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Calling Maybe? Manifest Spoilers & Speculation


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Question: We saw Angelina walking out of the church looking like a harbinger of the apocalypse. Plus, we learned that she could fake a Calling with her powers. What does that spell for the other 828ers since they’re in the same Lifeboat and she’s on her own mission?

Jeff Rake: We’ve established that she’s more dangerous than ever. The Stones think she’s gone [after the stained glass crashed down on her], so their guard is down. They think that’s a risk they don’t have to worry about, but we saw that she slipped off into the night. The sky appears to be the limit in terms of what she can achieve. 


This pretty much made me stop yearning for another episode to watch right away. 

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Manifest's Josh Dallas Talks Potential Ben and Saanvi Romance in Final Episodes, the Fallout From That Death
By Keisha Hatchett / December 14 2022


Josh Dallas, who plays Ben, tells TVLine that Zeke’s death will only bring the Stones closer together as they work through their grief. “Once we see Part 2 of Manifest’s [final season], there’s going to be a reason why they may be separated for a bit of time,” he shares. “But I think it’s going to bond them closer together. It will be a level of grief that Ben will understand and will try to help guide his sister out of, but he also knows that she needs to deal with it in her own way as he did.”

With 10 more episodes left in the series — a premiere date for Season 4, Part 2 has yet to be announced — the actor teases “more twists and turns” to come, and ultimately, “where our characters end up is going to be surprising.”

Some of that uncertainty stems from how the 828 passengers will handle Angelina, who in the finale absorbed the sapphire and emerged from the church looking like doomsday personified.

“I think she is fully capable of sinking the Lifeboat and will try her hardest,” Dallas notes. “For Ben, and for the rest of the Stone family, I think there is an element of trying to understand Angelina’s darkness to understand their own goodness and understand where her motivation and anger comes from. Ben tries to do that to figure out his own place in this story. She is fully capable, and a big, big threat to not only the Stone family but to the world now.”
*  *  *
“As we go forward in the story, you start to see the old Ben come back more, although changed from this journey that he’s gone on,” Dallas teases. “I think his heart does start to open.”

So does that mean a Saanvi and Ben romance is on the way? “They’re very similar in many, many ways. They have a connection and a deep friendship and a deep love and a deep respect for each other,” the actor says. “They’re two lonely people, and we’ll see where that goes. I think they’re both desperate for a connection, whether that’s with each other or with anything, or to have a connection that’s outside of what’s happening. I think they’re both really yearning for that.”

Edited by tv echo

Checking back in to see if there have been any answers given on this show. I didn't have the patience to stick with it.

Did we ever get any idea of what happened to these passengers? Why were they missing for several years? Why did they not age? Did the pilot who flew off into the dark lightning ever return? Did he have any answers? Any clue as to why this happened at all?

14 minutes ago, Aryanna said:

Checking back in to see if there have been any answers given on this show. I didn't have the patience to stick with it.

Did we ever get any idea of what happened to these passengers? Why were they missing for several years? Why did they not age? Did the pilot who flew off into the dark lightning ever return? Did he have any answers? Any clue as to why this happened at all?

This might give you some answers:   

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Matt's Inside Line: Scoop on Manifest, Chicago Fire, Heels, Grey's, The Flash, The Rookie, Magnum P.I. and More
By Matt Webb Mitovich / April 3 2023


The wait for Manifest‘s final episodes is killing us. Anything to tide fans over? –Dee
This may not tide you over so much as tease you good, but…. On the final day of filming, one of the original cast members was surprised to be handed a big ol’ monologue that wasn’t in the original script, which plays over the supernatural-tinged family drama’s emotional closing moments. (And by all accounts, said cast member crushed it with the last-minute assignment.)


Manifest creator says series finale is 'the most ambitious episode we have ever shot'
By Nick Romano    May 09, 2023


... Rake and his cast are now finally getting their big finish when the series returns to Netflix this June 2.

"That finale that's coming up, [episode] 420, that's hands down the most ambitious episode we have ever shot," Rake tells EW in April with the entire finale already shot and edited. "I don't want to oversell, but I think you'll agree when you see it that that even surpasses what you saw in 410 — and you'll probably say 'by a long shot.'" Considering the finale to season 4, Part 1 ended with a literal hellscape, complete with earthquakes and rivers of fire, that's saying something.
*  *  *
"I really wanted to know the end of the story myself," says Roxburgh, who stars on Manifest as Michaela Stone, one of the passengers of Flight 828, which mysteriously vanished in a supernatural event midair, only to safely land five years in the future as if nothing had happened. "My original theory in season 1 was that the government had found a way to mind control. Like, they were all experiments essentially. That was definitely wrong."

Rake understands if viewers perceive these last 10 episodes almost as a fifth season. He agrees there's a "standalone" quality to this arc. Ever since Angelina (Holly Taylor) essentially became a herald of the apocalypse, creating a catastrophic volcanic fissure with her Omega Sapphire powers, the 828ers are now under constant surveillance by a government registry. Plus, they are closer than ever to June 2, 2024, which is the Death Date — the moment when Michaela, her brother Ben (Josh Dallas), scientist Saanvi (Parveen Kaur), and the other passengers believe they will face their second death.

If that weren't enough, Michaela is still grieving the loss of her husband, Zeke (Matt Long), who died during the events of the midseason finale. She doesn't fall down the same hole as Ben, who grew a "grief beard" and went full rebel-on-a-mission after the loss of his wife, but Roxburgh says "she kind of shuts down."

"She's a lot more 'eh' toward things," the actress explains. "She's not apathetic. She's drained. She's fried. She hasn't given up on on anything, but her attention is on the plane stuff, the mystery, to get her mind off of the pain that she keeps pushing away." Rake already teased to EW that Long could be back for the back-half of season 4, noting "the powerful bond" between him and Michaela. So that loss, it would seem, will be difficult for her to ignore.
*  *  *
"While Part 1 [of season 4] was very much focused on the Stone family trying to heal, trying to put their family literally back together, the final 10 figuratively and literally focus more on the collective of the passengers," Rake teases. "Ultimately, Michaela and Ben's role within this mythology was to lead the flock, to figure out why they're back, what their mission is. The series is going to end as it began. That is to say with Ben and Michaela leading the passengers, hopefully, to their survival."

Edited by tv echo

TV Review: Manifest – Season 4, Part 2
MAY 25, 2023


Pushing the divide even further between the general public and the elusive 828 passengers, there is now a $50,000 reward for anyone who turns one in. The 828 Registry is born: anyone involved in Flight 828 is at risk. Ben (Josh Dallas) and Michaela (Melissa Roxburgh) end up in a detention center while Cal, still in remission, works tirelessly with Olive (Luna Blaise) and Eden (Brianna Riccio) to solve more Callings. They even have their own version of conspiracy boards, as they track the Death Date and how to overcome it. Angelina views herself as an angel—she has the power in her grasp to manipulate Callings in any way she sees fit. She starts to amass a following of those hoping she will aide in their ultimate survival. 

Characters that annoyed me before definitely changed a bit over the course of these episodes. One, however, remained unaltered—I could not stand Angelina at any point, so I guess as a villain she is fantastic. Jared (J.R. Ramirez), who has been rather useless for a couple seasons now, is back to peak season-one greatness. He feels vital again, and much of that is due to Ramirez’s performance. An Eagan (Ali Lopez-Sohaili) redemption arc has been in the works for awhile now, and eventually even he won me over. Ben, Cal, and Michaela receive the best treatment. Josh Dallas, Ty Doran, and Melissa Roxburgh, respectively, remain committed to these characters. At this point, Doran’s Cal is right at home next to the other two originals.
*  *  *
Soon, despite the setup, Manifest slides neatly into first season feels, for better and for worse. Michaela teams up with Jared again, possibly working towards rekindling their romance now that only ghost Zeke is in the picture. Saanvi (Parveen Kaur) still tirelessly tries to piece together the endgame of the divine, using every resource at her disposal. Annoyingly, a few episodes are basically filler and almost case-of-the-week—a crime in a final season, if you ask me. However, the creatives manage to turn it all around in a monumental one-two punch of episodes 19 and 20. By the time the tale concludes, be sure to have tissues at the ready. 

Manifest ups the stakes just at the right time, and ending each episode with a massive cliffhanger pushes the binge model to a particularly appealing level. Whether hoping for further biblical imagery or Lost-esque mythology, Manifest should satiate the palate of any hungry fan. Even with a few stumbles here and there, an emotional final batch of episodes and fond farewell to these characters cements Manifest as a truly great offering from Netflix.

Manifest unlocks the final chapter for Netflix subscribers on Friday, June 2nd.

Edited by tv echo

The final 10 episodes all dropped on Netflix today - if you don't get Netflix or if you simply must know...

Spoilers for final episode (4x20):
Netflix's Manifest season 4 part 2 ending explained

‘Manifest’ Season 4 Part 2 Ending Explained: Who Survives The Death Date & More Answers
Avery Thompson    June 2, 2023

Spoilers for all 10 episodes (4x11 through 4x20):
Manifest season 4 part 2 recap guide: All 10 episodes explained
by Reed Gaudens    June 2, 2023

Do Michaela and Jared end up together in Manifest season 4 part 2?
by Cody Schultz     June 2, 2023

Edited by tv echo

Since not everyone has watched the entire final season yet, I'm posting these articles in the Spoilers thread...

‘Manifest’: Josh Dallas Reveals What Was Cut From Series Finale… Could There Be More?!
Meredith Jacobs  June 2, 2023 


After the 828ers got back on the plane and survived their judgments, they found themselves disembarking in New York on April 7, 2013, as they would have if their flight hadn’t disappeared. And as Ben (Josh Dallas) left the airport with Grace (Athena Karkanis), Vance walked by with a new puzzle: This time when the plane landed, 11 passengers had vanished from Flight 828. So does Ben track down Vance after that?

Dallas sure hopes so. “I love that dynamic so much, and I love Daryl Edwards more than life itself,” he tells TV Insider.

He then adds that there was a teaser scene — he was not in it — that was filmed but didn’t make the final cut of the finale. “It sort of opens the story a little bit — or a lot — for further journeys to happen. I don’t know what’s happening with that,” he admits. “I don’t know if it’s ever going to happen, but if there was ever a Manifest sequel and [show creator] Jeff Rake wanted to write words to put in my dumb mouth, I would be there 100 percent anytime, anywhere he says. And I would hope that it would be with Daryl.”

As for what happens in that scene, “It may or may not take place on the plane and it may or may not include some very pivotal characters to Flight 828,” he teases. “It definitely had a character in it that is connected to every single one of those passengers on the plane … and who maybe disappeared at some point in a past season.”

J.R. Ramirez on Manifest ending: ‘Michaela will always be the love of Jared’s life’ (Interview)
by Aysha Ashley Househ   June 4, 2023


Netflix Life: Jared and Michaela’s journey was surprising and interesting this season. And in the final episodes, we kind of get to see how things could have played out if they’d gotten back together from the beginning. For you, what was it like to finally have Jared in a relationship with Michaela and what do you think about them ultimately not ending up together?
Okay. Well, I mean, as the world knows, Mel [Melissa Roxburgh] and I have been in a relationship on and off for a very long time. So it was a very beautiful thing to be able to kind of just play that part that we’ve been teasing at for so long. I thought that we were definitely — after everything that these two human beings have been through, I’m like, they’re gonna definitely end up together. Come on. There’s no possible way. But when you think you know something, it tends to throw you a curveball. Having to balance the notion of Drea being pregnant and Jared and Mick finally finding some sort of happiness. Even when they were together, there was a gut feeling like something here doesn’t feel right. I knew something was gonna happen. And then the whole Drea pregnancy came and even with all that I didn’t expect [and] didn’t see the finale happening the way it did.

I think it ended so beautifully. I don’t know how they ended up editing it and how it looks on screen. But on paper and shooting it that night, there’s just such an understanding of these two people going through so much. Him always wanting something that initially, and at the end of the day she didn’t want, which is a family. Having it with Drea. The way they brought it to fruition at the end. They just did such a beautiful job with it all. And I think that the audience is gonna really connect with it hopefully and hopefully be okay with no Jachela ending. It’s just the growth that these two characters have gone through and how it kind of ends is beautiful. I didn’t see it coming, that’s for sure.
*  *  *
NL: Why do you think Jared has stuck by them for so long?
There has never been another option from day one. The Stones have been his family. This is his blood through and through. Ben, Michaela. These people are everything to him. He’d take a bullet for them, and that’s kind of what you’ve always seen no matter what. There’s been moments of selfishness in his part, I think, through the span of Manifest. When Zeke came in, obviously Zeke is such a beautiful, loving, and wholesome human being. And then Jared has done some stuff that hasn’t tugged the love of the fans’ hearts. So I’ve done a little love and a little hate. But at the end of the day, he will always have the Stones’ back. Michaela will always be the true love of his life. He’s like that crazy uncle that never goes away. There’s just this underlying acceptance of this family for him. That’s what it is. I’ve never even thought about what Jared’s life looks like without them in the picture because this is always what has been on paper.

NL: So do you think even though Jared and Drea end up together that Michaela is the love of Jared’s life?
I do. I do think Michaela will always be the love of Jared’s life [because of] everything these two humans have been through together. I remember our showrunner [Jeff Rake] coming to us and saying, “You guys, that scene at the airport at the end, you guys did everything through your eyes. You spoke through your eyes and that’s all you could ask for.” There was no argument, there was no fight when she said, “You’re not the one, there’s someone better for you out there.” I think what he actually said to her [in response] was, “How the hell do you know?” Like how do you know that? But there was also an acceptance. This is not the same soul, this is not the same eyes, something here happened [during the] two and a half hour journey.

She always comes to him when there’s pain, when there’s turmoil, when she needs something. That’s not the basis of a proper, lengthy, healthy marriage. But again, she is the love of his life. There’s all this stuff that has happened and all these beautiful colors that have been put on paper for all these seasons. Looking back at it when I first read [the script], I was like, you gotta be kidding me. But looking back at it, I actually really love the way [it] ended. Because it [shows] the audience not everything is perfect and sometimes humans come into your life that you love the sh-t out of and you think they’re gonna be the ones, but they ended up just being in your life to really teach you something. And I think these two people will always be best friends, they’ve learned so much about who they are because of each other.

Edited by tv echo
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Vance walked by with a new puzzle: This time when the plane landed, 11 passengers had vanished from Flight 828. So does Ben track down Vance after that? Dallas sure hopes so. “I love that dynamic so much, and I love Daryl Edwards more than life itself,” he tells TV Insider.

Awww. Hyperbole? Maybe. But so sweet! And Vance was definitely a fan favorite character.

Also loved:


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