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Season 6 Wish List


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In the season six, I want the following:

1. More scenes at CCPD and Barry's Lab now that Joe is the captain.

2. Joe and Barry investigating cases in the field again.

3. Iris and Ralph teaming up to investigate cases.

4. A better mix of villains of the week with the overarching main season villain.

5. Barry and Iris reconnecting as a loving couple as they deal with his impending "disappearance."

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 5
  • Barry gets to be a genius CSI,
  • Connect Iris and her media company to the cases of the week and the season villain arc,
  • The best episodes have significant WestAllen moments, so more of that,
  • Better writers who care about Barry and his hero journey,
  • Kevin Smith back to direct an episode or two,
  • My annual wish for an Evil version of Iris,
  • ... revisit Earth-2 WestAllen,
  • ... and let Carlos/Cisco grow his beard.
  • Love 4
22 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

I feel certain this will happen. He raves about working on Flash every chance he gets. 

I was surprised that they didn't get him for an episode for Season 5. I hope he gets a good episode if they get him for Season 6.


  • I want John Wesley Shipp to come back as Jay Garrick,
  • Wally to return (but not if he's coming back just to die in the crossover),
  • Marlize and Linda Park return.
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More POV and heroic moments for Barry. He should go back to being the protagonist again.

More quiet, romantic scenes between Barry and Iris. They have a gorgeous set for their apartment. They should use it more.

More police work. More journalism. Less STAR Labs.

No more Wellses.

No more meta-Cecile.

Consistent storylines or mini-arcs for supporting characters not named Killer Frost. I believe they've done enough with her.

Not everything should be treated as a Team Flash problem, especially when it's strictly about family.

Bring back the heart!

As usual, I need Iris in the crossover.

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Good storyline for Iris. I want her to finally have a journalism arc. I want to see her grow her business. Stop with the one offs. It's not hard to tie her stuff in to the seasonal villain. Eric said Iris was one of his favorite characters to write for and I hope he does right by her in the upcoming season.

Less Star Labs.

I want smart Barry. I want Barry doing CSI work.

Less Star Labs.

Give Ralph an arc. As said above, have him and Iris investigate something.

WestAllen to be back on track. It's very telling how the minute Nora disappeared, they had alone scenes together.

More Joe/Iris scenes. I want scenes that has nothing to do with Joe comforting Iris over something. I just want them to be a father and daughter hanging out with each other.

If Cisco isn't recurring (seriously something is up bts), can we finally get some Cisco/Iris scenes? I don't understand why Iris got more one on one scenes with everybody else, but Cisco.

Enough with the Caitlin drama. I'm tired of it. Her story arcs are always the most sloppily written. It's boring and adds nothing to the plot at all.

If Cisco is still a main, more story for him

A friendship for Iris outside team flash

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11 hours ago, Trini said:
  • Barry gets to be a genius CSI
23 minutes ago, BeautifulFlower said:

I want smart Barry. I want Barry doing CSI work.

YES to this! Barry has a lot of money, a whole research facility, and a police lab all at his disposal! If he's gonna become the guy who invents Gideon I need to see him have at least a little scientific curiosity, let alone actual competency!

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2 hours ago, shantown said:

YES to this! Barry has a lot of money, a whole research facility, and a police lab all at his disposal! If he's gonna become the guy who invents Gideon I need to see him have at least a little scientific curiosity, let alone actual competency!

At this point, Gideon was created by OG Barry rather than this Barry.

  • LOL 4
3 hours ago, BeautifulFlower said:

At this point, Gideon was created by OG Barry rather than this Barry.

At this rate, Gideon was created by another Earth's Barry. 

There is a lot I'd love for them to do for season six:

  1. More smart scientist Barry. I do genuinely miss the earlier seasons when Barry's IQ was actually higher than it is now. I'd love to see him either working on more cases or needing to use his smarts, not just his team, to solve whatever crisis he's in. Because, at this rate, he seems like he's only part of the team for his speed powers, and they forget he's fairly smart. Maybe not Cisco level smart or even Caitlin level smart, but still smarter than the average person. Or else he woudn't have been told by Gideon that he created her. 
  2. Iris and Ralph both utilizing their careers as well. Iris is a reporter; Ralph is a detective. Ralph barely got to use his skills last season besides in the second last episode. Iris barely got to use her skills because her life became about Nora. Let's change that and have both team up, or get their own separate plots. 
  3. Not put Cisco on the backburner now that he has no powers. This show tends to revert to the mentality that powers are everything so since they have gotten rid of his powers, let's not further isolate him from the season. Unless Carlos is choosing to spend less time on the show to pursue other projects, I hope they follow through with this plot and showcase Cisco as the tech team member who uses his smarts to figure out their solutions. They were able to achieve this in season 1 for him, so it is possible. 
  4. Less Killer Frost/Caitlin stuff. I really don't need anymore of their stuff taking up the episodes. 
  5. I'd love a few episodes where the team isn't able to work at STAR Labs for whatever reason. It's taken over by their season six villain, it's been blown up, whatever excuse they can use, use it. At least six episodes without STAR Labs would be great.
  6. Whatever new version of Wells that they have, maybe have him be less comedic and more serious. They surprisingly turned it around with Sherloque but it took some time for me to even warm up to him. Let new Wells be interesting and have him interact with someone other than Cisco. Maybe more Iris this time? Or Joe? 
  7. More WestAllen scenes. Grant and Candice work well together. Utilize that more.
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I also want a break from yet another version of Wells, but since Cavanagh isn't going any where, I really hope that we just get Harry back with his genius restored. I can only take Reverse Flash in small doses so I hope that he is gone by the end of the crossover.

Nora's departure will free up oodles of screen time for the other characters, especially Barry and Iris. 

I wonder how Team Flash will find out about the Crisis being moved up because of the timeline change. I want to see them being brainstorming ideas and strategies to prevent Barry's disappearance or help him return. I would like to Jay Garrick return also. He can help Team Flash save Barry.

I also want Cecile's meta powers go away. She can go back to just being the DA. Now that Joe is the captain, there will be lots for her to do at the CCPD. 

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  • Someone releases the pics of this photo shoot, and the one of Barry & Iris and baby Nora.
  • Iris gets to be a speedster again when she gets pregnant, because the baby/babies are connected to the speed force/have powers.* If they do a superpowered pregnancy, they should have fun with it.

*(Hey, it makes as much sense as Cecile gaining powers from her pregnancy.)

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I just found a new writer-director that I hope works on the show in S6: Rhonda Baraka. She just directed an all Black cast in a version of "Pride and Prejudice: Atlanta" on Lifetime channel. It was really excellent. I tweeted to her asking her to please come write for or direct this show. I added Eric Wallace, too. I think she'd be an excellent fit to create plots for Iris in particular, but everyone else, too.

On her biography, she writes that she's done work in journalism (how perfect is that!): "A graduate of Talladega College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English, Ms. Freeman-Baraka discovered a passion for journalism when she began writing an article for the city’s local newspaper, The Daily Home, earning five dollars a week to pen a column about the goings on at her college campus. That position led her to a summer internship with the newspaper where she wrote feature stories about many of the notable and colorful residents of Talladega, Alabama. Those articles earned her a first place win in a national competition staged by the National Association of Black Journalists. Ms. Ms. Freeman-Baraka was chosen out of hundreds of applicants to become the organization’s first William Monroe Trotter intern, an honor that earned her a 10-week internship at the National Leader Newspaper in Philadelphia, PA."

Edited by adora721
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