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Everybody Loves Raymond - General Discussion


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Some of my faves, that I always watch if I happen upon them are Marie's Sculpture, Marie's Glasses, the one where we discover Pat smokes and Amy turns Roberts toothbrush (among many other things they all do), PT&A, Lucky Suit, and the one where Debra's parents are still having sex after being divorced and Ray sees them and Hank & Pat walking in while they are saying you don't have to be married to have sex.  Really, I love almost all the ones that had multiple families in it, and especially the ones with all 3.

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1 hour ago, aquarian1 said:

Some of my faves, that I always watch if I happen upon them are Marie's Sculpture, Marie's Glasses, the one where we discover Pat smokes and Amy turns Roberts toothbrush (among many other things they all do), PT&A, Lucky Suit, and the one where Debra's parents are still having sex after being divorced and Ray sees them and Hank & Pat walking in while they are saying you don't have to be married to have sex.  Really, I love almost all the ones that had multiple families in it, and especially the ones with all 3.

It’s one of the reasons why I think their holiday episodes were always amazing. 

As for single scenes, one of my favorites is the one where Debra was upset over her parents separating. Her father comes to the twins party and he & Debra have a private conversation where he tells her how it is for the best, as he & her mother never were really that compatible. 

When he says "It's not like Ray's parents." and in those few words we have a whole new perspective on Marie & Frank, as their constant bickering is their way of communicating, and it works for them. 

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I love almost all the holiday episodes and flashback ones.   Hard to choose a favourite - totally depends on which one I last saw!

I also really appreciate some of the props that show up consistently.  The "big fork and spoon" (which changes size at some point) is a particular one I always note as my parents had a set like that too.  Marie and Frank's house remind me so much of the houses I would have lived in and visited back in my childhood.  Mostly the owners updated them as the years went by.  Clearly Marie did not!

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5 hours ago, Elizabeth Anne said:

And I have to ask - anyone else who is following the Coronation - did you flash to Ray and the mislabeled tarragon spice bottle when you read about the Coronation quiche?  "Who's the nutcase, now Ray?  Who's the nutcase now?"

I am dying....laughing!!!!

Seriously, why is this not a meme?

Edited by qtpye
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Ray Romano's Daughter Ally Is Engaged — Here's How He Found Out!

His daughter Ally appeared in a few episodes as Molly, the daughter of the "mean cookie lady" aka Peggy Hitler 😃.

So very, very weird to realize that had this show stayed on the air Debra and Ray would now be the same age Marie and Frank were back when it first came on the air!  I don't know about other viewers but for me this show does not seem dated at all.  Well I guess  aside from the references to VCRs and DVD players... 

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6 hours ago, Elizabeth Anne said:

Ray Romano's Daughter Ally Is Engaged — Here's How He Found Out!

His daughter Ally appeared in a few episodes as Molly, the daughter of the "mean cookie lady" aka Peggy Hitler 😃.

So very, very weird to realize that had this show stayed on the air Debra and Ray would now be the same age Marie and Frank were back when it first came on the air!  I don't know about other viewers but for me this show does not seem dated at all.  Well I guess  aside from the references to VCRs and DVD players... 

Ray Romano planned that on purpose. He wanted no clothing fads or the like, to date the show. The name of a President is never mentioned. Can't help it about VCRs though!

I love Debra's pajamas, and Amy's sweaters. 

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20 minutes ago, TVMovieBuff said:

Ray Romano planned that on purpose. He wanted no clothing fads or the like, to date the show. The name of a President is never mentioned.

Good for him.  It always bothers me when there are contemporary references to people and things in a show that's now in reruns.  The Golden Girls, as great a show as it is, is full of 1980s/early '90s references.  A young first-time viewer would be confused by a lot of the things said.  

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I was watching the "She's the One" episode tonight.  The one with the Frog Lady from Massapequa.  Anyway it's a real favourite of mine but I did find the premise a little far fetched.  Doing some googling though it turns out it was actually based on a real life incident involving one of Ray's brothers.  He went out the window of an apartment of a woman he had met who it turned out had an obsession with snakes and the occult.

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1 hour ago, Elizabeth Anne said:

Much as I love ELR there are a few episodes I just can't watch.  Does anyone have one that really stands out as "no, never again!"?  For me it's the episode from fairly early in the series when Ray takes Robert to the Baseball Hall of Fame.  I just can't watch them embarrass themselves!

I'm not crazy about the Italy episodes.  Also, the one where Gianni renovates the kitchen.

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54 minutes ago, Elizabeth Anne said:

Ray is just, as Debra puts it "a grumpy pain in the ass" until he has his last minute epiphany.

I love the Italy episodes, but that part really bugged me. Ruin everybody's trip, then all of a sudden "Now decided to have fun so you better not ruin my time!" But I do LOVE when Ray does the "I will TRY not to be a PAIN in anyone's ASS anyMORE!"...you can see PH's shoulders shake like she's trying to stifle a laugh.

Mine that I can't watch (there are a few): 

  • Cruising with Marie
  • Frank's Tribute
  • In-Laws (when the Barones act like they've never been in public before at the fancy restaurant then blame Ray for being embarrassing. huh?)
  • Bad Moon Rising
  • Debra at the Lodge

In the final season I find most of the episodes pure cringe,, there are only 3 that I like:

  • The Home
  • Not so Fast
  • The Faux Pas
Edited by ByTor
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15 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

I'm not crazy about the Italy episodes.  Also, the one where Gianni renovates the kitchen.

i didn't like the Italy ones at first, but then found it so funny, Ray being given a bath by Mrs Mussolini. Then the sequence where Ray discovers the feeling of the real Italy, not running around sightseeing, but by simply being there, I love them. 

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I don't like Mia Famiglia, where the lady comes to visit from Italy, and it turns out she is not related to the Barones. It's not like Marie & Frank are serial killers. 

I don't like the one where Frank steals the football. I didn't used to like Prodigal Son where Ray doesn't like to go to church, but I have found things I like about it. Though I don't like the pressure they put on him. 

I don't like Pat's Secret because of the way Pat throws Robert under the bus. 

I love the Faux Pas, it just keeps getting more uncomfortable!

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1 hour ago, TVMovieBuff said:

love the Faux Pas, it just keeps getting more uncomfortable!

Nice to see someone else exists who likes The Faux Pas, everybody I talk to hates it!

1 hour ago, aquarian1 said:

I also don't like the Christmas episode where Ray bought Marie some kind of special gift (figurines?) and Frank and Robert chipped in, and when they all found out how much they cost everyone got mad at him.

I do like that episode, but yeah that "glory hog" thing is stupid. ROBERT is the one who blathered that Ray paid more! More like Robert was being the "victim hog" LOL.

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7 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I do like that episode, but yeah that "glory hog" thing is stupid. ROBERT is the one who blathered that Ray paid more! More like Robert was being the "victim hog" LOL.

Same.  Robert always accused Ray of things that just aren't true!  In the She's The One episode with the fly eating girlfriend he says Ray is "snivelling, insecure little man" who begrudges Robert any happiness or some such.  Nonsense!  Ray is a lot of things but Robert is the insecure one who has always been jealous whenever anything good comes Ray's way!  

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2 hours ago, Elizabeth Anne said:

Robert is the insecure one who has always been jealous whenever anything good comes Ray's way! 

Like going back to the Christmas episode, he just HAD to say Debra's gift was actually his idea. Also, if I were Amy I would have run from someone so hung up on his sister in law!!

Edited by ByTor
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On 4/28/2023 at 11:07 AM, Elizabeth Anne said:

Ray is a lot of things but Robert is the insecure one who has always been jealous whenever anything good comes Ray's way!  

That is one thing that’s honestly bothered me. I guess you should never underestimate the effect of what a parent who shows favoritism to your brother can really do. But Robert is tall, muscular, handsome and a police lieutenant. And he’s charming when Ray doesn’t influence his behavior. You’d think he’d have all the confidence in the world with women.

I enjoyed the Italy episodes. Frank and Marie were enjoying the moment and appreciating the experience, and so were the rest of the family minus Ray who was negative about it until he had that pizza, then decides to enjoy himself too. That was a bit of a ridiculous reason, but my very favorite part of the episode was a lesson that everyone should use for their life, at the end when Colletta told Ray to live his life because her late husband had a similar outlook on life to Ray.

Robert’s being hung-up on Debra is cringy, especially after he’s married to Amy. I also don’t like how Robert flip-flops his opinion because of what Debra thinks. He did it in the Frank stole the football episode, and the episode where Pat had to kill the bird.

One episode I’ve never liked is The Janitor. Ray made a harmless comment about the janitor being paid to pick stuff up, BEFORE he found out that the kid’s father was a janitor. But the family (mainly Debra and Marie) pile on to him and acts like they would have handled it so much better. The rest of the episode proved they were even more “insensitive” than Ray.

Edited by Virtual
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10 hours ago, deaja said:

I also don’t like the house painting one. 

I don't care much for it either,  I would have fired Frank too!

1 hour ago, Snow Apple said:

I don't like the one where Frank has a meltdown at the grocery store and scared Ally.

Oh yeah, this is another one I consider unwatchable.

I notice a pattern here, I don't like the "Frank is being worse than usual" ones.  One of my favorites is Marie's Vision, but I hate Frank breaking Marie's glasses after she said she sees they are in a loveless marriage. Marie may be a nag, but Frank is out and out mean. When later in that episode Marie tells Frank "You love me" and he replies with "You don't need glasses for that," I always say "No, you need a microscope for it!"

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2 hours ago, deaja said:

She always harps on Ray for giving in to his parents but then she does it too!

Or she's got a legitimate grievance, works on Ray to say something and when he finally does she say things like "I don't know anything about it" and basically hides behind him!  Fair enough she does get assertive now and then (the infamous Mother's Day Riot of 2002 being one example) but there are more than a few times when she gets Ray to say something and then is all whistling off in a corner trying to pretend it has nothing to do with her!

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1 hour ago, Snow Apple said:

All this talk of Debra reminds me of when she got a curling iron stuck in her hair and she kept it there all night stewing while waiting for Ray to come home. She didn't even try to get it out and then calling a cab. 

I was on Ray's side but once again, they act like Debra was right and Ray was wrong.

This is Lateness, one of the few I agree with Marie & Frank. 

Ray didn't know why Debra wasn't AIS at the agreed time. One of the kids might have needed her. Driving off when you are going to a semi-formal event, that is just too mean. You don't do that to your spouse. There are some things you just don't do. I don't care if they shook on it. 

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2 minutes ago, TVMovieBuff said:

This is Lateness, one of the few I agree with Marie & Frank.

I loved their exchange!  Also Ray at the event finally realizing he was "a dead man".  I mean what on earth did he expect from Debra?  Champagne and roses for leaving her behind.  This is Debra we're talking about!


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I was on Ray's side, too.  If I'm going to a big event for someone important to me, I am not putting "one last curl" in my hair at the time we are supposed to leave.  I'll be ready 15-30 minutes beforehand.  Completely ready (aside from putting on a coat, if needed).  And if I notice my hair isn't "perfect" oh well, most people won't notice or care.  

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What bugged me about that episode was the idea that Debra always keeps Ray waiting was such a '60s cliche!  Much as I love ELR I have to concede they went to the stereotypical male and female roles far too often! 

Anyway  I don't recall this being an issue in any previous episodes but suddenly Debra is always primping and leaving Ray to stew?  If anything in the past it was Ray being the one who kept Debra waiting as he stayed at work or went off golfing and not coming home when he was supposed to because Gianni had to stop to pet a deer 😄!

31 minutes ago, aquarian1 said:

And if I notice my hair isn't "perfect" oh well, most people won't notice or care.  

I am so glad I've outgrown the stage where I think anyone else cares what I look like!  I don't wear pajamas and fuzzy slippers to Walmart (yet) but I sure don't dress up with full hair and make up just to go to the store!

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17 minutes ago, Elizabeth Anne said:

I don't recall this being an issue in any previous episodes but suddenly Debra is always primping and leaving Ray to stew?  If anything in the past it was Ray being the one who kept Debra waiting as he stayed at work or went off golfing and not coming home when he was supposed to because Gianni had to stop to pet a deer 😄!

I never thought of it that way but you're right. I recall Robert's wedding where it was Ray making everybody wait!

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3 hours ago, ByTor said:

Another one I'm not a fan o was on last night, the Super Bowl one. What made Debra think Ray's attention would be on her? He's a sportswriter, of course Super Bowl weekend would be a working weekend, including golf outings. The other wife seemed to get it.

I don't like that one either. Sometimes I feel that the writers went out of their way to make Debra so unlikable!

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4 hours ago, ByTor said:

Another one I'm not a fan o was on last night, the Super Bowl one. What made Debra think Ray's attention would be on her? He's a sportswriter, of course Super Bowl weekend would be a working weekend, including golf outings. The other wife seemed to get it.

Oh yeah, I really didn't understand Debra on this one. Everything you said, this is more like a work trip for Ray. And as for being his sex outlet, well, they are married. 

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I've always hated the episodes where Ray is super-manipulative, like the Angry Sex one when he didn't tell Debra that Marie came over to apologize or the one where he and Frank take advantage of the feud between Debra and Marie. I also hated the one in which Ray convinces Robert to screw up the wedding invites, but I'll still watch it for the line "That means maybe naked.  ON A WEDNESDAY!"

Edited by Vanderboom
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On 5/1/2023 at 8:36 AM, andidante said:

I don't like that one either. Sometimes I feel that the writers went out of their way to make Debra so unlikable!

I feel like at times they had a funny story idea, but it didn't work for their existing characterizations. So rather than write something they did, they rather had the tail wag the dog.

I was 100% team Ray in the lateness episode. He had opened up about how it made him feel when she was late, and she still waited until the last second to be ready. That left no time for anything going the slightest bit wrong.  But then she had to be a martyr about it and punish Ray, like ruining a night he'd been looking forward to for a long time wasn't punishment enough.

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