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12 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Wasn't that written by rosietwiggs? I do remember she wrote fanfic for that fanfic, haha.

She wrote one, but not the one I'm thinking of. 

I don't think this person posted a whole lot of fic on AO3, mostly on Tumblr. And she wrote a lot of Nyssa/Sara stuff and it's driving me crazy that I can't remember!

Just now, bijoux said:

Yeah, I remember that one as well. Didn't Felicity get a little flustered around old(er) Oliver? Which amused him, annoyed present day Oliver and squicked out Jon? I'm not sure who wrote it, I think more than one person wrote either one shots or very elaborate headcanons based on that fic.

YES, that's the one!

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7 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Yeah, I remember that one as well. Didn't Felicity get a little flustered around old(er) Oliver? Which amused him, annoyed present day Oliver and squicked out Jon? I'm not sure who wrote it, I think more than one person wrote either one shots or very elaborate headcanons based on that fic.

Now I want to read that fic, too! LOL!

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So I said I'd give an update on the second chapter of the OFBB fic 'of Redemption and Inebriation'...



I'm still not sure how I feel about this fic? It's well written and I'm liking it in the sense that it's a good 'O/F rebuild their trust/relationship' fic where they discuss their issues etc... But I do feel like the author places more blame on Felicity (there seems to be a lot of discussion in comments about how relationships take two to fall apart and how Felicity should have fought harder) and IDK. It's a nagging feeling that's preventing me from fully enjoying it? It's things like this:

“Yes,” Felicity confessed in a small voice, “but, I think…I think this is also why I should have asked.  I should have stayed and talked.  Instead, I just gave up and walked away, without ever even asking for the full story.”

“You had good reason—”

Felicity shook her head sadly.  “This isn’t all on you, Oliver.  I made mistakes too.”

Oliver really couldn’t see how her mistakes came anywhere close to his.   “The first thing I should have done when I saw Samantha and a boy that looked to be the right age in Jitters was call you, before I even confronted Sam.  Later, on the porch of the Farmhouse, when you confronted me…I should have told you.  It was just one bad decision after another.  My only excuse is…it was so much and I was having trouble wrapping my mind around it, but I should have told you then.  Things could have gone so differently…you have no idea how sorry I am.”

Oliver apologizing is good and what I want to see. But after the first chapter where Felicity repeatedly blames herself for their break-up and then keeps doing it? Ehhhhhhh. Especially when she did have a damn good reason to walk away. I think it's really hard to get a good balance of Oliver accepting his wrong-doings and fully apologizing for them and Felicity accepting that she maybe said some mean things after they broke up but she had every right to leave. Why should she ask for the full story when he didn't even give her the courtesy of providing it initially? There seems to be a lot of "Well Oliver did do wrong BUT..." and it doesn't sit right with me.

I'm gonna give it another chapter but then I might have to drop it.


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8 minutes ago, looptab said:

I'm sorry, but 

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Nope. For that alone.


Kidding. Kind of. 

EDIT: Wait. I just read my own post again. LMAO. Ignore me. But yes. Exactly. Haha.

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Haha, it's just that reading this:

48 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

'..Jitters was call you, before I even confronted Sam'

weirded me out. Using a nickname for Samantha is a limit for me :)


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So I finally got the time to read some of the OFBB fics and I have to say, my favorites right now are Macha's fic as well as @TrueMyth's! 

Seriously @TrueMyth your fic is truly awesome. So well written, full of intrigue, good characterization, and good plot. The only thing that disappoints me about it is that it's only 7 chapters because I can see myself really really loving this AU unlike any other T_T

I can't wait to see your next update (seriously if you want to send the rest to me I'll be ok with that)!

I'm gonna leave a comment when I get more time but I sincerely hope that we get to see more of this AU when this fic is over :)

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Macha's doing an exceptional job as expected, but @TrueMyth was a revelation to me as well. My problem with this fic bang is that I'm not really intrigues by most of the entries for various reasons. I'm trying to think of any others that I'm reading and I can only come up with hanasus' fic. Which is solid, but I don't have that feeling of urgency, like where is the next update, give it to me now! *grabby hands* I do like the signs that Oliver is dyslexic. That could be interesting and new.

Also, if @TrueMyth is supposed to send anyone ths rest of her fic, I think we all know who it should be.

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Thank you for the kind words @wonderwall and @bijoux!  I'll let you know if any of my wonderful beta readers need to drop out. :)  Chapter Four has one of my favorite scenes, with Oliver training Felicity (something I've always wanted on the show).  I am working on part two now, so there will be more from me in this 'verse.

I love Macha's fic, too.  I love that she's focusing on the interpersonal dynamics, as those are always the truly interesting parts of zombie fiction.  I'm also enjoying dettroit's Let's Misbehave.  I like the research she's done on the time period, and I'm interested to see where she takes the story.

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3 hours ago, TrueMyth said:

Thank you for the kind words @wonderwall and @bijoux!  I'll let you know if any of my wonderful beta readers need to drop out. :)  Chapter Four has one of my favorite scenes, with Oliver training Felicity (something I've always wanted on the show).  I am working on part two now, so there will be more from me in this 'verse.

I love Macha's fic, too.  I love that she's focusing on the interpersonal dynamics, as those are always the truly interesting parts of zombie fiction.  I'm also enjoying dettroit's Let's Misbehave.  I like the research she's done on the time period, and I'm interested to see where she takes the story.

........ Can you post this chapter today? LMAO

And yes! This makes me happy :) Consider me your new fan :') And bless you for having the same twitter handle haha

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36 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

This is an interesting AU.  Probably not everyone's cup of tea but, I liked the first chapter.  Little Blue Bird. One word of warning, i noticed the author has several unfinished works, which doesn't fill me with confidence.

The chapter count says 1/5 so there's hope.

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2 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

This is an interesting AU.  Probably not everyone's cup of tea but, I liked the first chapter.  Little Blue Bird. One word of warning, i noticed the author has several unfinished works, which doesn't fill me with confidence.

Another one I'm enjoying and haven't seen recommended. It's another AU but, I like the while Olicity road trip aspect.  Along the Way

That bird AU is interesting.


I wish the writer had delved more into why Oliver immediately latched on to the bird. Also, how did they know Felicity? I found the dynamic between her and Digg a bit strange but it's not a big deal. Curious as to where the writer going with this.

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I agree.  The relationship between Diggle/Felicity was off and I'm not sure why she wrote them as antagonistic.

I'm guessing they know Felicity because Oliver went to her for technical. I expect she'll cover that once Felicity returns to human form and possibly back to QC.

I didn't have a problem with Oliver's reaction to the bird, kind of reminded me of how Oliver latched onto Helena in S1 and jumped Isabel's bones the minute she revealed some inner pain/hurt/bad childhood.

Sorry, post is being weird and wont let me post after adressing you. @SmallScreenDiva

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Regarding the bird fic: 


I get that people as emotionally damaged as Oliver at that point in time would get attached to something, and I do understand that the author is trying to form some kind of a ~bond between them so that when Felicity ultimately reveals herself they'll be aware the existing kinship, but it honestly read to me like Oliver was developing a romantic attachment to a bird, and I cannot. 

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19 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Regarding the bird fic: 

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I get that people as emotionally damaged as Oliver at that point in time would get attached to something, and I do understand that the author is trying to form some kind of a ~bond between them so that when Felicity ultimately reveals herself they'll be aware the existing kinship, but it honestly read to me like Oliver was developing a romantic attachment to a bird, and I cannot. 


I thought the goodbye was a bit overwrought and it did cross my mind that Oliver's attachment was a bit odd, somewhat romantic and extreme. I think the problem is that we were told that they bonded instead of really "seeing" it. I think this goes under my original wish that the writer had delved more into the why. Maybe if I'd "seen" the bonding, that question would have been answered. I'm not on Ao3 so I'm not sure how I can leave a comment.

Still on the bird story ...

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I mean honestly -


I don't think it's too much to read into it as a romantic connection? It was overwrought, but I'm not sure how else to read into things like:

“You know the answer!” Oliver snapped, rage suddenly seeming to explode out of him as his face contorted angrily. Never had Felicity seem him act like this, and she was reminded why so many people around the city feared the archer. He advanced on Diggle furiously, every moment intimidating and threatening, rising above the other man. The kestrel shrank back on his shoulder. “I don’t feel like I have to hide who I am around her, I can be myself and not be afraid of her reaction! She listens to what I have to say and confess with absolutely no judgement, unlike every other fucking person in this city! No, I don’t want her to leave, is that the answer you want to hear? I don’t want her leave, because I know that when she does, I’ll be alone again! And I’m fucking sick and tired of being alone, Diggle!”


“I know we have to release her back into the wild! I know she’s not a pet, that she needs to fly free and she can’t be cooped up here all day long or kept on a leash! So yes, I’m being selfish and trying to delay her release as long as possible, because I know that once she’s gone, I’ll never see her again, and I don’t know how I’m going be to able to cope without her now I know what my life’s like with her in it, Diggle!”

Who says that about a pet? 

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4 hours ago, wonderwall said:

And yes! This makes me happy :) Consider me your new fan :') And bless you for having the same twitter handle haha

Ha, sure, not that I post much on twitter.  I think I've done more with OFBB and HVFF SJ in the last month than I've done since I created the account seven years ago.  But in case others don't know, scu11y22 on Tumblr maintains an awesome Olicity Fic Authors Bridge that connects many AO3, FF.net, Tumblr, and Twitter handles for authors.

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Not going into the fic itself, but reading those excerpts just reminded me how much I dislike fics referring to Oliver as 'the archer'. Just call him Oliver or Dig's friend, Thea's brother, Felicity's neighbor...

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Regarding today's installment of FiCoN, at the end:


His words are cut off, drowned out by the sudden ear-splitting sound of the tachyon detector going off again.



I'm guessing that's future alt Earth Elllie. Or maybe future Ellie from their new timeline, so Felicity can know for sure that they actually have her here. But what in the hell would she be coming back for? More drama? PLEASE NO. Also, I'm guessing they're going to cover a meeting with William, too? I really was hoping it was wrapping up. LOL @ me!

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29 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Regarding today's installment of FiCoN, at the end:

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Un;essHis words are cut off, drowned out by the sudden ear-splitting sound of the tachyon detector going off again.



I'm guessing that's future alt Earth Elllie. Or maybe future Ellie from their new timeline, so Felicity can know for sure that they actually have her here. But what in the hell would she be coming back for? More drama? PLEASE NO. Also, I'm guessing they're going to cover a meeting with William, too? I really was hoping it was wrapping up. LOL @ me!


That's my guess, too. But is she bringing more action with her? I mean, who else do they have to face? Looks like all the bad guys have been defeated in past and present so I foolishly thought it's really just the goodbyes left. Unless maybe Future Ellie is coming to help Thea?

I do like their explanation of the alt-future. Simple enough that it's understandable. Unlike the theoretical gymnastics they need on the actual The Flash.

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I just can't imagine what in the hell else can happen. I too foolishly thought it was going to be a nice goodbye scene and we could get to the business of winding down. LOL

I like the alt future explanation as well. Although how weird for original timeline Oliver to know that some other version of him has a whole other kid that he never gets to know. Since they all seem to be convinced that the original version of Ellie and Nate are still in the cards - which is a stretch for me given that so much else has changed, but whatever. I can go with it.

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I'm still not half-way through the update but Felicity is pissing me off. I've been expecting it to happen at this juncture for a while now but it's just getting dragged out. I'm trying to be understanding here, but 


Ellie's real Dad is there after not seeing her for a month and her real Mom is waiting for her, and Ellie is confused, and my honest to God reaction is, It's not all about you, 2014Felicity!  I mean I don't require her to be self-sacrificing and perfect, but let the Goddamn man hold his daughter and not apologize to you for trying to do so.

Part of the frustration comes from the fact that it's taking. Up. So. Much. Space. It would be nice if it were done with since it can only end one way. I dearly hopw.

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Are you telling me they've written nearly 400,000 words and it's


only been a month?!

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My general problem with FiCoN is how overwrought the writing is (I'm in love with that word right now and it fits a lot of fics). Every single emotion that the main characters feel takes 3 paragraphs to describe. Which, to me as a reader, can be incredibly exhausting. The writers are talented, but they also need an editor who's not afraid to "kill their darlings."

BTW, I've read (and finished what's there so far) The Darkest Hour and I'm really enjoying it, so thanks for the recc. Told myself I wouldn't start another WiP but I couldn't put it down after the first chapter. I like how the story and Oliver & Felicity's relationship moved crisply. The action sequences are well-written, too. Probably because the characters don't stop in the middle of the action to marvel at their emotions :P

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35 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

My general problem with FiCoN is how overwrought the writing is (I'm in love with that word right now and it fits a lot of fics). Every single emotion that the main characters feel takes 3 paragraphs to describe. Which, to me as a reader, can be incredibly exhausting. The writers are talented, but they also need an editor who's not afraid to "kill their darlings."


I finished the update and 


all those people are STILL there in the kitchen? Is the entire LOT crew dropping in to facepalm? I thought Ellie would go back to her time with future Oliver and Barry and have these Felicity and Oliver to deal with whoever. Maybe it's 2014 Felicity who's gotten antsy because Oliver and Barry are taking too long.

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On 09/09/2016 at 6:23 PM, Angel12d said:

So I said I'd give an update on the second chapter of the OFBB fic 'of Redemption and Inebriation'...

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I'm still not sure how I feel about this fic? It's well written and I'm liking it in the sense that it's a good 'O/F rebuild their trust/relationship' fic where they discuss their issues etc... But I do feel like the author places more blame on Felicity (there seems to be a lot of discussion in comments about how relationships take two to fall apart and how Felicity should have fought harder) and IDK. It's a nagging feeling that's preventing me from fully enjoying it? It's things like this:

“Yes,” Felicity confessed in a small voice, “but, I think…I think this is also why I should have asked.  I should have stayed and talked.  Instead, I just gave up and walked away, without ever even asking for the full story.”

“You had good reason—”

Felicity shook her head sadly.  “This isn’t all on you, Oliver.  I made mistakes too.”

Oliver really couldn’t see how her mistakes came anywhere close to his.   “The first thing I should have done when I saw Samantha and a boy that looked to be the right age in Jitters was call you, before I even confronted Sam.  Later, on the porch of the Farmhouse, when you confronted me…I should have told you.  It was just one bad decision after another.  My only excuse is…it was so much and I was having trouble wrapping my mind around it, but I should have told you then.  Things could have gone so differently…you have no idea how sorry I am.”

Oliver apologizing is good and what I want to see. But after the first chapter where Felicity repeatedly blames herself for their break-up and then keeps doing it? Ehhhhhhh. Especially when she did have a damn good reason to walk away. I think it's really hard to get a good balance of Oliver accepting his wrong-doings and fully apologizing for them and Felicity accepting that she maybe said some mean things after they broke up but she had every right to leave. Why should she ask for the full story when he didn't even give her the courtesy of providing it initially? There seems to be a lot of "Well Oliver did do wrong BUT..." and it doesn't sit right with me.

I'm gonna give it another chapter but then I might have to drop it.


Have you read the new chapter? I don't know if Felicity ever said 'oy vey' on the show (in a post-modern, ironic kind of way, of course), but OY VEY. I mean the second chapter is bad enough with the out of character Felicity but this one is special, in that Oliver has transmorphed into wish-fulfilment Oliver, complete with


red wine, mint chocolate-chip ice cream, and a puppy. No really, a puppy. And he makes romantic apologetic speeches. Uhh.

To be honest, I'm kinda disappointed by this year's OFBB entries. I'm enjoying TrueMyth's a lot, but the others, I don't know. With dettiot, the thirties setting is throwing me for a loop. I like the computer genius part of Felicity's characterization, and without it, I'm finding it difficult to get invested in her character.

And the others are pretty slow-moving. Maybe I just need to not read anything until the fics are finished, heh.

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25 minutes ago, arjumand said:

With dettiot, the thirties setting is throwing me for a loop. I like the computer genius part of Felicity's characterization, and without it, I'm finding it difficult to get invested in her character.

It's tough when the writer takes away a part of the character that you really feel is essential to them. Like, I don't mind if Felicity isn't a hacker in every fic, but I do think the genius part can be applied to other areas if the author doesn't think the computer part fits the era they chose.

For instance, I'm giving hannasus' entry a go (Felicity isn't a genius, but she is very smart and competent, so don't get your hopes up there) and there were some things in the latest chapter that I just cannot imagine coming from Oliver's mouth or fingers as the case may be, since they are tweets. Cases in point:



Wardrobe killing it today and everyday making me look good

My buddy Barry our 1st AD.

Grateful for our awesome script supervisor who keeps me in line


I don't know, they sound more like Barry than Oliver to me. I feel like she translated Oliver's dorkiness to text exchanges with Felicity pretty well, but I don't see where these tweets are coming from.

Unexpectedly, I liked the first two chapters of Canaries by kyrieanne, it's got things like magical realism in the description and Laurel, Sara and Nyssa co-own what will not doubt be revealed to be a magical coffee shop. Doesn't sound that attractive, right? The first two chapters, however, offered a very nice exploration of Felicity's state of mind post-Cooper. Oliver shows up in the third chapter and I'm afraid where things will go from there. Because it sort of looks like it might go in the direction of Oliver being a vigilante without the island experience. I might be reading the signs wrong. I hope I am.

Has anyone given the other two historical AUs a try, one during WW2, one in the 1960s? I'm curious and apprehensive at the same time, so I haven't opened them yet.

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36 minutes ago, bijoux said:

It's tough when the writer takes away a part of the character that you really feel is essential to them. Like, I don't mind if Felicity isn't a hacker in every fic, but I do think the genius part can be applied to other areas if the author doesn't think the computer part fits the era they chose.

For instance, I'm giving hannasus' entry a go (Felicity isn't a genius, but she is very smart and competent, so don't get your hopes up there) and there were some things in the latest chapter that I just cannot imagine coming from Oliver's mouth or fingers as the case may be, since they are tweets. Cases in point:

I don't know, they sound more like Barry than Oliver to me. I feel like she translated Oliver's dorkiness to text exchanges with Felicity pretty well, but I don't see where these tweets are coming from.

Unexpectedly, I liked the first two chapters of Canaries by kyrieanne, [snip]

Has anyone given the other two historical AUs a try, one during WW2, one in the 1960s? I'm curious and apprehensive at the same time, so I haven't opened them yet.

Re. bolded part - I usually do that, but in this case, all she's doing is


helping him with her chemistry SKILLZ by analysis the booze in his speakeasy, and now he's telling her about his Hood persona, while at the same time not letting her be part of his vigilanteing, so are we going back down the modified Season Three route?

Hell, no, ain't nobody got time for that! #oldmeme #iregretnothing

I haven't tried Canaries - This: Because it sort of looks like it might go in the direction of Oliver being a vigilante without the island experience would be a deal-breaker for me too. Though usually the story would have the 'no island' tag in that case, unless she's not tagging everything.

I started reading hannasus, and I liked it initially, but you're right, sometimes the AUs are too AU, if you know what I mean. That's why I really liked you have not failed this 'verse - both Oliver and Felicity were recognizably themselves, and that's what I require. Though it's one of so-caffeinated's perpetually unfinished WIPs, but that's another issue.

And hannasus's is one of the fics I meant by slow-moving - I checked the story length, and it's supposed to be 11 chapters, and we're 3 chapters in. It's not really sustaining my interest for another 8 weeks. Maybe I'll check in once it's nearly finished.

I've had a look at the WW2 AU - eh. At least dettiot did some careful research into 30s slang and such - this is simply 'we're going to squish everyone into WW2!' Everyone talks like they do in 2012-2016, which is a massive deal-breaker for me, but it might not be for you (it's one of the reasons why I can't read any type of Regency AU unless I'm sure the dialogue will be done right, and why I can't read any Game of Thrones fic where they keep asking each other whether they're ok).

Also, and is really is my issue, I find it in bad taste to use a real life horrific event in one's tv show based fanfic, especially with the images accompanying the fic. In the spoiler I explain why I won't be continuing this fic.


The implication seems to be that Oliver has been brainwashed into being Gestapo, and NOPE. No. I'm outta here. Even if he's just faking and being undercover, how far is this going? Is he going to pull her fingernails out? Is he sending her to a concentration camp, because she's hello, Jewish? Which opens up yet another massive can of worms. Sorry, no. Who the hell thought this was a good idea?

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3 minutes ago, arjumand said:

1. I haven't tried Canaries - This: Because it sort of looks like it might go in the direction of Oliver being a vigilante without the island experience would be a deal-breaker for me too. Though usually the story would have the 'no island' tag in that case, unless she's not tagging everything.


2. I started reading hannasus, and I liked it initially, but you're right, sometimes the AUs are too AU, if you know what I mean. That's why I really liked you have not failed this 'verse - both Oliver and Felicity were recognizably themselves, and that's what I require. Though it's one of so-caffeinated's perpetually unfinished WIPs, but that's another issue.


3.I've had a look at the WW2 AU - eh. At least dettiot did some careful research into 30s slang and such - this is simply 'we're going to squish everyone into WW2!' Everyone talks like they do in 2012-2016, which is a massive deal-breaker for me, but it might not be for you (it's one of the reasons why I can't read any type of Regency AU unless I'm sure the dialogue will be done right, and why I can't read any Game of Thrones fic where they keep asking each other whether they're ok).

Also, and is really is my issue, I find it in bad taste to use a real life horrific event in one's tv show based fanfic, especially with the images accompanying the fic. In the spoiler I explain why I won't be continuing this fic.

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The implication seems to be that Oliver has been brainwashed into being Gestapo, and NOPE. No. I'm outta here. Even if he's just faking and being undercover, how far is this going? Is he going to pull her fingernails out? Is he sending her to a concentration camp, because she's hello, Jewish? Which opens up yet another massive can of worms. Sorry, no. Who the hell thought this was a good idea?

1. There's no "no island" tag, but I was lead to believe that he wasn't there due to the information in the first two chapters. 

2. Yup, that's what it takes for me as well. The problem, though, is that we all have differing views on what makes those characters who they are, so maybe that's the problem of connecting them with who they are in various fics? At least that's my reasoning.

3. That's really too bad, because I think the setting could work because they are waging a sort of war on the show and Felicity could play a believable Felicity-like part there. Yup, the dialogue and social dictates are a tricky thing in published works, let alone fics. I know I gave a fic set in maybe Georgian or Victorian England a shot and I dropped it before ending the first chapter because it was just weird and I thought it was a better course of action than asking the author whether they meant alternate universe England.

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20 minutes ago, bijoux said:

. . . I thought it was a better course of action than asking the author whether they meant alternate universe England.

Heh, sometimes I feel like doing that and that's when I back away from the keyboard.

At least watch a movie or two, or a tv series set in that time. Re. the forties, there are so many WW2 propaganda movies filmed in that time to get a feel for the dialogue. Hell, the first Captain America works for that too.

25 minutes ago, bijoux said:

we all have differing views on what makes those characters who they are,

I get that, but there's a core Oliverness, so to speak, which I think a writer needs to convey. Same with Felicity. I don't usually bother too much with the others, as long as they're not completely unrecognisable (like one or more of them become the villain of the story - I just roll my eyes at that), but for me, those two have to be done right.

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9 hours ago, arjumand said:

Have you read the new chapter? I don't know if Felicity ever said 'oy vey' on the show (in a post-modern, ironic kind of way, of course), but OY VEY. I mean the second chapter is bad enough with the out of character Felicity but this one is special, in that Oliver has transmorphed into wish-fulfilment Oliver, complete with

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red wine, mint chocolate-chip ice cream, and a puppy. No really, a puppy. And he makes romantic apologetic speeches. Uhh.

To be honest, I'm kinda disappointed by this year's OFBB entries. I'm enjoying TrueMyth's a lot, but the others, I don't know. With dettiot, the thirties setting is throwing me for a loop. I like the computer genius part of Felicity's characterization, and without it, I'm finding it difficult to get invested in her character.

And the others are pretty slow-moving. Maybe I just need to not read anything until the fics are finished, heh.

I have just finished the third chapter of 'Of redemption...' and I'm officially done with it.


Oliver making grand gestures is one thing but to hear Felicity say how wonderful and perfect he was and how he does everything right? Ehhhhh. Following on from all that blaming herself for their break up felt kinda icky, IMO.

The author really thinks Oliver is a special snowflake who never does anything wrong and it comes across very clear in the writing. So...no thank you!

As for the rest of the OFBB entries, I am loving @TrueMyth's and Macha's but that's pretty much it. I don't read dettiot's or callistawolf's works anyway so they're automatically out for me personally but the rest, as you said, are very slow moving. I need more than one or two chapters to invest in a story so I'll probably wait for the rest of them to be completed. I did start reading the fic by hannasus but it was a bit too AU for my tastes, at least at the moment. 

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Of the OFBB fics I'm reading Macha's which is great, like the majority of her writing is. I've been reading hannasus's fic too, which I also like. I'm a little worried about what's going to happen in that fic since


Oliver and Felicity seem to be getting along pretty well (apart from Oliver's jealousy over Ray, I guess). I think the reason he's a little OOC is because he's a recovering drug addict and we're supposed to be wondering whether he's using again or not. 

I liked the first chapter of "Of redemption," but I thought the second one was a little boring and I never finished. Seems like maybe it was a good choice, haha.

The only other one I'm reading at the moment is the FiCoN one. I like it a lot. I think there's still a lot of real estate spent on expressing feels, but the chapters are self-contained and not plotty, so it's working for me.

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I forgot about the FiCoN one! But yes, surprisingly (to me) I'm enjoying that 5+1 fic. It's very cute and doesn't go on for 20k words. Haha. I really enjoyed the chapter when Felicity gave birth. 

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16 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Of the OFBB fics I'm reading Macha's which is great, like the majority of her writing is. I've been reading hannasus's fic too, which I also like. I'm a little worried about what's going to happen in that fic since

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Oliver and Felicity seem to be getting along pretty well (apart from Oliver's jealousy over Ray, I guess). I think the reason he's a little OOC is because he's a recovering drug addict and we're supposed to be wondering whether he's using again or not. 

I liked the first chapter of "Of redemption," but I thought the second one was a little boring and I never finished. Seems like maybe it was a good choice, haha.

The only other one I'm reading at the moment is the FiCoN one. I like it a lot. I think there's still a lot of real estate spent on expressing feels, but the chapters are self-contained and not plotty, so it's working for me.

Yeah, I'm enjoying the 5 Times plus 1 FiCoN, too. The one from this morning with Ellie disrupting them was hilarious. 

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41 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Of the OFBB fics I'm reading Macha's which is great, like the majority of her writing is. I've been reading hannasus's fic too, which I also like. I'm a little worried about what's going to happen in that fic since

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Oliver and Felicity seem to be getting along pretty well (apart from Oliver's jealousy over Ray, I guess). I think the reason he's a little OOC is because he's a recovering drug addict and we're supposed to be wondering whether he's using again or not. 


Huh. I never got that impression. Like, I get maybe the characters are supposed to be wondering, but I haven't been as a reader. I'm more inclined to believe that 


Oliver is dyslexic, which is why he had trouble with the last minute changes. Felicity noticed he had the old stuff down pat. So I imagine that caused insecurity which lead to him lashing out.

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29 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Huh. I never got that impression. Like, I get maybe the characters are supposed to be wondering, but I haven't been as a reader. I'm more inclined to believe that 

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Oliver is dyslexic, which is why he had trouble with the last minute changes. Felicity noticed he had the old stuff down pat. So I imagine that caused insecurity which lead to him lashing out.

Huh. You know that never occurred to me. That would be a brilliant twist, much better than


the boring old 'he's using again, oh noes'.

Now I'll be disappointed if that isn't it, heh.

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33 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Huh. I never got that impression. Like, I get maybe the characters are supposed to be wondering, but I haven't been as a reader. I'm more inclined to believe that 

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Oliver is dyslexic, which is why he had trouble with the last minute changes. Felicity noticed he had the old stuff down pat. So I imagine that caused insecurity which lead to him lashing out.

I think you're right about


the dyslexia, but I think the author does intend for the reader to wonder about what's going on with Oliver, about whether he's relapsed. I mean, the effectiveness is definitely arguable, but I'd be really surprised if that wasn't her goal. 

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46 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Huh. I never got that impression. Like, I get maybe the characters are supposed to be wondering, but I haven't been as a reader. I'm more inclined to believe that 

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Oliver is dyslexic, which is why he had trouble with the last minute changes. Felicity noticed he had the old stuff down pat. So I imagine that caused insecurity which lead to him lashing out.

This is exactly what I thought. The tags kinda gave it away, IMO.

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I'm wondering if anyone else has read Body Check? It's a Bodyguard/Singer AU, and normally I would be all for this type of story, but all of the characters seem completely OOC? Felicity is a childhood model turned singer, and Oliver is her bodyguard. I can see Felicity as a model/singer, but just not how the author is writing her (one who has substance abuse problems). The author also has Donna as the stereotypical stage mother who only cares about the money Felicity brings in, and doesn't care about anything else. I was willing to see where it was going, but then in chapter three (I think) they had Donna show up drunk at Felicity's place and hit her. I know people will see different things in the characters, but I really don't think the Donna we've seen on the show would ever abuse Felicity. It took me right out of the story and I stopped reading it. 

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No, I never tried that one. The set up didn't appeal to me. Now I'm really glad I didn't go into it because I have a hard time reading even older fics which cast Felicity's mother in unfortunate light. And those were actually fair shots since all the authors had at that point was, "my mother... is my mother." So I'm not blaming them, but I still can't reconcile that with what I know from the show. All that being said, why go there? There's plenty about Donna that could lead an author to explore. I probably could buy some aspects of her beig a stage mom, little things like dolling Felicity up could grow into that. But having her be abusive? That has no foundation whatsoever in the character from the show. From what you're saying, it's one of those fics where the characters only have the same names as those on the show.

i forgot that FiCoN's 5+1 fic was being updated today. I expected this and Ellie's birth since they announced the title. So it wasn't unexpected, but it was fun. I also totally expect the +1 to be her coming back from the past.

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39 minutes ago, HighHopes said:

I'm wondering if anyone else has read Body Check? It's a Bodyguard/Singer AU, and normally I would be all for this type of story, but all of the characters seem completely OOC? Felicity is a childhood model turned singer, and Oliver is her bodyguard. I can see Felicity as a model/singer, but just not how the author is writing her (one who has substance abuse problems). The author also has Donna as the stereotypical stage mother who only cares about the money Felicity brings in, and doesn't care about anything else. I was willing to see where it was going, but then in chapter three (I think) they had Donna show up drunk at Felicity's place and hit her. I know people will see different things in the characters, but I really don't think the Donna we've seen on the show would ever abuse Felicity. It took me right out of the story and I stopped reading it. 

I read this story. I am very behind on most of my fanfics, but always feel the need to read these updates as soon as I see them. I find the story compelling. Although, I must admit it has absolutely nothing to do with Arrow and the characters are completely nothing like they are in Arrow. I don't want to call it OOC, because I feel like they all act within character for the story but the only things they really share with Arrow is their names & physical characteristics.

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