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All In With Chris Hayes - General Discussion

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I was thrilled to see Chris take on the "debunking" of the 74 school shooting stat. I heard some guy on The Blaze dispute that number and all I could get out of him before I tuned out was that the number was from a gun safety group so it couldn't be right.


And again, much like when Politifact went after Martina Navratilova (discussed in the TRMS thread), we have a case of privileged fact checkers setting a high bar for which victims actually matter.

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I may be overthinking this, but what exactly is the Yo! app meant to do? Besides making that noise, that is. Is it meant to be a bat-signal to whomever it's sent? What's it meant to communicate? Can it be replied to? Can it be silenced? Do both sender and receiver have to have the app loaded?


I may not want the answers to those questions.

From what I've heard from various media reports (not that I've looked for them) you both have to have installed. It sounds like you don't need to have it on for your friend to "Yo" you. I think it's supposed to just mean "John is signaling me for something."


I was pretty amused by the ISIS guy talking about freedom and sounding like a Tea Partier.

I just finished bingewatching S2 of House of Cards. A number of media figures play themselves in the course of the season, and Lambchop has an extended scene where he's 'interviewing' a proponent of a bill when an opposing Congresscritter calls in to go all Cross Fire on her.


A number of other reporters show up as well, including the NYT's Matt Bai, Rachel, Tweety, Ashleigh Banfield, Hannity, and so on. Most of them just do fake standups 'reporting' on the plot's 'news', but  Bai, Hayes, Matthews and Banfield all have scripted scenes with characters. Which I can't help but feel is weird.

I got a lot out of the two segments on campus rape, but I think Nuzzi half-missed the answer to Chris's question about why the issue has bubbled up so much lately. Her answer about social media only covered the victims. I think she missed the effect of social media use by the perpetrators (e.g. passing around selfies and videos of victimized women) has had on public outrage.

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I am tired of watching a segment on the Hobby Lobby case/birth control/abortion access and then segue to a Viagra commercial. The cats get very disturbed by my shouting.


ETA - last night - Normally, I wouldn't mind the Pacific Institute guy. No idea his stance on stuff, but as a native Californian, I have a beef with some of his comments about the wasteful toilets and water consuming showers.  Last year it became mandatory to change out all of the large capacity toilets. Homes for the past 20 years have had the low flow toilets, older homes and businesses have been told to replace their existing toilets. The same thing applied to low flow showers.


Those of us who grew up during the drought years in the 70s have already been indoctrinated into turning of the water while brushing the teeth and not to let the water run if you aren't using it.  It took me til the late 90s before I would let the shower water run while showering. My dad put in shower cutoffs so that you could shut off the water while soaping or sudsing up. You only run the water while wetting down or rinsing off.


If you look at per capita water usage, LA uses less water than the rest of the state due to the laws they implemented. If 80% of the water is used by the farmers, encourage them to be more efficient with water application.


BTW, many communities still have flumes transporting water between sites (from the old mining days). This is susceptible for water theft and evaporation. But residents won't let the water agency put it underground, because they like the idea of a flowing stream to walk by. Gah!!!

Edited by Dagny
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Those of us who grew up during the drought years in the 70s have already been indoctrinated into turning of the water while brushing the teeth and not to let the water run if you aren't using it.  It took me til the late 90s before I would let the shower water run while showering. My dad put in shower cutoffs so that you could shut off the water while soaping or sudsing up. You only run the water while wetting down or rinsing off.

I used to live in Las Vegas, where water is always an issue, and while listening to the radio one early Sunday morning on my way to work I heard a guy from the city water department say that any water that goes down a drain is not wasted. He said anything that goes into a pipe is collected and eventually ends up at the reclamation plant where it is processed and returned to the water supply. He said the only truly wasted water is lost to evaporation or run off, such as when people water their lawns. Now, I'm not an expert on the subject, but presumably he was, and what he said makes sense. If it is true I wonder why officials continue to tell us we are wasting  water by showering, and flushing our toilets, and letting the faucet run while we brush our teeth. If it's not true I wonder why it isn't, and why this guy would say what he said.

If it is true I wonder why officials continue to tell us we are wasting  water by showering, and flushing our toilets, and letting the faucet run while we brush our teeth. If it's not true I wonder why it isn't, and why this guy would say what he said.


I think in LV and some places in Texas, the discharge of the reclamation/wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) goes directly in a pipe to the intake of the Water Treatment Plant.


It depends on where the locality gets their water from.  If a water district/city/agency gets their water from a well, then you are wasting water because the water is coming out of an aquifer and the discharge of the WWTP probably goes to a local stream and it flows down to a larger river.If the water supply is from a river, similar condition. There are limits to the amount of water they can get from the river.  It does cost $ to treat the water, similar to don't waste food. I'm only familiar with Northern CA treatment.


I'm not sure in LV or TX if the WWTP discharge supplements the groundwater or river water. I would imagine that would be the case and there is probably limits on what % blend (WWTP to fresh water) to the WTP has to be. Pure speculation.

So Friday, Chris had a guy who said that anyone in Gaza doesn't count as a civilian because they were a part of voting Hamas into power. In talking to Chris he kept saying that was taking him out of context, but when pressed for a position he basically repeated the thought that got him the spotlight in different ways. Whenever I see people like that, I worry about an anti-American terrorist hearing that and repeating that on us. But I guess thinking like that requires a bit of introspection and the ability to think that you could be wrong.


Today Ezra Klein guest-hosted. I couldn't figure out who it was from the intro, whatever they did to his voice it made him sound completely unlike Klein. And then Klein reminded me of his worst trait, his tendency to trust elites even the ones who have a tendency to say a lot of dumb things, by seriously referring to Ross Douthat.

I generally don't enjoy a live-from-location show, but I thought Chris did a fucking terrific job from Ferguson last night. His conversations were sharp and on point, and he seemed to be at ease in the environment. Why should Anderson Cooper and his tight black t-shirt have all the fun? Nerdy Chris can give him a run for the money!

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I'm really concerned -- tonight, Monday, Chris stayed throughout the night to provide live coverage at least up to midnight, as I write this.  It seems more dangerous than it is worth, and I hope his wife has good friends and family to be with her while her husband is part of this live drama.  Little babies at home, it would be so much easier for him to be reporting from New York.  I admire his strength, and worry about the judgment of MSNBC in keeping him out there on the street. 

It looked even hairier tonight. They were getting rocks thrown at them and they got tear gassed and they really seemed to be in the middle of the action. Chris was stuttering a lot tonight I think because his heart was racing and his adrenalin level so high.


I love the job he's doing. He's such a bleeding heart liberal at the best of times but I feel he really 'gets' why the people in Ferguson are so distraught and upset. His coverage and the people he interviews come from such a place of passion.


The shine is beginning to wear off Captain Ron Johnson for me. In his presser in the very early a.m. he really went on and on about having to use the military equipment to keep his cops safe because they were being shot at! there were bullets flying past them! a cop car had been shot at! bullets bullets all around! I watched it in disbelief that he could be so insensitive since what started all these protests and uproars was the fact that one of 'his cops' had shot an unarmed 18 yr old in those streets!

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The shine is beginning to wear off Captain Ron Johnson for me.


One person on Twitter reported that he stated that they didn't use gas. When challenged that the reporter was gassed, he admitted they used gas.


WTF was going on where they had people corralled and kept yelling at them to go home.Without an exit. It was like a city block version of what went down in McD. Exit, Nope not that exit. You are not complying.

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I love how Chris is reacting with disbelief when some of the other residents of Ferguson are bloviating about how it's such a happy happy little town and everyone gets along so well and tra la la la la, how he dryly says 'are you aware that just a couple of blocks away some of the residents have a wildly differing opinion about life in Ferguson?'

These shows from Ferguson have really shone a light on just how good an interviewer Chris is. He can play devil's advocate without getting strident, defensive, or  relying on 'both sides do it'. He lets people have their say, but at the same time, he doesn't let obvious bullshit fly unchallenged. Most uncommonly of all, he actually listens to the answers to his questions and pivots should something be said that's maybe off the Scheduled Talking Points.


Too bad sitting at the anchor desk doesn't give him more opportunity to do this.  

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In the past I've been impressed at Chris' ability to get conservatives to have actual conversations instead of spending the "discussion" looking for the closest talking point to use. Tonight, he had a NY Post editorial page editor who usually infuriates me. He's usually pretty bad about saying things that don't relate to the discussion. This was the first time I've heard him sound like he was listening to what people were saying and actually responding to them.


I disagreed with everything he said, but it was an actual discussion about an issue and not two liberals having a discussion and a conservative interrupting with Fox News talking points.

Thank you so much, Sharpie66!  I thought it was a column, and spent some time looking back through his columns for Status-Income-Disequilibrium!  And thanks for clarifying that he was talking to Ferguson workers in NYC.  Some days I put it on, but can't actually sit down and watch, so it got confusing when Rachel showed up.  (But not in Ferguson, so now it all makes sense!)

I'm glad Chris is following up on that Alabama wife-beating judge. When your 911 call records the unmistakable sounds of repeated blows landing (many abusers are cleverer than that; see; Zimmerman, George), you are not going to win many friends.


A tangent: It's interesting to hear that 911 operator begin all bored with the world and once she hears the smacks, she's On The Case.

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I loved the looks on Chris' face. I thought he did ok with the interview in spite of his obvious disdain/repulsion of the guy and I think people need to realize that there are nutjobs like that out there.


What I found more frightening was the guest who followed him who had the appearance of being sane and thoughtful yet said some pretty scary things.

Edited by shok

That interview with Mo Brooks was just painful to watch, since I kept on biting my tongue to not yell at the tv, especially when Brooks kept on saying that the president to last grant residency to undocumented immigrants was Clinton, not Reagan, even though Chris corrected him a couple of times!

Oh, and Chris, it's "Benedict" Cumberbatch, not "Benjamin".

ETA loved the correction to the Cumberbatch mistake! Thank you, Chad...

Edited by Sharpie66

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