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Archer Mafia

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13 minutes ago, MuuMuuChainsmoker said:

My initial reads:

  • CP: Reads town.
  • A1: Reads town, possibly power role.
  • SS: Reads deep wolf.  
  • Jesse: Not enough input.  Possible wolf or weak town.
  • Lisin:  Obviously just bussing SS. 
  • MarkHB: Suspiciously quiet. Useless or deep wolf.  C'mon, Mark.  Give us some of your reads!   



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1 hour ago, MuuMuuChainsmoker said:

My initial reads:

  • CP: Reads town.
  • A1: Reads town, possibly power role.
  • SS: Reads deep wolf.  
  • Jesse: Not enough input.  Possible wolf or weak town.
  • Lisin:  Obviously just bussing SS. 
  • MarkHB: Suspiciously quiet. Useless or deep wolf.  C'mon, Mark.  Give us some of your reads!   

Someone has been reading the mafia championship.

Looks like you all have.  

Got my PM 

Started watching the series. This is going to be fun 

  • Love 2

On a completely unrelated note....

Some of you remember back on TWoP, when they ran an article after Spider-Man 3 speculating on who the villain might be, and I suggested Mysterio, played by Bruce Campbell?  Well, they released some storyboards from what would've been Spider-Man 4, and guess what?



Sure, it's apparently part of a montage of captured villains, but IT COUNTS, DAMMIT!

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Day 1

         ISIS Headquarters. New York City. A quiet, unassuming building. No one would ever expect that this city block was home to one of the world’s most impressive spy agencies. In the offices, the ISIS drones were hard at work keeping the world safe for yet another day. Through the main office, a loud voice could be heard.

         “Mr. Archer! Your mother wants to see you. In her office!” Cheryl Tunt hollered loudly. Cheryl was the assistant to Malory Archer, head of ISIS, a position that should have afforded her some respect around the office. Instead, her fondness for sniffing glue, erotic asphyxiation and occasional odd outbursts had everyone in the office thinking she was missing a few screws.

         “What’d you do now, Archer?” Asked Lana Kane, ISIS agent and frequent field partner of Sterling Archer. Lana was by far the best agent in the office, but was always treated like the second fiddle frustrating her to no end. Adding fuel to the fire of her wrath was that Archer was her ex and he had cheated on her. As a former significant other he’d been more night at The Shining hotel than knight in shining armor.  Just because Sterling Archer was the boss’s only offspring did not mean that he was in any way the best field agent. Sure, he got results, but usually at the expense of putting everyone else in danger on a regular basis. Lana could no longer keep track of how many times she had been responsible for saving his skin.

         “Why do you always assume I’ve done something wrong? Mother probably has a new assignment for me. Most likely a honeypot. You know how I excel at the honeypot.” Archer retorted.

         “You’d have to be able to go five minutes without telling anyone that you’re ‘Sterling Archer, world’s most dangerous secret agent.’ Secret agent my ass.”

         “Yeah!” Echoed Pam Poovey, head of Human Resources. “Dontcha have to keep your identity a secret when you’re undercover? So that you can later blackmail the spy you seduced?”

          “Yes, Pam.” Archer replied exasperatedly. “You’ve accurately described the Honeypot technique. My methods of seduction…”

          “Mr. Archer!” Cheryl interrupted. “Your mother wants to see you. Now!”

        “I’m coming! I’m coming. God, phrasing. Gross.” Archer said, unable to help himself. He headed into his mother’s office, picking up a glass of scotch from Cyril’s desk on his way. The accountant would never do anything about his missing scotch, the pansy.

         “Sterling Malory Archer. There’s two hundred thousand dollars missing from your expense account. Care to explain?”

         Archer started to say that he hadn’t been on a mission in over a week and therefore had no reason to touch his expense account. Not that that had stopped him before, but this time he really hadn’t. Malory went off on a long tirade about Archer’s irresponsiblity and disrespect for her and the office and spy craft in general. Little did either of them know that someone was truly setting him up. The money had been embezzled from his accounts. Just enough so someone else might be suspicious of Sterling’s activity.


Living In The Danger Zone:

  1. Lisin
  2. CP
  3. Jesse
  4. saoirise
  5. caprice
  6. Dougal
  7. BizBuzz
  8. SilverStormm
  9. Deadpool
  10. The Crazed Spruce
  11. aquarian1
  12. MMCS
  13. Machiabelly
  14. Oinky Boinky
  15. The Hanged Man
  16. Ser Jorah Mormont


...And we're off! 

Important stuff:

  • There are 2 clues in the Day 1 story. 
  • 9 votes are needed for a DL. 
  • There will be 36 hours for Day discussion and voting.  Day will end when a majority vote has been reached or the time limit is up. 


It’s very interesting that you wish to get the discussion started by using an obscure reference to place shade on me - in fact I'm a vanilla hero but my er, tastes are anything but vanilla if you know what I mean (wink) - when a more blatant clue exists in reference to the actual The Shining movie - according to multiple references on Google Stanley Kubrick who Directed the film was a Chain Smoker for a large part of his life, which points directly at you?

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I’ve read through and The Shining also stood out to me so I looked it up and found this:

on The Shining wikia it says

The Simpsons episode "Treehouse of Horror V" includes a parody titled "The Shinning." In addition, Sherri and Terri, the twins in Bart's 4th grade class, are visually similar to the Grady girls.

@MuuMuuChainsmoker avatar is Homer Simpson.

51 minutes ago, SilverStormm said:

I too saw The Shining thing as a possible clue but I think I saw an even more obvious one that hasn't been mentioned as yet:


Honeypot >Bees >BizBUZZ


[Sits back and munches on Saltines]


45 minutes ago, caprice said:

Yeah, The Shining hotel struck me, too. I get King and Overlook from it. Looking at discussion since, I can also see Machia's thinking on "knight in shining armor."

On my second reading, the bit about Cheryl having screws missing sat funny, as the phrase I know is screws loose.

These are also quite interesting!

Since we have 2 clues in this story I'd say with the four mentioned (Shining, Knight, screw missing, and honey) we've probably got at least 1 right... right? My main issue with the Shining clue is I can see it pointing to at least 3 people which makes it a hard clue to get behind (the third, as of not yet mentioned person would be @Oinky Boinky because to me one of the more memorable things in the movie is the pig mask). I also get "Stanley" and "Ghost Tours" from the Shining clue, because if you look up "A night at the Shining hotel" you get loads of Stanley hotel ghost tour stuff. Off the top of my head I'd also put down twins and hallway filled with blood as things that pop up when I think about the Shining. And freezing to death, hedge maze, axes, etc. 

Based on that I'd hesitate to start a DL on any one of the players mentioned in the Shining clue because how can we be sure which one it points to...

Machia's thinking of the Knight also makes me think the Shining clue may be right though. Both clues in one sentence? I don't know. We've got clever mods so anything's possible.

However, of all those possible clues only two actually point  to a single player. @BizBuzz and @Ser Jorah Mormont being those players. 

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My problem with imagery from the movie version of The Shining is that I remember being very angry with how much it deviated from the book. That said, IF that's a clue, I think most of us are probably more familiar with the movie than the book.

Since we have two clues, why can't honey -> BizBuzz AND knight in shining armor -> Ser Jorah both be right? Ya know, if those are clues?

I realise and can understand why it would be easy to think ‘knight in shining armor’ could be was one of the clue’s but it I’m telling you it can’t possibly be because I’m a good guy.
As Jesse very kindly said, a clue is a hint that needs to be interpreted and worked out, not a big red arrow pointing to a player, where would the fun be in that?

And if we are going to lynch someone, shall I fetch a rug?

3 hours ago, Lisin said:


These are also quite interesting!

Since we have 2 clues in this story I'd say with the four mentioned (Shining, Knight, screw missing, and honey) we've probably got at least 1 right... right? My main issue with the Shining clue is I can see it pointing to at least 3 people which makes it a hard clue to get behind (the third, as of not yet mentioned person would be @Oinky Boinky because to me one of the more memorable things in the movie is the pig mask).


Well let's just nip this in the bud right now. I don't remember a pig in the Shining. Are you sure that is not Jody from Amityville Horror?

In any case I am so vanilla I glow in the dark. 

Just think 'Oinky- the other white meat' and it will keep you from making foolish decisions. 

I love the honeypot = Bizzy Buzzing.

I also thought pansy was odd here. Called pansy (pense) because the flower has a studious thoughtful face. 

35 minutes ago, MuuMuuChainsmoker said:

FWIW, honeypot is an actual thing that comes up on Archer a bunch.   Not that it can't be a clue, but it doesn't stick out to me as much as The Shining does.   

Yeah, as much as I'd like to say a clue was that simple, "Honeypot" is the title of a first season episode (yes, I started a personal re-watch after the theme was announced), and I think that if that were going to be a clue, it would show up later in the game. @egavasc isn't known for her easy clues, after all, and I think @Drogo would be better than that at this clue stuff too.


He headed into his mother’s office, picking up a glass of scotch from Cyril’s desk on his way. The accountant would never do anything about his missing scotch, the pansy.

This sentence was the one that jumped out at me, after the Shining reference. I don't hate the clue that @CuriousParker came up with for TCS (I've actually been to that lodge!), but I'm still not committed to anything. Still turning all this over in my head...

1 hour ago, Oinky Boinky said:

Well let's just nip this in the bud right now. I don't remember a pig in the Shining. Are you sure that is not Jody from Amityville Horror?

In any case I am so vanilla I glow in the dark. 

Just think 'Oinky- the other white meat' and it will keep you from making foolish decisions. 

I love the honeypot = Bizzy Buzzing.

I also thought pansy was odd here. Called pansy (pense) because the flower has a studious thoughtful face. 

"Pansy" is another thing that gets used in the show a lot. At least, it is in the eps I've seen. Archer frequently calls Cyril a pansy, so it's less of a clue for me.

I don't remember a pig in The Shining. I remember someone dressing as a dog, though.

42 minutes ago, Jesse said:

Seriously, are we not doing phrasing anymore?

Right? Oinky, some of the characters on Archer would be right at home on our Dirty Minds Sectional. Lana being anal would feed into that.

*sigh*  We don't even need trees in the story for y'all to try to point clues in my direction any more, do we? Well, rest assured, I am a hero. A vanilla one, sure, but a hero none the less.  (Well, "vanilla" as far as game play goes. I'm really more of a rum raisin, or a butter pecan....)

Yeah, "honeypot" is a reference from the show. Not saying it can't be a clue, but it doesn't seem very likely.  (Seems to be worth investigating, though, you ask me....)

I've never been good at spotting clues, but "The Shining" seems pretty likely. And the nearest I can figure that it points to is..

1 to DL @Ser Jorah Mormont (The Crazed Spruce) 8 to move in an L direction

2 to DL @BizBuzz ( SilverStormm , Oinky Boinky) 7 to get stung

1 to DL @The Crazed Spruce (CP) 8 to go up the wrong tree

@Oinky Boinky my list means nothing. It was just a fast way to get the ability to see the names and avatars of everyone playing to try to look for clues that related back to the story. If you hover over an @mention name it shows the avatar and I was searching for any meaning I could find.

I agree that the Knight clue is a little thin insomuch as it's super simple and I feel like usually they're harder. 

My only problem with the Shining clue is that I have no idea who it could point to! I do think it's a clue though.

Oh, also just instead of using my memory (and actually googling the image) my entire life I thought this scene was a dude in a pig mask? Apparently it's a bear... or a pig man bear. It's hard to say. In my mind it was always a pig but I've only seen the movie like 2 times because the book is so much better and the movie pissed me off too @caprice.

Here's a picture of pig man bear for reference. This is what I was talking about, I'm just not sure it's a pig anymore...shining20_1342027226_crop_550x344.jpg

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Yeah, I definitely think the Shining clue, while it may be a clue, is not a pig reference anymore. Sorry @Oinky Boinky I should look things up before posting instead of relying on my memory!!

I also agree with @saoirse about the honeypot thing being very on theme for Archer.

I didn't notice the pansy/scotch thing because that also sounded very Archer to me. 

The repetition of "missing" could be something. And I do agree that the phrasing (damn it!) of "missing a few screws" sounds off? (off is not the right word but I can't think of one) What I mean is, yeah, to me the phrasing (heeeee) is "has a few loose screws" but again, I'm not sure who it would be pointing to. 

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