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The Comics: Same, Yet Different

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I hope they do something different with the Rick/Jessie relationship on the show, because it was the first time in the comics that I truly disliked Rick. It seems like people on the episode forum are already turning against Rick based on a little kiss on the cheek. I shudder to think what will happen if everything goes down the way it did in the original storyline. Especially if he ends up being the reason she and her son(s) don't make it.


I don't agree that they should change the story they've planned because people are shipping a different couple.  I'm fairly confident that for every 100 vocal shippers who feel like Rick basically had sex with Jessie on the living room floor in the middle of the party and broke Michonne's heart in a million pieces that there are several thousand people who really aren't that put out by it, and probably a few thousand more that would like to see Rick and Jessie get together.  If the writers start trying to write a story that won't ever upset anyone, they're going to find out that it's not possible, and that they've sacrificed their story for nothing.

  • Love 3

I'd venture to guess that there are many fans who have no opinion on shipping but who were put off by Rick's behavior last night. Once a major character on a show starts acting that way, it can be difficult to come back from. If this is a story where an obsessive Rick "saves" Jessie from a thinly drawn caricature husband viewers barely see, and he then gets Jessie and her son killed, I think viewers may be disgusted, and not because of Rick and Michonne. The Rick I saw in the last episode is a Rick I have no desire to ship with Michonne or anyone else.


I think if a story is going to make a character look awful and someone gets an inkling of it, changing it wouldn't be a bad idea. If they did that with Andrea who knows what might have happened. But I guess it's too late to change anything we see this season.


Comics to screen comparison.




I wonder if there's a reason why they changed the woman Sasha snaps at to black instead of keeping her white.

  • Love 4

I don't agree that they should change the story they've planned because people are shipping a different couple. I'm fairly confident that for every 100 vocal shippers who feel like Rick basically had sex with Jessie on the living room floor in the middle of the party and broke Michonne's heart in a million pieces that there are several thousand people who really aren't that put out by it, and probably a few thousand more that would like to see Rick and Jessie get together. If the writers start trying to write a story that won't ever upset anyone, they're going to find out that it's not possible, and that they've sacrificed their story for nothing.

I actually don't care who Rick hooks up with in the show or the comic. That is not the part of that storyline that made me dislike Rick. I disliked how Jessie met her end is all. And I definitely don't think a show should ever be changed to appeal to a specific fan base. I am not someone who particularly wants to see Rick and Michonne together because that would go against who she is in the comic (she only wanted to be involved with black men, right? I am pretty sure that the only men she was attracted to while I was reading were black men, maybe that changed).

What I am saying, poorly in my first post, is that I hope they handle this story better on the show because I want to be able to keep loving Rick. He has made some bad decisions, but all of them so far are ones I can understand. The Jessie situation, in terms of her death, was the first time I truly hated one of his decisions. I don't think that making a few small changes in how that plays out (maybe not cut off her hand? that was so cold) will sacrifice the story in this case because show Rick has already learned the value of working and fighting together with his new family, whereas comic Rick seemed, to my vague recollection, to think that other people would only slow him down and interfere with his ability to protect Carl. I clearly need to go find my compendiums and double check my facts because I am fuzzy on a lot of details lately.

I'd venture to guess that there are many fans who have no opinion on shipping but who were put off by Rick's behavior last night. Once a major character on a show starts acting that way, it can be difficult to come back from. If this is a story where an obsessive Rick "saves" Jessie from a thinly drawn caricature husband viewers barely see, and he then gets Jessie and her son killed, I think viewers may be disgusted, and not because of Rick and Michonne. The Rick I saw in the last episode is a Rick I have no desire to ship with Michonne or anyone else.

I think if a story is going to make a character look awful and someone gets an inkling of it, changing it wouldn't be a bad idea. If they did that with Andrea who knows what might have happened. But I guess it's too late to change anything we see this season.

Yes! This is exactly what I meant. Thank you for phrasing it more eloquently for me.

  • Love 3

Comics to screen comparison.


I wonder if there's a reason why they changed the woman Sasha snaps at to black instead of keeping her white.


I suspect TPTB are responding to viewer complaints about the apparent "quota for people of color" on the show. In the same episode (season 5, episode 13, "Forget"), a black guy goes to the armory with Tobin. (White guy who offers to teach Carol how to shoot.) I haven't read the comics, so perhaps he eventually gets a name and some lines. But I was glad to see people of color getting background roles.

I suspect TPTB are responding to viewer complaints about the apparent "quota for people of color" on the show. In the same episode (season 5, episode 13, "Forget"), a black guy goes to the armory with Tobin. (White guy who offers to teach Carol how to shoot.) I haven't read the comics, so perhaps he eventually gets a name and some lines. But I was glad to see people of color getting background roles.

Yeah, so Sasha snaps bad at the other black lady.

Whose ASZhat job is to cook everybody's favorite meal.

Uh-huh. Real breakout role, that.

I can't do quotes very well on my phone, but I agree with what you say about changing up the Jessie story, LeafontheWind. I don't think that the Jessie we are seeing on TV is the same Jessie as in the book. Not the way she carries herself. The comic version had the cute little hairband and the bangs and the meek attitude, imo. I'm not getting that from the TV version. If they go the same way as the comic story, maybe Jessie could be the one to suggest they go out into the herd, not Rick. He would try to do what she wanted instead of making the decision, and then her death would be not all on him maybe.

  • Love 2

I'd venture to guess that there are many fans who have no opinion on shipping but who were put off by Rick's behavior last night. Once a major character on a show starts acting that way, it can be difficult to come back from. If this is a story where an obsessive Rick "saves" Jessie from a thinly drawn caricature husband viewers barely see, and he then gets Jessie and her son killed, I think viewers may be disgusted, and not because of Rick and Michonne. The Rick I saw in the last episode is a Rick I have no desire to ship with Michonne or anyone else.


I think if a story is going to make a character look awful and someone gets an inkling of it, changing it wouldn't be a bad idea. If they did that with Andrea who knows what might have happened. But I guess it's too late to change anything we see this season.


Comics to screen comparison.




I wonder if there's a reason why they changed the woman Sasha snaps at to black instead of keeping her white.


And I'd venture to say that there are also thousands who don't think Rick was behaving in an abhorrent rapey way.  I saw a lot of tweets that said differently, anyway.  The majority of tweets and social media I've seen have been along the lines of "about time Rick got some" and "that Jessie girl is hot".  (Not my opinion, just what I've seen.)


My point is, no matter what any of us thinks I believe they should tell the story they're going to tell, and ignore people who are freaking out over this or that, because they could please one group of people and tick off another.  And because lots of fans don't take to social media, the writers could never hope to guess what the majority wants anyway.  They're better just sticking with what they plan to write and letting people come to their own feelings over it.

  • Love 4

Yeah, so Sasha snaps bad at the other black lady.

Whose ASZhat job is to cook everybody's favorite meal.

Uh-huh. Real breakout role, that.

Well, I was thinking during the scene, that Sasha was freaking out and whipping her head around at all the faces, and everyone was white.  Maybe she was feeling even more out of her element seeing only white people, after always having her brother at her side, which made her more keenly aware of his terrible absence. Because I was thinking myself, are there no other black people here?  Then another black woman appeared and was speaking to her, and she calmed down long enough to listen to what she said.  But then what she SAID pissed her off.  So we see that her angst isn't about race, it was about everyone having their head in the clouds.  Or something.  That's all I got.  I'm sure a producer will give an interview and have some reason out of left field.


Edited by peach
  • Love 4

And I'd venture to say that there are also thousands who don't think Rick was behaving in an abhorrent rapey way. 


I'm sure there aren't. I'm sure there are plenty of fans who think Rick and Jessie are hot stuff and can't wait for Rick to get his woman. I just don't agree with the idea that all-powerful Richonne fans are the only ones who are put off by the way he behaved in that episode, or will be the only ones who will be put off if his behavior leads to the brutal deaths of Jessie and her son.


My point is, no matter what any of us thinks I believe they should tell the story they're going to tell, and ignore people who are freaking out over this or that, because they could please one group of people and tick off another.  And because lots of fans don't take to social media, the writers could never hope to guess what the majority wants anyway.  They're better just sticking with what they plan to write and letting people come to their own feelings over it.



The show has always had a heavy emphasis on fan response. That's likely the main reason Daryl has been a constant presence and focus after starting out as a supporting character, probably the reason Lori died when she did, probably one of the reasons Carol is still alive. It's likely also the reason for all the baiting with Bethyl, Caryl, Richonne, et al.


If I thought this show had the ability to tell stories that would challenge fans and make it worth the test, then I'd say sure, don't ever base your writing on fan response. But, as good as this show can sometimes be, it's not good enough to justify that type of writing. So yes, I'd rather learn that they decided to change some of the current mess with Shane-esque Rick leading an abused woman and her child to their doom than learn they stuck with it even when they didn't know how to write it, thus leading to the destruction of Rick as any character or leading voice on the show.

Edited by Pete Martell
  • Love 3

I'd venture to guess that there are many fans who have no opinion on shipping but who were put off by Rick's behavior last night. Once a major character on a show starts acting that way, it can be difficult to come back from. If this is a story where an obsessive Rick "saves" Jessie from a thinly drawn caricature husband viewers barely see, and he then gets Jessie and her son killed, I think viewers may be disgusted



What I am saying, poorly in my first post, is that I hope they handle this story better on the show because I want to be able to keep loving Rick. He has made some bad decisions, but all of them so far are ones I can understand. The Jessie situation, in terms of her death, was the first time I truly hated one of his decisions. I don't think that making a few small changes in how that plays out (maybe not cut off her hand? that was so cold) will sacrifice the story in this case because show Rick has already learned the value of working and fighting together with his new family, whereas comic Rick seemed, to my vague recollection, to think that other people would only slow him down and interfere with his ability to protect Carl. I clearly nee

I think Rick already went there with abandoning Andrea to the herd at the end of Season 2, and some other times (orange backpack guy, eyeglasses guy) and for most viewers the character had no problem coming back from that. He can do some cold stuff (when Merle calls you ice-cold---for being willing to throw Michonne to the Governor to get peace, and Merle had tried to murder Michonne---that's not flattering.)

  • Love 2

I don't know if the Sasha's-dinner-offer-lady was chosen deliberately because she's black or why, but I swear her voice, the cadence of her delivery, is so familiar.

I don't think she is a household name actress but I immediately felt like I'd seen and heard her before.

As in maybe she started the conversation to talk to Sasha about occasional irregularity, gas and bloating; or show her a pamphlet about guaranteed life and burial insurance with a premium that will never go up and her policy can never be cancelled.

Difference being, Rick wasn't sleeping with Merle or backpack guy. ;)

We don't know that.

Maybe that's why Rick didn't want Carl talking to either one of them.


  • Love 3

I think Rick already went there with abandoning Andrea to the herd at the end of Season 2, and some other times (orange backpack guy, eyeglasses guy) and for most viewers the character had no problem coming back from that. He can do some cold stuff (when Merle calls you ice-cold---for being willing to throw Michonne to the Governor to get peace, and Merle had tried to murder Michonne---that's not flattering.)

Is the abandoning Andrea after the fall of the farm? If so, I would hardly say that was his choice. Carol (I think) told him she was overrun by walkers and heavily implied that she was dead. No one knew she was alive and it would have been foolish, IMO, for them to go back for someone they all believed to be dead. I thought orange backpack guy was cold, but Rick was hardly the only one making that decision so I can't put the blame all on him. No one else in the car spoke up. I have no recollection of eyeglasses guy, so clearly he made no impact on my view of Rick. I wasn't a fan of his almost decision to give Michonne to the Governor for two reasons. 1. It was obvious that wasn't going to stop the crazy pirate and 2. It was pretty cold. But he didn't actually do that, so again, I can't hold it against him.

But I do realize that there are plenty of people who already don't like Rick and still love this show because there are great characters to root for. No matter how the Jessie situation goes down, I probably won't stop watching because I also have other characters that I love and am invested in. I guess I just wasn't as invested in the comics.

  • Love 3

I don't know if the Sasha's-dinner-offer-lady was chosen deliberately because she's black or why, but I swear <SNIP> she started the conversation to talk to Sasha about occasional irregularity, gas and bloating<SNIP>

I thought she was a Metamucil shill too. Damn, what a stupid fate for an actor, not to be remembered as "That lady who was in that one show, you know?" but instead to be remembered as "the voice of the lady in that constipation commercial, you know the one?"

  • Love 2

Is the abandoning Andrea after the fall of the farm? If so, I would hardly say that was his choice. Carol (I think) told him she was overrun by walkers and heavily implied that she was dead. No one knew she was alive and it would have been foolish, IMO, for them to go back for someone they all believed to be dead. I thought orange backpack guy was cold, but Rick was hardly the only one making that decision so I can't put the blame all on him. No one else in the car spoke up.

No, they didn't all believe she was dead. Carol said "She saved me, then I lost her" and T-Dog said "I saw her go down" Glenn said "Wait a minute your not even going back for her?" and Daryl said "You can't just leave her there!" and started to hop on his bike. But Rick said no.

If it was Lori or Carl it wouldn't be foolish, Rick would make them all go back for a Grimes.


We've talked about it on this thread many times before.

It's funny that Andrea was a member of the group long before Rick, and he wouldn't even look for her.

But when no one knew who was in that tank but they knew it wasn't a member of their group, they risked their lives anyway to save a stranger from a hell of a lot more walkers in Atlanta than there were on the farm.


Jimmy risked his life, and lost it saving Rick and Carl from that stupid move to go in the barnloft and set the ground floor on fire and have no exit strategy for getting out. Rick never even said sorry about that, or about Patricia who also helped save Carl's life. Patricia and all the others that night died because a herd followed the sound of gunshots, caused by the trouble with Shane and Randall, the hilarious part being that Rick repeatedly refused to leave Randall out all alone in that world. Even though Herschel of all people said it was better to put him down. But it was only Herschel's farm that had to unwillingly host a member of a gang that tried to kill them. Herschel who had to operate on that jerk, Herschel who lost his friends, his stock, his home and barns and farmland because of this crap he did not want any part of.


Rick has had his butt saved a lot of times by other people risking their lives, before and since.


As far as no one saying a word about Orange Backpack Guy, if you're a girl who's very possibly on a trial basis to decide if he'll hand you to a man (Merle) who shot you once,  to be served up to another man (the Governor) for torture, you'd probably not make waves right then.

Carl kept his mouth shut because it's his dad and he was 12, but it affected him because Carl wanted to do it differently and rescue Eyeglasses Guy---but Rick held him back.

It isn't like/not like. I love and hate RIck, but not more than superficially because he is just an imaginary person. One whom other imaginary characters should not expect will reciprocate anything they've done for him; he has selective amnesia.

Edited by kikismom
  • Love 4

To be fair, Andrea wasn't exactly on board with helping Rick. I think that was all Glenn, and she stuck her gun in his face right away (haaaaaate). After the farm, I think Hershel had almost convinced Rick to leave with Carl and leave Lori, but Carl was against it, and then Lori showed up. I do think Rick would've gone back for Carl, though. I am not sure there was ever a good time for Rick to say, "Gosh, Hershel. I'm sorry about Jimmy (who acted kind of idiotic in the RV while walkers were surrounding it), and sorry about Patricia." There was lots of sadness in everyone's speech, but I never expected him to say "sorry." That's not to say that the Greenes would've been safe had CDB never shown up, but at that point they were about as blind to the world as the ASZ folks.


On Rick's first full day after arriving at the quarry, he went back to save Merle of all people, whom he didn't know very well. He did bring Michonne into the prison ("you could've just taken the formula"). He tried with the prisoners even after Lori gave her "permission" to kill them. Rick could've left Glenn with the Vatos.


I think eyeglasses guy was a lost cause.


Rick did go back to Woodbury to kill the Gov to protect all his people (and yes, Carl and Judith the most).


I think we *may* be about to see the big shift though, if the show follows the comics. Carl will always be his #1 (with Judith on the show), but he consistently refers to everyone as his family. He's about to get the big picture that it isn't just about him and Carl surviving day-to-day. Because of Carl, he has to have hope for a better world for everyone, not just hanging on.


But, yeah, Rick looks out for his kids the most. Other than the fact that the show always makes bad things happen when CDB shows up, I don't lay all the blame on Rick in many of those situations. 

  • Love 4

I think Rick already went there with abandoning Andrea to the herd at the end of Season 2, and some other times (orange backpack guy, eyeglasses guy) and for most viewers the character had no problem coming back from that. He can do some cold stuff (when Merle calls you ice-cold---for being willing to throw Michonne to the Governor to get peace, and Merle had tried to murder Michonne---that's not flattering.)


The whole group chose to abandon Andrea - Rick even gave them a choice of leaving if they didn't like his leadership. They chose to stay.


I think the orange backpack guy was a scene to show the increasing coldness of Rick, Michonne, and Carl to people who needed help, to "innocents," not just about Rick. Not long before this they'd had the scene where they were hiding out in the cabin of the crazy old man and Michonne stabbed him through the heart to shut him up.


All of this, and the Michonne business, were also when he was having an obvious mental breakdown. The show has been vague about exactly what is going on with Rick at this point, or even if we're supposed to see him as having a breakdown.


Jessie is a cipher, and her son is mostly a joke to fans, so maybe Rick's creepy, controlling behavior leading them to brutal deaths won't get much of a reaction, but I still think the writing (so far) has been a mess and if we have to have teary-eyed closeups of him afterward, I'm going to have a stomachache.

  • Love 1

I think when I read the issue with Jessie dying, I was still binge-reading to catch up, and I probably didn't give it the emotional weight I should've. Going from issue to issue, characters change so quickly. Much less so on weekly shows (or when you read one issue a month), especially with 7 month hiatuses.

I hope the show doesn't make this a season-end event and leave us hanging. I didn't see it as permanently staining comic Rick like many of you did, probably because of the quick reading and his "new attitude" coming soon after. My point being, I hope the show doesn't go there, UNLESS it's Jessie's fault/idea. Rick isn't an angel, but I'd hate for him to do something he couldn't come back from, or that most viewers couldn't reconcile. (That was so season 4a's theme.)

Edited by mandolin
  • Love 2

Right, T-Dog said "I saw her go down." To me, that implies she is dead and it would be foolish to go back for her. So, to me, I don't hold Rick accountable for that one. Would he have gone back for Lori or Carl, probably. But I don't think he would have or could have forced anyone to go with him and he couldn't have stopped anyone from going back for Carol if they truly wanted to.

I vaguely remember eyeglasses guy now, but I think he was also a lost cause so I won't fault Rick for that either. The Randall situation was probably the one that came closest to making me dislike Rick. The waffling about what to do was annoying and it did bring some huge consequences. But, there were many people involved in that decision so I can't blame only Rick for that one either.

I am not saying Rick never makes mistakes. I just hope that the Jessie situation won't be one of them because, to me, that is the one from the comics that I could not forgive or understand. And I didn't even like Jessie all that much to begin with. I just disliked who Rick became in that moment even more.

It isn't like/not like. I love and hate RIck, but not more than superficially because he is just an imaginary person. One whom other imaginary characters should not expect will reciprocate anything they've done for him; he has selective amnesia.


I find Rick a fairly realistic character because he's inconsistent in the way that real people often are, which is extremely frustrating both on this show and IRL.  He drives me crazy sometimes, but I like the more decisive Rick of right now best.  I just accept that sometimes I will be cheering him on, and sometimes I will want to kick him in the shins.  But I'm still on his side against The World.  I'd say it's almost like how you feel about a brother or other relative who does things you don't like, with the obvious difference being that Rick is hot.  lol  And agreed...it's superficial, because I am still grounded in reality. 

I don't think Daryl is going anywhere, but does anyone wonder if they may give Glenn's death to him if he does?


I worry a bit for Daryl because of the anvil of the dead horse.  It reminds me of Hershel's speech about choosing what we take risks for, which was pretty much a flashing neon sign that he was next.  OTOH, it's hard to believe they will get rid of Daryl when he's bread and butter for this show.  But you just never know. 

  • Love 3

So I read the most recent one, #138 and it really pissed me off. Spoiler tag for those who've not read it yet..

.I thought Carl was into Sophia! He just nearly murdered two other kids over Sophia so now out of the blue he's "in love" with random crazy girl who suddenly had sex with him (his first time at that!)? Carl has seen enough, been through enough, there is NO WAY he would do what he's done! I mean, seems to me as soon as crazy girl left, Carl would be heading right to Sophia.

  • Love 2

I wonder if they are replacing Holly with Francine as Abe's new love interest. Although I did hear them mention Noah talking to a Holly this episode. I hope they don't do the whole Abe cheating on Rosita with Francine thing- I hated that part of the comics as it just didn't make since.

ETA: I'm disappointed that Heath and Denise are not on the show. Guess Darryl is taking Heath's place.

Edited by lookattheflowers
  • Love 1

In the comics, Douglas' wife is killed by Pete, right?


Do you think Reg is going to be killed by Pete and this is what may turn Deanna fully against Rick and the group as we head into the finale? 


Of course the show hasn't really made Pete that level of threat on the show, have they?


I was wondering because of the three graves in the promo. I know that could be Tara (I don't want it to be...), but Reg might be a surprise death to viewers that would really ramp up the tension.

  • Love 1

Yes, Pete kills Regina with a knife slash to the throat. It's an accident, but right then Rick kills him with Douglas's approval. I think it might happen, but (to me), a lot is going to have to happen to build up to that. In the comic, Ron (only son, and Sam's/Carl's book age) has a black eye, Pete has been angry and forced to move into his own place. He sits there and stews about that and how it's not his house, then he goes out on his rampage. We've seen very little of that in the show (well, none). 


Maybe he kills Reg for a different reason? Drunken stupor? Alcohol cut off?


I don't think Deanna would turn against Rick in that situation if her husband had just been killed. 


Also, I wonder if Michonne and Morgan will get together like they do in the books. (eta: of course, they had no prior meetings in the book at this point, like Clear)

Edited by mandolin

I was just thinking, looking back through some of the stories, that there's much more cheating in relationships going on in the comics than on TV: Tyrese cheating with Michonne, Abe cheating on Rosita. for example.  I wonder if, given the fan reaction to even the whiff of Jessie cheating with Rick and how many people feel that Rick has been completely tarnished and transformed into someone creepy and disgusting over it, if they'll just leave that stuff out of the TV show.   It would be a shame, in my opinion, because I think that the comic characters become more layered and realistic when they have flaws like real people, and I think when the world ends that maybe people would see things through different eyes.  I also think that the US has a weird morality where we don't mind seeing a man bite another man's throat out or a bunch of cannibals eat someone alive, but we have a real problem with anything that offends our puritan moral roots.


I can't even imagine the backlash we'd see if Michonne were to have a fling with a character in a relationship.    But I don't think people hate comic book Michonne because she did--she's still pretty damned amazing.

  • Love 3

I was just thinking, looking back through some of the stories, that there's much more cheating in relationships going on in the comics than on TV: Tyrese cheating with Michonne, Abe cheating on Rosita. for example.  I wonder if, given the fan reaction to even the whiff of Jessie cheating with Rick and how many people feel that Rick has been completely tarnished and transformed into someone creepy and disgusting over it, if they'll just leave that stuff out of the TV show.   It would be a shame, in my opinion, because I think that the comic characters become more layered and realistic when they have flaws like real people, and I think when the world ends that maybe people would see things through different eyes.  I also think that the US has a weird morality where we don't mind seeing a man bite another man's throat out or a bunch of cannibals eat someone alive, but we have a real problem with anything that offends our puritan moral roots.


I can't even imagine the backlash we'd see if Michonne were to have a fling with a character in a relationship.    But I don't think people hate comic book Michonne because she did--she's still pretty damned amazing.

One thing I am glad about that didn't carry over from the comics is Michonne being just a tad slutty.


I don't think the show could take anyone seriously that is having a meltdown over what we have saw of Rick/Jessie so far.  It wouldn't matter if she were married or not, they'd still be melting down.  Some, and I think it is a small minority of peeps, think the show is being racist and won't let Rick and Michonne be together because she's black.  I don't think that's the case at all, but putting Rick with a pretty blonde has set them off.


I think women are judged more harshly when it comes to anything having to do with sex, so I'm sure there would be people out there that would hate her for it, and they'd probably forgive Rick, you know, if he actually did something besides kiss someone's cheek...lol

  • Love 2

  I wonder if, given the fan reaction to even the whiff of Jessie cheating with Rick and how many people feel that Rick has been completely tarnished and transformed into someone creepy and disgusting over it, if they'll just leave that stuff out of the TV show.

People think Rick has been completely tarnished and transformed into someone creepy and disgusting...over being drunk and only kissing a woman on the cheek.


Then he might as well actually do something like have sex with her since he's been completely tarnished/transformed/creepy/disgusting for not cheating with her or giving out whiffs or whatever made people clutch their pearls...there's nothing more after completely.

So go for it if you've already been convicted of the crime might as well make some time!


One thing I am glad about that didn't carry over from the comics is Michonne being just a tad slutty.


I don't think the show could take anyone seriously that is having a meltdown over what we have saw of Rick/Jessie so far.  It wouldn't matter if she were married or not, they'd still be melting down.  Some, and I think it is a small minority of peeps, think the show is being racist and won't let Rick and Michonne be together because she's black.  I don't think that's the case at all, but putting Rick with a pretty blonde has set them off.


I think women are judged more harshly when it comes to anything having to do with sex, so I'm sure there would be people out there that would hate her for it, and they'd probably forgive Rick, you know, if he actually did something besides kiss someone's cheek...lol

Thank you---for only watching the episodes that have actually been broadcast and not episodes that don't exist yet.

I await the tempest approaching when viewers realize that Abe seems to "approve of" (read: rape) Francine; and how that is racist because they're both white, and last week he drunkenly "talked to" (read: raped) MIchonne on the porch...except the kicker is that he's already "involved with" (read: raping)  Rosita who is Latina! TRIPLE SCORE RACIST! OR IS THAT RAPIST? IS THERE A DIFFERENCE ON TWD?

But then viewers don't want to have sex with Abraham so nil score.

Edited by kikismom
  • Love 3

People think Rick has been completely tarnished and transformed into someone creepy and disgusting...over being drunk and only kissing a woman on the cheek.


Then he might as well actually do something like have sex with her since he's been completely tarnished/transformed/creepy/disgusting for not cheating with her or giving out whiffs or whatever made people clutch their pearls...there's nothing more after completely.

So go for it if you've already been convicted of the crime might as well make some time!


Thank you---for only watching the episodes that have actually been broadcast and not episodes that don't exist yet.

I await the tempest approaching when viewers realize that Abe seems to "approve of" (read: rape) Francine; and how that is racist because they're both white, and last week he drunkenly "talked to" (read: raped) MIchonne on the porch...except the kicker is that he's already "involved with" (read: raping)  Rosita who is Latina! TRIPLE SCORE RACIST! OR IS THAT RAPIST? IS THERE A DIFFERENCE ON TWD?

But then viewers don't want to have sex with Abraham so nil score.

I think I get your post. Because I have had trouble the past few weeks, not responding overly sarcastically, to post calling Rick a super predator. The SVUing of American women psyche's has become all to rampant, when a simple kiss on the cheek translates to as been rape tagged, for future use. I guess in this SVU America, women have either been raped and know it, have been raped and don't know it (cheek kiss, prolong eye contact), or soon will be raped because guys sometime smile when they look at women.

Edited by Watcher0363
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People on the FORUM, a very few people, feel this way. But family, friends and co-workers who I discuss the show with express none of these feelings. Zero.

You know that I was quoting broken remote post, right?


I was just thinking, looking back through some of the stories, that there's much more cheating in relationships going on in the comics than on TV: Tyrese cheating with Michonne, Abe cheating on Rosita. for example.  I wonder if, given the fan reaction to even the whiff of Jessie cheating with Rick and how many people feel that Rick has been completely tarnished and transformed into someone creepy and disgusting over it, if they'll just leave that stuff out of the TV show.  

I certainly don't feel that he is tarnished or anything I agree with broken remote that the overreaction is hurting the show .I think it is ridiculous in the extreme.

Edited by kikismom
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I've seen it on other forums, on Twitter and heard it from a couple people. I do think you're right that it's a vocal minority, something several of us went back and forth about on one of these threads, (this one or the one about women, I think).

I'm heartened by the fact that the Beth brigades' change.org petitions and the many articles calling for Beth to un-die were ignored, but it was approaching impossibility from a storytelling point to bring her back, whereas it'd be easy to say "let's just leave out any fooling around on a significant other out of the show".

Because they've already diverged from the comic, it's hard to know if they didn't go there already because other story changes made it make less sense, or because they wanted to avoid the issue.

Whether it's a vocal minority thinking Rick is lost to immorality for all time, the American viewing public is pretty hung up on sex compared to its feelings on violence, when you contrast our media with, say European media. (A quick google finds a lot of articles talking about that very contrast.)

So are comic readers more accepting of their favorite characters getting it on in unconventional ways or getting it on at all? Will TPTB tone down the sex, especially the "forbidden" sex for TV audiences?

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