just to save her own skin? If MarkHB is a more important villain then surely the villain team would not want Biz saved over him, so why would she do that? Very odd.

Another thought; could something else be at work here like maybe a bus driver power or something?? 

I'm happy to join whatever DL you guys feel is safest at this point.

  • Love 1

I've been thinking bus driver also but the fact that our (seemed to be successful) DL vote sloshed a lot of water out of Nixon's brain jar confirms that one for me. 


If you remember Buffy, I had the titular (ummm titular) role but no powers at all. 


Mark might rule a planet but not in fact have any powers or maybe the protection is on him  today?

As I said it is more common that protection can not be consecutive than some one character be protected endlessly.


(eta because titula looks too much like fibula which is no fun at all)

Edited by Oinky Boinky
  • Love 1

I was thinking more along the lines of a bus driver having swapped Mark and someone else, so maybe you never targeted Mark at all? I agree with OB about Nixon's jar being a result of the DL.

I don't know what is going on but Biz's actions just seem strange behaviour and I'm trying to figure out possible reasons for that.


This is hurting my head.

  • Love 1

So is Biz a two kill also? do you think or protected and protected?


I guess we have arguments either way. Biz is the one in here trying to throw us off tho and not Mark. 


Ironically, today is my one day where I have to go out about an hour after voting will now start and I won't have tech on trail.


We just can't split the vote.

  • Love 1

I really hate having to do this on my iPad....

I will happily admit caprice to the boudoir on a trial basis.  caprice for the first 7 business days you can only watch, no participation.  Please take notes.  


Split Votes Day was between me and Deadpool.  That was before SS and CP made the boudoir list, and I was pointing a heavy finger at SS that Day.  I don't see a split vote happening again with so many trusted players.  


MMCS is ringing as a Villain for me but I'd have to put together the official Khal's Trust List with game actions to see what it is about her that's setting off the alarm.  I think I'll have time toDay to do that.  


And, finally... 


Mark's character is far scummier than Richard Nixon.  Nixon ruled a country, Mark rules an entire planet.

Take notes? But I might be able to share some techniques from my day. For example, there's this... ooh... zzzzzzzzzz

I'd vote for caprice, BB, or MMCS.   The first two should be obvious and were laid out well in past conversations.  The latter there are a few clues, I think, but right now I can only think of one.  Motley Crew = Smoking in the Boys Room (biggest hit) = MMCS.  I know there were a couple of more clues and hints, but I have leave for work right now.  I'll be back later and hopefully be able to refresh my memory and post them.

Wait, what? Why would you vote for me? I'm an idiot!

I was thinking more along the lines of a bus driver having swapped Mark and someone else, so maybe you never targeted Mark at all? I agree with OB about Nixon's jar being a result of the DL.

I don't know what is going on but Biz's actions just seem strange behaviour and I'm trying to figure out possible reasons for that.


This is hurting my head.

It's hurting my head, too. I hope we don't have power-switchers, power-blockers are bad enough.

So is Biz a two kill also? do you think or protected and protected?


I guess we have arguments either way. Biz is the one in here trying to throw us off tho and not Mark. 


Ironically, today is my one day where I have to go out about an hour after voting will now start and I won't have tech on trail.


We just can't split the vote.

Traditionally, powers are somewhat balanced between the teams, although sheer numbers favor the heroes, when they can pull said numbers together. And I do apologize for missing so much. Anyway, we know the villains are going to do whatever they want, but if it was me, I wouldn't burn a protection on a two-kill until a first kill had been attempted.

I so appreciate this conversation. I haven't understood at all where some of these DLs were coming from.

  • Love 1

OK folks, here it is.  Now I need to lay down, oh wait, already laying down, now I need the chocolate icing, the zip ties and some Sam Hunt music videos.





That second one he looks like he has no pants on.  This is why flesh-colored pants are a mistake. 


But I digress.




MarkHB – VILLAIN, I promise you that.

  • D1: Arrived after voting and said he would have voted No DL
  • Nothing, nothing, more nothing, silence
  • Survived Night kill during N4. 


MuuMuuChainsmoker - VILLAIN, I'm telling you.

  • D1 Clue:  Human females-->Lady Calypso
  • D1 Clue:  Damien Lewis-->Brody-->Hanged Man
  • D1 Vote to no DL
  • D2 Commentary after Biz DL was started:  “I’ll need better evidence”
  • Doubts Hedonismbot’s heroism several times
  • D2 Vote to kill Drogo
  • D4 Vote to kill BizBuzz


BizBuzz - VILLAIN, I don't care what Gerald Ford says.

  • D1 Commentary:  Will be out most of the day
  • D1 Commentary:  Wonders if The Onion Knight has special powers where he knows that Full House-->Jesse is a clue
  • D3 Commentary:  Will be out most of the day, skeptical of Deadpool DL
  • Didn't die after D4 DL, but story reflected water sloshing out of Nixon's fishbowl.



  • D1 Commentary: Joints were creaking, “mmm joiiiints” – translated as being Professor
  • D4 Commentary:  Not the professor, joints creak, misdirection, etc.


Athena - UNKNOWN, but seems to be hinting pretty hard at someone heroic.

  • D1 Announcement: she’s not a first day lyncher
  • D1 Agreed with Full House/Bob Saget being a clue
  • D1 Vote to no DL
  • D2: Missed the vote, said forgetfulness was in character
  • D4 Vote to kill BizBuzz


caprice – TRUSTED (on a trial basis)

  • D1 Vote no DL
  • D1 Announcement: will be on vacation until 3/16


Dougal – TRUSTED, I think.

  • D1 Vote to no DL
  • D2 Clue:  Janus-->bringer of war/associated with the sun and stars-->Drogo
  • D2 Vote to kill Deadpool


The Crazed Spruce - TRUSTED

  • D1 Vote to kill Hanged Man
  • D2: Vouches for Jesse/Oinky
  • D4 Vote to kill BizBuzz


The Onion Knight – TRUSTED

  • D1 Clue--> Queen of Likes-->Royal Flush-->BizBuzz
  • D1 Clue-->Nixon starting a war-->Warlord-->Drogo
  • D1 Vote to no DL
  • D2 Clue:  Wicked City-->TJTrack
  • D2: Defends Silver
  • D2 Vote to kill BizBuzz
  • D2 Came back post-vote to say he would have removed his Biz vote due to IRL events


aquarian1 - TRUSTED

  • D1 thinks Full House is too obvious
  • D1 Clue: Motley crew-->Smoking in the Boys Room-->MMCS
  • D1 Vote to no DL
  • D2:  Trusts Jesse
  • D2 Vote to kill Deadpool
  • D3 Vote to kill Deadpool
  • D4 Vote to kill BizBuzz


Lady Calypso - TRUSTED

  • D1 Clue:  “Blind Eye” film-->directed by Mark McNabb
  • D1 Vote to no DL
  • D3 Vote to kill Deadpool



  • D1 Commentary: Considers himself a lovable scamp
  • D2:  Suggests the possibility of multiple villain factions
  • D2: Suspicious of Oinky
  • D3 Vote to kill Deadpool


SilverStormm - TRUSTED

  • D1 Vote to no DL
  • D2 Trust List:  No one
  • D2 Vote to kill BizBuzz
  • Switches D2 vote from BizBuzz to Drogo following Biz’s IRL post
  • D3 Vote to kill Deadpool


Machiabelly - TRUSTED

  • D1 Announcement: he’s against D1 DLs unless extremely compelled, but likes the Full House-->Jesse clue
  • D1 Vote to no DL
  • D2 Clue:  Pool of tears-->Alice in Wonderland-->CuriousParker
  • D3 Vote to kill Deadpool
  • D4 Vote to kill BizBuzz


Saoirse - TRUSTED

  • D1 Agreed with Brody/HangedMan clue
  • D1 Vote to no DL
  • D1 Commentary: Finds it interesting that OB is so firm on supporting Jesse
  • D2 Clue:  Janus-->uranic deity-->SilverStormm
  • D2 Commentary:  Suspicious of Silver and BizBuzz
  • D2 Vote to kill SilverStormm, later switched
  • D2:  Defends Drogo
  • D2 Vote to kill Deadpool (switched from Silver)
  • D3 Vote to kill Deadpool
  • D4 Vote to kill BizBuzz


OinkyBoinky - TRUSTED

  • D1 Clue:  Turning a blind eye-->TJ or Onion
  • D1 Vouch for Jesse
  • D1 Vote to kill Hanged Man
  • D2 Trust List:  Machiabelly, Onion, Jesse, Saoirse
  • D2 Not Sure List:  FireArcher, Drogo
  • Promises Biz safety for the day following Biz’s accident post
  • D2 Vote to kill Deadpool
  • D3 Vote to kill Deadpool (first post of the Day)
  • D3 Vouch for Onion Knight
  • D4 Vote to kill BizBuzz


CuriousParker - TRUSTED

  • D1 Clue:  Take extra care-->CVS-->MuuMuuChainsmoker
  • D1 Clue:  Motley crew-->Generation Swine-->OinkyBoinky
  • D1 Vote to kill Oinky Boinky
  • D2 Vote to kill BizBuzz
  • Switches D2 vote from BizBuzz to Drogo following Biz’s IRL post
  • D3 Vote to kill Deadpool
  • D4 Clue: Whirligig-->Buzzing-->BizBuzz
  • D4 Vote to kill BizBuzz



  • D1 Clue: Full House-->Jesse? 
  • D1 Clue: Motley crew-->Mick Mars-->Aquarian
  • D1 Agreed with Homeland/HangedMan being a clue
  • D1 Clue:  Damian Lewis-->Billions-->Bobby Axelrod
  • D1 Vote to kill Jesse
  • D2 Clue:  Chain-smoking-->MMCS
  • D2 Clue:  Janus-->statue with Athena
  • D2: Defends TJ
  • D2 Clue:  Turn:Washington Spies--> created by Craig Silverstein--> SilverStormm
  • D2 Vote to kill SilverStormm
  • D2 Clue:  Motley Crue album cover-->Deadpool movie poster
  • D2 Vote to kill Deadpool (switched from Silver)
  • D3 Vote to kill Deadpool
  • D3 Trust list: OB, Saoirse, TCS, LC, SS, Jesse, CP, Aquarian, Dougal, SVNBob
  • D3 Clue:  Sudden changes-->caprice
  • D4 Clue:  Ruth Crawford Seeger Album-->Track 4 “Whirligig”, Track 5 “Caprice”
  • D4 Vote to kill BizBuzz
  • D4 Commentary:  Suspicious of caprice, Mark, Firearcher, and MMCS


Dearly and Not-So-Dearly Departed Players


DL'd D1:  No one. (No-DL Vote completed.)


Killed N1:  HangedMan – HERO - D1 Agree with Full House or Motley Crue being clues - D1 Vote to no DL


DL'd D2:  No one. (Vote incomplete.)


Killed N2:  TJtrack99 – HERO - D2 Missed the vote, feels good about the next Day (then gets killed.)


DL'd D3:  Deadpool – VILLAIN - D1 Clue:  Full House-->Jesse Frederick theme song composer - D1 Clue:  Full House-->(SVN)Bob Saget - D1 Commentary:  Agrees with Full House-->Jesse, adds on that theme song has “How did I get delivered here?” connecting it to intergalactic delivery company - D1 Vote to kill Jesse - D2 Clue:  Turn:Washington’s Spies-->FireArcher - D2 Clue:  Turn:Washington’s Spies-->Men of Blood-->Drogo


Killed N3:  Lisin – HERO - D1 Vote to kill Jesse - D3 Vote to kill Deadpool


DL'd D4:  No one, though a DL was completed on BizBuzz.


Killed N4:  Jesse – HERO - D1 Agreed with Homeland/HangedMan being a clue - D1 Vote to kill Hanged Man - D1 Switched vote to no DL - D1 Vouched for Oinky’s good intentions - D2 Vote to kill SilverStormm - D2 Vote to kill Deadpool (switched from Silver) - D3 Vote to kill Deadpool

  • Love 2

I was thinking more along the lines of a bus driver having swapped Mark and someone else, so maybe you never targeted Mark at all? I agree with OB about Nixon's jar being a result of the DL.

I don't know what is going on but Biz's actions just seem strange behaviour and I'm trying to figure out possible reasons for that.


This is hurting my head.


Please don't make me cry, SS.  Not while I'm with Sam Hunt and chocolate icing.

Wow, never heard of bus driver before, that seems crazy.

The Professor's new old favorite show is Selfie, but I'm not seeing any obvious clues there.

In any case:

  • If Biz was protected, she probably won't be protected again toDay, and we can get her now, but maybe not in the future.
  • If she's a Glory-type two-in-a-row kill, we need to get her now.
  • If she's a regular two-kill, we can get her now, and there's no particular reason not to.


  • Love 1

Richard Nixon's Head is no Glorificus.  Even if he had the rest of his body, no Glorificus. (Also, Glory couldn't be killed by DLs twice in a row- she would've needed one DL and one Night kill back to back to die.)  If something like that is in play, it's important that we DL MarkHB toDay since there was already a Night kill on him. 


Biz's extreme-coupon taunting Oh Yes I Would Lurvvvvvve To Join a Mark DL! seems like a ploy to get us away from him.  {Biz is a bad Villain because she's so decent and pure of heart in RL.}


Oh, and I can't even begin to wrap my head around playing this game with a Bus Driver, so I just won't.  I'm just going to assume we're playing the old-fashioned way and save novelties and experimentation for the boudoir. 

  • Love 1

NON GAME COMMENT ... For the record ... when I mentioned the stuff about my daughter being in an accident, I prefaced it with NON GAME CONTEXT ... I wanted to make sure when I said what I said, that it wouldn't be construed to be part of the game. Here is my post if you want to see if what I am saying is true.


GAME COMMENT ... Drogo and I have had our words in the past (BTW, thank you Drogo for this) ... but how can I argue with a person when he is right?  I agree with him ... there is no bus driver, and I don't think we should play it as if there was.  I stand by my last statement ... I am on board with a MarkHB DL ... you can trust me on that ... again ... I am not a crook.

  • Love 1

My internet was out all day, so I missed the lion's share of the discussion.

Frankly, I'm leaning heavily towards BizBuzz because she's a known quantity. That being said, Drogo does make a good case for taking out Mark. So really, I'm good either way.

I'm torn. I'll check back later, give Mark a chance to defend himself, and make my decision then.

  • Love 2
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