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Law & Order Discussion Topic (2019 - 2021)


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35 minutes ago, Xeliou66 said:

Hello everyone. 

Let’s get ready for craziness! 

I’ve truly been enjoying rewatching Season one on Escape even though they edit more and bleep out “Fag” and the “N” word. The latter loses the impact. And they even bleeped out “hide” but replaced it with Butt! Someone please explain this idiocy to me, please!😒😒🙄🙄🙄🙄

”Indifference” will be on this week. 

So let’s prepare ourselves for posting quotes as well as discussing episodes!😁😎

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I’ve truly been enjoying rewatching Season one on Escape even though they edit more and bleep out “Fag” and the “N” word. The latter loses the impact. And they even bleeped out “hide” but replaced it with Butt! Someone please explain this idiocy to me, please!😒😒🙄🙄🙄🙄

My theory is that they have realized the quickest way to get online buzz among Law & Order fans is to make inexplicable decisions about censorship. And it's working - I didn't even realize that Escape had the mothership or even existed until now.

  • Love 3

As much as I appreciate Dick Wolf for giving me this show, I hate him with the heat of a million nuns for ruining Miami Vice. That's right, he jumped on board and was an executive producer in the third season. He even used the same title from the episode that featured Melanie Griffith as a wealthy (family money-estranged from said family) madam, "By Hooker, by Crook"! And though I can see how some might 🙄🙄🙄🙄 at the hooker during the arraignment of Patricia Clarkson's character (whose name is escaping me), telling her pimp to eat more fiber, after Stone's response to the judge that for the "moral fiber" of the law, Clarkson shouldn't be let out on ROR, it made me laugh. The hooker sassing her pimp, that is. And said pimp trying to shush her.

Miami Vice just wasn't the same when Wolf jumped on board.

But I do give him credit for having the balls to do controversial subjects without sanitizing them during the early years. Even if they were ripped from the headlines. Hell, that was their hype: "RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES!" so people knew what the show was about.

And ooh! "Indifference" was on last night! Since we're a single topic thread now, I'magonnahaftago into the Vault and do some copying and pasting of my favorites

When Adam asks Ben what about the case bothers him the most:

Ben: "My own rage."
Adam: "What do your guts tell you?"

Ben: "Put them both in a dungeon. Put them both on a wheel and annihilate them."


Babcock, the arsehole: "Now let me reiterate this, gentleman. Ms. Perez is prone to excitability. It's a cultural thing. Instead of running off half cocked to call the police, she should have followed the school district's guidelines."

Max: "Which are?"

Babcock: "Which are to report her suspicions to the school nurse. If the nurse finds evidence of abuse, she comes to me. If I find the situation warrants it, I'll notify the department of juvenile services."

Mike: "By which time, the kid's in a coma. Those are some guidelines."

Babcock: "Why don't you stick to police work, detective?"

Mike: "Why don't you stop trying to cover your ass, Mr. Babcock?"

Max: "Mike! Mike! Take it easy. He's never recovered from the nuns. A cultural thing. Now Doc, let me tell you about our guidelines, okay? When someone, anyone, even a high strung Puerrrto Rican lady--comprende?-- thinks a child is being beaten, that person is supposed to report it to the authorities. And if the authorities don't act, they leave themselves open... to all sorts of repercussions. Am I making sense to you?"

Babock: "I, uhh..."

Max: "Did Miss Perez ever tell you that Didi Lowenstein might be an abused child?"

Babcock: "Yes, she did."

Max: "When?"

Babcock: "Several times, beginning in September."

Mike: "Did you do anything about it?"

Babcock: "Of course! I notified juvenile services."

Max: "Oh? Then why all this hush-hush routine?"

Babcock: "Because these days there's always a danger of a witch hunt. It could destroy the reputations of the parents. We have to be very circumspect about these accusations."

Max: "Sure, I understand. Luckily, we don't."


Max: "You think she beat the kid up?"

Mike: "I don't know. I know she's nuts. The way she lay there, primping herself. You know, it just made me want to puke."

Max: "She has been slapped around pretty good. I'm not so sure she's to blame."

Mike: "There are some women who provoke it. Come on, it's true. You think she cares diddley about those kids or anything else, huh? Everything is a mirror to her. She holds a dying kid up to it, and all she can see is herself and how it affects her. And you give her sympathy, she's going to want to fight. You give her a fight, she's going to want a kiss, you give her a kiss, and I swear to God, she'll bite your tongue out."

Max: "You, umm...saw this on Oprah or what?"

Mike (laughs bitterly): "My mother. Yeah. She alway said she was cut out for something greater than being the wife of a cop from the Lower East Side. God, she was...she was a bottomless pit. I mean it was always 'Give me your UNDIVIDED attention.' But when the Old Man couldn't take it anymore, he gave her a whack, then she'd turn around and whack me. Heh, heh. She'd always get this look in her eye, you know, and then I saw it coming. Now this witch, in here, she's got that same look."


I always laugh at this scene. Dzundza is just so very good and funny.

Jolene (Hooker): "You said you weren't a cop."

Max: (looks up from typing report) "I lied."

Jolene: "Isn't there some legal thing about that?"

Max: "What, lying? I'm allowed to lie. They pay me to lie."

Season One: "By Hooker, By Crook"

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 3

I liked how season 1 wasn’t afraid to deal with controversial topics, they dealt with racial tension, abortion, police misconduct, S&M, mercy killing and so on. 

Indifference was a great episode, it was interesting to see Stone so angry, he was almost always stoic, extremely professional and didn’t show his emotions, so it was interesting to see how it affected him. It was interesting how they followed up on Indifference in Fixed in season 15.

The censorship is awful, it really takes away from the episodes, and it definitely has to do with the packinging of the episodes because episodes after season 12 are never censored, but 1-12 have censorship of the same words. It drives me nuts, sometimes it’s just laughable what they censor, and sometimes it takes away from the episode.

  • Love 4
On 1/9/2019 at 1:17 AM, Xeliou66 said:

The censorship is awful, it really takes away from the episodes, and it definitely has to do with the packinging of the episodes because episodes after season 12 are never censored, but 1-12 have censorship of the same words. It drives me nuts, sometimes it’s just laughable what they censor, and sometimes it takes away from the episode.

It really is. And it's so random and arbitrary. Like for Boston Legal, which also airs on Escape, they won't bleep out "penis" which is said often. But they will "pecker" (which is what I assumed Joanna Cassidy's character was referring to when arguing with her last ex-husband), and this show will censor the most innocuous of words, but keep "Sonofabitch" because I guess that won't offend the tender sensibilities? At least TNT didn't censor the N word, but it did censor "dyke" and "bareback", which, huh? regarding the latter, which was in season 7 or 8 (the Jamie years), when the defendant who was HIV+ or already had AIDS, was going around infecting women, but wore a condom when having sex with his girlfriend. I swear, it makes me want to buy seasons 6-20 just so I can watch it unedited and uncensored!

And it's also aggravating that these stupid cable channels (and now even network channels) will keep their logo ON THE SCREEN DURING A SHOW, as if to remind us viewers what channel they're watching. As if we have short attention spans. It gets in the way of not only being distracting, but covering up the names of guest stars, who wrote the episode and who directed it. Yes, I am interested in that stuff.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

this show will censor the most innocuous of words, but keep "Sonofabitch" because . . .

I wonder if the censoring is now done largely by software algorithm? If so, it would depend on which words were selected for censorship, but also which of those words were accurately "heard" or captured by the software. Just looking at how you typed "Sonofabitch" made me consider this, because it is said as one word, and might not have been on a list that way.
Regardless, I agree that bleeping is distracting and pointless, IMO.
Meanwhile, dismembered bodies never get blurred.

  • Love 3

The censorship is random and all over the place. Sometimes they censor slurs, sometimes they don’t, for example they censor “faggot” in Deceit, but they say it several times uncensored in Pride. 

The worst case of censorship is when they censor “douche” in Fools for Love, because it’s actually relevant to the plot, Rodgers tells the detectives that the killer used a douche on the victims to clean up evidence/get rid of his semen, so when they censor douche it leaves the viewer confused as to what the killer did to clean up evidence. Absolutely inexcusable censorship.

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

It really is. And it's so random and arbitrary. Like for Boston Legal, which also airs on Escape, they won't bleep out "penis" which is said often. But they will "pecker" (which is what I assumed Joanna Cassidy's character was referring to when arguing with her last ex-husband), and this show will censor the most innocuous of words, but keep "Sonofabitch" because I guess that won't offend the tender sensibilities? At least TNT didn't censor the N word, but it did censor "dyke" and "bareback", which, huh? regarding the latter, which was in season 7 or 8 (the Jamie years), when the defendant who was HIV+ or already had AIDS, was going around infecting women, but wore a condom when having sex with his girlfriend. I swear, it makes me want to buy seasons 6-20 just so I can watch it unedited and uncensored!

And it's also aggravating that these stupid cable channels (and now even network channels) will keep their logo ON THE SCREEN DURING A SHOW, as if to remind us viewers what channel they're watching. As if we have short attention spans. It gets in the way of not only being distracting, but covering up the names of guest stars, who wrote the episode and who directed it. Yes, I am interested in that stuff.

Oh, I hated that! It is so random. I don't even really understand why when its on channels like WE or Sundance they have other shows cussing, crude and saying all kinds of crap. But Law & Order draws the line? The way they ruined that episode with the guy purposely infecting women? It was annoying as hell having them beep out so many words. 

Edited by andromeda331
  • Love 3
24 minutes ago, andromeda331 said:

Oh, I hated that! It is so random. I don't even really understand why when its on channels like WE or Sundance they have other shows cussing, crude and saying all kinds of crap. But Law & Order draws the like? The way they ruined that episode with the guy purposely infecting women? It was annoying as hell having them beep out so many words. 

Yeah they bleep out “bareback” twice in Carrier, which is absurd. Not as bad as the bleeping of “douche” in Fools For Love though. It’s absurd how Sundance has R rated movies on uncensored all the time, and WE is filled with trashy reality shows, but they censor L&O. Like I have said before, I think it’s the packinging, since the only episodes that are censored are seasons 1-12, stuff from 13-20 is never censored.

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

The censorship is random and all over the place. Sometimes they censor slurs, sometimes they don’t, for example they censor “faggot” in Deceit, but they say it several times uncensored in Pride. 

The worst case of censorship is when they censor “douche” in Fools for Love, because it’s actually relevant to the plot, Rodgers tells the detectives that the killer used a douche on the victims to clean up evidence/get rid of his semen, so when they censor douche it leaves the viewer confused as to what the killer did to clean up evidence. Absolutely inexcusable censorship.

The randomness could mean my censoring software theory is correct if, for instance, in your first example above, the word was clearly enunciated and captured by the microphone in "Decit" (as it probably was when someone was explaining evidence) and not clearly enunciated in "Pride," which could happen if it was yelled in the middle of a tirade or whispered angrily. Do you recall?

Of course, the randomness could also mean it's done by fallible humans--especially if they went to Hollywood to be actors or writers and now they have minimum wage jobs censoring episodes of L&O.

  • Love 3
On ‎1‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 10:25 AM, GHScorpiosRule said:

It really is. And it's so random and arbitrary. Like for Boston Legal, which also airs on Escape, they won't bleep out "penis" which is said often. But they will "pecker" (which is what I assumed Joanna Cassidy's character was referring to when arguing with her last ex-husband), and this show will censor the most innocuous of words, but keep "Sonofabitch" because I guess that won't offend the tender sensibilities? At least TNT didn't censor the N word, but it did censor "dyke" and "bareback", which, huh? regarding the latter, which was in season 7 or 8 (the Jamie years), when the defendant who was HIV+ or already had AIDS, was going around infecting women, but wore a condom when having sex with his girlfriend. I swear, it makes me want to buy seasons 6-20 just so I can watch it unedited and uncensored!

Let me get this straight.  Cable channels are editing out words that were said on network tv when these shows originally aired?  

Remember back in the day when cable had looser restrictions?

  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

Let me get this straight.  Cable channels are editing out words that were said on network tv when these shows originally aired?  

Remember back in the day when cable had looser restrictions?

Yup. The worst/most egregious ones are Sundance, which air R-RATED movies UNCENSORED.

  • Love 4

Exiled sucked, it was a really weak, disappointing movie, and I hated how Profaci was turned into a dirty cop that worked for the mob, stupid, awful twist. The case was boring, there were a ton of filler scenes of Logan riding the ferry and so on, everyone seemed to be acting a little bit off and OOC, and there was no legal stuff aside from one pointless scene with McCoy.

6 hours ago, wordgirly said:

I hear ya, but bad L&O is still better than a lot of other “good” shows!  Hurts so good...

I agree 100% with this, and there is very little L&O that is bad. 

Edited by Xeliou66
  • Love 4

So tonight I saw the first L&O/Homicide crossover, Charm City, on Sundance, good episode but it pisses me off that they never show the Homicide episode that concludes the storyline whenever they show one of the L&O/Homicide crossovers. What does everyone else think of the Homicide crossovers, and what do you think was the best one? I like all 3 episodes, the last 2 were the best because I love seeing Briscoe/Munch and McCoy/Danvers working together, but the 1st one is good as well because we see Pembleton and Bayliss on the case and they were an entertaining duo. 

  • Love 1

Meanwhile, I just realized that while Escape airs 2 episodes Monday through Saturday at 1 and 2 p.m. CT, the Monday —Friday episodes are consecutive, but the Saturday episodes are separately consecutive.
For example, today,
Friday, January 25, episodes 2.15 and 2.16 are airing. Then, tomorrow,
Saturday, January 26, episodes 1.7 and 1.8 air. Then, 
Monday, January 28, episodes 2.17 and 2.18 air,
Tuesday, January 29, episodes 2.19 and 2.20,
Wednesday, January 30, episodes 2.21 and 2.22,
Thursday, January 31, episodes 3.1 and 3.2, 
Friday, February 1, episodes 3.3 and 3.4, but then on 
Saturday, February 2, episodes 1.9 and 1.10, and so on.

So one schedule for the working stiffs (Saturdays) and another schedule for the unemployed?

5 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:


So tonight I saw the first L&O/Homicide crossover, Charm City, on Sundance, good episode but it pisses me off that they never show the Homicide episode that concludes the storyline whenever they show one of the L&O/Homicide crossovers


Wow, that is a bummer, although I have to admit that when I was watching L&O DVDs from my work library a couple of years ago, I didn't notice—maybe because I was on chemo? Does the "Charm City" episode end with "to be continued" or anything? Or does it feel incomplete?

Anyway, it looks like the only way to watch Homicide: Life on the Streets is to buy the DVDs from Amazon (the complete boxed set is now going for $75) or to check out the DVDs from your local library—this link shows which local libraries have Homicide season 4 (which would have the part 2 of the crossover, "For God and Country," 4.12), provided you don't have your geographic location blocked: worldcat.org/title/homicide-life-on-the-street-the-complete-season-4/oclc/659860141

Of course, both of these options presume you have a DVD player, which not everyone does any more. 

And it is a kludge of an option no matter how you slice it.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

So tonight I saw the first L&O/Homicide crossover, Charm City, on Sundance, good episode but it pisses me off that they never show the Homicide episode that concludes the storyline whenever they show one of the L&O/Homicide crossovers. What does everyone else think of the Homicide crossovers, and what do you think was the best one? I like all 3 episodes, the last 2 were the best because I love seeing Briscoe/Munch and McCoy/Danvers working together, but the 1st one is good as well because we see Pembleton and Bayliss on the case and they were an entertaining duo. 

I HATE that and always grumble, why bother making the cross-overs (because syndication was already in existence when they originally aired), when the viewers are left hanging? They did the same with the cross-over with SVU* where the conclusion aired on the latter. It was the President Wonder Woman Lynda Carter episode.

I love the initial Pembleton and Bayless cross-over (and I think that's resolved on this show, no? Or wait, it was resolved on Homicide, but as its own stand alone episode?? My memory, is not so good), and I railed at the HYPOCRISY of Lennie (Yes! Lennie!), Rey, and VanBuren, coming down on Pembleton and his violating the suspect's rights, when they fucking do that all the time. So I loved Pembleton not giving a fuck.

"Charm City" was the one about the daughter being raped and murdered, right? By her mother? I think it was resolved in Homicide episode.

*Do NOT get me started on how this CLUSTERFUCK of a show looks like it will surpass Original Recipe in terms of seasons. From what I can see, it's become The Olivia Benson Show.

6 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Meanwhile, I just realized that while Escape airs 2 episodes Monday through Saturday at 1 and 2 p.m. CT, the Monday —Friday episodes are consecutive, but the Saturday episodes are separately consecutive.
For example, today,
Friday, January 25, episodes 2.15 and 2.16 are airing. Then, tomorrow,
Saturday, January 26, episodes 1.7 and 1.8 air. Then, 
Monday, January 28, episodes 2.17 and 2.18 air,
Tuesday, January 29, episodes 2.19 and 2.20,
Wednesday, January 30, episodes 2.21 and 2.22,
Thursday, January 31, episodes 3.1 and 3.2, 
Friday, February 1, episodes 3.3 and 3.4, but then on 
Saturday, February 2, episodes 1.9 and 1.10, and so on.

So one schedule for the working stiffs (Saturdays) and another schedule for the unemployed?

Airing this on Saturdays must be a new thing that just started--because it was only airing during the week. Oh, wait. Never mind. My dvr didn't record it because it already recorded season one episodes from when those aired during the WEEK. I hate that Xfinity's dvrs won't record the same episode that's airing on a different day within a two or three week period. It's still a repeat, and my setting is to record "new AND repeats." At least when I had Verizon FiOS a few years back, they had the "and duplicates" option, which I assume means if the repeat aired a previous week, you still wanted the second or third airing to be recorded. 

Just coming off seeing all of season one, nothing will change my mind about how POWERFUL and HOW GOOD the first season was. And while Max could be a holier than thou ARSEHOLE, he eventually came around, even if he didn't agree. Like in "Life Choice" he and Mike got into it over how the pro-lifers were bombing and killing everyone, and Max was all like he understood their frustration, what choice do they have? But after that blow-up, he did his job. Or in "Sonata for Solo Organ" Max talks about how people should go with the organs they came with--to avoid the problem of black market organ business; Mike tells him if it wasn't for the OTN (Organ Transplant Network), his dad still wouldn't be alive today--(heart transplant). And unlike REY, who was an ASSHOLE to VanBuren and telling her that what her sister did with IVF was "Unnatural" and "Against God", Max conceded to what Mike was saying about organ transplants, and told Max that he's a donor--it says so on his license. Or how Max realized what an ass he was being in "Prisoner of Love" when the victim's daughter informed him her dad would never commit suicide because he was Catholic. That put a ding in his assumption and views about the kind of person the victim had been because he was into S&M. That's why I love the very flawed character of Max Greevey.

And little bits of dialogue about family or any other relationships is what sets the Mothership apart from the others: they're not rammed down my throat; I got enough to help me understand the characters, while at the same time, wishing we'd met some of them. I'm speaking of Mike's father. Just like we met Margo, Cragen's wife for like, 10 seconds in "The Blue Wall" before Wolf or Balcer, or whoever decided to kill her off when SVU premiered. Or Marie in "Confession" for obvious reasons, of course.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I HATE that and always grumble, why bother making the cross-overs (because syndication was already in existence when they originally aired), when the viewers are left hanging? They did the same with the cross-over with SVU* where the conclusion aired on the latter. It was the President Wonder Woman Lynda Carter episode.

I love the initial Pembleton and Bayless cross-over (and I think that's resolved on this show, no? Or wait, it was resolved on Homicide, but as its own stand alone episode?? My memory, is not so good), and I railed at the HYPOCRISY of Lennie (Yes! Lennie!), Rey, and VanBuren, coming down on Pembleton and his violating the suspect's rights, when they fucking do that all the time. So I loved Pembleton not giving a fuck.

"Charm City" was the one about the daughter being raped and murdered, right? By her mother? I think it was resolved in Homicide episode.

Yes it pisses me off how they never show the other half of the crossovers, they never show part 2 of the 3 Homicide crossovers or part 1 of the 2 SVU crossovers. 

Charm City/For God and Country was the one about the subway bomb that was tied back to an attack on a church in Baltimore 5 years earlier that Pembleton had investigated. It was somewhat wrapped up in part 1 but part 2 uncovered a larger conspiracy that was hinted at the end of part 1. 

Baby It’s You was the one about the daughter being raped and murdered by her mother. 

Sideshow was the one about the murdered government official that led the detectives to DC.

I liked all 3 crossovers, each of the cases was compelling, I think Sideshow was my favorite, lots of great scenes between the various characters, Briscoe/Munch in DC was awesome, McCoy and Danvers were great and so on. Baby It’s You had a dark and disturbing plot with some good character scenes as well, while Charm City/For God and Country had the always entertaining Pembleton and Bayliss on the case and I liked their scenes with the L&O characters.

  • Love 2
29 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

The Homicide DVD's have the Law & Order crossover episodes.  At least the ones at my local library does.  I'm starting a season one Law & Order re watch next week so when I get to the seasons with the crossover episodes I will have to remember to check out the Homicide DVDs as well.

The cross-overs didn't take place until seasons 6, I believe.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

The cross-overs didn't take place until seasons 6, I believe.

Editing to add all the L&O/Homicide crossovers:

  • Law & Order episode 6.13 "Charm City" crosses over to Homicide: Life on the Streets episode 4.12 "For God and Country"
  • Law & Order episode 8.6 "Baby, It's You" [part 1] crosses over to Homicide: Life on the Streets episode 6.5 "Baby, It's You" [part 2]

  • Law & Order episode 9.14 "Sideshow" [part 1] crosses over to Homicide: Life on the Streets episode 7.15 "Sideshow" [part 2]

Edited by shapeshifter
  • Love 2
35 minutes ago, aquarian1 said:

I agree.  If for whatever reason (most likely $$) they can't show part 2 I wish they wouldn't even show part 1.  Just pull episodes 6.13, 8.6 and 9.14 out of the rotation.  As it is, once I realize it's one of the cross-over eps, I change the channel and find something else to watch.

That's why I hate crossovers because any time you watch it in rerun your only going to get one half of it and its usually really hard to find the other half because its usually a show that's no longer showing in reruns and its hard really hard to track down that one episode to find out what happened in the other half. Or by an entire season of one show just for one episode. CSI and Without a Trace did that too and you couldn't see the Without a Trace episode until they started showing it on Escape or Pop assuming you have either of those channels. Or way back in the 90s Elizabeth Taylor appeared on four different sitcoms on the same night looking for her missing necklace.  Since three of those aren't on the air unless your one of the lucky ones to have the channel that has Murphy Brown it just seems random and weird watching the Nanny episode. Its stinks. Its really fun to see different characters interacting on different shows. But it stinks later if your watching and don't remember what happened or never saw it the first time around and have no idea what happens in the other half.

Edited by andromeda331
  • Love 1
On 1/25/2019 at 2:43 AM, WendyCR72 said:

BTW, as is obvious, I goofed. Sundance begins S1 TODAY, Friday, at 1:00 p.m. My bad!

Boo! I totally blanked on the time you gave! I was at work, so clearly couldn’t set up my dvr. But did when I got home. But it’s airing the tail end of season 6. Bleagh. But it did air ”Homesick” which I love mainly due to Patti Lupone’s Ruthie Miller. DELETED ”Aftershock”.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, andromeda331 said:

Or way back in the 90s Elizabeth Taylor appeared on four different sitcoms on the same night looking for her missing necklace.  Since three of those aren't on the air unless your one of the lucky ones to have the channel that has Murphy Brown it just seems random and weird watching the Nanny episode.

I've only ever seen The Nanny episode (I didn't have a television from ages 14-44 so only watched 1968-1998 shows as reruns) and never noticed that the "Where's the Pearls?" episode was part of something bigger. But, yeah, here's the scoop:
"First part of CBS' 'Liz Night' event, which featured a storyline concerning Elizabeth Taylor's lost pearls that crossed over between" The Nanny, Can't Hurry Love, Murphy Brown, and High Society  (from IMDb).

I could swear the lost pearls plot was resolved by the end of the episode--but I guess not? I'll try to record it next time they air it. Or it might be online somewhere in a low-res version.

Back to the L&O crossovers:
So do you guys think the L&O episodes stand on their own without seeing the Homicide part 2s?

Edited by shapeshifter
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

Back to the L&O crossovers:
So do you guys think the L&O episodes stand on their own without seeing the Homicide part 2s?

Not really, the Homicide part 2’s clear everything up. For Baby It’s You, you certainly need to see Homicide part 2 as nothing is cleared up by the end of the 1st part, for Sideshow a lot gets cleared up in part 2 and while Charm City I guess could somewhat stand on its own, but a bigger plot is uncovered in part 2. I really like each of the crossovers and it’s cool to see the different characters interact, but if they aren’t going to show both parts then they shouldn’t show just 1 part, they should just skip the episodes.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I've only ever seen The Nanny episode (I didn't have a television from ages 14-44 so only watched 1968-1998 shows as reruns) and never noticed that the "Where's the Pearls?" episode was part of something bigger. But, yeah, here's the scoop:
"First part of CBS' 'Liz Night' event, which featured a storyline concerning Elizabeth Taylor's lost pearls that crossed over between" The Nanny, Can't Hurry Love, Murphy Brown, and High Society  (from IMDb).

I could swear the lost pearls plot was resolved by the end of the episode--but I guess not? I'll try to record it next time they air it. Or it might be online somewhere in a low-res version.

Back to the L&O crossovers:
So do you guys think the L&O episodes stand on their own without seeing the Homicide part 2s?

No, Fran was the one who lost the pearl necklace in the taxi when showing them to the taxi driver played by Rose O'Donnell who hit another car when she was putting on mascara or something and not paying attention to the road. Fran tells her a few times and then yells the second before they hit the car. Fran ended up in the hospital with amnesia and didn't remember anyone or anything. She got her memory back but the necklace was still missing. I think left in the taxi cab. That part went on through the other three episodes I think some finding them or losing them with Taylor showing up on each episode. I really don't remember what happened or the order except that they were found in which ever the last one was. Fran was suppose to give the necklace to a carrier but Sylvia talked her out of it and Fran agreed that they couldn't trust no certified carrier to take the necklace wherever it was going. 

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So the stuff coming out about the HBO Michael Jackson documentary made me think of "Smoke" which was on WE earlier this week. I will never, ever forgive Serena for her warped compassion for the parents that sold out their son to be raped. She spends about FIVE MINUTES of sympathy for the boy, but once she hears the parents' dying child excuse? "Oh it's all good! At least they're both still alive!" GO ROT IN HELL!

She could have easily redeemed herself at the end if the revelation that they did indeed know what was going to happen (and literally banked on it) had horrified her. But nope. Didn't make a bit of difference to her, and she has the nerve to mewl about how awful it was for the younger son to grow up without them.

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11 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

So the stuff coming out about the HBO Michael Jackson documentary made me think of "Smoke" which was on WE earlier this week. I will never, ever forgive Serena for her warped compassion for the parents that sold out their son to be raped. She spends about FIVE MINUTES of sympathy for the boy, but once she hears the parents' dying child excuse? "Oh it's all good! At least they're both still alive!" GO ROT IN HELL!

She could have easily redeemed herself at the end if the revelation that they did indeed know what was going to happen (and literally banked on it) had horrified her. But nope. Didn't make a bit of difference to her, and she has the nerve to mewl about how awful it was for the younger son to grow up without them.

I couldn't either. I hated her from that episode on. There is NO excuse for what those parents did. None. You don't sell your son to be raped. And at the end yes when it came out that's exactly what happened. That they knew and made the deal before the mom took her son up to be raped. She is still defending them. Oh, now they won't be able to watch their son grow up? Seriously? What is wrong with her? There is zero sympathy for her towards the victim. Plus, now its a good chance he's the one who's going to be the one who ends up raising his little brother. Or even to the younger brother who eventually is going to grow up and learned his parents sold his older brother to be raped for money to pay for his treatment. You think that won't do a number on him? The parents are despicable. They did the most horrible thing, have zero remorse or sympathy towards their older son. I hope they get beaten up every day of their lives in jail. 

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Agreed, Serena defending those parents in Smoke was the worst moment for any main character in L&O history. It was truly appalling that Serena was defending scum that let their child be raped for money, I don’t give a fuck what the money was used for, anyone who lets their child be raped is vermin, Serena defending them made me sick, and it was like she expected McCoy and Branch to agree with her. McCoy was right, the younger son is better off growing up without those parents. 

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It's too bad Ben Stone wasn't around to hear Serena's mealy-mouthed defense of those assholes. He would have ripped her a new one. He had no patience for perps playing the victim. His rant in "Sanctuary" about how sick and tired he was of people using excuses to worm their way out of accountability sums exactly how I feel today.

Edited by Spartan Girl
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Serena pissed me off many times, but Smoke was her absolute lowest moment, anyone who sells their kid to a pedophile is subhuman filth, I don’t give a fuck about their reasons for doing it, and Serena defending them made me sick. 

Another time that Serena really pissed me off is in Chosen, when she basically called McCoy an anti Semite. It was absurd to call McCoy a bigot for pointing out the facts, the real bigots were the murderer, his wife and probably that ridiculously biased Judge Miller. The killer’s wife basically said that if the victim was Jewish she would feel differently about her husband killing the bookie, and her husband was a murdering scumbag thief who was trying to use his religion to justify his crimes. And Judge Miller was awful, he repeatedly made absurd rulings in favor of the defense because of his own bias towards the Jewish defendant, I loved McCoy going off on him and not apologizing. I thought McCoy was awesome in that episode, he did a great job of keeping the focus on the murder and not on the defendants beliefs, and Dworkin was entertaining and clever as always. I like the episode a lot but Serena pisses me off in it with the stick up her ass.

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Now I know why I try to avoid season six episodes. Rey.Fucking.Curtis.

From his sanctimonious, holier than thou, smug, arrogant statement that he'll "raise" his daughters right, which will prevent them from doing drugs, drinking or whatever led the victim in "Atonement" to go down that path. As if her parents were party swingers who didn't give a shit about their daughter.

Or how he let the father in "Slave" beat up on his son, who had been SHOT IN THE HEAD, because he wouldn't rat out on Lonnie. I LOVED VanBuren giving him the smackdown. Of course that episode has her being her AWESOME self, as she grabs Morales and Lonny by the waist of their jeans! 

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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I loathe Rey Curtis as well, he was a smug, sanctimonious, hypocritical prick. I got so tired of hearing him constantly lecture about morality. I HATED him in Slave when he let the asshole father hit his kid in the interrogation room and then said that the father was in the right and basically condoned child abuse, I loved when Van Buren ripped into him, Van Buren was awesome, I liked seeing her get in on the action in the field in Slave as well, I also liked Lennie calling out Cutis and telling him he was out of line. 

It’s too bad Curtis was such a douche, because most of the episodes he was in were excellent storyline wise, and the rest of the cast was great. But Curtis sucked.

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On 1/28/2019 at 7:00 PM, Xeliou66 said:

It’s too bad Curtis was such a douche, because most of the episodes he was in were excellent storyline wise, and the rest of the cast was great. But Curtis sucked.

I agree that the seasons he was on were some the best episodes.  My all time favorite episodes are Refuge part 1 and 2. I still get chills when I watch the scene when they walk in the apartment after the boy, his mom and Ricci were attacked.

Edited by blondiec0332
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39 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

I agree that the seasons he was on were some the best episodes.  My all time favorite episodes are Refuge part 1 and 2. I still get chills when I watch the scene when they walk in the apartment after the boy, his mom and the Ricci were attacked.

That scene will always be notable as it was one of the only times that all 6 main characters appeared on screen together. Even Schiff showed up to that crime scene. 

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31 minutes ago, Xeliou66 said:

That scene will always be notable as it was one of the only times that all 6 main characters appeared on screen together. Even Schiff showed up to that crime scene. 

I remember Abby being absolutely devastated at the scene.  That case they all took to heart.  And for all the Curtis haters it was his last episode. 

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3 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:

I remember Abby being absolutely devastated at the scene.  That case they all took to heart.  And for all the Curtis haters it was his last episode. 

Yes Abbie was devastated because ADA Ricci was her friend. That case did affect all of them, including McCoy who crossed the line massively and thought Schiff was going to fire him for it: I loved their final lines of the episode 

“Don’t worry Adam, if I had disobeyed a direct order from Frank Hogan he would’ve canned me too”

”That’s Frank Hogan”

And Curtis’ goodbye was well handled, although I didn’t like how Van Buren and Lennie seemed so upset with him leaving, they were too emotional IMO, especially since for example Logan didn’t even get a final scene with Briscoe and Van Buren and Lennie had a warm but unemotional goodbye with Van Buren and Green.

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20 minutes ago, Xeliou66 said:

And Curtis’ goodbye was well handled, although I didn’t like how Van Buren and Lennie seemed so upset with him leaving, they were too emotional IMO, especially since for example Logan didn’t even get a final scene with Briscoe and Van Buren and Lennie had a warm but unemotional goodbye with Van Buren and Green.

I will FOREVER be bitter about that, even though I know that Noth and Wolf were at odds when he left. I guess I should be grateful that he didn't kill Mike off, and that 10 years later, brought the character back on Criminal Intent.

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