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S01.E02: Shunned & the City

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Wow, Mose (Katie Ann) is beyond creepy - putting on Kate's clothes and makeup, talking about how awesome Kate is. I totally get a SWF vibe from her. Kate better watch her back. Yet around men she doesn't know she apparently can't even open her mouth. That girl is seriously stunted. I have a feeling she'd still pretty introverted if raised English. She very well may be on the Autism spectrum somewhere, but of course an Amish family would never look into that. 


Mary is really starting to piss me off. She doesn't seem to consider her husband at all, or the ramifications of her actions. I totally do not think it's fair for the Bishop to punish a family when one member "sins", but Mary knows that's the life they lead and she continues to run off to explore the world, leaving her husband to suffer the consequences. And I really didn't like how she said she was "caught up in a moment" in the club, and didn't think of Chester. I wonder how she'd feel if the shoe was on the other foot. 


I really wish Rebecca could get a hair/style intervention. Maybe a "What Not to Wear" crossover could be in her future? I actually think she could look nice with shorter hair, if it was cut better. As it is, it just looks like she hacked at it herself with some dull kitchen scissors. Some softer layers would be nice. And don't even get me started on that color. 


Where did they get that midwife??? I'm actually a huge supporter of midwifery. I used midwives for all of my births, and would have done homebirth if my state allowed. But if all Amish midwives recommend potatoes up the butt.....


And why in the seven hells did they need to call an ambulance for her when she went into labor? Drama? I mean, clearly they made it to the hospital on time. And obviously even then the baby wasn't coming immediately, if Abe could step outside and make several phone calls. 


I hated seeing them all sitting around and talking about Kate. Finally Sabrina gives me a reason to like her - for trying to put a stop to that nonsense. Were the pictures lingerie pics? I mean, how does Jeremiah start speculating she'll be doing porn soon??? And Rebecca with the name thing! Does she live under a rock? Plenty of people in fashion, entertainment, sports, etc. change their names to make them sound better or be more recognizable. It's nothing new. It doesn't mean you are ashamed. She just kept going on and on about how she doesn't see a reason to change one's name - clearly she never heard her own last name! 


And how far along is Sabrina at this point? She looks very far along to me, and I just found it odd that she hadn't found out the gender yet. She seemed like she was seeing an u/s for the first time. Perhaps she couldn't afford one until TLC was back in the picture?

Edited by ghoulina
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I had completely forgotten about these people until I stumbled onto it last night. I kept wondering where Devon was...then I realized there were two shows.....


That said......yes, Ree-becca's hair isn't the best..but it's fifty times better than before...the color is horrid, but the bangs hide her Helen Hunt forehead, so there's that. But I'm not sure I even noticed it with her new humongous boobs distracting me.....is she nursing...or are they her new TV "investment"?


Then along came JEREMIAH....ick. I wanted to spray insect repellent between me and the TV, then douse down with hand sanitizer, then take a dose of antibiotics. And he's LIVING at Abe's mom's house? Really? It was like an episode of Leave it to Beaver, where Wally's ugly ne'er-do-well long-lost cousin moves into the Cleaver home for awhile, until they have to throw him out for being a creep.


And Sabrina.......another round of Lysol. And can anyone be that stupid?


Kate? ...... is too good for this show...I'm sure it's opened doors for her...the whole "look at the Amish hottie" has to be over by now anyhow....and she looks like a combo of Kate Middleton and Kat McPhee, which are big deals right now......so, run, Kate, run. You'll do fine on your own.


The junk food consumed by those pregnant women was deplorable. They would be better off with Mary's high-fat stuff...at least it was all home-made. Just gross.


And speaking of gross...Andrew and Chapel. Go away. I'm running out of germ-killing products.


Mary looks like Mrs. Humpty Dumpty.

I haven't finished watching the episode, but shit, Abe's hair is a hot mess. It looks like those boys who got a hold of scissors when I was a kid. They usually lived in the country. It's choppy on top, too short bangs and party (mullet) in the making in back.


Why is Chester bitching he's shunned because of Mary? Isn't he also letting cameras in his home, a big no-no. He looks like a regular man playing old man dress up. His cross eyes kill me!


Why do Mary & Mose wear their bonnets inside? They're not near Amish...let your hair down! I understand not having anything else to wear, but take off the cap. Those caps remind me of those cups you get at Wendy's that you squirt your ketchup in.

Mary is really starting to piss me off. She doesn't seem to consider her husband at all, or the ramifications of her actions. I totally do not think it's fair for the Bishop to punish a family when one member "sins", but Mary knows that's the life they lead and she continues to run off to explore the world, leaving her husband to suffer the consequences. And I really didn't like how she said she was "caught up in a moment" in the club, and didn't think of Chester. I wonder how she'd feel if the shoe was on the other foot. 




Oh I agree. I was mentioning Chester getting shunned to for having the cameras in his house, but Mary is the clear famewhore here. She wants her cake and wants to eat it too. She's so hypercritical of everyone else (making ex-Amish wear Amish clothes at dinner, no Christmas tree, makes Rebecca use an Amish midwife, picks at Kates non-Amish cooking), but when she wants to do something that makes her feel good that isn't considered Amish, she's all over it (going to a club, drinking vodka). She needs to learn she's not the rule-setter of this half way Amish lifestyle and she needs to respect others. She's incredibly one-sided and judgmental.


Also sick of the slam-Kate club. She's been a model for several years. They're just now shocked she's modeling lingerie? She's on her way to being a porn star in a year? Jeremiah, shut the fuck up. I would say that about him because he seems to stick it in no matter if it's a girl, dog or sheep.


I hope to finish the rest tonight. Oh, and yes, Chapel and Rebecca have some similiarities. The bug eyes for one. You know who else I've always thought reminded me of Rebecca is Betsy from the other Amish crowd.

Also sick of the slam-Kate club. She's been a model for several years. They're just now shocked she's modeling lingerie? She's on her way to being a porn star in a year? Jeremiah, shut the fuck up. I would say that about him because he seems to stick it in no matter if it's a girl, dog or sheep.


This show is obviously so scripted, it's hard to figure out what is real and what has been either totally fabricated, totally dramatized and blown out of proportion, or based on events that already happened a long time ago.  I think it's probably a combination of all three.


Especially where Mary is concerned, it's all about the show.  I think the producer probably thought it would be a "cute" idea to have Mary "go wild" in NY in a limousine, and it probably didn't take too much arm turning to get her to like the idea.  Besides, there's no way it's just now that Chester is being shunned.  I am sure they were all shunned a long time ago and that "bishop" was an actor just for the show.  Judging from the way Mary acts, she is still dressing and acting Amish but likely went English (at least in spirit) a while ago.  I really doubt she would go off by herself and jeopardize her husband's business like that.  They're all making money from the show now anyway so she likely did it with Chester's blessing.  Who knows?  I just don't believe much about this show is genuine.  Having babies is genuine, but all the drama is manufactured. 


That said, I still find it entertaining in a train wreck sort of way.  The creepiness factor of Jeremiah, Katie Ann and Sabrina continues to grow, though.  I agree, I don't have enough disinfectant products to use after watching this show.  Sabrina in particular appears to have had a lobotomy between seasons.  Or perhaps all the blood has been diverted to the baby now, I don't know.  I suspect she's living with someone.  I notice they never show her living arrangements, and they do for everyone else.  Jeremiah living with Mary and Chester makes no sense.  I'm sure that's manufactured for the show.  And Katie Ann is creepy enough without the producer telling her to put on Kate's clothes.  I was always a Kate fan and agree that she has more class in her left pinky than all the rest of them put together.  Whenever they show the sign that says "Punxsutawney", Mr. Intuition says in his best Bill Murray voice, "They're hicks, Rita".

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Yea, I'm pretty sure Sabrina is living with the guy she was dating last season - I can't remember his name. But when she finally admitted he was the father, I recognized it as being the same guy. I'm not sure what's going on between them, though. She was very hesitant to claim him as the father and so far he hasn't been shown, when he didn't seem to have a problem with filming last year. 


Why do Mary & Mose wear their bonnets inside? They're not near Amish...let your hair down! I understand not having anything else to wear, but take off the cap. Those caps remind me of those cups you get at Wendy's that you squirt your ketchup in.

OMG this made me laugh so hard! Most hilliarious episode yet with all the "another schmucker on the way" <sp> vagina applauding/ potato up the butt talk. Yeah, Katie Ann is just strange.

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