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Words to Live By/Famous Last Words

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I saw this quote/joke and immediately thought of our "beloved" Coven.  It might be fun to compile some "words to live by" that the good people of Salem probably keep posted by their office desks.  


Here goes....


Good Friends Don't Judge You or Ask You A lot of Questions. They Help You Move the Body and Never Speak of it Again.


(Now I'm not sure they followed the 'never speak of again' part but this should definitely be in Sami and Kate's office and hanging in Gabby's jail cell.)



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"The next time you want a man murdered you come to me." - Victor

Vic should get that put on a flyer with his private number. I picture a graphic similar to the old army recruitment posters that said "we want you."

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"Revenge is a dish best served cold."  An oldie, but a goodie.

I felt like Sami was channeling her best Emily Thorne from Revenge in this episode (or at least as much as I saw of it before the news interruption.)

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Bored and watching old clips online and this one made me laugh out loud.


It's from the Alamania storyline, Jack and Frankie are trapped in the tunnels under the villa.


Jack: Whoever said a brave man only dies once never knew me.


At the time, kind of funny. Now, freaking hilarious!

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Nicole: I will have respect.

Victor: When hell freezes over.


Victor: You know Nicole, at the end of the opera the rejected lover hangs herself. You'll let me know if you need any rope.


Victor [Responding to Nicole's poor me act]: It didn't work for Anna Nicole and it won't work for Ditzy Nicole.


Victor hit it right on the head right there. Victor has the best lines.

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EJ:  "We can work this out."


Sami:  "Why would I want to do that?"  Such an excellent question.  Please let this Sami stay.


I would love for Jack to pop up alive for this SL.

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"Get real, get a life and GET OUT OF MY APARTMENT." Sami Brady

Also from Sami...


"I swear between that baby stealing bitch and your psychotic sister he didn't stand a chance. He's like cat nip to women".

Edited by slayer2
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Will - "I mess everything up!"


Why yes, Will, yes, indeed you do.


Here's hoping that at least he continues in his inept way and writes something that inadvertently makes life even more miserable for Abigail or her mother.  


If we have to be subjected to Inept Will, then at least let us see him mess up the lives of all the RIGHT people.

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Did you all hear it too?  I've played it back several times and it's true - Jenn actually said to JJ,  "I'm sorry, I need to get to work".  NEED TO GET TO WORK.....Jenn said that....and then she left the house....Jenn went to work.....


I'm utterly confounded, dazed, disconcerted, dumbfounded, gobsmacked, amazed, astonished, astounded, bowled over, stunned.


What's next?  

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Words not to live by.  Melanie declaring she's usually more adorable than that while crashing into Eric and looking him up and down.  Nothing good about that.  But I guess that's Mel in a nutshell.  Be adorable.  Puke.

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Words not to live by.  If he had to do something else Sneasel would  "Um...write a book.  If I could think of something  to write about."  One talented rodent, that little Sneasel. 

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