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Futurama Mafia

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Good grief, what an INSANE WEEK!!

A lot to catch up on after being forced to go shopping, enjoy happy hours, and play cards with my family. After I got back to my own bed (well after midnight on my travel day, thank you), I spent yesterday doing laundry, grocery shopping, and sleeping. Today, I've been fighting a migraine, thinning out my closet, and ding more shopping in order to get dinner on the table. Last minute support for the local grocery that is closing soon.

Biz, I'm so glad your daughter is okay, and that you both continue to be well.

It is now time to pull dinner out of the oven. Slainte, everyone!!

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Thank you all for your patience. Hopefully the rest of the stories will come more promptly. And now back to our story already in progress.


Day 3
          We return to the C plot of our story. Or is it the D plot? I don’t remember, all that matters is it’s not the A plot. That would be our heroes. This plot is about the noble men and robots in blue. We rejoin Officers URL and Smitty as they’ve finally made it downtown with their slightly more battered and aroused prisoner Hedonismbot.
          “We’re finally here,” said Officer URL. “The big house”
          “The slammer,” returned Officer Smitty.
          “The joint.”
          “The pokey.”
          “The clink.”
          “The sneezer.”
          “The stockade.”
          “The hoosegow.”
          “Are we at the jailhouse gentlemen? I do so look forward to spending time with all of those marvelous men,” asked Hedonismbot, ending the officers exchange of synonyms just in time. Your wonderful narrator was struggling to think of more.
          “Ooohhh yeaaahhh. We are here and you’ll be staying for a long time,” replied Officer URL. “Lock him up boys.”
          “And throw away the key!” Hedonismbot said with a delighted giggle.
          Locked in his cell were three familiar faces. First a bronze colored robot with clamps for hands. That of course was Clamps, an associate of the Donbot. Next, a robot with a crazed look in his big round eyes. This was Roberto and he was in a strait jacket waiting to be schlepped to the Institute for Criminally Insane Robots. Finally, a very familiar looking bending unit.
          “Ah Bender my good friend. Care to vomit upon me gently while I humiliate a pheasant? I quite enjoyed it the last time.” Hedonismbot queried.
          “You have me mistaken! The name’s Flexo,” the grouchy robot replied. It was not the first time he had been mistaken for his doppelganger. Did no one notice his stylish goatee?
          “Good man, forgive me. It’s just you look so similar. The offer still stands, if you’re available. I promise, I pay handsomely.”


          Back in the A plot, our heroes had returned safely from Planet Janus and had narrowly escaped Brannigan’s misfire on the TVP galaxy. We find the Planet Express Crew gathered around the conference table.
          “Good news everyone! We have another package delivery to make,” said the Professor.
          “Where are we headed this time?” Asked Fry, always eager to go somewhere new and exciting.
          “Why you’re returning to where you just came from!”
          “Oh man. Planet Janus again? It’s not exciting at all,” Fry responded disappointed.
          “No of course not you fool! But you are returning to the PTV galaxy. This time you’re headed to a dangerous planet in the HBO nebula, the homeworld of sexy bisexual vampires.”
          “Um Professor,” Bender interrupted. “The Reverend Preacherbot expressly forbid all robots from ever going to Stackhouseverse. It’s a sin of the gravest kind! So sign me up!”
           “Yes Bender, you’ll be going. It is important to have a robot do the delivery as to not risk the humans. You have no blood for the vampires to drink.”
          “Bite my shiny metal ass. I’m not doing it then. It’s always ‘Bender do this’ and ‘Bender do that.’ Well not this time! I’m tired of risking my life for these stupid humans.”
          “But Bender, just a minute ago you were excited to go. You’ll still be committing a grave sin against Robotolgy. And you won’t be risking your life. You don’t have any blood.” Leela reasoned, petting Nibbler who sat in her lap making gentle noises.
          “Fine. But only if we can swing by the MST3K planet on the way back. Those riffsters owe me their latest B-movie weapon.”
          “Excellent idea Bender, perhaps I can utilize their research in the creation of my newest doomsday device. Oh I am so excited about this new thing which I can use to make the world go boom,” said the Professor.
          “Professor, why you no talk so good? Wait why me no talk so good?” Asked Amy, concerned by the sudden changes in language happening at the conference table.
           Nibbler, knowing what was going on, lept from Leela’s lap and began a mad search for his hidden spacecraft. “Why did I make the dastardly thing invisible?” He asked rhetorically. Alas, it would be too late.
          “Nibbler! You talk! Why you search? What happening? Help?” Leela asked her pet, befuddled that the creature could speak.
          “The Huge Brain is coming. I need to return to my fellow Nibblonians. They are the only ones who can help us now.”
          “The Huge Brain? What’s that? And there are more creatures like you? Wait! Why can I still talk and the others are acting like idiots?” Said Fry curiously.
          “Because Fry, the brainspawn attack the Delta Brain Wave making everything lose intelligence. You don’t have the Delta Brain Wave. So they cannot affect you.”
           Suddenly, the Huge Brain burst through the window. “At last Lord Nibbler, we meet again.” And with the beam used to kill the dinosaurs (did you think it was a meteor? You are wrong), the Huge Brain zapped Nibbler out of existence. “Hahahaha! One of my greatest foes is no more! We are now one step closer to eliminating all conscious thought!” He cried as he flew back to space.


           What's next for our heroes? Will their stupefication last? Will Leela ever get over the loss of her pet? Will Hedonismbot ever find love? Find out next time on FUTURAMA. 


Still Alive and Well in New New York

  • MarkHB
  • CuriousParker
  • Drogo
  • SilverStormm
  • Athena
  • MuuMuuChainsmoker
  • Jesse
  • Machiabelly
  • saoirse
  • SVNBob
  • Firearcher
  • aquarian1
  • Lady Calypso
  • Lisin
  • OinkyBoinky
  • Dougal
  • The Crazed Spruce
  • caprice
  • BizBuzz
  • The Onion Knight
  • Deadpool


Now in Robot Hell

  • HangedMan - Scruffy - Magistrate
    What else can be said, you are Scruffy. Planet Express’s janitor, most of the employees have no idea you exist. Regardless, you have a deep and abiding love for Planet Express (and your mop bucket). Where else could you do so little and get away with viewing so much Zero G Juggs? As such, during twilight you may protect someone from the results of a day lynch if you fear they have been wrongly accused.
  • TJtrack99 - Nibbler - double vote.
    You are Lord Nibbler, a proud and ancient Nibblonian. You live in New New York, disguised as a pet owned by Leela. Leela believes she rescued you from the Planet Vergon 6. Your race (who live long and are celebrated poopers) serve as protectors of the universe. Despite your small size, you have a voracious appetite and will eat just about everything in sight. Your intelligence grants you a second anonymous vote during the day.


There is one clue in the story. You have 36 hours to achieve a vote. Day will end at approximately 4am Monday morning EDT. 

  • Love 2

Heroes we are done if we don't work together.

It is possible there are only 13 of us left and we require 11 to DL.


We need absolutely everyone to come in and vote the same. If it is split again we have a third no DL day and are down to 12 requiring 11 votes.
To our serial killer - you have to vote with us. If the villains win by sheer numbers,  you also lose. vote with us, blend in and you have a chance.

1 to DL Deadpool (Oinky Boinky) 10 to prove cranial capacity does not enhance cerebral functionality.

  • Love 3

I 100% trust this Deadpool info because I was about to come and start my own DL on DP but y'all beat me to it. Everyone should jump on this one!


Also, again FWIW I was never saying I didn't trust OB because of that character list, just that since I didn't watch the show I was confused at Bender not being on it and doubly confused by everyone saying Bender was a Hero since the wiki says he's a villain. I trust show watchers when they say he's not. It was just confusing! 


5 to DL Deadpool (Oinky Boinky, Drogo, Jesse, aquarian1, Lisin) 7 to make it so.


ETA: Shoot. Forgot to change the jokey bit at the end of the DL chain.

Edited by Lisin
  • Love 2

I looked at Deadpool and received no result, so he was protected.



Drogo I wonder if there is another reason why you got no result on Deadpool.  


Maybe the information could only be given out a limited number of times. 


I've had the power of being able to block others' actions, so maybe that's what happened -- it's more about Drogo than Deadpool.

  • Love 3

I know blocking is in play.  


Because you and I had a wee tussle (you enjoyed it more than I did) on the first night, I was thinking you attempted to block me. 


I was thinking it was part of Hedobots playful nature but now I am not sure. Unless you were playing with yourself last night, you being blocked dismisses that original idea. 

  • Love 2

Okay, with a final tally of: 


11 to DL Deadpool (Oinky Boinky, Drogo, Jesse, aquarian1, Lisin, saoirse, CuriousParker, Lady Calypso, SVNBob, Silverstormm, Machiabelly) 0 to join the firing squad


it is now officially Twilight. Please feel free to continue discussing the game until the Night story is posted. Please get your Twilight actions in by 10am Sunday EDT. Thanks! 

  • Love 3

Does anyone have ideas about our numbers and factions and this DL vote?


When the characters in the stories were adding up to 23, the 15+8 split made sense and heroes would be down to 13. 


The last story added a couple more villains Roberto and Clamps...(?)


I am thinking if the villain/hero ratio were now as high as 13/8 - the villains would not jump onto that DL- odds were too good we wouldn't have enough votes to DL.  


If the villains know their numbers are less (more in heroes favour) and we were going to get 11 to vote against a single player (fait accompli) - there may be 1 or 2 villains in that DL vote. 


No one tried to split the vote. 


It may be as simple as we got it done before the villains got a chance to vote. 


I am no longer as certain we started 15+8 

  • Love 2

I was wondering if villains voted in the DL, it's not unheard of, after all.  But we did get it done fast, too.  So...  looks like I got nothing.  :-P


I reread the story and nothing is standing out to me.  If I have time, I'll look back at previous stories tomorrow.  (I'm adopting a kitty, squee! and she arrives tomorrow).

  • Love 3

I am no longer as certain we started 15+8 


Okay, I just did a little recon on @egavasc 's last game, the Game of Thrones round. We had 20 players, and it ended up being 7 Villains (two teams made up of 3 & 4), 2 Recruitables, 2 on the Serial Killer 'team', and 9 Heroes. I'm not saying it's EXACTLY the same this time, but this could inform our thinking. Also, there were definitely some NPCs in that game, and surely there are going to be some here.

Also, as a casual viewer of this show, it DOES lend itself to shifting alliances and recruitable potential. Just saying...

  • Love 3

Not sure that's the case in Futurama.


I'm not saying it's the same at all - I just wanted to point out that the 15 Heroes / 8 Villains equation could have some variables. Honestly, I think in the case of Futurama, it's more likely that there are a couple of Recruitables than multiple Villain teams? Again, just my thoughts...Now I shall retire to play with all my children and hope that I hear from my love soon...

  • Love 2

It all depends.  It is a comedy series.  Rule of Funny and all that. 


But even though I was the one that first expressed the thought of multiple Villain factions, I'm less inclined to believe that now.


That said, I can see the entire Robot Mafia (DonBot, Clamps, and Joey Mousepad) being one person on the Villain team.  And with Roberto added to the mix (Note: a real character!  And not me!  Or a clue to me!), he's the most likely SK.  He likes stabbing.

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