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S32.E20: Who Wants to be a Millionaire?


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Ashley and Hunter were both assholes to one another but Ashley constantly victimizes herself and runs off in anger or tears (not just with Hunter but it's the card she plays all of the time). She often feels that her feelings, no matter how irrational, need to be coddled and appeased no matter what. She's an absolute brat and nothing Hunter said made me feel that her taking the money was totally deserving. She NEEDED him to make it to the end, especially during that eating challenge.

Sylvia did the most with her crying saying how she and Joss deserved that win. Joss deserved that win and he deserved to take all the money from her because he dragged her ass all the way to the finish though in fairness, he should have never taken the deal with Paulie and Sylvia can say all she wants that her gut was telling her not to but unless you really thought you couldn't hold on any longer on that pole, you stay the fuck on and fight for your own life rather than put it in someone else's hands. Natalie didn't do herself any favours running the wrong way but that's on her...she should be paying attention, regardless of whether her partner was there or not. She's playing for herself more than she's playing for Paulie so no excuse for that. Good luck to either of them if they try to return to the show for future seasons because going back on their word there is going to be used against them. This isn't BB, you don't screw people over, win the money and never have to worry about them again. You screw people over The Challenge and you'll have to deal with the fallout because it's often the same people that are showing up to participate.

And finally, that challenge finale was weak sauce. Come on, we've seen them go through much tougher things for less money. Hell, they had to climb a freaking' mountain one challenge and in another they had to stay up all night and was forced do a memory activity while sleep deprived. This challenge wasn't worthy of a 1M dollar prize. They stretched this season out and there was zero pay off for it.

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On ‎11‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 1:18 PM, ImpinAintEasy said:

It’s illegal to rig these types of shows. 

Tell that to the producers of Big Brother.  That show has been fixed so much, you would think the mafia had something to do with it.

On ‎11‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 1:25 PM, Lantern7 said:

And remember: Hunter & Smashley did NOT start the game like everyone else. That’s also a lot of bullshit as well.

That is complete bull.  Besides the fact that I do not like Ashley, that was another reason why I was opposed to them winning. But I guess with the shows Redemption Island knockoff, you could call b.s. on most of the contestants winning.

On ‎11‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 6:56 PM, scrb said:

Never been to Africa but it sounds like they have national parks and reserves where the wildlife are.

MTV probably wouldn't be allowed to film in those places without paying and also without strict controls on where they would go with the cast and crew and vehicles.

I don't think South Africa would allow them to go anywhere near predators which could jump on them.

In fact there was one shot of lions eating meat, which looked like it was cut and served up to them, not from a carcass of an animal that they hunted down.

I could be wrong but I think you are right.  I am pretty sure Survivor Africa and Gabon were both filmed in national parks and there were animals around them, but like I said I could be wrong and I am too lazy to look it up.

On ‎11‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 2:04 AM, Hiacios said:

Cara is an idiot.

Totally agree.  I used to be a fan of Cara but I just cannot be anymore.  I still think she's good looking but I am no longer a fan.  Well at least Jenna is still cool, I mean she's dating Zack so that is a negative but overall she is my favorite female contestant that regularly appears. 

19 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Ashley and Hunter were both assholes to one another but Ashley constantly victimizes herself and runs off in anger or tears (not just with Hunter but it's the card she plays all of the time). She often feels that her feelings, no matter how irrational, need to be coddled and appeased no matter what. She's an absolute brat and nothing Hunter said made me feel that her taking the money was totally deserving.

Exactly, just on the last season of Champions vs. Stars or whatever the hell it was called, she threw a hissy fit because she ended up on a team where she was in the minority.  Prior to that she was acting very cocky.  I can't stand her, I think I might dislike her more than Johnny at this point.  Heck I liked Johnny during his RW season (I never saw Ashley's season, I did not even know she was on the RW.  I assumed she was one of the AYTO folks.) so at least he has that going for him.

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On 11/20/2018 at 10:35 PM, RandomWatcher said:

But #wrongwaynatalie gate happened BEFORE the promise was made. Unless someone told her after the promise that Sylvia intentionally neglected to tell natalie that she was going the wrong way — it’s a game though! Sylvia shouldn’t have to guide Natalie to the finish line LMAO! The film crew I’m sure would have helped her. Natalie is not a bright person. 


I have to admit, I wanted either Paulie or Cara to win. Paulie FOUGHT HARD to get to the final after being in redemption for most of the season and it burns my butt that Ashley wins when her team weren’t there for the entire time and that Hunter ate nearly all of the nasty food. Hunter gave her the win but was too stupid to not think to clock a higher run time than Ashleys during the race.

I’m annoyed with Marie. I was rooting for the Cara and Marie friendship (it appears they’re still friends as shown on social media lol) and wished they kept their girl power for the final. Marie didn’t try as hard as she should have and drinking a ton of wine the night before a run was pathetic on that team.

That challenge was lame. I’ve seen previous seasons go through so much more for so much less - banana and Sarah’s challenge was DIFFICULT for a $275,000 win (that bananas kept to himself) as this final just had running, nasty food and walking on coals. 🛏 😴 


Fuck Ashley for using women’s movement to help her sleep at night. Yeah, Hunter was a duck to her but she was a dick to him too!!!! You would’ve taken the money with or without slut shaming so please don’t diminish the impact of women’s movement. If everyone starts pulling that card at every chance they get the impact will lose its intensity. 

Edited by Calm81
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18 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Tell that to the producers of Big Brother.  That show has been fixed so much, you would think the mafia had something to do with it.

That is complete bull.  Besides the fact that I do not like Ashley, that was another reason why I was opposed to them winning. But I guess with the shows Redemption Island knockoff, you could call b.s. on most of the contestants winning.

I could be wrong but I think you are right.  I am pretty sure Survivor Africa and Gabon were both filmed in national parks and there were animals around them, but like I said I could be wrong and I am too lazy to look it up.

Totally agree.  I used to be a fan of Cara but I just cannot be anymore.  I still think she's good looking but I am no longer a fan.  Well at least Jenna is still cool, I mean she's dating Zack so that is a negative but overall she is my favorite female contestant that regularly appears. 

Exactly, just on the last season of Champions vs. Stars or whatever the hell it was called, she threw a hissy fit because she ended up on a team where she was in the minority.  Prior to that she was acting very cocky.  I can't stand her, I think I might dislike her more than Johnny at this point.  Heck I liked Johnny during his RW season (I never saw Ashley's season, I did not even know she was on the RW.  I assumed she was one of the AYTO folks.) so at least he has that going for him.

You don't remember Ashley on her RW season because she was a drunken mess, disappeared for days and her roommates actually voted her out of the house. I think she ended up coming back near the end of the season but I don't remember how long she lasted the second time around. Basically, Ashely was a brat who loved drama, thew tantrums and blamed everyone else for her own shit....so she hasn't really changed all that much since then except now she's got bigger boobs.

Edited by RHJunkie
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On 11/21/2018 at 12:28 PM, Spencer Hastings said:

These people are all trash.  Paulie was dying to take the million for himself.  I think Cara would have screwed Marie because she would have thought she “earned” it more. Marie would’ve split it to buy Cara’s friendship.  I think Joss and Sylvia are the only ones where both partners would’ve split the money. 

I agree.


None of these jerks deserve ANY money and I hate to see any of them win it.  When this series started off we had good guys to root for. There haven't been any in years.  I feel like Evelyn was one of the last people with any integrity. Maybe Sarah a little bit.  I laughed and laughed that Hunter didn't get any.  I don't even care if Ashley is a stinker. 

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I've never been a fan of Ashley's except for that one challenge when she humped the soap off of that log in like 3.8 seconds.  I had to admire her skills and give her props that day, but then promptly went back to disliking her.  Still, I can't totally blame her for taking all of the money, Hunter was really horrible to her.  I do think she was nasty to him as well, but when I look at all of the teams that were paired and hated each other, none of them were as nasty to the other except for maybe Zach and Amanda.  And even there, I don't think Zach was as nasty and hateful to Amanda as Hunter was to Ashley.  I think he treated her badly and needed to listen to her side and was a royal dick, but, he also pretty much acted like she didn't exist all at the same time.  

I miss the old days when MTV didn't show you the puke.  Back in the early days of Real World, if someone was puking, they cut away and you didn't have to see it.  This was great for me, because I have a really weak stomach and seeing puke makes me puke.  Now when I watch tv, I have to be super quick with the fast forward, so I can avoid having to see the contents of people's stomachs and I'm not really sure why shows think we want that.  I also don't find eating challenges to be "fun" and have to skip through those.  Why am I always eating while watching those episodes?

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On ‎11‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 8:07 AM, RHJunkie said:

Ashley and Hunter were both assholes to one another but Ashley constantly victimizes herself and runs off in anger or tears (not just with Hunter but it's the card she plays all of the time). She often feels that her feelings, no matter how irrational, need to be coddled and appeased no matter what. She's an absolute brat and nothing Hunter said made me feel that her taking the money was totally deserving. She NEEDED him to make it to the end, especially during that eating challenge.

I don't particularly like Hunter, but Ashley's a horrible teammate.  No communication/respect/personal responsibility.  Everything he said about her he said out of frustration from her BS, and most of it to his friends and she learned of it secondhand but she made it out like he was terrorizing her every day, living in fear for her life.  I don't recall him slut-shaming her for sleeping with Kyle so much as being pissed that she'd lie to him (her partner) about it when he asked.  Might be mistaken since this season was 289783 episodes long.

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, Drogo said:

I don't particularly like Hunter, but Ashley's a horrible teammate.  No communication/respect/personal responsibility.  Everything he said about her he said out of frustration from her BS, and most of it to his friends and she learned of it secondhand but she made it out like he was terrorizing her every day, living in fear for her life.  I don't recall him slut-shaming her for sleeping with Kyle so much as being pissed that she'd lie to him (her partner) about it when he asked.  Might be mistaken since this season was 289783 episodes long.

I agree with that. She's such a drama queen...I can't think of a single instance where Hunter's behaviour wasn't reactionary. That's not to say I think everything he said was okay but I think context and circumstances are important - people have limits and just because Ashley doesn't want to take accountability for herself doesn't mean that others are obligated to put up with it. Hunter faltered on many occasions, but he also put up with her a lot more than he didn't.

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Why did she owe Hunter an explanation on whether or not she'd slept with Kyle, though?  I mean, yeah, this is a game and they are competing and all that, but it's not like there was some sort of spy information she might have blurted out to him that would have compromised their chances or anything like that.  Her sleeping with Kyle wasn't any more of a risk than Joss sleeping with Amanda.  Hunter really had no right to demand that information.  

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On 11/28/2018 at 12:25 AM, smores said:

Why did she owe Hunter an explanation on whether or not she'd slept with Kyle, though?  I mean, yeah, this is a game and they are competing and all that, but it's not like there was some sort of spy information she might have blurted out to him that would have compromised their chances or anything like that.  Her sleeping with Kyle wasn't any more of a risk than Joss sleeping with Amanda.  Hunter really had no right to demand that information.  

Joss was on a Lavender Lady team by way of Sylvia, so Amanda hooking up with him wasn't really as risky as Ashley and Kyle.. Ashley was sleeping with the enemy. 

I don't think she owed a forthcoming confession to Hunter, but... he's her partner, and he flat out asked her, and she lied.  Because she's a terrible teammate. 

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