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Futurama - General Discussion

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I know this show has so much history but I really wanted a Crushinator/Bender scene in the Momazon episode.

The pandemic one was interesting. I'm glad Hermes (and LaBarbara) got to shine but thought the whole voodoo thing was just a bit off to me. I did both laugh and cringe at the Professor sticking that swab up his nose.

Edited by xander874

The opening animation on the battle was really well done.

13 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

If there was any (cartoon) man that deserved to get cancelled a long time ago, it would be Zapp Brannigan. And the fact that Kif was the one that got him fired after all his years of being Zapp’s butt-monkey was so satisfying.

It was more Kif being fed up with Zapp. The testimony Kif gave was of stuff we hadn't seen. What we've seen alone on the show was evidence enough. I was hoping they'd show some of the old material. 

"Kif, I have made it with a woman. Inform the men."

The DOOP motto was "Aim low. Shoot first."

Creating a civilization based on a source of air was brilliant. 

I didn't see the ending coming, but I should have. 

Fry must have some memories being together in the time loop because he's killing it at being the supportive boyfriend. 

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On 9/27/2023 at 8:11 PM, DoctorAtomic said:

I liked that Amy was the one coming up with the arguments for the simulation because she has the PhD now.

Amy was totally awesome in this episode. The pixel versions were cute, I'd buy the lego versions.

I hope Zoidberg gets some love in the second half of the season, I'm hoping for some character development for him.

7x12 - Viva Mars Vegas

Not really enjoying season 7 all that much, but this episode really made me noticed just how weak the writing has become. The heist felt mundane for a sci-fi series and the jokes were kinda meh. Amy's lesson of entitlement also felt weak (especially when it's not even really her fault the Martians were enslaved in the first place, but her parents).

I dropped Simpsons after the stinkers of season 11, but at least Futurama just has one more season to go after this (let's hope the revival season is good enough).


Edited by MagnusHex

7x17: Fry and Leela's Big Fling

This was a pretty clever episode, and one that made me truly enjoy the show (instead of putting up with it) in a while. I love the anticlimax at the end, but the whole Leela and Fry relationship bits were sweet as well (instead of using Fry being moronic about his relationship as a comedy bit for the entire episode like previous episodes).

The human zoo plot twist got spoiled for me beforehand, but I still ended up surprised because I didn't expect the A and B plot to intersect, with the zoo being on the Planet of the Apes Amy and the gang were visiting. That was a nice touch.


7x16: T.: The Terrestrial

I've never really liked E.T. In fact, I considered it one of the weakest Spielberg films that showed just how schmaltzy Spielberg could be at his worst (then again, I had similar issues with his insensitive and myopic take on the holocaust). So I have little problems with this episode mocking the movie as a whole.

If only the jokes were brilliant though. As it is, they are surface-level and rather shallow, but I did get quite a few chuckles out of them, especially Bender's hilarious manipulation of Fry's outgoing message on the answering machine. The whole "powered by love" bike was funny stuff too, along with the mockery of the stupid "bike to the moon" sequence.


7x19: Saturday Morning Fun Pit

Wow, people really hated this episode (especially the more vocal folks over at AV Club, giving it a rating of "D"), even though I haven't enjoyed Futurama as much as this episode in a long time (since season 4 maybe).

This is satire gold, probably because I wasn't even really a fan of those shows this episode made fun of, even Scooby-Doo. I always thought Scooby-Doo was too goofy of a show for me even as a kid (the only one that caught my attention was Mystery Incorporated because it's hailed as the darkest installment of the franchise), so when the episode took jabs at all the stupid tropes in the cartoon, I couldn't care less. I think that mockery of the older Scooby-Doo episodes with a laugh track was my favorite one, especially with them calling out how the laugh track wasn't in sync with anything remotely funny happening.

The more cutting satire though was obviously the Purpleberry Pond segment making fun of cartoons meant to sell products. I love that one of the scenes where the Berry Burglar fired a sugarball bomb on the residents turned out to be another commercial rather than the actual show. Good clever fake-out that got a laugh. And you gotta love how the girl got fatter over the course of the same commercial. All these hypocritical commercials playing on children's hearts are appalling, so I'm glad the episode called them out on it.

The G.I. Joe one was cool with its calling out of the Broadcast Standards and Practices censorships. I haven't seen the show, but after doing a little digging, I'm surprised it got affected by the censors as well, considering its whole content is based on soldiers fighting a war. I love how it ended up getting too violent that Nixon just went "fuck it" and pulled the plug.


Comedy gold.

7x25: Stench and Stenchibility

Zoidberg does deserve to be happy, I agree, but this was still a poorly written episode. Marianne (Daenerys from GoT everyone) literally has no personality minus the very last scene, and even then, the whole "I never learned a bad smell from a good one" excuse felt contrived and illogical. That's not how the human brain works. It's instinctive, not learned. For a sci-fi cartoon, getting the science wrong is a major sin.

Bender's B-plot is even worse as it's the two same generic plots we've seen a dozen time: 1) Bender being evil Bender, and 2) cute character turns out to be evil. Yawn. Ending of the B-plot kinda makes up for it, but not by much.


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